Out of this Wreck, I Rise – Radio Classic – Dr. Charles Stanley
Out of this Wreck, I Rise
When life gets challenging, do you find yourself asking, “What am I going to do?” Even though we may face difficult times, that doesn’t mean we have to give up or surrender to our circumstances. We don’t have to live a “settled-for” life.
Regardless of your circumstances, you still have the privilege and the power to become the person your heavenly Father wants you to be. It’s a matter of seeing things from God’s perspective rather than the world’s—focusing not on the circumstances, but the Person who lives within you.
In this message, Dr. Stanley explains how Christians can see themselves as “more than conquerors.” Also, he teaches that, because of our relationship with Christ, we will never be alone. Christ defeated our adversaries through His death on the cross, and He is always with us. Nothing can overwhelm us without our permission.
So, when difficulties arise, you shouldn’t ask “What am I going to do?” but should instead say, “God, what are You going to do? Holy Spirit, what are You going to do?” and “Jesus, what are You going to do?” We can persevere when we’re ready to watch the Lord work in our lives.
With a message from god’s word, here’s Charles Stanley.
If you’ll turn to Romans chapter 8, And beginning in verse 31 and verse 39 are probably some of the most comforting and reassuring verses to be found in the Bible anywhere.
And Paul deals with a problem here that all of us face, and that is how we’re to respond to circumstances and difficulties in our own life, And when a person understands what that means, sometimes they come out of it shouting out of this wreck Our rise as conqueror not as victim.
And so he says in verse 31, what then shall we say to these things?
If god is for us, who is against us.
He who did not spare his own son but delivered him up for us all, how will he not also with him freely give us all things.
Who will bring a charge against god’s elect?
God is the one who justifies Who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is the one who died.
Yes, rather, who was raised, who is at the right hand, of god who also intercedes for us.
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
Shall tribulation, or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword, just as it is written, for thy sake, we are being put to death all day long.
We were considered as sheep to be slaughtered.
But in all these things, we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us.
Brian convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of god, which is in Christ Jesus, our lord.
God did not make us to be immune from trouble, but rather He promised to be with us through the trouble.
He didn’t promise to always remove the trouble, but he promised to be with us through it.
He knows that real character is formed best but not evading problems and heartaches and burdens, but by learning to endure them until god has finished what he set out to do in our life.
God knows that spiritual maturity is not the overflow, all the fruits of a life of ease comfort and pleasure, but what?
Tribulation, trial, temptation, and testing.
And if that’d be true, the goal of a believer should never be to avoid all problems, all heartaches, all difficulty, oldest pastor, all calamity, but rather to learn how to respond when these things come into our life.
Now when your best plans get halted and you get derailed and set on the highway side over here, When your dreams get shattered and your plans come to a screeching halt, what is your reaction?
Is it to blame god?
Is it looked for someone else to blame, or do you respond the way a believer should respond according to the scriptures?
Well, the man who wrote this, the apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, was certainly not a novice to hard times and difficulties and heartaches.
For what he’s written in this 8th chapter here, he knew by experience was the truth.
It had been tested and tried. He knew it to be the eternal truth.
And so when he wrote in this 37th verse, but in all these things, we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us Here is a man who is speaking out of the testimony and the witness of his own life.
He knows what he’s saying to be true.
Now When you and I think about the things that we go through, the difficulties and the hardships that you faced in life, things that people face every day.
What is our response to be? Is it to be defeat?
Or is it to be won a victory?
Listen to a man who knew exactly what it was like.
Look in 2nd Corinthians, if you will, for a moment, and, uh, verse, uh, chapter 4.
And here is just a little 2 verse biographical sketch of a man who knew all about heartache, difficulty tribulations, trials, testings, and he said beginning in verse 8, of 2nd Corinthians chapter 4, speaking of himself and those who traveled with him, he says we are afflicted in every way but not crushed, perplexed, but not despairing, persecuted, but not forsaken, struck down, but not destroyed.
And what Paul is simply saying in this passage is this.
Even though you and I strike out, that doesn’t mean we’re down. We don’t have to give up.
We don’t have to throw in the towel We don’t have to surrender to our circumstances.
