Pastor Kent Christmas | Grace | August 13, 2023

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 Grace | August 13, 2023

The LORD your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17 (NKJV)
Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”
John 11:40 (NIV)
Hello, regeneration, Nashville.
It’s good to be in the House of the Lord. Amen.
If no one’s told you they love you today, I wanna be
the first. I love you. Uh, I want to greet our own viewers today and let you know that we’re having to do things a little bit different here at regeneration Nashville only because of inclement weather in here in our city.
Uh, we are expecting, uh, blizzard conditions tomorrow. And so, actually, this is being filmed on Saturday.
And we’ll air it to you on Sunday because we will all be snowed in about the time you see this.
And so we just want you to know how much we love you, and we can’t miss an opportunity to be here with you and share the word of the lord and the spirit of god.
Let me tell you something. Jesus is lord. I’m gonna say it again. Jesus
is lord, overall. And we come rejoicing
in the presence of the lord today. King David said, I was glad when they said,
let us go into the house of the lord, and we come rejoicing for the joy
of the lord
as our strength. Why don’t we stand?
Let’s go to the lord in prayer, and let’s just invite the presence of the holy spirit in this place.
Father, we are so thankful for the spirit of the lord that we already feel in this place.
Lord, you said that when two or three are gathered together in your name, that you are in our midst, and we say, welcome, Holy Spirit.
Have your way. Oh, god, in this service and around the world as our family watches.
Lord, we rejoice in We give you praise and glory of God for the things that you have done, the things that you are doing, and what you will do, God.
We thank you in advance. Uh, Lord, your reward says, give thanks in all things.
For this is the will of god concerning you. So, lord, we thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen. Amen.
I’m gonna invite pastor Kent to the podium to share the word of the lord And so I know it’s gonna be be wonderful.
God bless you.
A man will praise the lord church.
Amen. Aren’t you glad that we have a god that’s alive and well.
That we don’t have to reminisce of who we used to be while we look at a tomb.
But we look at an an awesome god. And, um, I wanna say thank you for coming today.
I know that this is a little bit unusual.
And, uh, of course, thank you for, uh, just supporting us, and we’ll talk a little bit about Josh and the message.
But, uh, and I’ve been seeking the lord on how god wanted me to speak today.
And for the about the last, uh, maybe about ten days ago, the lord began to talk to me, and I was praying, the lord said, The enemy is after the voice of god in the earth right now.
And he’s trying to silence the voice of god.
And, of course, in the natural, you can see the symbolism of that because for the almost two years now, uh, around the world, we’ve been asked to wear a mask.
And I’m sure that we’ve all experienced trying to have conversation with somebody in a restaurant or somewhere, and and you can’t understand what they’re saying because it’s so mumbled and and, uh, convoluted through the mask and difficult to have a articulate conversation.
that is just a outward appearance of what’s taking place in the spirit realm.
And we see that silence, uh, that the enemies to perpetrate in the earth by the fact that many of
our churches have been shut down, here at our church.
We experienced that just for a short time, and we decided to open up on penny cost Sunday a year ago.
Uh, a year and a half ago, somewhere around there, because I believe God has much to say.
And so, Of
course, one of the ways if the enemy tries to silence us is by creating an environment that will steal your joy.
He will use incidents and circumstances to try to get you distracted from the word of god.
And he will try to make your needs seem bigger than your god.
And whenever the enemy can your need bigger than your god, you lose.
You have to walk in a place that you truly believe that with men things that are impossible, but with god, nothing is impossible.
The foundation of what you and I have in the Earth today is called the Word of God.
And it cannot be added to, and it cannot be taken away because it’s at the foundation.
And once you build a house, You don’t really go back in and try to take the foundation out and fix it because it’s fixed.
And the word of the lord cannot be changed.
And god said this, he said, you can have prophecy, and it’s a great thing.
But prophecy many times is contingent on different factors. It can be contingent on how we receive it.
It can be contingent on our response.
It can be contingent on our faith that we receive the prophetic word in.
But Peter said this, he said, we have a more sure word of prophecy, and he was referring to the written word of god.
And, of course, we know this that the written word of god is the voice of god in the earth, in the written form.
And when we preach, we preach from the Bible because it is the word of the lord that has been forever settled.
So as I was beginning to pray about this, and though god began to speak, he said the enemy is trying to silence the voice of god in the earth.
And god spoke to me, he said, the voice is the church.
