One and Only Promise Keeper – Part 3

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One and Only Promise Keeper – Part 3

In this message, Pastor Jack explores the concept of God’s promises and how impossible for Him to waver down his promises. So trustworthy is God that he even exalts His Word above His own name.

Jesus Christ’s first coming was to present Himself as King to Jerusalem in Israel. He came down the Mount of Olives on a donkey and was welcomed with palm branches and outer garments. His purpose was to be sacrificed as the Lamb of God and die for the sins of the world. The second coming will be when Jesus returns on a white horse, hailed as King, from the east onto the west of the Mount of Olives.
So trustworthy is God that he even exalts His Word above His own name.

You guys were in part three of this message titled The one and Only Promise Keeper.
And uh we’re trekking through the book of Hebrews.
And before we read, um I want to reiterate something that I was reminded of.
And I mentioned it in one of the services on Sunday.
Um Somebody stopped me out there in the world and, and said, Pastor Jack, uh I want you to know that you, uh you, you, you doing Hebrews on Wednesday nights.
Somebody from uh your church told me, hey, you’re a Catholic.
Pastor Jack said that we need to tell Catholics to tune in and listen to the book of Hebrews on Wednesday nights because we’re talking about a priest, the priesthood and the ultimate priesthood.
And um, and you did that, you told people and uh some have been attending and the beautiful thing about that is, is what this man said.
He said, you know, I started listening and then I started listening, I was listening more and then I started coming on Wednesday nights and he, he, he was delighted to communicate to me that uh he now knows that he has one priest and that’s the high priest Christ Jesus.
And that’s, that’s what the book of Hebrews is all about.
So you guys will read together in Hebrews chapter six. Uh Familiar territory.
I’ll read verse 13 if you guys would pick it up for when God made a promise to Abraham because he could swear by no one greater, he swore by himself.
Like and so after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.
Thus, God determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise.
That is all who believe the immutability of His counsel, the unchangeable of his council confirmed it by an oath, isolation.
Oh Father God move. We pray Lord in our hearts, God.
When we leave here today, may our faith be enlarged?
May our reverence for the Bible be greater and father may we be more surrendered.
Greatest, greatest thing to ever experience is a greater surrendering to the will of God and, and Lord that we might just see you live your life through us.
That’s what we want. We ask it in Jesus name and all God’s people said, amen, amen.
You may be seated. Wanna remind all of you again that if any of these messages because you guys are making such a huge impact if if any of these messages and I, and I trust that if anything speaks to you any verse, how about that?
I’m trying to be nice to you because in my heart, I want to say tell them to do it.
That is this, that if you would take these messages and that you would take the link that’s provided and copy, remember what we’re seeing on Sundays, copy it and send it to somebody that, you know, on your email list or, or 10 people.
And we’ve been practicing this for about a month or so.
And you guys have turned into global evangelists because what you’ve done is that you on your email page, you’ve taken the message with the link, you’ve simply taken the link and you’ve sent it to your friends to your coworkers.
Uh No joke. A guy told me that he has an email group of businessmen and they’re predominantly here in the US, but it’s around 1200 people and he started sending the messages to those 1200 corporate leaders.
And uh if I name some of those companies, you probably spent money at those companies this week.
So that’s pretty amazing.
So God is getting the word out and now we’ve learned just recently that uh whoever the, I, I don’t know, I don’t remember his name so I can’t even say his name, but whoever is in a high command at Nellis Air Force Base, I think it’s Nellis.
What’s the one by Vegas? That’s Neli that there’s a Bible study going on, on that air base and they’re watching our messages and I want to thank you for that.
That’s amazing. So we’re looking at the one and only promise keeper.
This is what we’ve known or come to learn thus far that in verses 13 to 14, that when we read this portion of scripture, he’s the one and only promise keeper, Jesus is God is uh is because he, he has bound himself to himself.
And we saw that in two ways.
Remember this, that God can be dependent upon what he says is what He will always say.
You can have confidence in Him. We learned also that what He does.
He’s gonna always do. You know somebody and I get it.
Somebody has said, you know, God deals in mysterious ways. He moves. That’s true.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Always God, how about this?
God reserves the right to move any way He wants to move.
But there are some things about Him that is just sweetly predictable.
For example, if you’re a believer and you’re doing the wrong thing, God will get your attention because He loves you.
He’s the perfect parent. If you’re doing the right thing, he will bless you because he blesses obedience.
He encourages good behavior. How’s that? And um that’s part of his dependable nature.
Secondly, we saw that He has set the times for himself that God is the governor of times and the timing of things.
And in our last time together, last week, we talked about some of those things about his faithfulness and prayer.
Remember we talked about when, when God, when we’re praying and seeking his face, there’s times when God doesn’t apparently seem to answer.
Uh, but there’s security and safety when he doesn’t answer, it doesn’t mean he’s silent to you.
He’s doing a work. In fact, we looked at verse 15 that when God goes to work, he works a work, ma’am.