We don’t have to settle for a settle for life.
Regardless of where you are today, In your circumstances, you still have the privilege and the power to become the person that god almighty wants you to be.
But it’s a matter of seeing things from god’s perspective and not as the world’s perspective, seeing not the circumstances, but the person who lives within you.
And so I want us to look at this passage in the light of all of this and where you may be.
And the first thing I want you to notice in this passage here is that Paul does not see his circumstances as problems and insurmountable impossible situations, but rather as a challenge.
That is look at your challenging position. Listen to what he says.
He catalogs 7 major trials, heartaches, testings that have always affected the body of Christ, individual, and as a corporate body.
And he says of them in verse 35, Tribulation, that means great pressure, distresses, that means being crowded into a narrow place.
Persecution from others, famine, nakedness, peril, or danger, or sword, or death, that he’s that is what he’s saying is as we face each of these things, what is our response to be?
Is it to see them as impossible situations and blame someone else, or is it to see your situation as a challenge to your growth and your spiritual maturity.
Now let’s take these words. What kind of circumstances and situations and heartaches and burdens are people living in today, divorce, separation divided from their children, financial disaster calamity, loss of job, frustration anxiety about the vocation because there’s an eminence of the possibility of the loss of their vocation, suffering, a lifetime handicapped illness, disease under the point of death, broken relationships, full of fears and anxieties and frustrations and worries that you can’t quite put your finger on.
Root causes of bitterness down in your life that you can’t seem to trace, And so you find life oftentimes just crowding in.
As he says, a place of distress, he says it’s like being crowded in and the situation’s getting narrow and narrower.
Tribulation, the Greek word means increasing pressure more and more pressure.
And so all of us find ourselves in situations like this at times. And what is the response to be?
Well, I believe in this passage, he tells us what that response is to be because you see When these things begin to come upon us, they are trying and they are testing.
We feel hopeless sometimes and and helpless and harassed by circumstances and situations that we would like to push out of our life.
But sometimes, because someone else executes them, it isn’t something you and I can always push away.
Sometimes it’s because god has allowed us to be in a situation where we find ourselves in a straight.
And we’d like to break out And we’d like to push it away, but somehow god won’t let us push it away.
What is our response? Are we to give up, blame god, blame someone else?
Are we to mature in that situation or to fight back at our circumstances?
Are we to try to remove the circumstances or to ask god, lord, what are you saying to me in these circumstances?
Listen. This is always the proper question.
Whatever your circumstance and whatever your situation, the proper question is, god, what are you saying to me?
Because I wanna tell you, my friend, he never loses an opportunity to teach us something, to stretch us a little bit further.
To grow us up a little bit more, tumor Turos.
He never overlooks a single situation of testing and trial tribulation and temptation to teach us something that he knows we need to know which will shape us and conform us into his likeness.
So what is your response when you get to those situations? Do you blame god?
Do you blame the devil? Do you blame others, or do you blame yourself?
And sometimes we’re in one of those situations as a result of one of those 4 reasons.
It may be that god has placed us there.
It may be something that we have done to ourselves.
It may be something that we can look and say that person is responsible.
But regardless of why it’s there, why you’re where you are.
The question is, lord, what are you attempting to teach me?
And if I’m able to ask that question, I will not see my present circumstances as difficult as they are.
I will not look upon the circumstances, but I’ll be focused upon god.
I will not see it as an impossible situation, but an opportunity for god to work out and to work in something in my life that he feels is necessary in order to accomplish his perfect will.
So when you look at the catalog of things here, that he says in verse 35, you translate them into your own lifestyle, what is it that you brought with you today?
And you’ve already identified, as you read these things or heard them, tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, neck, and this perilous sword, you’ve already translated those into your own situation.
Divorced, families left, all alone, finances coming to an end, hard to make an ends meet, separated from the people you love the most, all kinds of difficulties and fears.
You’ve already translated all of that, and so you’re feeling the pressure. And you’re feeling the crowding of your circumstances.
And so the question is, what am I to do and how am I to respond?
And I believe in this passage of scripture, especially in one verse because it all sort of revolves around this one verse.
