No Condemnation for Those Who Are in Christ Pt. 2 – Episode 4

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No Condemnation for Those Who Are in Christ Pt. 2 – Episode 4

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No judgment from you. I’m not I get no judgment from me. I’m not judging you.
All All I’m saying is if Jesus can give you the verdict of no condemnation, who do I think I am to tell you that you’re not enough?
In Jesus, you are enough. In Jesus, you’re more than enough. In Jesus, there is no condemnation.
Now, you gotta receive that.
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Let every heart in me used to know your love is to
Condemnation equals fear and fear.
Fear will bring about the stress.
And you know stress, when you are diseased, you will open the door for disease.
Well that’s happening.
When condemnation produces fear and fear produces stress, stress opens the door for the manifestations of the curse.
Why is cancer and stuff so strong? Because we won’t deal with condemnation somehow.
I don’t know how the devil did it.
He he blinded us to the fact of we’re still seeking for the verdict of I’m enough and you’re still seeking that verdict from places that will never give the verdict of no condemnation.
The only place, the only place you will ever get that verdict from, I said a 100 times, is in Christ.
Yes. And if you’re not in Christ, condemnation will start this progression. That’s good.
You look at your own life.
If you’re if you’re not in Christ and if you don’t believe you’re enough in Christ, then you are most likely dealing with some kind of fear.
And if you are dealing with fear, if you if you’re fearful every day of your life, there’s stress that accompanies that fear.
Are you kidding me? The fear that somebody’s gonna find out that you’re not like like you present yourself to be.
The fear that they gonna find out that the real you is really a fake you because you were you were introducing people to the you that you were showing them through the covers that you covered up the real you.
And a fake you, we don’t even know the real you, we only know the you with the covers on you.
And so while everybody’s buying it, you’re stressed out. You’re stressed out.
Because you know the real you. But you’re working real hard to keep the cover on.
And the cover is slowly coming off, because the fear
is coming upon you, and the thing you fear the most comes upon you, and the stress opens up to the manifestations of the curse, sickness, brokenness, worries, all of the manifestations, and it shows up on your body.
It shows up on your face. It shows up on your attitude.
The manifestations of the curse coming from stress, stress coming from fear, fear coming from condemnation.
Can you see why the devil don’t want me to talk to y’all about this?
Because I’m talking to you.
I ain’t got time to be wasting my time preaching no popcorn sermons just to get you to shout.
Jesus is coming back and I gotta stand before him and give an account of how I pastored and watched over your souls and I don’t have time
for all that other stuff no more.
And you know why I can do this, because I am in Christ and he has declared, bam.
You enough, Kreflo Dollar.
And I want you to go home today believing in Christ and when you walk in your house, I want you to walk in your house knowing you are enough.
What what else does this this feel like?
People who feel like they are not enough, people who feel condemned, they’ll say things like this, I need to improve, so I’ll pray more.
So now I’m gonna use it on Christian folks, how Christian folks do this.
Because see, we love to hide behind scriptures and say, well I don’t have condemnation.
And listen to it, you’ll say, I need to improve, so I’m a pray more.
What did you just say?
I’m not enough, I haven’t received that I’m enough, so I’m a pray more.
If I just try harder, the breakthrough will come.
What you’re saying?
I don’t feel like I’m enough for the breakthrough because it ain’t came yet.
If I only get more faith, my miracle will manifest.
You still feel like you’re not enough?
You’re still trying to bring something to the table and hope that by what you bring to the table, it will equip you to be enough for all of these things.
My problem is that if I only do this, what I need to do is that.
And have you noticed? The condemned person in the church
is focused entirely on himself.
Focus entirely on him.
And all Jesus is trying to say is, believe in me, and with me you will be enough.
You know, I see this in John chapter 19, verses 5 through 10, if you’ll go there.
How can I be supernaturally transformed?
Well, Jesus gave us a gift of no condemnation.
You remember what he said to that woman in the book of of, uh, John?
In fact, let’s go there. John 8, 10, and 11. The gift of no condemnation.
It’s a gift that Jesus gave us, a gift of no condemnation.
Why did he give us a gift of no condemnation? He knew something here.
I want you to listen
to me because I’m headed towards a gigantic truth.
A truth that maybe you’ve been working hard not to hear, but I want you to hear it, and in hearing it, you’re gonna be free.
So here’s this woman caught in the very act of adultery.
And they pulled her out of the act of adultery, because they wanted to catch Jesus.
And he said, Jesus, Moses said, a woman who commits adultery or if any commit adultery, the man must have ran real fast.
If if any commit adultery, the first streaker must have been right out of this situation right here.
That they should be stoned to death.
This was supposed to be the day she died.
But before you read on empathy begs the question,
what was on her?
To cause her to be in this act of adultery, what happened?
Was her heart broken? Was she mistreated? Did something happen to her?
I don’t know specifically what happened, but I do know she was in condemnation.