You and I are now the voice of god.
We speak what we hear god saying, but Jesus Christ is in heaven.
And then He released hallelujah and anointing of creation and he birthed the church.
And we are the body of Christ and is in the body of Christ.
That we have the ability to speak on behalf of Jesus.
That’s why he said whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loosen shall be loosed in heaven.
And so I wanna take, uh, a passage of scripture today, and we’re gonna skirt around this with some other things, but this is out of the book of Hebrews.
Chapter twelve, says, verse twenty five, see that you refuse not him that speaketh, speaking of Jesus now.
For if they escape not, who refused him that spake on earth.
This is talking about when Jesus ministry was on the earth. There were those who refused him.
He said, much more shall we not escape If we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven, just just simply saying there was a time that Jesus spake because he was in the earth.
But now when he speaks, he speaks because he is in heaven. He fission says this about Christ.
He sits on the right hand of the father.
Whenever the father looks to his right hand, he sees Jesus.
And whenever Jesus looks to his right hand, he sees me and you because the Bible says we are seated at the right hand of the father.
Now, verse twenty six is really where I wanna take this, says whose voice then shook the earth.
This is the reason why the enemy came after Jesus.
Is because when he spoke, he shook things.
This is what it says about Jesus.
It said that when people came and heard him speak, they said, what kind of man is this?
For he doesn’t speak like the scribes, but he speaks with authority.
And when you begin to speak with authority, there is a difference.
The problem for so many believers because they do not have faith is they speak like scribes that have no authority.
They only have a knowledge. But when you begin to speak with authority, you begin to shake things.
You begin to move things.
And this is why hell hate men and women that become the voice of god because when you and I begin to speak, strongholds begin to be moved by the power of god.
Uh, and there is a spirit of hell right now that’s trying to muzzle god’s people by parading in front of us the impossible and the natural.
But would you stand on the word of the lord? Uh, you are not moved by what you see.
You are moved, hallelujah, by what you have already heard by the power of the holy ghost stuff.
So god says to us, sir.
Be not silent, hallelujah, but lift up your voice up and declare the wondrous works of the Lord.
Hebrew says that when Jesus spoke, He shook the earth.
Hell had never heard anybody speak like this. Since the Garden of Eden.
He shook the earth.
There were great men in the old testament, but none of them spoke like Jesus.
They would say master, don’t you care if we’re gonna drown.
And he would just step up and look at the sea of Galileite that was thirteen miles long, approximately in several miles wide with waves eight and ten feet tall, and he would just say peace be still.
He didn’t speak to the waves. He spoke to the wind, assess.
Because the waves weren’t the problem. The wind was the problem.
There was no waves without wind, and god recognized that. So he went to the root of Vibs.
We’re not here in America today as Christians to address the symptoms.
We’re here to address the problem and the cause. By the spirit of the lord.
We don’t compromise with the enemy. Hallelujah. This church is a different church.
The believers online with us are different believers.
So we don’t buy into that while the days of miracles are over and that that there are some things.
It cannot be done. No, sir. Greater works than these shall ye do.
Uh, and we declare it’s just will say. I do not declare.
I do not believe what I see, but I see what I believe. So I laid hands on son today.
Uh, I spoke that I said card. Uh, I do not believe what I see in this hospital bed.
Uh, but I see what I believe by the power of god.
Now, you give me two or three believers that are gathered in the name of jesus up.
And we will shake hell, hallelujah. When Jesus ship the earth, things happen now.
And when believers shake the keeping them of darkness. Things are moved by the power of God.
We’re not fair weather believers.
So the next part of this verse, says his voice then shook the earth, but now he has promised.
And we know that when god promises something, he cannot lie.
It says, but now he has promised, same.
Yet, once more, I shake not the earth only, but also the heaven or the rec the the the translation says heavens.
And so this is what really rose in my spirit.
What we’re beginning to see now is not god just shaking the earth.
What we’re seeing now is god said, I’m gonna shake the heavens again.
The method that he used to shake the earth was his voice.
The method that god is gonna use now to shake the heavens.
Why would god shake the heavens?
Because the Bible says that satan is a and the power of the heavens of the air.
That’s where he rules and reigns.
And everything that you see in the natural that’s evil is being controlled by demon spirits and authorities that are in heavenly places.
This is why the Bible says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood against principalities and powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in the heavens.
So pulling down strongholds.
So what’s happened is we have now come to the apex of battle.