I believe here is god’s answer for god’s people to be victorious over and in and through any circumstance he allows them to be placed in.
Look, if you will, in verse 37.
But in all these things, we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us.
Or the king James says, But in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him that love does.
Now I want us to look for just a moment at that word here, conquer.
Because he’s talking about here, having looked at the circumstance, here is a tremendous comforting promise from god.
Listen to what he says. In all these things, We are overwhelming conquerous through these things.
Look at the word concavair. It is the word in the Greek Nicao, which means to conquer or to be victorious.
But this Greek word here is Huper Nicao, which means to over conquer.
That word, in essence, means a super conqueror. And here’s what Paul is saying.
In all of these things, what things, all of our circumstances, tribulations, distresses, persecutions, famine, nakedness, perilous sword.
He said in all of these things, we overwhelmingly That is we are super conquerors. We do overcome.
We are overcomers of all of these things through him that is through the lord Jesus Christ who love does.
Now here’s what I want you to see. That verse can be read backwards or forwards. Watch this.
Through him that loved us, we overwhelmingly conquer in all these things.
You can read that verse any way you wanna read it, and it all comes out the same way that from god’s viewpoint now watch this, from god’s viewpoint, every single one of his children from his viewpoint is already a conqueror.
He said not only a conqueror, but a Huper Nakau, a super conqueror. What does he mean by that?
He simply means that not only do we overcome the situation, not only are we able to survive, it isn’t just a matter of merely survival, it is overcoming.
Huber Nakao means, super conquer means, not only do we overcome the situation, But but we learned that it was an exciting circumstance in which we found ourselves.
We learned something about god. We learned something about ourselves. We learned something about others.
Our own spiritual life was deepened. We grew in the experience.
God told us something we couldn’t have learned any other way We’ve come out victorious and excited and challenged and more committed.
That is a super conqueror. Not one who comes by the skin of his teeth just makes it through the circumstance, just comes out, finally made it, just just quite made it through the difficulty.
He says, that’s not our attitude.
Our attitude should be that we are a super conqueror that is we glean and squeeze out of that stance in that situation as painful and as difficult as it may be.
We squeeze every ounce of spiritual growth and maturity and knowledge and understanding and spiritual depth that was possible for us to squeeze out of one trying experience.
We are, he said, super conquerors. Now my friend will look at ourselves in 1 of 2 ways.
We’ll either see ourselves the way Satan would try to convince us All we see ourselves the way god sees us.
Notice what he says. But in all these things, we overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us.
Now what is Paul saying? He’s saying, we are conquerous, but our attitude must be right.
What is our attitude? Think about the apostle Paul.
How many times he went through difficult, in heartache, stoned beaten in the stocks there in, uh, Philipi.
And what was he doing? Paul and silas and the Philippine jail weren’t wiping each other’s tears, their hands and feet were in the stock.
The Bible says they began to sing. What were they singing about?
They were singing about the fact that the god who is in them would conquer their circumstances.
They didn’t see themselves, the victims, They didn’t see themselves as prisoners. Listen.
Those two men locked in the stocks of a Philippian jail were far more free than the jailer himself who had the keys in his hand.
And there are people today who are physically imprisoned, who are far more free than those people who are walking the streets because they know who they are from god’s point of view.
Listen to Paul, does this sound like a man who’s struggling and fretting and just gonna make it through life?
He says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me He says, I thank god.
I thank god that in Christ Jesus, who always causes us to triumph.
That is always causes us to be not a victim, but a victor over our circumstances.
Now why is it that Paul could say that?
That in all these things, we overwhelmingly conquer through the lord Jesus Christ because he knew who he was.
Now listen, when circumstances begin to buffet you and you you begin to be pushed and the winds of life begin to blow against you and the hail begins to beat against you, and you feel yourself being crowded into an impossible situation.
And you don’t know what’s gonna happen next.
And if you’re gonna fall off the cliff and you’re not quite sure what’s gonna happen to your life.
What is your response? Is your response to believe what Satan says? What does Satan say?
He says? See there? You will never make it. You’ll never make it. You don’t deserve to make it.
Look at your life. You’re weak. You call yourself a Christian. You think you’re somebody. You’re a nobody.