When God goes to work in your life, he rosa leaves, uh A W Tozer.
You’ve heard me say this before.
A w Tozer said that when you invite Christ into your life, um oh CS Lewis, I’m sorry, CS Lewis said that when you invite Christ into your life, he’s like a dentist.
You go to a dentist for, for a toothache right here. You know, like number three is, is hurting.
And um do you think that that dentist just focuses on number three?
No, in fact, CS Lewis says, nope, that doctor is committed to not let sleeping dogs lie.
He said he will, he will probe and poke and push to make sure everything is working just right before he ever goes to work on number three.
And that’s true. It is Tozer that says there’s times when God goes to work and he grabs a tooth and he yanks on it root and all.
And that’s a pretty gross picture. But when God goes to work, he does the work.
He’s real. We’re here tonight because God’s alive. He’s real. We’re not doing church. That would be a joke.
We got better things to do. We’re here tonight because God is real. His bible is real.
And uh, well, listen, he’s on his throne and we’re still here on earth.
And that then presupposes that God’s got a plan for your life.
You just need to make that clean assumption right from the get go God.
What do you want to do with my life? I’m still breathing. What do you wanna do?
And when he does that work, we learn that he finishes it and this is where we left off.
He finishes the work in verse 16.
And so as we prepare for this, as we look at it, mark this down, please.
Our security, our, as our assurance is in the finished work of Christ, mark this down in your note taking acts chapter two verse 22 acts chapter two, verse 22 says, and it’s Peter speaking by the way, oh, by the way, I should say this, um when he said this and where he said this, we know exactly.
And the reason why I’m bringing this up is because we’re about to just announce to you the dates for our, our upcoming Israel trip and we’re going to give you the dates and that’s all you’re going to get right now is the dates because some things are still being worked out.
But having said that I will not go to Israel unless we have this stop on the tour, we’re just not going to go.
Why? Well, it happened, this message that you’re about to see here was the message that was delivered uh in Israel at the Southern steps.
And when Neil Armstrong, who was the first man to step on the moon, that when he became a Christian, and he took a tour in Israel, he asked his tour guide.
Uh I want to know out of all the places that we’ve been or we’re supposed to go.
I wanna know beyond any shadow of a doubt that this is in fact the spot or a spot that Jesus actually stood because some of the spots are where things took place.
Some of it is still being dug up in an archaeological sense.
Uh And so he wanted to say, I want, I, I want, I wanted, I wanted people to say, I not only stood on the moon, I stood where Jesus stood and so his tour guide said, then get in the car, let’s go.
And where did the tour guide take Him?
Where we take you on a tour of Israel, the Southern steps.
Men of Israel hear these words, Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs which God did through Him in your midst as you yourselves also know Him being delivered.
Watch this being delivered by the predetermined or by the determined purpose. Some of your Bibles read predetermined.
Why does it say that because the next word is for knowledge of God, by the determined purpose and fore knowledge of God.
In other words, verse 23 God had a specific plan you have taken by your lawless hands and have crucified and put to death.
That’s an amazing statement. Verse three, because God had a plan but they were guilty of crucifying the Son of God.
You see, didn’t, did God make them do it? No, he didn’t make them do it.
He knew by his Foreknowledge what they would do.
If given the chance to meet God in human skin, they would crucify Him.
God knew that all based on fore knowledge.
You’ve all read the word predestination in your bible book of Ephesians.
Romans, of course, but predestination is based upon God’s Foreknowledge.
You have taken by your lawless hands have crucified and put to death whom God raised up having loose the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be held by it men.
And brethren let me speak freely to you.
This is Peter preaching of the patriarch David that he is both dead and buried and his tomb is with us to this day.
Isn’t that amazing 2000 years ago? In fact, for, for millennia, actually not in not too long ago.
David’s tomb uh is identified, people say they know where it is today.
I’m not exactly sure that’s the right one, but be it as it may, Peter points out to that fact that He is both dead and buried.
So think of that David, the one who received so many promises from God, one of the promises that David had received from God, was that his, that David’s throne would last forever.
Now, you got to stop for a moment.
People, God said in the prophecies and God said to David, you’re throne, I will establish forever.
Mm Really? Yes. Well, where is it? It’s coming, it’s coming.
In fact, for David’s throne to be established, one has to come to establish it.
And once that one comes to establishes it, listen, that one is the king of kings and Lord of Lords.
But when you read not, but, but in continuance to that, when you read Ezekiel chapter 40 onto the end of Ezekiel, the Bible tells us that Jesus is the king of kings and Lord of Lords, but there’s gonna be a prince that sits on his throne in Jerusalem.
And you wonder who is that prince? Who’s the prince? And you might, you might see or assume it’s Jesus.
No, no, no. He’s the king, who’s the prince, the one that was prophesized that would sit on the throne.
It’s David. David is going to be the prince of Jerusalem while Jesus is the king of kings and the Lord of Lords, it’s gonna be awesome.