For the last few years, we have been going to see god tell us things and do things and prophesy things But when we moved over into the year two thousand and twenty two, it is now a time when god is not prophesying, God is beginning to fulfill.
And, uh, we have for so long, and, we’ve we’ve talked about healing.
We’ve seen some healings on this platform, and we have testimonies of divine healing.
And so regeneration Nashville, I believe that god is racist up as a god portal in the earth, that the spirit of the lord will flow through And I shared, uh, last night at prayer meeting.
God began to speak to me. He said, you are a god portal that has been closed.
And in two thousand and twenty two, god said, I am opening the god portal to heaven that the spirit of the lord is gonna flow through And so I was praying a while back, and I told the lord, I said, God, you’re gonna have to do something in this church.
For the world to see that science cannot explain away that nobody can take credit for Little did I know what I was praying?
And of course, now we know that Joshua, my son, and and the man of god, this stands up here, our mission’s director, and the one that does the marvelous jobs on on communion, and he lives and breathes healing in his license plate says not sick.
He’s my first born son that has such a call of god in his life, and we know that he lays in a hospital today in in critical condition.
But we also know this that god is raising him up There is no alternative.
We’re not a church that prays, well, lord, if it’s your will, it is his will.
Here me on the online. There is never a moment when you are a believer that it is god’s will for you to suffer or to die of sickness.
Those are demon spirits from hell, and so god is gonna show the world says the lord, hallelujah, that win my people who are called by my name, uh, call upon the name of the lord.
Uh, he says I have already heard even before you called.
Uh, and the reason the enemy’s trying to put him out is because there is a voice.
That’s inside of Josh, hallelujah, that there’s a voice inside this church. There’s a voice inside of you.
Uh, we do not accept heavy ransom. We do not accept the enemies assessment.
We do not believe the lies from hell, uh, and every time the devil lies We say liar.
You and I stand on the word of the lord. Uh we either put up or shut up, hallelujah.
Can I tell you, this is the apex? Uh, when god finishes his work, there is no end.
To what the lord is gonna release by the power of the Holy Ghost.
So when you walk this little video right now, uh, uh, what Joseph’s declaring. Now, know this.
Uh, we’ll see this again. Now, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
So god says, I’ve raised you for this hour because I knew you had the strength to to walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
Do not set up tents. Do not make preparation for death. Do not compromise with the enemy. Hold your ground.
Now hold your ground. Uh, stand on the word of the lord. Uh, hold on to the word of god.
Uh, for greater, is he that is enough than he that is in the world.
Hallelujah, can we lift our hands today in the house of god? Hallelujah Jesus. We praise you.
We glorify you in this place. We come expecting. We honor you.
This morning, I was out walking on our neighborhood, and the Lord said to me, he goes, tell them to start taking me and my word at face value.
Tell them to have child like faith for their healing, not to have the faith of a fifty year old whose mom died of cancer so you don’t think it can work for you because your faith isn’t right and you don’t hold your tongue correctly like somebody else does.
So you can’t get healed, but they can. We make it too hard. We make it too difficult.
Jesus didn’t make it too difficult. He said I will bring none of these plagues upon your house.
Ask anything in my name, believing when you pray, and you will have it.
If two or three are gathered together, and ask anything in my name, I will do it.
Did you know that two and a half million people left Egypt crossed over and not one of them was sick?
Not one. Not one person had a hangnail, a headache, a canker sore because it’s the perfect will of god for us to walk and live in divine health.
The Lord said, I would that you would walk in divine healing, that none of you would be sick.
Today, I saved seeds for seven families who are desperate for a miracle.
For families who came to this church saying, lord, if you don’t heal me, I’m probably gonna die.
They have come with desperation in their spirit and a child like faith some of us need to get a hold of and they’re gonna get their miracle today.
People are coming out of wheelchairs today. Cancer is being burned out today. It is for them.
It is for you. It is for all of us. It is for all of us.
So we can show the world who Jesus really is. And what he really does.
I’ve said this before, but if you watch Catherine Coleman, she never laid hands on anybody, but what she said she did is she goes, we make room for the holy ghost to operate on our service.
And I know that I know that I know with every fiber of my being that it is a perfect will of god for nobody to be sick.
Everybody should be healed at our pastor’s conference this weekend, which was incredible. It was so incredible.
If you were there, you know, but I talked to several people about healing and sickness and and they didn’t understand sometimes why somebody died.
