NEXT GEN TAKEOVER | Dr Bill Winston Special
“To be rich is your birthright and the saving of every soul is your responsibility.” – Dr. Bill Winston
Good evening.
Next gen what a session we had this morning. A word to prepare our generation to take over and dominate.
I am gift and I will be your host this evening. Let us pray dear. He any father.
We thank you for the awesome work that you are doing in this generation and the youth.
We thank you for an awesome word that is equipping us to dominate and take over in Jesus name right now.
We pray. Amen. It’s Friday and the final day of the Bill Winston Ministry, Africa Conference 2022.
And it has been life changing.
If anyone wants to know more about how to partner with this ministry, then take a look at the next clip.
Now, I’d like to take a minute to speak to you about the importance of partnership.
Now, partnership is something that the Apostle Paul talked about over in uh Philippians chapter one and he talked about these two, the people that supported him in his ministry and he called it fellowship.
But in the Greek, the word is partnership.
And when you partner with Bill Winston ministries, you are helping to fulfill the Great commission.
He said, the great commission is to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
Well, you can go but you need some help sometime in helping you go.
And when I say that, I mean, the gospel is free but the equipment cost something.
So you have to be able, we have to be able to pay for it as we go.
And when we came here to Chicago, we had nothing uh but $200 and even no place to stay of our own.
But somebody partnered with us, they gave us a place to stay and, and kept us there for 78 months.
And then we moved down to our own place and then started the church and people start partnering with us and now we’re preaching to almost a billion households on a weekly basis.
So what happened? People start joining us and partnering with us, helping with prayer, helping with financial support to get the job done.
Number two, When you partner with us, every soul that is saved, every person that’s healed, every life that’s transformed, every family that’s restored is accredited to your account.
And that’s what Paul brings out in Philippians Chapter four.
And he is saying that it’s not so much that I desire a gift, but that fruit may abound to your account.
And same thing here, we’re not here to get your money, we’re here to get you blessed.
And part of that blessing. Is when you do give, it’s given back to you good measure, pressed down, shaken together because God wants you to have abundance.
But the other way you get blessed, you get rewarded.
I mean, the souls that we can’t bring in into the kingdom and the lives that are transformed.
Part of that goes to your account.
It’s kind of like you being a stockholder in a, In a company and a company does well, well, you get part of rewards and this is the same thing here.
# three, the same anointing that is on me flows on you through your giving.
I call it the law of association that is your associate with me through your giving and with your prayer support.
I want you to know that that association actually causes an anointing that is on me to also flow on you.
Here’s an example when Peter was fishing, Jesus asked to use his boat, Peter now was washing his nets and no next thing you know, he gave Jesus use of his boat.
Now, Jesus then sat down and taught and then after he finished, he said, launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draw, a great increase.
And Peter said, well, we fished all night and caught nothing. Nevertheless, of that word, I’ll launch out.
And so he did when he did that partnering with Jesus, then he pulled in a boat sinking net, breaking load of fish because that anointing that was known.
Jesus came right on him through his giving, but not only that he called for his partners and his partners came out who were helping him.
They got blessed too. Their boats ran over. Notice everybody’s getting blessed because of the law of association.
When you partner with this ministry, a blessing, the favor that’s on us is coming right on you.
So I’ll encourage you now to become a partner.
I went to the partner with us, go online or call today or just get hooked up because God is doing amazing things through this ministry.
I’m not bragging. I’m just saying what God is doing.
Praise God and with you joining us, we can do more. So I’m reaching out to you today.
Partner with me. Let’s go together and build his kingdom. I love you, Bill Winson saying, keep walking by faith.
So if you would like to partner with us, then simply email us on partners at Bill Winston dot org dot Z A that’s partners at Bill Winston dot org dot Z A and our team will be sure to assist you.
Coming up next. A leader of leaders, a giant slayer, a pioneer of our generation. Pastor David Winston.
David Winston is the pastor of Go hard for Christ Youth Ministry at Living Word Christian Center and the director of Bill Winston Ministries, a worldwide outreach ministry based in Forest Park, Illinois.
In these roles, Pastor David has dedicated himself to ministering God’s word and advancing the kingdom around the world during his senior year of college, after applying to medical school to become a cardiologist, Pastor David heard the voice of God calling him into ministry.
You had a plan to heal hearts in the natural, but I have called you to heal hearts in the spiritual.
At the age of 22 Pastor David accepted the calling and began pursuing his master of Divinity degree from Oral Roberts University or in Tulsa Oklahoma.
Pastor David holds an honorary doctorate in Christian Business Leadership from United Graduate College and Seminary International.