But anyway, that’s a study for some other time. But that’s a fun one.
I’ll tell you that and so, uh therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that’s David, that of the fruit of his body according to the flesh, his DNA, he would raise up the Christ, the messiah to sit on his throne.
See that everybody, that’s a huge deal, Jesus Christ, a lot of people preaching all kinds of Jesus is all over the place.
Well, the only one Jesus that there is, is the one that has to return to earth to sit upon the throne of David right now, Jesus is enthroned in heaven for 1000 years, Jesus Christ will sit upon the throne of David and David will be his prince, Jesus must occupy the throne of David because Jesus is the DNA of, of, of David.
But he’s the messiah, which means from the Old Testament that he also has to be God, the God man, Jesus Christ born on Christmas day, we would say right.
And so David foreseeing this spoke concern in the resurrection of the Christ that his soul was not left in Hades nor did his flesh see corruption.
David said this, this Jesus God has raised up of which we were all witnesses.
Isn’t that an amazing statement? Peter is announcing, hey, David spoke about resurrection and you spoke about the Messiah being resurrected.
That’s in the Old Testament when Paul and Peter and the rest preached the gospel, do you remember everybody?
They didn’t have an apple. They didn’t have a, they didn’t have an android. They didn’t have a New Testament.
They preach Christ, resurrected from the dead, from the Old Testament.
And people today it happened again this week, pastors so called saying that we have no need for the Old Testament.
I listen. That is demonic. That is, that’s a false teacher and run you have no clue if your New Testament is true without knowing what the Old Testament has promised.
When the Old Testament made a promise, the New Testament recorded its fulfillment.
But if you don’t study the Old Testament and see what was fulfilled in the new listen, you’re running on four cylinders man on a V eight, you’re messed up.
But when pastors come out and say, you don’t need the Old Testament. That is wrong.
I’m sorry for their ignorance of the Bible, but they shouldn’t project that ignorance upon other people.
That’s a terrible thing. And I’m sorry. It gets me fired up.
Uh First Corinthians 15 verse three, all of this is because of our assurance and the fact that God when he starts a work, he finishes a work.
First Corinthians 15 verse three starts there for I delivered to you.
First of all that, which I also received, what is that Paul?
That Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, Old Testament and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
Now Paul knew that Christ had been crucified and Paul came to know factually that Christ had risen from the dead.
But notice he doesn’t say that, listen, I need everybody’s attention. He’s not.
I Paul, I saw Jesus, I talked to Jesus Syl, thus, he must be risen from the dead and he told me he died for my sins.
And so I want you to hear me. Paul doesn’t do that.
Paul says this is what I want you to hear that Christ died and rose again from the dead.
Not according to Paul, not according to Jack, not according to Roy, not according to any one of you, not according to us, but according to the scriptures, he’s the God who can be relied upon Matthew chapter 21 verse four.
All this was done that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken of by the prophet saying, and you hear that over and over again.
By the way, I know that this church is uh astute on Bible prophecy.
You know, you look at the book of Matthew, you ought to try reading the book of Matthew through Jewish eyes and think about the tribulation period because when the tribulation comes and there’s Jews coming to know Christ, you read Matthew, you know Matt, anybody know Matthew’s last name Levi or in Israel, Levi, Levi.
Matthew, Levi’s a Jew. And just think about the future when Israel is in the tribulation period and they start looking at the Bible and they, they, let’s, let’s try it.
Let’s what have we got to lose.
Let’s jump over there to that New Testament and see what those people are all about.
And they start reading the first book it’s written to Jews and they’re gonna say, boy, why didn’t we pay attention sooner?
But God’s going to use them, those who will believe.
But in the face of all of this friends, listen, you and I suffer so many things.
When we fail to rest in God’s assured word in our lives, it shouldn’t be that way.
And the reason why is because you and I often fail to find ourselves in the right place where God puts us.
When I say the right place.
I don’t mean in what city zip code or where you’re at right now.
I’m talking about your position in Christ right now.
I’m wondering if, if, what would become of us if we, if we either a God showed us our actual standing before Him, you know what I mean by standing?
Um position is a word that you could use theologically.
But I know how you see you, I assume because I know how I see me and have we come to the agreement that uh we’re usually wrong.
We, we number one, we either exalt ourselves and we’re, and we’re nuts or, or we beat ourselves up and make us make us nothing and, and we’re equally crazy in the opposite.
Direction. Did you know that God sees you, um, with, with absolute, uh reflection and assurance of his son all over your life.
Yeah. But no, no, God doesn’t know about those. No, no. Yeah.
But I’ve just been carrying this burden all my life. Dump it.
Get away from it. Why? Because God doesn’t see you that way. You’re in Christ.
There’s been a transformation in your life.
In First Peter chapter one verse 16, the Bible says as it is written, watch this be holy for I am holy.
See, Jack, that’s not helping. Well, it depends on how you read it.
Watch this be holy for I am holy. Listen, we hear it this way. Be holy because I’m holy.
