Pastor Kent Christmas | The Peace of God | September 11, 2024

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Pastor Kent Christmas | The Peace of God | September 11, 2024

Pastor Kent Christmas Podcast

[Music] you’re watching kcmi TV well thank you for joining me and um I want to talk to you about a subject that that we hear a lot talked about but in reality it’s it’s the very core of of how we live whether you’re a Believer or you’re an unbeliever and I want to talk to you about the peace of God my Bible reading a couple of days ago a verse just leaped off the scriptures to me and I’d really not seen it that way but um there is such a spirit of unrest that is in the Earth and in fact in Revelations it says
this that the devil has come and uh one of the the um Endeavors that he is going to try to put forth is he wants to take peace from the earth and uh when you go back to Luke the 2 chapter and you’re listening to the angels celebrate the birth of Christ and they said this glory to God in the highest and then they said peace on Earth and for the first time since the fall of Man there was a supernatural peace that was coming back to the Earth and uh one scripture talks about Jesus that calls him the king of peace and then in Isaiah chap 9: 6 when
um Isaiah is prophesying about the birth of Jesus Christ you know he says he shall be called wonderful counselor the Mighty God the Everlasting father and then I love this it said and he will be called The Prince of Peace and of course when you read the New Testament uh the enemy is referred to the prince of the power of the air and so he is he’s in that realm he’s in a Heavenly realm not where God lives but the the heavens between the Earth’s atmosphere and where God lives he’s called the the prince of the power of
the air and so the the unrest that we see in the earth and and all the things that people deal with um comes from the devil and uh there there is not a lot of Peace in the Earth today uh you know with the unbeliever uh Humanity has reached a place to where they really need a lot of of help medically um this is why depression is is so strong and and it’s not just relegated to the realm of the unbeliever it’s it’s it’s rampant in the Church of how many many Christians have to take uh some kind of uh medical help
medicine form in order to to navigate the day so I want to take our verse um out of Philippians and um this is chapter 4 and I this is not my key verse but I want to start with this it says this it says be careful for nothing but in every Thing by prayer and supplication and with Thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God and so um one verse one translation says be anxious for nothing and um you know when people start worrying about things and they get anxious about things um when when there is no peace of God in
your life automatic Ally this opens the door if you don’t have peace it opens the door for the spirit of fear and boy when the spirit of fear gets in this thing can cause so much damage because it begins to make you fearful not really of things that have already happened it makes you begin to be fearful of things that have not yet happened and so this this is the verse that started me on this podcast verse 7 and the peace of God now a lot of times when Paul’s writing he will talk about he’ll say the God of Peace but
this time it doesn’t say the God of Peace it says the peace of God which passes all understanding so uh and then we’ll finish this verse in a moment but what he saying he says your natural mind cannot comprehend the peace of God see in our realm that we live in um we generally only have peace if we have understanding of what’s going on and with that understanding we feel like that we have solutions to it and that we can stop whatever is happening and but this scripture says that the peace of God goes beyond uh man’s mind one one
scripture talks about that the carnal mind cannot understand or discern the things of God and it cannot neither will it be able to and so your natural mind is not able to comprehend or to understand the peace of God the peace of God is a supernatural Revelation and so um this is really where I want to talk to about the peace of God which passes all understanding and I’m reading out the King James it it says it shall keep your hearts and your minds through Christ Jesus and if you look in other translations it uses
the word guard as so he says peace the peace of God is what will guard your heart and your mind and um it’s very interesting that he brings a difference between between hearts and Minds because um I I don’t really think that the enemy can can really get in your mind and cause great fear unless he gets in your heart first because the Bible says this it’s out of the heart flows the issues of life and man lookth on the hour to perish but God lookth on the heart so the your heart is the seat of where everything comes from
and God is speaking here he said Peace will guard your heart and your mind and if you don’t have the peace of God guarding it literally means the peace of God will protect your heart and your mind even when you’re asleep and uh in in 2 Corinthians chapter 10 you know we know the verse it says casting down every imagination and every High thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God and bringing in captivity every thought into The Obedience of Jesus Christ um this is this you cannot cast down imaginations