And we have to decide right then and there what we’re going to do.
Am I going to believe what almighty god said about me? Am I gonna believe what the devil said?
The devil says you are defeated. You are wiped out. You have finished. This is it.
You might as well give up. That’s what Satan says. But what does Jesus say?
He says you are a super conqueror in all these things. Listen.
The extent to which you and I, he says, our congress, he says, there are no boundaries. Listen.
Persecution, distress, nequidness, peril, sword, all of these things.
He says, in all of these things, the reason Paul mentioned all of those is because they cover every realm of life.
He says in every single circumstance, whatever your situation is, he says you are to see yourself from god’s point of view And that is that god has made you a conqueror.
Now how is it that he’s made you a conqueror?
Because when you trusted the lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior, what happened?
The Bible says the Holy Spirit came into your life, sealed you as a child of god, and you became one of god’s children.
And as the child of god, he says, Jesus Christ is living his life in and through you so that whatever circumstance you move into, whatever valley god leads you through, whatever circumstance you get yourself in, you are never there alone.
You can’t be there alone. What does he say? He says, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
And we read this when I third Psalm, yay, though I walk through the valley of circumstances, the valley of death, the valley of trials, heartaches, burdens, and death.
He says thou art with me. He didn’t say he would remove the valleys.
He didn’t say he’d level out the valleys and planes.
He said, thou art with me, that we have the privilege of knowing that god is with us every single step of the way.
So that when he says, in all these things, we overwhelmingly conquer what is he talking about?
He’s talking about that because of our relationship to him, we do not have to believe Satan’s lie.
We can believe god’s truth. And god says, listen.
Doesn’t make them so that you feel like it God says, we are conquerors over every sort and every type of experience that brings circumstances that put us in a stressful situation.
But notice how he says it also.
Not only does he say we overwhelmingly conquer, And that is because of our relationship to him there.
But, secondly, he noticed what he says here, he says in verse 35, who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
Verse 39? He says, what’s able to separate us from the love of god which is in Christ Jesus?
Now listen. He gives 2 lists here and referring to both lists, here’s what he says.
He says, these things can’t separation from the love of god. He says, tribulation, distress, apparel, nakedness, sword, hunger.
None of these things can separate you from the love of god.
He says, not only that, but he says, he comes to use a a group of extremes. Listen.
He says I’m convinced that neither death nor life to extremes, angels nor principalities, things present or things to come, height, depth, any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of god, which is in Christ Jesus, our lord.
Now, listen, He says, because we are who we are, that nothing in existence can ever separates you from the love of god, which is in Christ Jesus.
Now he says here in looking at these two lists, there is an unfailing love, an unalterable, unchanging love of god that is always present with us whenever we are facing anything.
And you see, whatever the circumstance may be that you happen to be in today, Whatever it might be as we listed just a few and their multitudes and multitudes and multitudes of seemingly impossible situations.
The question is, what does god say?
God says that in all these circumstances and all of these things, he says nothing can separate you from god.
He says, not only that. He says you are more than a conqueror. He says you are a super conqueror.
That is you have the privilege of learning and becoming and developing your character has the privilege of being shaped and formed in these difficulties and trials in the furnace of trial and stress you have the privilege of becoming what you probably would not become were it not for.
The difficulties in the heartaches. What did Paul say?
He said he used to try and pray and ask god to remove the thorn of the flesh, but then he learned the most beautiful lesson.
That when he was at his most weakest moment, he came forth as conqueror.
So therefore, he began to thank god for the difficulty. He began to thank god for his trials.
He began to praise god that he loved him enough to want to develop him and strengthen him and build him and formed Carrot in his life, he began to thank god for his trials and his heartaches.
How do you respond?
When these things come into your life, do you see yourself as a conqueror, or do you see yourself as a defeated foe?
Do you believe what Satan says about you You can’t make it. You’re too weak.
This is just the way you’re gonna have to live. This is just the way you’re gonna have to be.
This is just the way you were born. These are your circumstances. You can’t ever get out.
Things will never change. It’s gonna get worse and worse and worse, and that’s just the way it is.
You might as well give up and settle down for a settle for life.
That is you can just count yourself as defeated because life has dealt you a death blow.
