Pastor Kent Christmas | I Lived Before I Was Born | April 10, 2024

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Pastor Kent Christmas | I Lived Before I Was Born | April 10, 2024

Pastor Kent Christmas Podcast

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Well, I’m excited about sharing this word with you today, and I think it’s really gonna help you.
It’s something that just kinda been rolling over my spirit for actually the last couple of weeks.
And, um, it I think it will help you in your realm of faith uh, and seeing needs that are in your life met and seeing healing come into your body, the miraculous.
And you know, the miraculous is just stepping over into the realm of normal in heaven.
And, uh, faith is the language that god speaks and unbelief is the language that death speaks.
And you say, well, is death the person uh, well, the it is an entity because Jesus said the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
And so the only language that deaths speaks is unbelief.
And so you have to choose whether you speak life or you speak death.
And so I I wanna Uh, I might just stretch it a little bit here, but we have scripture for all of this.
And it’s just some you know, the Bible says that god’s people are not destroyed because they don’t have enough money or they’re not healthy enough or they’re not smart enough, it says they’re destroyed for one thing, lack of knowledge.
And most of the time, people don’t have knowledge because they don’t wanna know.
And so if you want to know something, god has to tell you.
He who lungers and thirst after righteousness shall be filled.
And so, um, god always works from the end back to the beginning.
We think of god in the now.
He is in the now, but Uh, god is not creating anything new.
And so we go back to Genesis, and the scripture says that god spent, 6 days creating the earth and everything in it and man.
And then the scripture says on 7th day, god stopped working.
And he saw that what he did was good, and he rested.
And so the position, the posture that god is in is rest.
And then you and I continue to carry out the eternal plan of god.
So you go back now uh, to the scriptures, and we’ll talk about Jesus for a moment because I wanna lead you up to something that deals with where we are in our present.
Uh, Revelation 13 and 8 says this, that Jesus was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world.
And so that that really brings up an interesting concept because in Genesis 1, when it says, and and the, uh, in the beginning was the word and the word, god looked on the earth, and the earth is without form and void, but it was already created.
So something had happened to the to the earth to mess it up.
And so, uh, if Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world, the earth um, it way way back in time.
And yet we know that in the natural realm, Jesus was only slain about 2000 years ago.
But with god, when when god decided and we don’t know when he decided this, but when he decided to bring the earth into being into the physical realm and he decided to to bring man into the physical realm.
He had already done it in the spirit. He’d already seen it finished.
He’d went he created all the plans, all the DNA, all the blueprint of everything, He’d went through it in his mind.
He had formulated it. And then he just brought into the natural what he had already finished in the spirit realm.
So this is how this is why Jesus could be slaying before he was ever killed in the natural because in the mind of god and the plan of god, he had already been lane before man ever sinned before man ever fell.
Um, and so I don’t think I I I don’t think I wanna deal with time.
I’m I’m gonna go back and, um, I wanna give you some verses here in Jeremiah chapter 1 in in verse 5.
The lord in verse 4, it says the word of the lord came into me saying in verse 5 of Jeremiah 1, it says before I formed the or before I created the And before you even came out of the womb, this man, this is a deep verse.
He says before you ever was created in the natural before you were ever formed in the in the belly of your mother in the womb He said, I sanctified the.
That means god blessed him, put his hand on him, declared blessing over, declared favor over him, And he said, then I declared your purpose.
I ordained you a prophet. Unto the nations.
So here in god’s dimension, Jeremiah already exists. The god knows him.
In fact, when the lord said before, I knew the the word new means acquainted with, Think about this.
God said, Jeremiah, before you ever existed in the earth, I was already acquainted with thing.
See, we we have a hard time with that.
We’re thinking, well, he never existed till he came out of the womb. No. See, God works backwards.
He works from the end back to the beginning.
And so in the beginning, god already had formed him in his mind.
He’d already he was acquainted with him.
And then hallelujah he in the natural causes Jeremiah to come forth.
And so Psalms 139 is 16, and and this, I wanna read it from the NIV.
He said, your eyes saw my unformed body.
This goes back to to Jeremiah before you formed.
He said before my body was even formed, your eyes saw me. How? In the spirit.
See, Faith is being able to see things that already exist in the spirit realm.
And, uh, uh, I’m a I’ll give you a verse for that in a minute, but I wanna stay on track here.
He says, your eyes saw my unphourn unphformed body.
And he said, all of the days ordained for me or my whole life, every day that I was gonna live they were written in your book before one of them came to be This is this is an amazing verse because the psalmist is writing.
He said, lord, before I ever exist it in the natural room.
He said you saw me. How?
Because you were formed in the spirit in the plan of god, in the eyes of god, an eternal realm.
See, we all we think in terms of time, but, uh, time only exists because death exists in sin existed.
There was no time when god made Adam. He was because he was never gonna die.
It wasn’t until he sinned that time came into being.
And so the writer here, he say, and lord, he said, the days of me The days that you had declared for me to live were already set.
In your they were written in your book.
Do you realize that god, boy, there’s lots of books as the book of Life, the book of remembrance there’s just you can go back to the scripture.
It’s a wonderful study. There’s there’s, like, 5 or different books that talks about with god.
But he said There is a book that gone goes to you that are listed at midday.
God wrote your life out. Your days in a book.
Before you ever existed. And you know what?
He didn’t write in that book while you’re gonna die of cancer early and the devours gonna rule in your life.