and imaginations they they are birthed in your mind and this is this is why you you you’ve got to stay in a place with the Lord to where the peace of God um you will never be able to rest in a storm and if you’re a Believer you’re going to go through storms you’ll never be able to rest in a storm if you don’t have peace and I give you an example when the disciples were in the boat and they’re in the middle of that Galilee this and and the storm is going crazy and water’s coming in it uh and they are
terrified they think they’re going to die and the Bible says that Jesus is asleep in the boat and they had to wake him up why was he asleep because this peace of God ruled his heart and when storms happen to us now thanks be unto God who always causes us to Triumph and give us the victory through Jesus Christ you’re going to go through storms you’re going to go through issues but if you don’t have the peace of God guarding your heart it doesn’t say God will make circumstances go away it says that God
in those times will guard your heart uh the only reason something has to be guarded is because it’s valuable and if it’s valuable it means that there is a thief that wants to come and take it from you so yeah it says peace will guard you know I I I’m I’m thinking of Peace because when we think of Peace we think of tranquility and we think of being Meek and there’s no conflict and there’s no um problems but there’s a verse that says this says now the God of Peace shall shortly break the head of
sainton under your feet and uh we have in the military I remember years ago they had missiles that had great capability of Destruction and they called them peacekeepers and you think well it’s almost an oxymoron it doesn’t make sense I mean they’re they’re weapons of Destruction but they’re called peacekeepers but the issue the reason they were called peacekeepers is because they had so much potential to do damage to the enemy that when the enemy saw those he would back off because he was
afraid of the power that that missile had when the enemy sees the peace of God in your life guarding your heart and your mind he will back off because he doesn’t want the God of Peace to break his head what I think the new King The King James says bruise his head and you know you go all the way back to Genesis when God is cursing the serpent he said um that the seed of the woman shall bruise your head and uh when um in John the 14 in fact I think we’ll just read this cuz I love I love this passage of scripture this is the the
14th chapter of the Book of John um one of my favorite chapters in the New Testament and this is in verse 27 Jesus is speaking this he said Peace I leave with you he said my peace I give unto you what what he’s saying is he said you know he told his disciples he said I am going to go away and he said where I’m going you can’t come right now but but later you can and he said I’m going away but he said I’m going to leave peace with you and he said I’m going to give it to you and he said but it’s not going to be as
the world giveth give I unto you the world’s peace is based on stuff it’s based on uh that you’re not sick or it’s based on you have enough money to pay your bills these type of thing God said the peace that I give you is not as the world giveth give I unto you then he said let not your heart be troubled neither Let It Be Afraid how do we do that you going to have to reach a place to where the peace of God Reigns in your life Colossians 3:15 says it says it this it says let the peace of God rule in your heart I I
remember hearing this statistic it said 95% of every everything that you and I worry about never happens and I want you to think about this for a moment how many times has it looks like the possibility for damage or destruction to happen in your life and immediately you allow the enemy to take your imagination and run to the extent of how bad it can be and this is where God said you need to stop that and you need to let the peace of God rule in your life um in Romans the 8th chapter in verse 6 it says this to be spiritually
minded you say what is that Paul talks about this he said let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus in another verse he says we have the mind of Christ so being spiritually minded is is thinking like Jesus does and the only reason that you and I as Christians walk in Victory is because there is a spirit of peace from the Lord that stands guard over us I I think that when we get to heaven God will allow us to see a lot of things that the enemy wanted to do to us that he tried to do to us that we don’t know
about that the peace of God told the enemy you cannot do that and when the peace of God rules and now you know um I’ve seen so many Believers that have a wonderful relationship with the Lord and you you think you see what they’re going through or what they’re dealing with and you think how do they how do they have that how are they so calm because they’ve learned the key that the sufferings of this present time can’t even be compared to the weight of the glory of God that’s going to be revealed in us
and the devil he is after one thing in your life to steal your peace because the moment that he takes your peace he’s got you doesn’t mean you’re going to hell but it means your Victory will disappear it means that he can begin to loose things in your life uh he can begin to uh cause all kinds of Destruction and um Isaiah calls Jesus he said he is the prince of peace and so I I I’m thinking of a verse that said this it said in his presence is complete joy King James says in his presence is fullness of joy