And I wanna tell you my friend, you don’t have to live in defeat.
You don’t have to surrender to your circumstances.
This doesn’t make any difference what they You said, but you don’t know how awful my circumstances are.
Let me ask you this. Are there any worse than this?
Tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, mechanist, danger or death, the sword. Your circumstances any worse than that?
Listen to what Paul said. He said in all these things, we overwhelmingly conquer through Christ who loved us.
That is, listen, having looked at the whole gamut, and in those seven words, you can put all the difficulties and hardship that people ever face, you can find a place to slot them in 1 of those 7.
He says in all these things, almighty god, when he came into your life through Christ, He made you then and there a super conqueror over all these things.
And the question I’m asking you is this, are you willing to appropriate for yourself?
Are you willing to believe what god says about your circumstances and you in your circumstances, are you going to continue to believe what Satan says?
What does Satan say? You’re weak, you’re frail, you’ve blunted before, you’ll never get the breaks in life.
Other people will. You want But you see if you keep believing Satan’s lie and you see yourself as a defeated foe, here’s what you do.
Satan begins to put the pressure on you.
And the more pressure he puts on you, and you say, well, that’s right.
I guess I never will make it in life.
And I suppose after all, things never have been too good for me.
And I I guess this is just the way I have to live in before long, my friend, you’ll be where almighty god never intended you to be.
Listen, there’s a lot of difference in that list. Jesus says you are a super conqueror.
You’re not a defeated foe. Listen. Watch this.
You may suffer periods and experiences of defeat, but that doesn’t make you defeated.
Listen, you say, but I’ve had a whole string of defeats. So what?
You are still a conquer listen. You know what we do?
We mix and confuse experiences with who we are.
I may suffer defeat here and here and here, here, here, that is to make me defeated.
I may get conquered here, and here, and here, and here, doesn’t make me cease to be a conqueror.
There may be experiences of defeat. There may be times of distress.
There may be times of discouragement that that doesn’t make us a defeated foe.
He says we are super conquerors through him that love does. Now watch this next phrase because here’s the key.
He says in all these things, whatever your circumstance may be, he says, we overwhelming, and we don’t get by the skin of our teeth.
He says we overwhelmingly conquer. He says we are super conquerors. We overwhelmingly conquer through him who loved us.
Now what in the world is he referring to here? Now watch this.
What is the basis of our saying that even the midst of these difficulties and heartaches that we’re super congress, what what is that based on?
How can we honestly say that?
And especially if you happen to be one of those persons who’s really going through difficulty in heartache.
And I mean, the bottoms dropped out. The tops caved in. And every piece of your life is unraveling.
And you’re just sort of wobbling through life and don’t have any earthly idea how you’re going to get out.
And my friend, I know that some of you are suffering and you’re suffering deep down inside, and the pain is becoming more and more intense and the fears are increasing and the frustration is increasing and the anxieties are on the increase And you’re thinking my god, my god, what in this world am I going to do?
And I wanna tell you, listen to me.
Listen to the bases upon which god has said, you, my friend, are an overwhelming conqueror.
What is the basis? The basis first is found right here in this 37 verse.
But in all these things, we overwhelmingly conquer through him, Christ, who loved us. Now watch this.
When you were saved, the Bible says the Holy Spirit came to your life and sealed you as a child of god.
And Jesus said, abide in me and I and you. Who is living within you today? Who?
Jesus Christ. Let me ask you a question.
What was the most crucial test in the life of Jesus as to whether he was really who he said he was or not.
What was it? The resurrection of Jesus Christ validated everything he said.
It was the most crucial test if he were truly the person he said he was. Now listen.
This resurrected Christ has determined to live his life in and through me and through you.
The Bible says, Christ is our life. Let me ask you a question.
If Christ is in you, what conquered Jesus? Nothing.
When he came out of the grave, he conquered the grave that he he conquered death sitting in the devil.
All three of them, he conquered. That living triumphant victorious Christ is alive with an every single child of god.
Let me ask you a question.
If Jesus Christ, the triumphant one is living within you today, what can conquer you without your consent.
Nothing. If it can’t conquer him who lives within you, it can’t conquer you.