And my wife and I talk about this a lot, and I told him what I tell everybody.
I don’t know why they didn’t get healed, but that is the perfect will of god for everybody to be healed.
But when I say that, I’m not only saying it for them. I’m saying it for the devil.
I’m training hell that he cannot come against me or my home with sickness because every time he tries to persecute me, I’ll say, I know that I know that I know that you are a liar and it is a perfect will of god for everybody to be healed.
So when I say this, demons are learning hate. He’s saying it again. He doesn’t he doesn’t believe us.
He gets it. He gets that nobody can be sick because nobody can be sick.
If you don’t have the faith to do it, I have the faith to believe for your healing right now in the name of Jesus.
Let’s lift our hands and just usher in the presence of god today.
God We stand for miracles today in the name of Jesus.
I command restoration for every person who is in a wheelchair, has cancer is sick in their body, that they are restored to perfect and divine health permanently in their life, that they operate in divine healing, and they walk in divine health today and greater things than you shall we do because you told us we would.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
So every individual, every move of god.
That is a voice in this hour.
It’s not just shaking the earth. But now we’re shaking the strongholds.
The heavens.
And for decades, To some degree, we’ve shaken the earth, but the enemy’s not been mortally wounded.
And so we have the ebbs and the flows of god.
But this time, hallelujah, I believe for the next three years, we are going to see acts on steroids.
that we see what god wants to say.
Listen, the enemy hates people of faith.
It is a voice that is needed to expose something that’s evil.
It has to be a voice that declares it’s wrong or uncovers it.
It’s very interesting that the word voice here in the Hebrew, one of its, or in the Greek, one of its meanings means to expose.
This is why hell hates people of faith right now.
Because our voice is going to expose the hidden things of the enemy, because he likes to do it in secret.
The Bible says everything that’s been done in secret spoken in secret is gonna be revealed, and everything that’s been hidden is gonna be uncovered.
How’s that gonna be? It’s gonna take the church, her voice.
We can either be a scribe, that is able to articulate the word, or we can be sons and daughters of Jesus who demonstrate the word.
Whenever there is going to be a great move of god.
It is always preceded by a voice.
And before god ever began to lose what we’re beginning to walk into right now, he raised up the voice of the prophet in the earth who began to prophecy and declare what he was going to do.
And God’s had some great men, some are visible, some are not as well known, but there has been a voice a prophetic voice that had to proceed what god was going to do in the earth.
You say why because it deals with things.
Remember in the new testament, it speaks of John the Baptist.
And the Bible said this, he was a voice declaring not in a green place, but in the wilderness, where there didn’t seem to be anything that was fresh And he came forth.
And what was he saying? He was saying this. Prepare ye.
Get ready for the way of the lord. So what was his ministry about?
The Bible says ministry was about taking behind mountains.
It could not be climbed and bringing them down to a place that you could walked through them in a flat place.
Taking valleys that were too deep and filling them in until they came up to a level place.
And taking the crooked roads that were too difficult to navigate and turning them into a straight path.
That’s what he was about. He was prepared the way of the lord. Why? Because Jesus was on his way.
You and I have been pulling down mountains. So we have been raising up valleys.
So we have been striking out the crooked paths.
So what is, uh, we are our voice crying in the wilderness.
Uh, get ready or prepare you the way of the lord.
Uh, for this one greater and mightier than sir, whose shoes we’re not worthy to unlatch.
Uh, he shall baptize you with the holy ghost, sir, and with fire. Who is that?
That is the the visitation of of the lord Jesus Christ in the midst of the earth.
And the spirit that hell raises up, To silence the voice that speaks for god is Jezebel.
There are two spirits to to mantles that came from the Old Testament into the new testament.
One is the spirit of Jezebel, and one is the spirit of elijah.
In fact, the last thing that god talks about in the last chapter of the last book, of the Old Testament, is he said, this, I am going to send you the spirit of Elijah.
Before that great and terrible day of the lord. Why would god do that?
Because it’s the only annoying team that can break the spirit of Jezebel.
Now, I’m gonna show you a pattern here.
The Bible says this about John the Baptist that he was the voice that heaven raised up.
To create the entrance for god in flesh.
And when god in flesh showed up, they would just say we never seen it on this wise.
He doesn’t speak like regular people. He doesn’t do things like regular people.
John the Baptist, because he was a voice, and one of the words means to expose, what did he do?