and um you know Jesus is our wonderful example and I think it’s in Hebrews it talks about Jesus and um it says that he endured the cross and he despised the shame for the joy that was set before him with all of what Jesus endured through Calvary the Holy Ghost the spirit the God of Peace guarded his mind and his spirit and um in his presence is fullness of joy you will never have peace unless you have a daily relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and this is this is a mistake that a lot of good Christians make is when things
are difficult they’ll really seek God they’ll dig in and man they’re seeking the presence of the Lord and that and that spirit of peace begins to guard them and God begins to answer their needs their requests that they’ve made known to the Lord the Lord comes in maybe sickness is diverted or financial blessing comes through or or whatever God heals a relationship and so the anxiety is gone and with without realizing that they quit seeking the presence of the Lord because they’re living in that
realm of of just peace and Tranquility as soon as you stop having relationship with the Lord on a daily basis you get out of the presence of God and when you get out of the presence of God that’s when the enemy comes in to steal your peace and it’s Paramount longterm the only way you’ll ever be able to serve the Lord Jesus Christ is to live in a realm of peace and it doesn’t mean that difficult times are not going to happen to you but it means that when you’re in the storm when you’re in a
dilemma that the peace of God guards your heart and your mind and it’s like you you pull Inward and you begin to rest in the Peace of the Lord you begin to rest in the in the word of God and the promises that he’s made and there is such an an anxiousness uh not just in unbelievers but it’s in Christians today we and everybody’s terrified about what’s going to happen in the state of our nation and all of these things but you know what um God is not just called Mighty he’s called The Almighty that means that there are
Mighty Spirits out there but he is the almighty he can do anything any time and um it is a everyday Pursuit I challenge you that when you begin to get up in the morning you begin to ask the holy spirit let the people peace of God rule in me cuz God doesn’t want one phone call to throw us into anxiety he doesn’t want one situation that happens that just literally destroys our peace and um the I I forget Which chapter it’s in but the Bible talks about that people who are clouds without water and they’re tossed about
with every wind of Doctrine and everything that happens don’t be ruled by your emotions or your en environment learn how to let God rule your heart if if God can rule your heart then he can rule your mind and see that mind is where boy the battlefield that we fight is fought on the Battlefield of the Mind and if God can rule your heart and this is why the Bible says it doesn’t say let the peace of God rule in your mind it says let the peace of God ruling your heart because the heart is where things are
birthed and that’s why God said this he said if you’ll be anxious for nothing and you will make your requests known to God with supplication and Thanksgiving you come to the Lord you say God this is what I’m dealing with but I believe that you’re going to take care of it he said Peace will stand guard over your heart and over your mind and how many times and and I and I’ll wind this up with this there have been many times over the years that something happened in in my life and I did not handle it well and I
let fear get a hold of me and you know you’re praying you’re saying God please help me and you know you’re praying out of fear and you’re praying out of unbelief and then God steps in and he fixes it and then we feel ashamed because we know I did not handle this well I let fear get a hold of me and yet God still fixed it see God wants you to to be able to navigate difficult times that when the peace of God comes in and averts what the enemy does when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the Lord
raise up a standard against it it’ll build your faith when you walk through a difficult time and you tell the Lord I’m not letting the enemy steal my peace and then God does a miracle and you look back and you go I walk through that with faith and that’s how you build yourself and so I want to encourage you because where we’re going here in the next few years the enemy is after the peace of God that’s on the earth you hold your ground let peace rule in your life let the peace of God rule in your heart and
when it does it’ll rule in your mind and the enemy will not be able to destroy what God’s put in you so be strong in the Lord um hold on stay in the presence of God and we’re more than conquerors through Christ who’s loved us I’ll see you next week God bless you for more information about Kent Christmas Ministries International or regeneration Nashville go to Kent christmas.
org or regeneration and for the latest updates or videos follow us on Facebook and subscribe to us on YouTube God bless you
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