Because when you don’t feel like you’re enough,
you don’t mind people treating you any kind of way.
If you
are a woman and you are dating a man that treats you like a dog, somewhere
you receive that I ain’t nothin’ anyway. Might as well.
At least I have somebody I can hold.
You know how how women do on let me stop.
I dare not say how women do, but also how men do, how people do.
On a holiday, they just wanna be with somebody.
Ain’t nothing got nothing to do with love, I just don’t wanna be by myself on the holiday.
So what you doing this Christmas?
Oh, my sugar daddy, I mean, Mr. Jones, he taking me to, uh, to the Bahamas.
Might as well.
I don’t feel like I’m enough to get somebody that really loves me because when I thought they really loved me, they broke my heart.
And then I did it again and they broke my heart.
And I did it again and they broke my heart. And my dad had molested me and broke my heart.
See, before you start judging and condemning people, ask God to give you empathy because you don’t know what happened to get them,
you don’t know what happened to get that lady in the bed. Why was she in the bed?
Don’t feel like I’m enough. Ain’t never felt like I’m enough.
And the devil will always have somebody around you to whisper that to you.
Yes. That’s right.
You ain’t enough. You ain’t nothing. You just a little hoe sleeping around with everybody.
How much money is it gonna take this time?
So before we wanna be real quick to say, they should have stoned her to death.
Jesus took the attention off this woman’s condemnation day.
And put it back on on the guys that wanted to stone her and say y’all don’t believe y’all enough either.
And the old man dropped their stones then they left because they knew how much sins they had and they knew they wanna know.
They knew they’d been struggling. They knew they got they faults.
Maybe it wasn’t maybe it wasn’t in adultery but they they it was in a whole lot of other stuff.
They left because they too want to condemnation.
And the young boys left because they were under condemnation.
Even though they hadn’t had as much sin as the old man, they
still didn’t get the verdict that they wanted.
And Jesus looked at the woman.
In verse 10, and when he had lifted up himself, he saw none but the woman.
He said unto her, woman, where are those thine accusers?
Hath no man condemned thee? She said, no man, Lord.
And Jesus said unto her, this is so powerful.
I’m gonna give you the verdict you wanted to hear all
your life.
Neither do I condemn thee.
Go and sin no more.
He said to this woman,
you now are enough because of me.
Now that you know you’re enough, you now have what’s necessary to defeat this sin.
Because Cause
if she didn’t have what’s necessary to defeat the sin, then Jesus is a liar and a false prophet, he says, go and sin no more, because there is nothing else that’s gonna hold you to the sin.
There is now no more condemnation. I give you a gift of no condemnation.
And world changes, I remind
thee that you have received a gift from Jesus
the day you got born again. All you gotta do
is receive it now. No condemnation. Amen? Amen.
You ain’t gotta go home and cuss nobody out because there is
no condemnation. You ain’t gotta keep doing
the stupid stuff you’re doing. Why? Because there is no condemnation.
I just gotta get all of us to realize that if Jesus ain’t condemning, you ain’t condemning praise God.
No judgment from you. I’m not no judgment from me. I’m not judging you.
All I’m saying is, if Jesus can give you the verdict of no condemnation, who do I think I am to tell you that you’re not enough?
In Jesus, you are enough. In Jesus, you’re more than enough. In Jesus, there is no condemnation.
Now, you gotta receive that. And most of our issue as Christian people is we hear stuff that we don’t receive.
I can say to you, I got
a gift for you.
But the gift is still at home. Because you never showed up to receive it.
And I need you to receive this gift today.
I need you not to go home
without this gift in your hands.
Jesus shows us how people’s lives can be supernaturally transformed if we would not condemn them.
Somebody call, I need some help.
Well first of all, before I help you, I need to know what you’ve been doing.
Dude, either you gonna help them, or you’re not.
But don’t take them through a trial.
All you need to do before you help somebody is, Lord, what you want me to do?
Luke 19.
5 through 10. Alright.
So and when Jesus came, verse 5, to the place he looked up and he saw him and he said unto him, Zaccheus, make haste and come down,
for today I must abide at thy house.
And he made haste and he came down and he received him joyfully.
And when they saw it,
now watch folks, watch folks now, watch folks. Watch watch folks, watch the church folks, watch church folks.
And when they saw it, they all murmured, started complaining, saying that he was going to meet the guest to be with be the guest with a man that’s a sinner.
A man that’s a sinner.
I saw Kreplo on tablet the other day, they was at the mall with a man I know
ain’t no good.
And then I saw them in a restaurant. They were sitting out eatin’.
And the bible says eatin’ out with the unclean.
And you know what, it’s messing up with some folks because some christmas are a little concerned about being seen with somebody outside the church, because they might say that they doing something wrong with them.
We gotta stop doing that.
All you’re doing is you’re you’re you’re condemning people That you don’t even know if they still like what you heard.