In 2020 he created and launched an online leadership course called the Winston Leadership Institute.
Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together as we welcome Pastor David Winston. Hey, everybody.
My name is Pastor David Winston International, Director of Bill Winston Ministries. And I’m so glad that you joined me.
This is the next generation, take over day. And hey, God has a word for us in season.
You know, I love our next generation. I love our young people and our youth.
As a matter of fact, one of my other roles here in the ministry is the youth pastor here at our local church living word Christian Center.
I’ve been doing it for over 13 years and I love to empower and encourage our young people to be able to achieve and do everything that God has called them to do.
And so I believe in this next generation.
I believe that God has a word for all of us, whether you’re young or young at heart.
God has a word for you right here today.
And so, um my assignment is to be able to just speak life into you, into your purpose, into your destiny.
And, you know, I grew up in a pastoral household as the son of doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston.
I understood exactly what it meant to stand on the word of God even at a young age.
And I can’t say that I was perfect, but I was taught the principles of the word of God and learned to just live by faith, right, to walk by faith and not by sight.
And that’s exactly what God wants for all of us.
And so I have a real good message lined up here for you today.
And so let’s pray and get right on into it. Heavenly Father.
We thank you for this opportunity to minister the gospel.
I thank you Lord for the word that you would think through my mind and speak through my lips that this word would come out unhindered and unchecked by any outside force that the seed of this word of God would go into every heart and bear forth much good fruit I decrease now that you may increase.
I step back, that you may step forward and we decree and declare signs wonders and miracles confirming the word preach we praise you in advance for it.
In Jesus name. Amen and amen.
Well, I hope you have your bibles with you and ready because we’re gonna be turning to some different scriptures.
But I wanna talk to you today about taking the limitations off of yourself.
The subject title for my teaching today is called Erasing Limitations, erasing Limitations.
And let me tell you this no matter what generation you are in.
God calls you to walk by faith and not by sight. God calls us to live by faith.
God calls us to fight the good fight of faith. Now, he didn’t say fight the good fight of faith.
If you’re over 21 he didn’t say live by faith.
If you’ve made it to 12 years old, he didn’t say walk by faith.
Once you have a good education at the nearest university and once you have a good job in your career is on the straight path.
No, no. He told all of us if we are believers, if we believed on Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, he’s told each and every one of us To walk by faith and then he has given us the faith to do it.
He’s equipped us with the faith necessary to accomplish everything that we need to accomplish in this earth and in this life.
And I have news for you. It’s already a fixed fight because Jesus already won the victory.
So all we’re doing is we’re battling to maintain the victory that Jesus already died to provide.
We’re gonna talk about erasing limitations here today.
And it reminds me of the scripture in Daniel chapter 11 and in verse 32 the scripture says this in the last part that the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits.
I love that they’re gonna be strong, kind of like me, kind of like you and they’re gonna do great exploits.
But what is an exploit? Because sometimes we don’t even know what that is.
We read the Bible so fast that we don’t even know. Like what does this mean?
I like what one man said, exploits are news making record breaking supernatural results.
I like that news making record breaking supernatural results.
God is gonna use you to do something in this next year that is gonna break records.
It’s gonna make the news, it might be trending on social media. It’s gonna be a supernatural result.
Imagine if Jesus walked to day.
Oh man, he would be a, a permanent trending topic every single day because everything that he did made news, it made headlines and it made people wanna follow him and glorify God.
Oh man, I’m getting excited already. See God. He calls us to do impossible things.
You know, it says all the time in the gospels, especially even in Matthew chapter 19 verse 26.
I recall when Jesus said with men, this is impossible. But with God, all things are possible.
Say it with me, with God. God, all things are possible. That means there’s no impossibilities with God.
He is a God of the miraculous.
Now, I love what my father, Doctor Winston said a few weeks ago in his service.
He said, faith is not an intellectual exercise. I said, oh, I, I caught it.
Faith is not an intellectual exercise.
It’s not about how much, you know, what degree you have, what credentials you have, who you’re connected to or what your I Q is.
No, no, no, no, a child who has barely an education, they can exercise faith.
And in this kingdom, in the government of God, they can get results.
So no matter who you are, where you’re from, the big city or the township, much education, little education doesn’t matter.
You have the faith to overcome the world. And that’s what our theme is this year.
Faith to change your world. And so in the gospels, we often see Peter James and John who are the closest ones to Jesus.
And we see Peter specifically and God uses Peter in a miraculous way.
But we know that sometimes Peter was quick to speak. He was the disciple that did betray Jesus.
So I, I, I understand and you know, sometimes we make mistakes but I’m glad that God shows it fit and saw it fit for Peter’s story to be placed there in the Gospel.