He exposed an adulterous spirit that was with Jezebel.
Because even though the the actual Jezebel was dead in the old testament, that spirit transcended, and we see it alive and well in somebody named Herrodius.
And Herrodias has a spirit of Jezebel, and she hates the voice of god.
She hates the prophetic and it was her goal to silence.
John Devantis, And we know the story that John uncovers a sexual immorality One of the spirits that is very strongly associated with a jezebel spirit is sexual immorality.
It has always been that way. And this is the hour that we’re in.
There has never been a stronger Jezebel spirit in the earth than there is right now.
Never has there been greater sexual immorality in the earth than there is right now.
And so now, god loses an Elijah anointing.
Didn’t the Bible say that John the Baptist had he came in the spirit and the power of Elijah.
And in the book of Revelation, God is dealing with the Fire Tire Church.
And he said I have somewhat against you because you tolerate.
In other words, it means you left alone that spirit of Jezebel.
And what we’re dealing with right now is there is a jezebel spirit.
Did you know that when she got his John the Baptist head cut off, Even though she cut his head off, she did not stop his purpose.
He had already released the word of the lawn.
History says that when she had his head cut off and they brought it to her on a on a plate that she was so angry at John the van that she pulled his tongue out and drove a nail through it.
Well, I can tell you by the holy ghost.
Uh, that’s gonna happen this time because the Bible says, uh, never have there been a greater prophet than John DeVandas but you and I who are least in the kingdom of god.
What does that mean? Uh, when you get filled with a bad ism of the holy ghost.
So you are greater than John the Baptist. Why?
Because you are now the incarcerated spirit of Jesus inside of you.
Uh, and that whatever you say, hallelujah, you are the voice that is speaking on behalf of Jesus Christ.
And when you speak, you speak the words of Jesus.
The enemy hates the voice of righteousness.
Always come after the voice.
In fact, the very first time that the word voice is ever listed in the Bible, ever mentioned in the Bible.
It says this, the voice of the blood of Abel.
Cries or prophesize from the ground.
Whenever righteousness has a voice, hell comes to silence it.
And I unequivocally, I know this.
Right now, For me, for Josh, for you, for this church, the enemy is trying to silence our voice.
Can’t happen. Amen. Because god has raised us up.
And not just us, but bodies across the earth that have been empowered, have been endued by god to declare the word of the lord.
And so the voice of the lord that’s being released This time, our voice is shaking.
This is what, uh, in fact, I I I have memorized, but this is what the Bible says in greek, that the lord says, yet once more, I’m gonna shake not only the earth, but I’m gonna shake heavens the word shake means, to make men equate with fear and to make men tremble.
We’ve had too long when people have shook their fist at god, who said we don’t honor god.
We don’t believe in god. And god says, no. He said, there is a voice.
That I’ve empowered in this hour.
Hallelujah, when I I’ve been only been in twice to be able to pray for my son And every time I lay hands on him, and he’s he’s intubated, and he’s on a on a machine to help him breathe, and I just lay hands on him and I commend lights.
Hallelujah. I I I declare prophetically gone that he shall stand on the platform and declare communion that he will preach the word of the lord.
See, you know what? The Bible said that when Israel got ready to claimed their inheritance.
After four hundred and thirty years of being in bondage, they now have a Josh lujah, as a leader who has not disqualified himself, but for the last forty years, he has been declaring I’m going up to the land of canaan, when they got to the edge of the land of canaan.
The Bible says, it’s a law spoke to him, he said tell him to sanctify themselves, wash their clothes for on the third day they’re getting ready to go into the land of canaan.
Jesus Christ died around six o’clock on a Wednesday afternoon, and he rose from the dead around six o’clock on a Saturday evening.
My son had a brain aneurysm around five or six o’clock on a Wednesday afternoon, and now they tell me that I can come in between and six by myself tonight and spend an hour with him.
You know what? I’m believing. I’m believing hallelujah for resurrection power.
You Listen, you might as well put all your eggs in the basket.
All the chips are on the table because if we lose this battle, we are mortally louda.
We don’t lose hallelujah. There is no place for death.
We are dogs men and women who stand on the foundation of the word of the lord by the power of god.
This is what Joshua said in the Old Testament, He looked at god’s people when they got ready to walk over into the land of canaan.
And also, When god parted the Jordan River, the Bible said it was at flood stage.
When it had its most volume of water.
Joshua walks up, and he touches the waters at flood stage.
