Pastor Kent Christmas | The Sound of Freedom | September 18, 2024

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Pastor Kent Christmas | The Sound of Freedom | September 18, 2024

Pastor Kent Christmas Podcast

you’re watching kcmi TV thank you for joining me today and I feel like I really have a uh fresh word of the Lord uh to deliver to you really feel an unction of God on this this is out of Isaiah uh chapter 61 and uh these last few chapters of Isa they are all prophetic uh declarations about the church and uh there are some wonderful promises in these in these scriptures but I want to extract a familiar verse this is out of Isaiah chapter 61 and really I wish I had the time to to read all of Isaiah 61 but I want to
read um the first three verses the spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach Good Tidings unto the meek he has sent me to bind up the Brokenhearted to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord the day of Vengeance of our God to comfort all that mourn to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion to give unto them Beauty for Ashes boy this is just so good the oil of joy for mourning you know uh there are at
least three times that God speaks of mourning here in these verses uh the oil of joy for mourning the Garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called the Trees of Righteousness the planting of the Lord that he might be glorified um and I I really think that we have all been as as the children of God there has really been a season in which we’ve almost been in mourning and you know mourning generally is over something that that has died and uh we look back at some of the things that that we’ve
had in the past and we feel like they’ve died and there’s a spirit of mourning that the enemy has tried to put on us but when God begins to speak through this prophet he addresses that and uh there’s two phrases that I really want to dwell on one to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison doors you know I as I was reflecting on this in my spirit um God is he’s not talking about a prison break because if you break out of a prison you’re still a criminal you’re still a fugitive and you’re going to be
pursued by the enemy and they have the legal right to to retain you and to put you back to where you were and this is not what the Lord is saying he didn’t say that I’m going to cause a prison break he said I am going to open the doors of the prison and when you think of the scriptures when people that had a great call of God on their life a great purpose they were birthed to make a tremendous impact into the kingdom of God whether in the Old Testament or in the New Testament when you think of Joseph Joseph didn’t break out of prison
when he he was in prison he had been in prison for some time and uh God God’s ways had led him there he was being prepared but when it came time for the word of the Lord to be revealed I I can’t remember exactly where it is but it says and the word of the Lord tried him until the time it was to be fulfilled when it came time for Joseph to fulfill his purpose even though he was in prisoned and God didn’t break him out he had the king come get him when you think of uh of Daniel uh he’s put in the Lion’s Den because of his love for
Christ or his love for the for Jehovah and his prayer life and the purpose of God on him and God was going to use him in old age to give him a revelation of the end time when when the enemy put him in prison two things happened he didn’t break out of the Lion’s Den the king came and got him and not only did the prison that the enemy tried to kill him in the scripture says this that the enemy that put him there God took him put in that prison put in that Lion’s Den and I and I I believe prophetically
that that some of the places that you and I have been where the enemy has tried to lock us up and to stop us from our prophetic unction that God is going to take our enemies there is going to be an exchange and he’s going to extract us the king is going to come get us and he’s going to take our enemies and put them in the place that we’ve been when you go to the New Testament and you think of Paul and Silas and they are in prison God didn’t come and break them out they did not flee from there as
Prisoners the scripture says that at midnight in the in a time when everybody they thought was asleep and there was no way of being loose from that place and they’re in great physical pain it’s dark they had no Advocate that they begin to sing praises to God and their praises are centered into glory and God sent an earthquake that shook the foundations and when you think about this God didn’t just come get them out of prison he damaged that place you can’t shake the foundation of a prison to where the
doors literally pop open that means that door frames got bent the ground begin to move and he shook that prison to where nobody else really could be locked in it until they fixed it and so Isaiah is making a procla a prophetic declaration in the spirit but it was not for his time it’s somewhere 700 years give or take a few that this prophecy will be fulfilled and the reason being is because there was no man who qualified to be able to fulfill this prophecy so now you fast forward and we go all the way to the Book of Luke uh
chapter 4 and verse one and Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost I just want to leave that part right there Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost verse 16 he comes to Nazareth where he has been brought up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and he stood up for it to read uh I want you to look here that Jesus went to church he he attended church even though he was the Son of God the Bible says it was his custom to go to the synagogue and uh don’t forsake the precepts of God there are so many people that that feel like
they have a call of God on their life but then we go to church you will never walk in your fullness until you get attached to the body because the blood flows through the body and when you separate yourself from church and the body of Christ the blood flow stops and when the blood flow stops then death sets in and so he’s full of the Holy Ghost he has a custom of going to church and verse 17 there’s delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah and back then it was big Scrolls it wasn’t a book
like we have now and he rolls out this scroll and he finds the place where it is written and I can just see Jesus he’s rolling out this Scroll of Isaiah this thing has to be big because it’s containing 66 books of Isaiah but there is the holy spirit is in him there’s an anointing upon him because he’s feeling Hallelujah that there is a prophecy that I have been raised up to fulfilled that 700 years ago was uttered in the spirit and he begins to look and it says this he found the place where it is written Verse 18
the spirit of the Lord is upon me Hal Hallelujah because he says this is the reason for which Christ has been birth he says because he hath anointed me see you can’t fulfill the purpose of God without anointing and it took 700 some years before God said there is a man in the earth that will fulfill what Isaiah declared see the father was waiting because he loves you and I God doesn’t leave obedient children in prison some of you right now are in prisons of of health issues fine issues or financial issues or relationship issues but if you