They might not be like that no more.
Or if they like that, rejoice that God got them with somebody that’s born again and filled with the Holy Ghost and getting ready to change their life.
Stop condemning. Your condemnation blocks transformation.
So that’s how he felt. Look at Jesus.
I know I pray 5 times a day. Why he
ain’t why he ain’t telling me he had need to come to my house?
Why he got to why he got to come to that that tax collector, and the man he do and then you start telling a story about all the things wrong with him.
Like Jesus didn’t know.
The next time you run into somebody that’s condemning somebody else, take a lesson from Jesus.
Turn the table back on them. They sent us, they this, they that.
Oh, are you saying you’re perfect?
Well, I ain’t perfect or none, but still I I don’t no no no no no no no no no.
Are you perfect? No, I ain’t perfect enough, uh, but but but I don’t do that.
Oh, so now you’re talking about you got the little sin and they got the big sin?
No, no, that ain’t what I’m saying. You know what I’m saying. No, I’m asking you.
I already know, I know what you’re doing, you passing judgment on something you guilty of yourself.
And you’re trying to make yourself look better than them, and that’s called self righteousness.
Which will lead to condemnation, Which will lead to fear.
Which will lead to to to stress. Which will lead to the manifestation of the curse.
All because you decided to be self righteous.
All but all, you think that your self righteousness is a result of you and not a result of Jesus And and now you think that you you being enough is a result of you, it’s not a result of you.
The bible says your heart is what condemns you, it’s not a result of you.
You still dealing with issues with yourself because you still gotta deal with all the crap you know you did.
And church definitely shouldn’t be a
place where we feel weird coming here.
I feel funny going to that church because people looking at me with a condemning eye.
Oh, not be like that. You ought to look at people like, oh, I’m so glad you’re here.
Because what you’re saying is, my front porch need to be
swept every now and then just like you.
That’s all he’s saying.
I don’t go on quipo again, trying to make it seem like it’s alright to sin.
And these people, they need to hear sin, they need to hear sin. Excuse me, we didn’t heard sin enough.
That’s why we’re so conscious of sin. We’ve not heard righteousness. We have not heard about no condemnation.
We have not heard about what Jesus has done with His precious blood. We have not heard about that.
We need to hear about that, praise God. Well, we need to die to sin.
We need to die to sin. You you already dead, you stank so much right now.
What you mean you did?
Zacchaeus stood.
Now look what happened.
Go back to the end of verse 7, I don’t want you to miss what happened here now.
Let me read into verse 8, just go to Luke 19:7, and let’s read.
He says, and when they saw it, they all murmured saying that he was going to be the guest with a man that is a sinner.
And Zacchaeus stood and said unto the lord, behold lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.
And I go back, now read this in the in the NLT.
Now notice, Jesus ain’t asked this man nothing.
He didn’t ask him to do nothing by pure fact that Jesus chose to be a guest at his house.
He already know his stuff.
But when compassion shows up in the middle of your mess, you’ll start being transformed.
People are changed when compassion shows up, not when judgment shows up.
People are changed when compassion shows up, not when condemnation shows up.
We think by condemning people, they going to be transforming. Nobody’s ever been transformed by you condemning them.
Ain’t nobody gonna be transformed by me getting in the pulpit and talk about how dirty you are.
You’re all dirty, and then you’re going to hell by 12 o’clock. I guarantee it’s almost 12.
You’re going to hell. I guarantee you. God gonna get y’all all y’all going to hell.
Ain’t nobody ever been transformed.
They just been transformed out of your church somewhere else but ain’t nobody been transformed.
Because condemnation is not responsible for transforming people’s lives. Compassion is. Empathy is.
We don’t need to rely on our performance to earn God’s approval.
He already approves of us. In this 3 message series, The Danger of Condemnation, Creflo Dollar uncovers how condemnation is the root of many struggles for
hard to see grace.
Literally, he says,
I have come to end your shame, your blame, your guilt, your condemnation because through me you will get a free gift of no condemnation.
When there is no condemnation, the transformation can take off.
When there is no condemnation, the changes will take place.
For a love gift of only 9 US dollars or more, you can secure your digital download right now.
Call the number on your screen, scan the QR code, or visit and click e store.
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I don’t ever wanna take for granted that you’ve received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior, And there’s no better way to embark upon a new stage in your life than to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus.
So if you wanna become born again and begin an exciting, intimate relationship with Jesus, I want you to pray this prayer with me, and I’ll I’ll say it so you can repeat after me.
Repeat after me. Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died and was raised from the dead and has forgiven all of my sins.
And I receive him into my life right now as my lord and personal savior.
So by faith, I declare that I am saved. Praise God.
Now that simple prayer change your entire eternal destination, and we wanna welcome you to the family of God.
Because of you, Creflo Dollar Ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day.
Thank you, partners and friends. Your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Creflo Dollar Ministries.

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