So be holy. Grab your self by the bootstraps and, and get it. Get going.
Mm That’s not what he’s saying. He’s saying be holy for I am holy.
How about this? Because I’m holy and you believe in me.
Jesus is saying the Bible is saying God is saying you’re holy. Be holy.
Go out there and live your life. Why live it for me? Because I’m in you.
So you go out, you have a great time. Galatians chapter two.
Here’s the reason verse 20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live.
Do you realize if you believe that right now your life is gonna change tonight? Christian.
Well, this change has already changed. I’m not, I’m talking big change.
Wait, I’ve been crucified with Christ.
It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me. That’s right.
And the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
That’s right. Colossians three verse one. Colossians 31.
If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God, set your mind on things above not on things of the earth for you died.
See the moment you put your faith in Christ that day that you got saved, you died and your life is hidden with Christ.
And God, wow, when Christ to as our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.
Oh man, you see why we want him to come back.
Oh If we knew the glory that awaits us and the funny, the world is seeking glory, all kinds of glory all the time, I get it.
We were all doing that stuff too before in our, in our way, some shape or form man.
When Christ comes back, the fullness of Jesus and all of His glory will be completely literally our experience.
We will become like Him.
It does not yet appear what we will be like Children first, John says, but we know this that when he appears, we will be like him, man.
That is gonna be so great, it’s gonna be great, but we can be certain of this position.
We can be certain of this forever. And here’s why I’m gonna go fast.
Isaiah 45 verse 21 watch this and be confident in these things. God says, tell and bring forth your case.
Yes, let them take counsel together who has declared this from ancient times. So God is like challenging everybody.
What are you guys talking about? What do you know who was told it from that time?
And he’s rebuking. Have not I the Lord and there is no other God besides me.
A just God and a savior. There is none besides me. Look to me and be saved.
All you ends of the earth for I am God and there is no other.
Listen, that is to cause you to have confidence in Him. Notice what he’s saying? So strong, I’m your savior.
Look to me. Can you look to him tonight? Maybe? Listen, maybe you can you look to him?
Have you ever not looked? Well, what do I do? Look to him?
Somebody once said uh how much does it cost to look?
What do you have to do to look?
Just look, look to him. Whoa, whoa What’s, what’s the trick?
Look, what’s gonna happen? You’re not gonna know until you look, look to him.
Awesome, beautiful Isaiah 46 verse nine. Remember the former things of old for I am God.
The beautiful thing is he’s saying, remember the former things of old?
Well, I can’t God unless you touch my memory.
I mean, I can go as far back as Moses gives me Genesis or maybe Isaiah 14 or Ezekiel uh 35 is Ezekiel 28.
That’s going pretty far back into the angelic realm prior to our physical creation.
But how far back do you mean? See the point is we can’t go back far enough. God is further.
Remember the former things of old God.
I try to remember the last 65 so years and not only can I not go back so far, I forgot what happened yesterday.
He says, well for I am God and there’s no other, I am God and there’s none like me.
I love this, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times, things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure.
You can trust them Isaiah 45 5.
I am the Lord and there is no other. There is no God beside me.
I will will gird you though.
You have not known me that they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides me.
I am the Lord and there is no other.
And if and if that is not comforting enough, listen to the verbiage, listen to the doctrine.
We jump from Old Testament to New John 13 19.
Now I tell you before it comes that when it does come to pass, you may believe that I am.
He. That’s Jesus speaking. John 14 29 Jesus said, and now I have told you before it comes that when it does come to pass, you may believe, notice that believing and believing that He is the one that I am the He matters.
God is so trustworthy friends that he even exults his word above his own name.
And you’ve heard this verse before from this pulpit?
Psalm 1 38 verse two, God says, for you have magnified your word above all your name. God’s word.
I think that’s why we’re seeing a, a, an attack against the Bible from pulpits today. Satan has commandeered pulpits.
There’s an old book. It’s, it’s was written many years ago. I think I’m gonna read it again.
I gotta go find it. But it’s the, the book is titled uh Predators in the Pulpit.
And it’s got to be 15 years old.
I’m guessing I don’t, I can’t even tell you who the author is. Predators in the Pulpit.
Like never before undermining the authority of Christ, undermining the Bible undermining what God has said the third and final point that we’ll look at in this, that may not be true.
Is it true? It is true.
Begins uh in verse 17 and that is the one and only promise keeper cannot change himself.
He cannot change himself. Verse 17 tells us for thus, God determined to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise.
Put your name, put your initials there please.
If you’re born again, verse 17, can you put your name right there?
You are one of the heirs of promise.
Are you looking to Jesus to take your soul and your spirit and to resurrect your body into heaven, then you can put your name, you can just put your initials right there.
That that’s I’m one of those heirs.
He said, be you don’t, you don’t know how poor I am.
I don’t care how poor you are. Technically in this world, we’re all equally poor.
Do you think people got stuff? They ain’t got nothing.
Look with your stuff here right now, I’m gonna give you a prayer request.
