Philippians – Part 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday LIfe Teaching
Philippians – Part 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday LIfe Teaching
Study Philippians with Joyce Meyer! Learn practical insights you can apply to experience the same joy that Paul wrote about in Chapter 1, on this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life.
Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.
Spend your life here developing a close, tight, intimate, relationship with Jesus.
He did not die for so we can have a relationship with him.
I do what I do because I’ve seen god’s power, transform my own life, and he will do it for you.
The key to everything is found in god word.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you hurt.
Starting here this week in the book of Philipp.
I think you’re gonna learn some very valuable things.
First of all, let me say that although Jesus was a man, of many sorrows and acquainted with grief, he possessed a deep joy beyond anything that the world could offer.
As he faced the terrible death on calvary, he spoke to his disciples and said, these things I have spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full.
He said, I’m telling you these things because I want you to have joy and not just any kind of joy, but my joy.
John Tim Ten is one of my favorites.
The thief comes only distill to kill and kill and destroy, but I came that you might have and enjoy your life.
So let me just ask, and you don’t have to give me any visible answer, but just to get you to think about it, and how many of you are really enjoying your life.
You see, a lot of people are, but a lot of people aren’t because a lot of people think to enjoy life, you have to have no problems, way more than enough money, everything that you want, And when Jesus said he want us to have his joy, it’s a joy that we can have when not much of anything is going right in our lives.
In the book of Philippians, Paul mentions joy 19 times.
It’s the epistle of joy.
No matter what our circumstances are, it is our privilege as a child of god.
To be full of joy.
Although Paul wrote this book while imprisoned, he still found joy. What was his secret?
Well, he mentions the mind and our functions of the mind sixteen times.
In the book of Philipp.
So joy he mentions 19 times, the mind and thoughts he mentioned 16 times, So how many of you already know that your mind the thoughts you allow in your mind are the thoughts you choose to think on have a lot to do with your joy.
Do you know you can think yourself into being miserable?
And honestly, you can think yourself into being happy.
If you sit around and think about what you don’t have, and what people don’t do for you that you think they should do.
You can have a miserable day anytime you want to have one.
Just get up and start thinking the wrong stuff in the morning and just be as miserable as you want to and feel sorry for yourself all day.
And the devil will join your party and just think it’s marvelous.
Or you can say, no, I’m not thinking like that.
Because I know my thoughts are gonna affect my actions, my thoughts are gonna affect my moods, and I’m not gonna give the devil one more day of my life.
So I’m gonna think about what people do for me, and I’m gonna think about what I do have, not what I don’t have.
And one thing I always have is Jesus in my life.
And if I have him, then I don’t really need anything else to keep me happy.
We absolutely must remember and be reminded often that our time here on earth is so short.
Let’s don’t make too much out of it because when your life here is over, it’s not over.
You’re gonna go somewhere else, and there’s only 2 choices. Either heaven or hell.
And if you’ve read anything at all about what hell’s gonna be like, I think it’s obvious that heaven is the best place to choose.
The only way to get in there is to believe in Jesus, to believe that he is the son of god that he came, and he paid for your sins.
He died for you. And the only way spend your life here developing a close tight intimate relationship with Jesus.
He did not die for us so we could have a religion He died for us so we could have a relationship with him.
I’ll say this again later in my teaching, but one of the statements that I ran across studying for this, you know, a lot of this is about the apostle Paul and, you know, he he had he had everything right.
He had all the religious things that you should have to be the right kind of person.
And I read a statement that said Paul had to lose his religion to find salvation.
Anybody relate?
You know, sometimes we’re so religious, and we think we’re doing all the right things.
I can’t stand it when I ask somebody if they’re saved, and they say, Well, I go to church.
You can go sit a church all day long, and that don’t make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage will make you a call.
So we need to know him.
And the one thing that you have to invest if you wanna really know somebody is time.
And you need more than 45 minutes to an hour, an hour a half once a week or a couple times a month on Sunday morning.
The devil is working too hard out there.
And we’ve gotta be feeding ourselves the word of god on a regular basis.
Uh, how many of you don’t wanna just do this? You wanna have victory. Hey, ma’am.
And how many of you don’t wanna just go to heaven you wanna take some people with you?
Alright. So nineteen times, he talked about joy.
You know, our joy, it’s very important for people to see happy Christians.
We should be the happiest people on the face of the earth.
And that doesn’t mean we have to go around giggling and being giddy all the time, but it means that we we don’t we should be able to have the same problems that other people have and yet handle them in a completely different way.
Amen? The joy of the lord is my strength.
The devil doesn’t want your stuff. He wants your joy.
So Paul wrote this book while he was in prison.
Now keep that in mind as we go through Philippians. And he still found joy. What was his secret?
He thought about the right things. He chose to have a positive perspective.
Even the worst circumstances cannot steal your joy if you won’t let them.
For example, when you experience a loss in your life, do you focus on what you’ve lost or what you have left?
As you deal with people, do you focus on their weaknesses or on their drinks.
You know, most people that get divorces get divorces because they have focused on what’s wrong.
With their spouse for so long that that’s all they see.