The Bible said they parted, but he said this, we have never been this way.
Before. Where we are going as a church in the earth, those that you’re listening to me online, where we are now going, we’ve never been there before.
I don’t care what you’ve seen in the past.
This is the ladder and the former rain. Poured out together.
I would rather die in faith than live in unbelief.
And God wants to do extraordinary things.
Yesterday as I was I was praying. I was just,
you know, when I was and I’ve done this before, but when I was speaking prophetically at the renewal, I guess, what it was last a week ago, this today.
And I remember the Lord saying, that he was gonna lose healing in the earth and that he was gonna empty out hospitals.
But whenever god breaks open that dimension, somebody’s the key.
There has to be a place that you point to and said, that was the moment that it broke.
That was the moment that it happened. Yes.
In this hour that we’re in in the earth, God is giving us our voice back.
Yeah, man.
Hallelujah. He’s giving us our shout.
When the lord, after he brought them into the land of Cain and, you know, they weren’t trained warriors.
They didn’t have a lot of of weapons. And the Lord speaks to Joshua.
He said, you tell those people to go take Jericho.
Well, Jerico was the strongest city in the entire country of Canadian.
There was no bigger city, no more fortified city than Jericho co.
And lord tells this little motley crew of men and women, he said, that’s the city that I want you to take.
And he said, just tell him to walk around the walls every day, one time and not say anything.
And then on the seventh day, do it seven times, and on the seventh time shout, because I’m gonna give you the city.
As they encompass that city, I know that, I think for a long time, we’ve been circling jericho.
Yeah. But I can tell you, I believe we’re on our last lap.
And I believe that god did that so he could build a shout in him.
And, you know, not after after seven days have not been able to say anything.
When Joshua looked at me, said, shout for the lord is giving you the city, I think there was an eruption.
Yes. Hallelujah. What was it?
It was a voice that shook the walls, and the walls came down flat.
And god gave them the strongest city without them ever having to use a weapon because he wanted to to them that the strongest that the enemy has is no match for the shouts that’s in my people.
And what god is trying to do to you and I is get us to release a shout in our spirits that in the spirit realm, we are ripping off the mass.
Did you know that the first thing that Jesus did when he was resurrected was he took the napkin off of his mouth and he laid the grid clothes in a place by themselves, but he took the napkin and he set it off by itself.
Whenever the etony or they say that in Jewish tradition that when a guest after he had eaten a meal, if they intended to come back.
They would take their napkin and they would fold it by itself.
And Jesus folded that napkin in that tomb because he was declaring that when they walked in and saw that napkin.
This says he’s coming back again. Hallelujah. Can I tell you about the spirit of the lord?
Now that there is a spiritual napkin that has been folded by the power of god.
Now, and god has saved this hour, you will not silence my church.
But in the last days, hallelujah, just as it was on the day of pentecost with a rushing mighty wind.
Uh, so is there in this hour a release of of the shout of of the lord?
Uh, we send an earth Wait, hallelujah, the Holy Ghost to skyline Hospital. We send it to your home.
We send it to your children. We send it to the White House.
So we send it to the Supreme Court.
Now, because greater he, yeah, that is enough, that he, that is in the world. Hold your ground.
Uh, hold your ground. Now, you don’t back up. You don’t get in.
Now, you don’t speak what the enemy puts in your mouth. But out of your mouth. Come life.
Come declaration up. Come just shaking up by the spirit of god.
Verse twenty seven says, and so this word, that god is using to shake the earth, and the heavens.
He said, this word, yet what once more signifyeth or it’s a sign of the removing of those things that are shaken.
As of things that are made or man made, that those sayings, which cannot be shaken may remain.
There is a house cleaning beginning to take place in the spirit.
There’s a house cleaning that’s gonna come to the Supreme Court.
There’s a house cleaning that’s gonna come to our government or Congress.
There’s a house cleaning. The Bible says judgment begins at the house of the lord.
So a whole lot of wolves and sheep’s clothing, they’re going to be exposed and shaken by the power of god.
And so the Lord says this, he said, what you’re gonna see this year is a removal of those things.
Which were men made. And then verse twenty eight says, wherefore, you and I are receiving a kingdom.
Which cannot be moved.
Upon this rock, will I build my church?
And the gates of hell shall not prevail against him.
Nevertheless, the foundation of god remained assured for the lord knoweth them better his, let everyone who names the name of the lord depart from iniquity.