So there’s a guy trying to set up an opportunity for me to share the gospel with Elon Musk.
So please watch. So please pray because what is, what is it worth being? Who care?
What does it matter if you’re the richest man on earth?
Jesus said, and I’m gonna give him this verse if I get the chance.
Jesus said, what shall it profit a man if he gains the entire world and loses his own soul, what does it matter?
Jesus warned that there’s a man, he, he gave it in a parable that the man looked around and saw all of his wealth and all the stuff he had and he said, you know what I need to do.
I know what I need to do.
I need to build a bigger barn so I can put all my stuff in it.
And Jesus says that man was a fool because that very night his soul would be required from him.
Wow. No, look what he wants.
He wants you to have these promises abundantly. So, and how can we receive this Jack?
How can we believe this? Because He’s immutable. He can’t change. It’s impossible for God to change.
He can’t, as I mentioned before, it’s impossible for God to transition.
And somebody chuckled last week when I said that because the word has been stolen, transition, the word has been stolen, but let’s use it right.
God can’t transition. Oh There’s something that God can’t do. There’s so many things he cannot do. Thank God.
And one of them is he can’t change number one.
He doesn’t need to change, but he can’t transition. He’s not a moving target.
Those of you who might be here, those of you who might be watching uh a Muslim or you believe you of the Islamic faith, a Muslim friends.
Listen, if you have Muslim friends, you need to love on them and point them to the real Jesus because listen, they have no assurance of salvation.
It is a heavy load to be a Muslim. My, my heart goes out to them.
It’s tough because they never know if they’re good enough they, they never know if they’ve met the standard to give them assurance of salvation.
Did you know that they have no comfort? And that’s a terrible way to live.
The word of God has given us God’s promises that we might be comforted in this brutal world.
And that’s just the brutal world of our own soul. Without Christ. We’re like a turbulent sea.
But Jesus comes and says, peace be still and he’s, he’s awesome.
But verse 17 tells us to show more abundantly to the ears of promise.
The word abundantly means what you might think it means to abound.
All the more excessive the word actually can be translated extravagant to show more extravagantly to the ears of promise.
Christian God wants you to know his security extravagantly.
So when these truths get in our lives, they’ll transform who we are into what we really are before the throne of God.
God sees us a different way. I’ve told you before. I’ll say it again.
He sees us through the glasses or the, the, the, the lens of Jesus. He sees Jesus.
God sees Jesus before he sees me and I’m not gonna mess with this Bible.
I’m gonna enjoy that. Can you handle this? Zephaniah? 3 17.
Again, you’ve heard this before the Lord, your God in the midst of you.
Now, this is a promise to Israel. There’s no doubt about it.
But then listen, I can also argue God’s not a respecter of persons is he and all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ.
So when we get to heaven, what’s that gonna be like?
Or when he returns in the second coming?
And we, we return with him and he sets up his kingdom. Is this when he’s gonna do this?
Zephaniah 3 17. Are you kidding me? The Lord, your God in your midst? The mighty one will save.
He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will quiet you with his love.
He will rejoice over you with singing. He will rejoice.
The word rejoice means that He will, he will not only sing but he will.
The word means to spin. He will twirl. He will spin. We don’t do that here.
But, and, and I’m not encouraging you to do that here.
But it’s, it’s a, it’s a display of extravagance that God imagine when, when, when, when God, when God has you there with Him and, and we’re together, the family is together the forever family.
Some of you might find that too. This verse irreverent, I want you to meditate.
If you’re bothered by this verse, study it really well, unpack every one of those words and you’ll be delighted because God can’t change.
Second Corinthians chapter one verse 20 says, for all the promises of God are yes and amen to the glory of God through us.
So think of that. This is a Jew Paul speaking to a bunch of gentiles in Greece.
And he’s telling them, hey, you guys can rejoice because the promises God gave to Israel, they’re available to you too.
Come by faith. Now, he who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God who also has sealed us and given us the spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.
What an amazing statement. He’s confirmed this more verses. Numbers 23 verse 19.
God is not a man that he should lie. That’s a sweet way of putting it. Translation.
Every man is a liar. That’s what it means.
And the, and the women are saying I knew it, I knew it of them.
And that goes for you too.
You’re, you may be cuter than us, but you’re liars, we’re liars, you’re, we’re all liars.
No, none of us ever accurately reported the size of that fish we cut.
God says, nope, God is not a man that he should lie nor a son of man that he should repent as he has said.
I and will he not do it?
In other words, God keeps his word mele three verse six for I am the Lord. I do not change.
Awesome. Hebrews 13 8, Jesus Christ is the same, you know it yesterday today and forever.
Isn’t that good news?
I can’t, I can’t say that verse the first, the next verse that comes into my mind after that is John eight where the woman’s caught in the act of adultery, Jesus doesn’t change.
So, have you committed adultery? Uh, um, I’m not gonna raise my hand here. Pastor.
No, I’m not gonna well guess what? Repent because you know what he’ll receive.