But if you stop and think about some of the things that you like that cause you to wanna marry them in the first place.
Come on. And I got one woman that agrees. I don’t know about the rest of you.
As you look at yourself, do you focus on all your false and your weaknesses and what’s wrong with you, or do you focus on the mercy and the forgiveness of god and the fact that every day is a brand new day, and his mercy is new every day.
Our joy or the lack of speaks a message to the world, and the Bible says that we are the light of the world.
Now, Philippians chapter 1 verses 1 and 2.
Paul and Timothy servants of Christ Jesus, to all the saints, in Christ Jesus who are at philippi with the overseers and the deacons, grace to you in peace from god, our father, and the lord Jesus Christ.
Now, normally, you wouldn’t think that you’d get anything out of the greeting, so we just read over the greeting and never even really think about what it says.
But there’s lessons just in the greeting here.
First of all, I want you to notice that Paul did not call himself by a fancy title.
He said, this letter is from Paul and Timothy, and our identity is servants of Christ Jesus.
So servants of the lord Jesus Christ is exactly what we’re supposed to be.
Let’s see ourselves as servants Come on. Don’t look so excited.
How many of you could do more for others if you just would?
Well, I think it’s time that we start just teaching about things and start doing things.
Amen? So he calls himself a servant, but you can’t serve god and not serve people.
See, I think that’s the thing that is a shocking revelation.
We think we’re serving God because we go and sing some songs and put some money in an offering plate and listen to a sermon, but serving god means serving people Jesus is all about people.
He’s a lover of people. Amen?
See, Paul knew something that we need to recognize here tonight, and he knew that he did not belong to himself.
He said, I’m not my own. I’ve been bought with a price.
You know, when we say we are redeemed, you know, what that means?
Jesus bought us back from the devil with his inception of the devil who was ruining our lives, and Jesus bought us with his death, his shed blood, and his resurrection.
And the Bible says you are not your own.
You were bought with a price, but I wonder how many people really think like that.
I don’t belong to myself. I belong to God.
Now, of course, you can make your own decisions.
You can do anything you want to, but if we really wanna get with god and have the kind of relationship with him that he wants to have with us, we have to stop thinking that we get to do Well, I can just do whatever I wanna do.
Well, yeah, you can, but you’re not gonna like the outcome. It’s all about surrender.
And anybody who’s gonna have a real close walk with god, I can just tell you right now, you’re not gonna get everything you want.
And you’re gonna need to stay happy anyway.
Come on. I wonder how long you’ll live.
You know, when you’re twenty, You think you got all the time in the world.
You want this. You want that. You want something else.
You’re kind of even afraid of the thoughts of dying because my gosh, you’ve got so much living to do and so much you wanna do.
And, you know, by the time you’re fifty, which when you’re twenty, you don’t think you’ll ever be fifty.
But then all of a sudden, before you know it, you’re 50, and you’ve done most of what you wanted to do, and you’ve got most of what you wanted to have.
And Then by the time you’re 60, you realize that all those things that you wanted when you were 203040 really weren’t all that important.
After all. And then when you get 70, are 75.
Plus. My thinking has changed so much.
I just can’t hardly stand to shop now. And I used to live in the shopping mall.
I mean, I would come home from a conference, and right away, I’d go shopping, buy more stuff, take more stuff home.
And now I’m like, stuff annoys me.
Has anybody here gotten old enough that you’ve experienced that yet? Besides me.
It’s like, I don’t wanna just bring more stuff into my house.
And I’ve thought more about heaven in the last year than I have in the last 74 years.
It’s kind of a strange feeling when you start realizing I mean, I know I’ve got less than 20 years.
You know, I guess I could live to be 150, but I don’t really think I want to.
And You know, there’s nothing in the world that’s very all that interesting anymore.
You could easily get depressed reading the news. People act so bad.
They’re so rude. Everybody’s mad at somebody. People aren’t happy. They murmur and grumble and complain all the time.
And I’m just tired of all the gripey, moaning, groaning, complaining people.
I just rather go sit in the room by myself than listen to a bunch of people complain.
Amen? And I don’t wanna be like that myself.
I wanna be happy, and I wanna be a servant of Christ, and I want to be a blessing to other people every single day of my life.
Time is short. In first Corinthians, 61920, he said, or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you whom you have from god, you are not your own.
Mhmm. Going back to this thing about the servanthood for a minute, John chapter 13, the first 17 verses are a favorite.
Part in the Bible for me. It’s where Jesus watched his disciples’ feet.
And I live in the beginning.
It says, knowing where he came from a where he was going, he put on a servant’s tail.
So you you can’t truly serve if you don’t know who you are.
Because if you’re trying to find out who you are, you’re gonna think it’s based on what you do or who you know or how you dress or how much money you have or what side of town you live on.
But when you really know who you are, then even a leader can lay aside his leadership long enough to wash some feet and then pick it back up and do what he’s supposed to do.
And that washing feet just basically signifies helping. What what does it mean to wash feet and practicality?
Just to help. Just to help. Get up every day and just wanna wanna help somebody.