Listen, we cannot be conquered because he says Christ has become our life. We are conquerors.
I can only be conquered when I choose to believe what Satan says about me, then I’m going down in defeat.
But as long as I’m willing to believe what almighty god said about me, there is absolutely no ultimate defeat.
And it’s based on our relationship to Christ.
He said, well, you don’t know my circumstances God knows them, and he’s the one who wrote this.
And he said, in all these things, you’re more than conscious, read that verse either way you want to.
In the lord Jesus Christ through him. We owe super congress in all these things that test and trials.
So first of all, The confidence that we have that we could come through these circumstances victorious when triumphant is the fact it is based on a genuine personal eternal, unchanging, unalterable relationship that you and I have with Jesus Christ who lives with others.
I can tell you something as exciting as that. Look at this next part.
If you’ll notice here in, um, beginning in verse 31, the questions that Paul asked here, and he asked questions and the answer to all of them is the same.
Look in verse 31. What should we say to these things? If god is for us, who is against us?
That means who can be against us successfully. And the answer is no one. Verse 33.
Who will bring a charge against god’s elect? God is the one who justifies.
No one can rightly bring a charge of condemnation against the one who has been declared righteous and clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, which every believer has.
Verse 35, who shows separators in the love of Christ? No one.
No thing, and that’s what he spends the rest of that, uh, chapter talking about. So he asked these questions.
Now here’s what I want you to see, and this is so exciting. Watch this.
Here you are in the midst of one of these pressurized situations.
Whatever it may be, I mean, you’re really feeling the pressure.
And you’re getting it from all sides and you don’t have any idea in the world what to do.
Do you think what am I? Listen, what am I going to do? That is never the question.
Listen. Now if you lost my friend and you’re not saved, you never trusted Jesus as you’re saying.
That’s the only thing you can ask. Oh, what am I going to do? Because friend, you’re all alone.
If you’ve never trusted Jesus, as you’re said, you can’t call on him.
Unless you wanna call on him on in confession and repentance of your sins and trusting Jesus Christ as your savior, then you may call him for some other things.
But until then, you can’t call on him for anything. So what is your question?
Oh, what am I going to do? Listen.
God’s people should never ask what am I going to do because you’ve already turned your life over to Jesus Christ isn’t what you’re gonna do, but what somebody else is gonna do now.
Watch this. This is exciting. Listen.
Every time you get in trouble, the bottom drops out and all the sides start caving in on you, Here’s what you must remember.
Listen to what he says. Let’s start with the first one. Back in verse 26, their same chapter.
And in the same way, the Holy Spirit helps our weaknesses for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the spirit himself and the seeds for us with groanings too deep for words.
Down to, uh, verse 31. What then shall we say to these things?
If god as far as who’s against us, he who did not spare his own son would deliver him up for us all, How will he not also with him freely give us all things?
And then in verse 34, who is the one who condemns?
Christ Jesus is the one who died, Yes, rather, who was raised, who is at the right hand of god who also intercede for us.
Now watch this, sides are caving in, tops falling in. Bottoms dropping out. Life’s coming to a big halt.
You don’t know what in the world you’re gonna do next. The pressure is there.
The question is not What am I going to do?
The question is, Holy Spirit, my helper, what are you going to do?
God the father who said that nobody can be against me successfully, but you have freely given me all things by giving me Jesus Christ.
What are you going to do? Lord Jesus, You said you were seated at the father’s right hand.
What are you going to do? Listen. Friend, if those 3 came hand on your problem, you’re sunk.
And the Bible says that’s what you and I have.
We have god, the father, god, the son, god, the holy spirit, the trend, they’re on our team.
They’re on our side. So when god allows us to be put into some circumstance, so we get ourselves in a mess and with god’s children, we have the privilege of calling upon god the father, the god the son, god the spirit, who are on our team.
The holy spirit, the parakletos, the one who walks beside god’s helper, he sent to help us.
The lord Jesus Christ, see the father’s right hand to make into session for us.
God, the father who says he’s listen. Listen freely. Freely, he says he’s given us what? All things.
The question isn’t, oh, god, what am I going to do?