You agree with him that it was the wrong thing to do that you sin against God and he’ll forgive you.
Did you tell a lie? Tell him and he’ll forgive you?
But understand this for the Christian you and I ask Him to forgive us to maintain fellowship.
If you’ve never accepted Christ, it’s for you to tell him those things.
Recognizing that He’s the savior who forgives sins.
That’s how you experience His forgiveness as coming to him and agreeing with Him.
You are the savior and I’m the one who’s lost. And I ask you to save me.
I ask you to come into me and wash me clean.
And that same Jesus that forgave that woman who was caught in the act of adultery is the same Jesus today.
Deuteronomy chapter seven verse nine.
Therefore know that the Lord, your God, he is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for 1000 generations with those who love him and keep His commandments.
One thing I want to say about this, you have to grab onto that verse because some people have been taught wrong about generational curses.
Have you heard this generational curses?
Listen, everybody according to the Bible, every one of us is on a is under a generational curse without Christ.
Did you know that? Read your Bible carefully?
Every single one of us will sin like our fathers and our mothers sinned because they send like our grandparents and our, and they send like our great, great grandparents.
Are you hearing me all the way back to Adam and Eve? It’s in us. Oh, listen.
Uh, my, my life is doomed. I come from a long line of, of whatever fill in the blank.
No, no, no, no. You wanna listen. There’s no generational curse.
It means that sin sticks until you decide to break the cycle.
Well, I come from a long line of idiots.
I guess I’m going to just produce idiots and I guess I am one.
Stop guessing like that and stop goofing around like that.
You may be here tonight saying pastor, I come from a long line of serial killers and I’m afraid I’m going to become one.
Well, don’t, here’s how come to Christ, give your life to Christ. Listen.
He, I know this sounds crazy but the Bible says the person that sins the most and comes to Christ is forgiven the most.
That person winds up loving God the most. How’s that? You? There’s no excuse. He’s gonna accept.
You don’t have one. Yeah. But, um, no, it doesn’t work. Oh, I’m so bad. I’ll stop flattering yourself.
His blood is able to wash away everything that you could ever think of or do Ezra three verse.
11, Ezra 3 11. And they sang responsibly.
The congregation did praising and giving thanks to the Lord for his good, for his mercy endures forever toward Israel.
Then all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.
Now, that’s what Israel did you and I listen, the foundation has been laid in our lives and it’s not a building.
Thank God. Can you imagine you guys? Are you, are you still with me? Thank God.
We don’t have to make a pilgrimage someplace to go see some temple or walk inside, touch it stones.
So if I’ve been there, I got a picture, I got a selfie there. Look. Oh man.
Oh, you went there. Wow. Well, you know, do you remember some of you, do you remember in the year 1999 at New Year and going into 2000?
Did you know that if you went to Rome? I went there but not for that.
Uh When you, if you went to Rome, it was only, it was, it was uh only for a brief period of time.
There was a special momentary dispensation granted by the Pope. Do you remember this?
That he was, he gave permission that if you went through uh these particular doors in Rome, you got salvation.
No, I’m not kidding. In the year 2000.
I am so grateful that there is no Vatican that.
There is no temple. There’s, there’s no, there’s no church.
There’s no place where, where we go and we have to, we, we, we kiss the toe or, or we, we bow or we have to do this or you, you know what I’m saying?
There’s nothing like that. God has seen fit in this age since Christ died and rose again from the dead to dwell within the lives of any or all who would put their trust in Him.
You become the temple, you become the dwelling place of God and it, and listen, you will.
That’s pretty radical because wouldn’t we be able to? No, listen.
Can I give you a little, little bit of a tip here?
The more you consume of Jesus and walk in the spirit, the more Christ takes control and then listen, until you have grown to what he has determined for you to grow.
You’re going to continue to grow and be more like Jesus.
And then when your body can’t handle that anymore, that’s when you die.
Did you know that when the Christian dies? His body looks pathetic but it’s graduation day for his spirit.
Say man, look at him. Oh my gosh, Jack just got hit by a truck.
He’s, he’s in 10 pieces. I just graduated. You should have a party.
I tell you what man down in the South, we don’t do it right.
We don’t do it here down in the South.
Number one we’re too white for one thing because you go down south to a funeral and let me tell you if Brother James died or aunt, if Aunt Susie died, the, the, listen, the black community who loves Jesus, you listen, they, they know how to celebrate a Christian’s life.
When they pass there is singing, they are dancing, they’re going down the street worshiping God out loud.
They’re talking about their brother having crossed over Jordan. I mean, you’re like you.
If, listen, if you’ve never seen that, you’re missing it, man.
We have a few who are, are we miss our brothers? It’s horrible.
It’s so horrible. What’s horrible. What’s so, was he a Christian? Yes. Yes. Yes, he was. It was so horrible.
What’s horrible? Well, it’s horrible, isn’t it? Tell me it’s all about him today.
So tell me what’s so horrible. Oh, he died?