He didn’t write those things. See, that the enemy is trying to rewrite your story. Don’t let him.
Let’s hold on hallelujah to what god wrote in the book.
And so And this kinda I know this this this pushes us, but you and I existed long before we were born.
According to these verses. In the heart of god, in the eternal realm where there is no time.
There is no death. You and I existed there because the lord told Jeremiah said, I was acquainted with you.
I knew you. And there are limits of what we understand did god fellowship with us before?
I don’t know. All I know is this that in the mind of god, according to the scripture before we ever came into being in the natural realm, god wrote our life in a book, and he ordained our days.
And he knew who we were.
So, uh, a lot of this came up out in my spirit because I was thinking in terms of of the needs that you and I have in our life.
Many of god’s people need divine healing, uh, a lot of tigers need god to to do something for them financially.
First of all, I want you to understand that the book that god has with your life written in it There are no pages that says you’re sick.
There are no pages that says that you’re broke.
I was thinking about, uh, our church regeneration, Nashville, and the building we’re building, and we’re believing god for a lot of money that uh, I mean, we’re gonna finish the building.
We’re gonna be in it. I just wanna be in it without debt.
And I was and I was praying the the morning. I and I’m gonna talk about this.
Before we ever bought the building before we ever bought the property before we ever started.
It was already finished in the mind of god because god knows the end from the beginning.
And so god is always working to take the present that you and I are in that doesn’t line up with the story that he wrote in our book.
He’s always there pulling it back.
He’s pulling it back to what he declared we were.
And So for for healing in our bodies, well, I’m not denying that we’re not dealing with real sickness.
But what you’re dealing with is a demonic spirit.
It has no right to be there because god did not write it in your story.
So When even though you are you are in the natural dealing with something that’s sickness, You’re already healed.
This is what I want you to get in your spirit.
You’re not hoping that god is gonna do something for you in the mind of god and in the spirit realm, you’re not gonna be healed.
You’re already healed. How? Because before you were formed in your mother’s womb, god knew you.
And so god did not create you to have the disease or the sickness or the incurable problem that you’re having in your life.
And so faith, uh, faith takes us from the natural realm and from what the enemy is trying to inflict on us, trying to rewrite our story and faith hallelujah just transports us back.
To the eternal plan that god had for us when he made us that when we were formed in the womb, we already saw fully mature and well and whole and healthy.
It’s the same thing with with finance.
God said, I know what you have need of even before you ask.
How can he know that? Because he knows the end from the beginning.
And so our faith is literally picking us up and transporting us back to the eternal decree that god had over our life.
God. Uh, you remember there’s a verse in Romans chapter 4.
I believe it’s somewhere 17, maybe up 21 in that setting. You can read that.
It’s a powerful sec portion of scripture.
And and it’s dealing with Abraham, and it and and where he killed Isaac or or was going to.
And, uh, of course, we know he’s the father of faith.
He’s he’s He’s that where god really loosed something in the earth.
The DNA of faith was loosed there through Abraham.
And it’s interesting that that faith got loosed uh, on top of a mountain where it looked like there was gonna be a funeral.
Faith. Faith came out.
Of a dying process, uh, what the enemy was gonna call a grave.
God said, no. It’s gonna be resurrection.
And the the verse says this, one of the verses says this, that Abraham believe that god speaks things that are not as though they are.
Or so they work. Say, well, pastor, what what does that mean?
It means that right now in the natural realm, The reality of it is we have needs.
Some of you need to be healed. Some of you need financial breakthroughs.
Some must need other areas that that we need god to to release.
What we’re saying is god Take your healing. Your healing existed before you were born.
You gotta stop thinking in terms of god, I need to do something new. The lord is saying no.
I already I healed you before you were ever created.
I met this financial need before you were ever born. This is what Abraham got such a revelation of.
He says, god speaks things that are not Don’t exist in the natural realm.
You can’t put your hand on it yet. But it already exists in the spirit realm.
So faith reaches hallelujah and to the spirit realm and to the eternal and to heaven, to the storehouse of god.
Where it already exists and pulls that. Into the natural realm.
And when you see somebody instantly healed and when you see, you go to YouTube and watch the the great crusades of a Allen and oral Roberts and Catherine Coolman and and William Branham, and you see these miracles taking place.
Ribs be informed and eyes be informed and and all of these things. He said, oh my god.
Just did a miracle. Well, what he really did was he just took the man that existed before he was formed in the womb in that god had decreed.
See, god never makes people sick. That’s the devil. And he just said, okay.
I’m taking the whole man that I made before you were formed in your mother’s womb and they’re natural, and I’m pulling it into the earth.
And you step in to the eternal health of god. You step into the eternal purpose of god.
You step into the storehouse of god where there’s unlimited resources.
So before we are ever born, god made us in victory, He made us in health.
He made us victorious. He made us the head and not the tail, the lender, and not the borrower.
And so I wanna end this with challenging you to begin to pray.
God helped me to see the first of what you did.
Bring me from where I am, the end, and bring me back to the beginning of how you created me to be.
And you’ll be surprised at what god’s gonna do for you. I hope this has blessed you.
And, uh, you go back and read some of the verses that I gave you for reference and let this marinate in your spirit.
You’d be strong in the lord, and I’ll see you next week.
For more information about Kent Christmas Ministries International, or regeneration Nashville, go to, or regeneration

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