God’s shown me who I can help today. And help can be financially. It can be through encouragement.
It can be through given somebody a ride somewhere through babysitting, through just whatever. Just helping people. Help.
And, you know, there’s actually people who have the gift of helps.
And I don’t have that gift. I have a gift of giving.
I love to give and make things happen to people, but I don’t I don’t have a gift of helps, so I have to do it on purpose just because it’s not a natural gift for you doesn’t mean you get out of doing it.
Hello? Now, actually, I am really into helps, but it’s I like people to help me.
I’m really good on that. But I I so I help other people on purpose.
And sometimes I will purposely do little seemingly insignificant things that I wouldn’t have to do because I think it’s good for us.
Come on. I said, I think it’s good for us.
Don’t ever say, well, I’m just a janitor or I’m just a clerk or you’re you’re not just on anything.
Your worth and value is not in what you do. It’s who you are in Christ. Amen?
So he took off this towel and he washed their feet.
And when he got to Peter, Peter said, oh, no, lord. You’re not gonna wash my feet.
And I love this. Jesus said, if I don’t wash you, then we have no part in one another.
So you can’t have real relationship if you don’t do things for one another, even in a marriage.
You have to do things for one another And if you do that, it’s gonna help keep the relationship strong.
And it can’t be a 1-sided relationship where one person does all a giving and the other one does all the taking.
I’ve had those 1-sided relationships, and I I made my mind up about 10 years ago.
I’m not having any more of those. Because that’s not real relationship.
Real relationship is not where one person does all the giving and another person does all the taking.
And we have to even be careful like approaching our Bible teachers or our our churches, our pastors, that we don’t always go to just get a blessing or to get a word.
We need to go with a thought in mind of not only receiving, but giving.
Who can I help? Who can I watch for that looks lonely or who or is new?
We don’t always have to search for what’s gonna be the most comfortable thing for us, but what’s gonna be a blessing to somebody else?
Does anybody need this tonight? Yes.
But you were bought with a price, so glorify god in your body.
You are the house of god. I am the house of god. God lives in here.
And he lives in you through the Holy Spirit.
And the Holy Spirit’s main two titles are the comforter and the helper.
So if the spirit of god is living in us, how can we not want to help?
I mean, I would say if you don’t wanna help anybody, something’s wrong, you might wanna go back and check about your salvation.
Because if Christ is in us, his nature is in us, we’re going to be greed when we mistreat people.
We’re gonna want to go back and apologize.
We’re gonna want to treat people good because we know that god doesn’t like it when we mistreat his people.
I’d say the truth, good number of years ago, I got an understanding on this, and I have a reverential fear on me of mistreating people.
It’s just not something that god likes. Amen? Amen?
Just in Romans 12, there’s 12 different lessons in that one chapter.
Read it tomorrow and see if you can find them.
Now, Paul also had Timothy with him, who was a much younger man in the lord, and he was mentoring him in ministry.
And so I just wanna say to you, if you’re a more mature Christian, you need to watch for younger Christians that need a more mature influence in their life.
And not only will you be helping them, but you will be helping yourself And mentoring doesn’t mean that you find somebody that’s gonna ask you about every move they make and now you’ve got somebody to boss around all the time.
It means that you teach them not only by word, but by example, how they should live.
Paul almost always started his greetings with this this this term grace and peace be unto you.
And, boy, that’s another.
I mean, I could get a four part series out of that because you can have peace if you don’t understand grace.
And grace is god’s undeserved favor, but it’s also the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to accomplish through us what we could never do on our own with any amount of struggle and effort.
In other words, it’s basically, apart from me, you can do nothing.
So if we learn how to talk to god about everything and ask him to be involved in everything and to strengthen us and everything.
As I said earlier in the exhort, pray your way through the day.
God help me get my contacts in. I thought one morning, oh, that’s silly.
I don’t need to pray about my contact lenses. And I didn’t.
And I like to never got them in my eyes. I thought, okay, god. I’ll keep praying.
God help me get these in. Help me fix my hair.
Ask God to help you in everything. That should just be a a non negotiable thing.
You need help and everything you do. Apart from me, you can do nothing.
And so Paul said grace and peace be unto you.
If you live by the grace of god, then you’re gonna have peace in your life.
He said in acts 1728. For in him, we live and move and have our being.
Wow. In him. This is about so much more than just going to church.
In him, we have our life. Apart from him, we can do nothing.
Come on. Maybe we’re just a little bit too used to Jesus.
Maybe we need to be refreshed in what what we really have.
My gosh. Your sins are completely forgiven and washed away.
You’ve been justified made just as if you’ve never sinned your name is written in a book called The Book of Life, Jesus is in heaven preparing a place for you that where he is, you may also be there.
Drive. I love you.
We don’t need to just be return be excited about what god can do for us, but just excited about him.
My gosh. You’re not going to hell.
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The mind actually is the battlefield.
That’s where we win or lose the war with Satan.
He said all he gets to say Thank you, sir. This is a lot of it. Today’s mind.
You start asking god to heal you, and he will restore.
It’s the god of all comfort, and I am so grateful that I know how to call on god.