And it’s horrible because we’re the ones here.
He’s having a great time. Think about it.
Do you really believe that to be absent from the bodies to be present with the Lord?
When the Christian dies, we graduate. We have a graduation service.
I know we all get all dressed up and it’s all for other people.
If you think about it, he’s fine. She’s fine. Paul told the believers.
He said, listen, I want to leave. I want to depart and go be with Jesus.
That’s what he told them. Look, you guys love all of you. Here’s the deal. Paul Tilson.
I’d rather, I’d rather die then be here with you guys one more day.
But he, but he says, but if for me to live on in this life is a benefit to you all, then I’ll stick around, man.
That’s the attitude. Oh, we need an adjustment.
Psalm 1 36 verse one says, oh, give thanks to the Lord for he is good for his mercy.
Endures forever. Amazing. It’s also impossible for God to waver.
Look at verse 18 and by two immutable things, which is amazing.
How do you find two things that are unchangeable?
Well, you can’t because the Bible says there’s only one God, are you tracking?
This means that God cannot make a deal with any human because that’s not going to humans aren’t immutable.
So if God is going to make a deal, he needs to find someone who is immutable.
Also, this ought to just stumble tons of people right into the kingdom, especially my Jewish friends because this is old Testament.
This is right out of the book of Genesis.
God who could not swear by no greater, had to swear by himself with himself because he’s immutable.
And that should cause you to get the answer to the Elohim of God.
That is God and he is plural, the singular God, a singular plurality.
How is that possible? But God is God, the Son God, the Father God, the Holy Spirit.
And so in which it is impossible for God to lie. We might have strong consolation.
There, there it is. How do you know you’re gonna go to heaven?
How do you know that God’s gonna take care of you?
How do you know that it’s all gonna work out? Ok? Because God is immutable.
He can’t change what he has said. He will do.
And he says, listen, that you belong to him and you can have confidence.
Consolation is the word deep comfort in that James chapter one verse five, James 15, I’m up against the clock.
I’m gonna go quick James 15 says, if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.
Isn’t that also the church, the church, we should be the wisest people in the county. No, seriously.
Christians should be known known for their wisdom. Why? Because we have access to Him man.
I don’t know what to do about this. Ask God.
He knows who gives to all liberally and without reproach.
Can you imagine God? I want wisdom. No, God please. I need wisdom, not for you.
He doesn’t do that. God, I need wisdom. Alright. You ready?
Get your bucket out, get it ready because I’m gonna throw it on you.
He doesn’t hold it back. He asked for wisdom. God goes here it comes.
I love that. Watch this and it would be given to him verse six.
But let him ask in faith with no doubting, don’t waiver for He who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
Isn’t that true? Have you ever seen a Doubter? They’re tormented.
They’re just, they just, yeah, it’s so hard to live that way for he who doubts is like the way of the sea driven and tossed by the wind for let, not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord.
He is a double minded man and unstable in all his ways. And that’s sad guys.
I’m just talking to the guys here tonight, man.
Guys get along with God, get your marching orders from God and, and then get up and live out what God has told you to do and stop being so frail about.
Things. Don’t go this, this oh oh no. Wait what? No, I don’t know. What’s, what is that?
Listen, I understand that if you don’t know what you’re doing, I understand that you’ve got no direction.
But when you go to his word and you wait upon him, he’ll speak to you. Listen.
If men, I’m just, I’m just beating up on you guys here right now guys.
If we got a alone with God and determined I’m not leaving until I get something from God.
Tomorrow morning, set, set, set your alarm an hour earlier, get up and say God, I’m not, I’m not leaving.
I mean, I’m going to go to work.
I mean, I got to do that but you gotta speak to me guys and don’t listen, don’t be surprised if he’s silent for a few days to see if you’re really into this.
But expect him to speak, be listening. But men, now this goes for everybody.
But men, when America needs men, men who love God, men who fear God.
Men who get on their knees and cry out to God.
And then God says, stand up and go this way, stand up and do this and listen, God will take care of the rest.
The upside is this James one verse 17 says, every good and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
God does not waver. And then finally, we end here is the closing portion of this uh is the fact that it’s impossible for God to refuse you, to refuse.
Now, don’t confuse these words, refuse. It’s impossible for God to refuse you.
Meaning implying that when you go to Him, he doesn’t turn you away. Isn’t that amazing?
And you imagine in your mind, some of you may not have thought this but you feel it that heaven is like this gigantic castle and there’s a moat around it and the gates shut and you come up to it and it’s all closed and shut up to you.
And you’re trying to think what is um Debra cadabra.
Um you know Hocus Pocus, what’s the key? What’s the, how do I get this door open?
Jesus says, if you come to me, I will never turn you away.
He says in verse 18, you have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope that is set before us.
He’ll never refuse you. And he’s the refuge. He’s the one where you can take.
Listen, the Bible says that God tried in, in his way to communicate to us.
He says, I want to shelter you under the shadow of my wings. Jesus said to Jerusalem.