will stay true to God and and I really believe the Lord put this in my spirit today because I sense that there is a shaking of the prisons getting ready to hit the Earth by the anointing of the Lord and the saints of God are getting ready to come out of our prisons because we’re going to walk in the purpose of God and he says um he says the spirit of the Lord is upon me he’s anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he says he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach Deliverance to the captives the recovery of sight to the
blind to set at Liberty them that are bruised and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord and then he closes the book and then verse 21 he looked at him and he said to this to this crowd to this audience he said today 700 years later he said this prophecy is fulfilled in your ears I believe that Deliverance many times that’s corporate to the church is Tim related and there are some prophecies in the Old Testament and and you know we’ve had great men over the uh over the last several decades um Charles pornhum and and William Seymour both
gave a prophecy about a hundred years ago that in a little over 100 years there would be a Revival hit the church hit the earth that would outshine what happened in isusa Street uh Smith Wigglesworth had a vision uh of a great outpouring of the spirit of God and he said I will not be around when it comes to pass but it’s coming and I want to declare to you that God has to have people to fulfill his purpose and this is where Jesus Hallelujah he he qualifi he was without sin when when you reflect on Christ at
crucifixion he is the lamb slain and you think about it I don’t know how many hundreds of thousands of lambs had been slain over the centuries uh perhaps even in the millions but all it could ever do was push the sins of man just a a year ahead and then it had to be done again it had to be done again and then the scripture talks about Christ it says once and for all he was slain that his blood Hallelujah was shed and so uh when when the blood of Jesus was shed and this Ephesians says this that the first thing
that that Christ did after he was slain was that he went into hell the prison sheld that was where Old Testament saints were held captive and see there there is a prophecy I think it’s in Thessalonians it says this that when the Lord comes back he’s coming back with the Saints and so those Saints couldn’t stay in prison because the prophetic word of the Lord said they had to be in heaven and that Christ would bring them back with him he’s coming back with 10,000 of his Saints and so the first thing that Christ
does is he descends into hell and he begins to open up prison doors this was not a prison break see there were a lot of men that had tremendous anointings on their life you think of Elijah you think of uh Daniel you think of David some of these Great Men of God that could have went into hell and looked at all of these Old Testament Saints in prison but the key was the sin in them had not yet been dealt with at Calvary and this is why Old Testament saints were were in in in hell in sh is because they could not come to Heaven until the
blood of the Lamb had been shed that didn’t cleanse him from their sins but literally did away with it and so all of these men they could have went into hell but here’s the problem they couldn’t have come out because they were not sinless Jesus is the first man Hallelujah this is why it took over 700 years with all the great men that were born even after Isaiah none qualified to be able to descend into hell but come out the devil would have looked at him and said uhuh you ain’t leaving I got you you should have never come down here
Jesus walks into hell and he’s without sin and the devil looks at him and he realizes I don’t have any authority to keep him here and Jesus looked at the Devil and he said I’ve come to set the captives free and the scripture says this he led captivity captive he captured Hallelujah captivity and he led them out and we know this in the New Testament that after the resurrection of Jesus Christ Old Testament Saints appeared in Jerusalem and they had been loosed by the power of the Lord no wonder the scripture says this that
where the spirit of the Lord is where the anointing of the Lord is there is what there is liberty and when you go back and you read Isaiah there are a couple of of parts of the verse that Jesus does not quote and one of them is he says to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and I was thinking about that in prayer the morning and um and this is what really comes up on my spirit there had never been a time to where this prophecy could be fulfilled there was never an acceptable year because there never been a man who
qualified to invade hell and not to do a prison break but to destroy the prison and this is why Jesus and Luke said to Proclaim Liberty to the captives what he was saying this is why at the end of this when he closed the book and he sat down he said today is this scripture fulfilled in your ear you know what he was saying that Isaiah said prophetically he said there’ll come a day when the men will say proclaiming the acceptable year of the Lord this is what Jesus was doing he said today this is the acceptable year
of the Lord CZ today I qualify to fulfill this prophecy and then the other thing that Isaiah said that Christ would do would be to declare the day of Vengeance of our God I can’t prove this but I’m telling you I feel this in the spirit that God is getting ready to declare Vengeance on the wicked not not Sinners but I’m telling you there is an element of men that have sold their souls to hell they’re never going to repent and their only intention is to destroy Humanity to dehum humanize us to remove the ancient barriers and
they are committed to that and I believe that God is saying when I begin to do this I am going to declare Vengeance of our God in the earth and for all of you who feel helpless and defenseless and your prison is impregnable and some of you feel like you’re in solitary confinement I want you to hear me God is saying today Hallelujah so right now in the name of Jesus every one of you that are listening to me whatever prison the enemy has tried to put you in I declare Hallelujah the acceptable year of the Lord I declare over to you
Deliverance I declare that Jesus Christ right now walk into your prison and not break break you out to where the enemy has the right to come and get you but to deliver you this is why you know even in our in our culture when we talk about birth and we talk about the doctors we talk about he delivered a baby and I believe that God is delivering Hallelujah the New Birth the the freedom the liberty and the healing power of God in your life so I want to encourage you because I hear the sound of freedom I hear the sound of Freedom I’m
telling you that God is invading the prisons that you and I have been in and there is a sound of Freedom coming and God is going to destroy the prisons he’s going to make them inhabitable that where we the enemy cannot put us back but he whom the spirit is set free is free indeed so I encourage you to lift up your heads for your Redemption draw T night I pray this has been a blessing to you an encouragement God bless you I’ll see you next week for more information about Kent Christmas Ministries International or regeneration Nashville
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