For the lord is a church and a tried stone. He is the rock of ages.
He is the foundation of the house of god.
When you and I are built on Jesus, we cannot be moved. In fact, we cannot be shaken.
We’re gonna make the devil wish that he never messed with us. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Listen.
Either it’s real or it’s not real. There ain’t no such thing as half dead. Praise God.
Either the church is powerful or she’s not powerful.
Either she’s a man made entity that just gets people to come in and feel good until tragedy hits.
And then there’s no solution. But we have a more sure word of prophecy that my word says the lord will not return it to me void.
And so all across the earth, hallelujah, I just begin to speak.
The voice of god begin to be loosed by the power of the lord.
Years ago, and I and and I believe that we’re beginning to see it, but when I had that vision thirty five years ago, before I ever knew what prophecy was.
And I saw all of god’s people in such disarray and weeping And I didn’t know until recently god began to quicken my spirit.
But when I saw all of the people of the lord, and, just in despair, they were hopeless.
Tears just running and sobbing down their face.
And and I saw demon spirits intermingled among them, and I’ve watched those demon spirits that stick them.
And I really think what I saw was vaccine. Was being forced.
We were being stuck and not having any recourse.
Now, hear me by the spirit, having the vaccine or not having the vaccine is not a spiritual thing.
That’s something you just do out of your own choice. Alright?
But what I’m saying is it’s it’s deeper than that.
There is a demonic attack against god’s people to manipulate and control.
And in that setting, I saw An old man that I knew had an Elijah anointed begin to say the line of judah shall roar again today And when I saw that immediately, in a in just a few seconds, I saw the spirit of intimidation on god’s people and the spirit of intimidation that these the the demonic beings had go straight up in the air, and they switched, and they came back down, and the spirit of power came on god’s people.
And I watched demons begin to run for their lives with the people of god chasing them.
God is in the middle of changing things.
Now, the reason stuff that I’m saying to you sound so preposterous is because we’ve not seen it.
We’ve not heard this kind of stuff. We’ve not seen miracles that we’re preaching about.
Most of us have never seen a dead person raise.
Most of us have never seen an eyeball come and be created or a lake that’s not there, grow out to her.
Most of it never seen a with Parkinson’s healed and run across the platform.
But just because we’ve not seen it doesn’t mean it’s not gonna happen.
What god is trying to do is he’s trying to stretch ups.
That’s right.
Hallelujah, you’re gonna have to open yourself up to the spirit of the lord.
And every time the enemy comes against you with a spirit of thou, you have to say liar, hallelujah, liar, won’t receive it.
Won’t receive it. Won’t receive it.
Listen, every time the devil, when he came against Jesus in the wilderness, and he would say something.
Jesus would counteract it with the word of the lord. It is written. It is written. It is written.
And some of you need to use your voice and begin to speak over your situation whether you’re in Europe or you’re in India or you’re South America.
It doesn’t matter. You need to declare it is written where the spirit of the lord is.
So there is liberty. Yeah.
That means in Australia, in France, in Germany, in Belize, Belgium, in Canada, in India, hallelujah.
It doesn’t matter where the spirit of the lord is. The earth is the lord, and the fullness thereof.
God is greater than demons. Uh, he’s greater than coronavirus. Uh, he’s greater than the armor calling him.
He’s greater than cancer. He’s greater than to devour you’ve got it caught up.
That’s waiting for you to rise up and loose the spirit of the lord.
That out of your belly shopping in the floor. It declared the word of God.
It said devil, I have authority over you.
I buy you up in the name of Jesus, uh, that every knee shall bow. Uh, every tongue shall confess.
That Jesus is the lord of glory.
I can tell you this, we’re at the Apex.
We don’t have another year. We’re there.
Either we win or else we allow the enemy to take control.
Well, we’re the church. Hallelujah, we’re the people of god. We are blood bought.
And so we have authority, amen, by the spirit over everything in our lives.
Don’t let the devil silence you.
Say, well, what is silence? It’s going to prayer and say,
oh, lord. I just don’t know what to do. Jesus, can you just help me?
That’s unbelievable. I shared last night.
I said, the Lord spoke to me and said, I don’t need weepers right now. I need warriors. Yeah.
Hallelujah. You know why? Because god has fully given us the provision. Yes.
And he’s saying use it by the spirit of the lord.
And so as we end, we end, um, today, I want my wife to come.