But, oh, god, how exciting, what are you three to do about my circumstance.
As a lot of difference in thinking about what I’m gonna do about them, If you’ll encourage, you ask them what they’re going to do.
Not him what he’s going to do. God the father, god the son.
God said, what are you all gonna do about my mess? And what does he say?
He says we are super conquerors. He says we overwhelmingly conquer why.
We overwhelmingly conquer, and listen, not mind over matter.
Not just psyching myself up to do better, but listen, because there are some situations framed when you get pinned to the wall, you can cite yourself all you choose, and nothing’s going to happen.
It is when god, the father, god, the son, god, the spirit releases, their supernatural power in your circumstances, then you have within you the supernatural conquering power to make you become the person god wants you to be right in the middle of the most painful circumstance of life.
And friend, if you’re a believer, you cannot give me one single solitary reason for giving up.
State upon jehovah hearts are fully blessed. That’s just resting in him.
Trusting in him. Standing upon the rock that’s unchanging and unalterable, covered with the grace of almighty god that never ceases to be at its maximum.
Surrounded by his loving protection that’s never altered.
How in the world can you and I go down in defeat?
And give up when we have god, the father, god, the son, god, the holy spirit, working in, and through our lives.
And let me ask you something. Can you name anything? That’s what Paul says. Can you name listen.
Can you name anything? I mean, anything anywhere, anytime, in any circumstance that can defeat god, the father god, the son, god the spirit who’s living within you.
What that means is this.
Whatever is coming towards you, it’ll it’ll never get to you till, first of all, it hits god, the father, god, the son, god, the spirit.
Now if god chooses to let something get to you, what does that mean?
It means that he’s just getting rid of bless you.
It may be one of those painful blessings, hard blessings, difficult blessings, but he’s going to bless.
And what we must do is always look to see, god, what are you going to do in this circumstance?
Number 2, what are you seeking to teach me and what how do you want me to come through this?
And god always wants us to come through triumphantly because that is exactly what he says we are, He says, we’re not victims of our circumstances, but we are victors.
He says, we’re not the conquered folk. We are the conquerors.
Now if I don’t believe what god says, I’m gonna ask what Satan wants me to ask.
If what does Satan want me to ask? Oh, what am I going to do?
Paul says, I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me because my relationship with him has tuned me into god the father, god the son, god the spirit, and those three persons of the trinity are on my side.
I’m on their side. They are the ones who are my strength. And whatever I need, they have already provided.
Listen to what Paul says, blessed be the god and father of our lord, Jesus Christ, who has already deposited to your account in the heavenly places, all things that you will ever need.
My friend, if you’re a walking, defeated believer, you are walking in defeat today because you have chosen to believe the devils lie rather than god.
God the father says, you are a super conqueror. He said, well, no, wait a minute.
I I I believe that, but I I don’t have that in my life, but I’m coming to that in just a minute.
Because there’s one other thing I want you to notice here.
The basis of our being Congress is, first of all, our personal relationship to Jesus Christ and Salvation.
Then the fact god, the father, god, the son, god, the holy spirit, the whole trinity, the whole trinity.
Listen, that is the sovereign godhead of all things of all time for all eternity past, present, and future.
The eternal godhead is on your side.
Listen, I don’t care what your circumstance they are on your side.
There’s one other thing here. Listen to what he says.
He says in verse 35, who shall separate us in the love of Christ?
Verse 39, He says these things can’t separate us in the love of god, which is in Christ Jesus, our lord.
Now listen, god’s love knows no boundaries. God’s law is unconditional. You know what that means?
He loves you just the way you are regardless of the way you are. His love is unconditional.
It’s unlimited. It’s unalterable. It’s unchanging.
Enough words in the English language or all of the languages together to describe the matchless, incomparable unchanging, unalterable, unconditional love of almighty god for you and me.
Listen. You know what he’s saying? He says tribulation distresses, nakedness, peril, famine.
So he says these things can’t do what they can’t separate you from the level of god to watch.
Friend, you may be in a situation of circumstance and you feel like that you’re really going down and you think, what am I going to do?
Let me tell you one thing.
Regardless of how low you get, you’ll never get so low to be beyond the reach of the love of god for you.