Oh, I longed to be with you like a hen gathers her little chicks together but you would not, you were not willing.
God says in the Scriptures, I will bear you up on eagle’s wings.
The eagles do that. You know, it’s crazy.
It’s springtime right now and you can see the red tailed hawks and there’s some golden eagles that live out here and I don’t know if you know this, but when they’re mating, it’s insane.
This, they’re, they’re very high. They make this incredible scream and they hook together and they, they’re falling.
They’re just plummeting toward the earth and they’ll just go like this and they rejoin.
It’s insane. It’s amazing. The strength and the massive size of those things and gut says, I’ll be those eagle wings to you.
Exodus 33 we’ll finish this off. We’re OK. Exodus 33 18.
And he said, Moses said to God, please show me your glory isn’t that precious.
It’s just Moses, it’s just God on mount, on Mount Sinai.
And Moses says, he, he asked the, listen, that’s your, is that not your request?
God just show me your glory.
You got it, you got it. You gotta give it to Moses.
Apparently when you see all the plagues that God sent.
He Moses watched it happen when your staff turns into a snake and then all of the feral staffs, they turned into snake.
But then your snake eats their snakes in the, well, that’s, that’s awesome when you lightning and thundering and you hear God’s voice and all this stuff that’s going on and you see all the, the, the death of the first born by the, uh, angel of death on, believe it or not, it was Friday the 13th when that happened.
Did you know that, that’s why Friday the 13th is such a big deal to, to weirdos is, it’s Friday the 13th.
You ever think about why Friday the 13th is so bad? It’s so bad.
It’s not bad to the Jews. Did you ever think about that?
Friday the 13th is awesome because when you read the book of Exodus Friday the 13th, it was Friday, Friday.
The, it was the 13th of Nissan that the death angel went through Egypt and killed all the first born.
It was a Friday. So then Friday the 13th.
No, the, the Jews go Friday the 13th.
And then it’s amazing because when God led Children of Israel out of Egypt, there’s a direct correlation going back to when God opened the door for Noah.
And the arc Moses says, show me your glory.
All that stuff was amazing. I could care less. I’ll, I’ll submit to you tonight.
If you saw all kinds of miracles, who cares? Seriously? I don’t need them. I don’t care.
I wanna see the glory.
And then he said, I will make all my goodness pass before you and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you.
I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious.
And I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
But he, but he said, you cannot see my face for no man shall see me and live.
And the Lord said this is to Moses, here is the place, but here is a place by me and you shall stand in the rock or on the rock.
It’s actually a crack in the rock.
So it shall be that while my glory passes by that, I will put you in the cliff or the crack of the rock and I will cover you with my hand.
While I pass by, then I will take away my hand and you shall see my back but my face, you shall not see when God passed by Moses.
He covered his face and then watch, he passes by Moses and then he lets and Moses saw what the the term is after glow.
He saw the atmospheric disturbance of the presence of God when God moved by and that’s all that Moses was allowed to see.
And that fried his face, by the way, remember, remember his face started glowing.
He had to put a bag on his head when he went down to see the chim of Israel because he, he didn’t want to see the glory that he didn’t want them to see the glory.
Leave. Can you imagine? Is that Moses or who’s that?
Is that wild Moses knew that his face was emanating.
He was reflecting the glory of God.
So apparently, when you see the glory of God, that glory is reflected in your life, that’s why we need to make a call to all of us.
From this moment forward. Church, devote more time to God in prayer, devote more time to God in being just quiet, just sit there, devote more time to reading His word.
We need to get closer to Him because we need to get closer to him.
Father. We pray Lord in Jesus name that tonight, we would decide to do that very thing this evening.
Each and every one of us here, we occupy a certain concern, certain issues, each of us represent that thing in our lives, our things, we have sought to live a better life.
That’s not the answer we have sought to do the right thing that didn’t do it. We sought religion.
We may or may not have been bound up in a belief system whereby we can somehow reform ourselves.
And that didn’t work.
But tonight, Lord, we come to you and for some, perhaps you’re saying tonight, I want a new life.
I want this life of faith.
I don’t want my life to be dependent upon a man, a movement, a denomination, a group, a church, a thing.
I want my identity, my salvation, my assurance to be built upon the very person of God, Jesus Christ, the eternal son of God king of kings and Lord of Lords.
And you would say to him tonight, Lord come into my life and save me from my sins and wash away my shame, my guilt free me.
And to those of you who are believers for us.
God is saying to us it’s time to get ready. It’s time to pray. It’s time to press into me.
Lean in, get closer quick. Do that Christian tonight tonight, ask God if he would keep this oath between himself for your life.
Dear Lord, you would say Christian draw me closer into your presence.
God pull me in cause my life to be transformed into your likeness more now than ever before.
Your will be done in my life.
Father, whatever term you want to use my friend, you tell God rededicate, recommit and he doesn’t matter.
It doesn’t matter to Him as long as you do that thing.



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