And, uh, I know our service is a little bit unusual, but, you know, we had good church for that worst didn’t we?
Amen. Amen. Such a such a wonderful turnout today. Thank you so much.
For coming out to the house of the lord and and being with us.
And, We just, uh, we want you to stand today.
In fact, you know, I I don’t think I can dismiss you.
I think we just need to fill this altar up. How do we come on?
We we have one of our own that we are warring over.
And so as we stand here today, I want you just to begin to command life to Josh.
Hallelujah, and don’t do it with a heavy spirit. You release the holy ghost that’s in you.
Palagulli. God, we lose our voice in the atmosphere.
God, we lose our voice. In the name of Jesus, hallelujah.
Hallelujah, that’s it. We’re losing the voice of life. God, we’re losing the voice of life.
God, we praise you in advance for the victory. God, we praise you hallelujah.
That lord, what the man says is impossible. Uh, it’s possible with god. Uh, lord, we worship you today.
Now, lord, we’re prophesying a quick work. Lord that even this evening.
Now, God, we lose resurrection in that hospital. Uh, hallelujah.
God walked working out whole, walking out healed, walking out delivered by the power of god.
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah.
And all our Jesus, two or three agree together on any one thing.
Uh, I will do it to hallelujah Lord. Hallelujah hallelujah. God we praise you now.
Oh, lord, take pleasure in the praise of your saints.
Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah Lord. Hallelujah.
God strengthened Carrie today. Oh, god put a fire in her belly.
God, god, strengthen this church, strengthen regeneration, not field.
God that we will walk out this saying in victory, hallelujah, lord that we will not allow our voice to be silent, sir, but god, loose the voice, loose the voice, praise, uh, loose the voice of declaring in Jesus’ name.
Thank you, Lauren. I apologize. You got anything you wanna say.
I I just wanna thank everyone who has, um, pray for our family who’s come around our family.
We’ve received texts and calls. And emails and hugs, and and your love is just overwhelming, and I just wanna thank you for that.
I do ask you that you would pray for our daughter-in-law during this time. She’s a rock. Yep.
She’s a rock. And when they brought in the news to us at the man, she just started speaking faith and declaring the word of the lord, but she’s a woman and she’s a mother and she’s a wife.
And so she needs our prayers uh, people are asking how they can help her, and we are setting up a bank account for her that she doesn’t have to worry about money.
And so we’re gonna start, uh, putting money in that in that account for her and our grandsons.
They were with their dad when this happened.
And so we want them to have some fun times under their belts, some good things happening in their life.
Uh, yesterday morning, I just wanna add this yesterday morning. I woke up in hard grief, just grieving, grieving.
It was a devil.
It was
an enemy. Yes. And and because the lord had spoken to me that the kingdom of god suffers violence, but the violent take it by force.
And so the enemy just tried to put this deep sorrow on me. What if? What if?
And, you know, second Corinthians check ten verse, uh, five says this.
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds.
And and pulling down every thought and bringing it into captivity.
So I woke my husband up, and I said the enemy is is trying to put grief and sorrow on me.
And I said, I need to be violent and the holy ghost, and I can’t be violent.
I can’t be violent if I’m sad. So I need you to pray for me.
And I’m gonna tell you what, the Holy Spirit has undergirded us both.
We are violent in the Holy Ghost God has given us some violent prayer warriors and take that word as I as I mean it.
Just uh contending in the faith. We know the battle was two thousand years ago at Calvary.
So we are we are warring with a finished work. We know that it’s done. It’s already done.
So, uh, I just love you guys, and I just wanna thank you.
And I encourage you to pray for our family, our daughter, not our grandsons, especially and we just want you to know how much we love you.
And then we’re gonna celebrate our way.
Marvelous, y’all our marvelous church,
I love you. It’s an honor to be able to pastor you.
And so, get your sleds out because we’re supposed
to have seven inches of snow. And, um, Fred, David.
Are we saying our god is an
Yeah. Well, I can’t lead it.
Our god. Is it awesome?
Love our god is an awesome god.
Our god. Is an awesome guy he raised from heaven and love our god.
Is it awesome god? One more time.
Body, rain, from heaven above with with, dumb power and love, god.
Is it awesome
Thanks for tuning in. For more information about KCM International regeneration Nashville, go to kit Christmas dot org, or regeneration Nashville dot org, and the latest updates or videos, follow us on Facebook and subscribe to us on YouTube.
God bless you.
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