I don’t care how much you complain, how far down you get, how despairing and disillusioned life may be.
You will never get beneath the everlasting arms.
Of a loving father who says that nothing under god’s heaven on the other side inside out can ever separate you from the love of god.
Tell me something more motivating and know that somebody loves you.
But Gail thinks her husband thinks she’s the sweetest thing on earth and the greatest thing god ever made.
You don’t think that doesn’t motivate her.
If a man thinks his wife thinks that he’s the greatest god god ever created, you don’t think that motivates him.
What about the love of god? Shouldn’t that motivate us? Listen, motivate us to do what?
To stand up in the midst of our circumstances say, thank god, praise, be unto god.
I am the recipient of the unconditional love of a gracious loving god.
Who loves me in my circumstances, loves me out.
Loves me when I got myself in, it loves me when he put me in there.
But the love is unchanging. We don’t have to give in. We don’t have to give up.
We don’t have to despair. But I must ask the right question.
And the right question is not what am I going to do, but god, the father, what are you going to do?
You’ve given me all things, god, the son, you’re in the seeding hurt the father’s right hand. Holy spirit.
What are you gonna do? You’re my helper. What are you gonna do in my behalf in my given situation?
I’ll tell you one thing. Almighty god the father, almighty god the on almighty god, the spirit, have never responded to you and me except in pure unconditional love.
Isn’t that great? That’s the only way they respond. It’s the only way they can respond.
We’re their children. God the father god the son, god the spirit, they’re on your side.
Now the question is, how do I get this in a practical way into my life.
I wanna show you something real simple. 1st, John, chapter 5.
First John chapter 5, and here’s that same old Greek word again.
And the root word of this word is Nike, that means a victorious one, Concra, chapter 5 of 1st John, and verse 4.
Now watch this, Whatever is born of god, overcomes necao, the same Greek word, overcomes, conquerors.
Whatever is born of god we are, overcomes our conquerors the world.
You know what that means? The whole system, not talking about just dirt, the whole the whole world system, that is because we’re the children of god, he says, listen, whatever’s born of god overcomes the world.
And listen, this is the victory. What’s the victory? This is the victory that’s overcome the world.
And the one thing you and I have to do to become congress is what?
The last word in that verse. Believe god. Listen.
Whatever is born of god overcomes the world, and this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith.
Now listen to me. I’ve said it about at least ten times in this message.
The question is, not what am I going to do, but god, what are you going to do?
What is it that makes it possible for me to be a conqueror in the deepest, darkest valleys I have to walk?
In the highest, most treacherous peaks we have to climb, what is it that makes us Victor, conqueror, victorious, triumphant, simply this, that I exercise trust and the lord god almighty through my relationship to Jesus Christ, that what he said about me is true.
That’s what makes you a conqueror. Isn’t that simple? It’s so simple.
Most folks will miss it. What does it take to make you a conqueror?
What is it that overcomes the world? Even our faith. Now listen.
This is how simple it is.
You wanna come through your present discouraging, despairing situation.
You wanna come through that, victorious, having learned, become deepened, matured, strengthen, joyous, excited about what you’re learning about god.
What do you have to do? You have to simply say this.
Lord Jesus, I’m trusting you, what you said about me, who I am, who you are, and what you promised to do for me in my circumstance.
Christ Jesus who’s living within you is the super conqueror.
And as I trust him, through my circumstance, we, together, become the Super Congress.
You can conquer whatever you think is about to conquer you, if you’re willing to trust him.
And believe about yourself, what he said about you. Let’s pray together.
I follow we thank him praise you for your loving kindness You make it simple and plain and clear.
We struggle to make it difficult and complex, but you’ve boiled it all down to one simple word, and that is faith.
Trust. You’ve done so much for us.
You require so little of us compared to what you’ve done for us.
We want to make it hard on ourselves when you’ve made it so very simple. Trust.
We trusted you as our savior and our lord.
You want us to trust you for the difficulties, the heartaches, the burdens, the circumstances.
And so I pray this morning in Jesus’ name.
If the exercise of faith, many will do that today, and what you do a marvelous work in their life is my prayer in Jesus’ name.