Because it helps me identify and understand that even if I make a mistake, I can repent before God and he can restore me.
But God used Peter in an amazing way.
And Jesus, you know, he had, I believe he, he had some special uses for Peter starting with, using his boat because there’s a story in the gospel that talks about Jesus utilizing Peter’s boat and uh Peter and uh James and John And when it says Simon is saying Simon, Peter and the gospels, but James John Andrew, they had this fishing business and I don’t know if you have started a business, maybe you’re a small business owner, but you know everything it took to start that business, right?
You know, you had to put your blood, sweat, tears, prayer scriptures, sow and seed to get that business off the ground and then continue it to move forward.
So imagine them having this fishing business, right?
And so they’re fishing and Jesus comes up and we pick up at Luke chapter five and verse one.
And I’m gonna read out of the new King James version. New King James version. Luke chapter five verse one.
So it was as the multitude pressed about him to hear the word of God that he stood by the lake of and saw two boats standing by the lake.
But the fishermen had gone out from them and were washing their nets and then he got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s and that’s Simon Peter and asked him to put out a little from the land and he sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat.
And when he had stopped speaking, he said to Simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.
But Simon answered and said to him, master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing.
Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net.
And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their net was breaking.
So they signaled to their partners and the other boat to come and help them and they came and filled both the boats so that they begin to sink.
And when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’s knees saying depart from me for I’m a sinful man.
Oh Lord, for he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken.
And so also were James and John, the sons of Zeti who were partners with Simon and Jesus said to Simon do not be afraid from now on, you will catch men.
So when they had brought their boats to the land, they forsook all and followed him.
I wanna stay right here with the story for most of our time here today because I believe that there’s some revelation that we can grab that’s embedded in it when we’re talking about erasing limitations.
We see something supernatural happening to Peter and also to James and, and, and John and uh also Andrew something supernatural happened to them.
And this lake of which is also uh the Sea of Galilee. It’s actually the same body of water.
Um We’ve been able to see from historical records and documents. It’s that same big body of water.
And we see that this is the same body of water that later on in the gospels.
Peter’s walking on that same water. This is the same body of water that takes place right there by Galilee.
And we see Jesus and he’s teaching and in verse two, as the people were pressing him, he saw that there was fishermen who were gone from their boats and they were washing their nets and you know, this signals to me that the time to, to fish was over, right?
It was morning time, just think about it is morning time, sun was up.
And so they’re washing their nets after a long shift, they fished all night. That hadn’t cost anything.
So they’re washing their nets and they’re about to shut it down. Right.
Have you ever gone to a restaurant, whether it’s a fast food restaurant or a nice restaurant?
And have you ever got there right at the end?
And they tried to tell you that the kitchen is closed.
I have, it actually happened to me recently I went to a place to eat and they said, oh, I’m sorry.
So, the kitchen’s closed and I said, well, well, it, it says you’re still open.
He said, but the kitchen’s closed. What were they trying to tell me? The cooks are ready to go home?
You know, the things have been pots have been washed and plates have been cleaned and food has been put away and, and the burners and the ovens have been turned off.
Everything’s been shut down because they were ready to get out of there.
Well, I believe that’s what Peter was doing. He’s washing his net and imagine working a long shift all night.
You’re ready to go home. And Jesus asked Peter to do something that was inconvenient.
He said, well, Peter, well, let me get into your boat and launch out a little from the land and this was inconvenient for Peter because he was ready to be done.
And I wanna tell you something, the impossible often involves the inconvenient. The impossible often involves the inconvenient.
How much are you willing to be inconvenienced by God to see that miracle manifest because sometimes we want something that’s miraculous, but yet we wanna be comfortable.
Right? We don’t wanna step outside of that comfort zone. We don’t wanna be inconvenienced.
Oh, I, I don’t wanna have to give up this. I don’t wanna have to do that.
I don’t wanna have to. So that because that was, you know, I was gonna use that for this over here on the side, but God is speaking to you, even as I’m ministering, I believe God is speaking to you And he may be asking you to do something that’s inconvenient or encourage you to listen to that voice.
And in verse three, he got into the boat. Jesus did, which was Simon’s.
He asked him to put out a little from the land and what did he do?
He taught from the boat. So Jesus is teaching and teaching and Simon had to make a decision, not just to go home, not just to leave, not just to go down the street to get something to eat, but he stayed and he heard the word of God.
How do I know? Because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
So we had to be able to build his faith and hearing the word of God for what was about to come next.
And that’s why this conference is so important.
That’s why hearing the word is so important because faith teaching erases limitations.
That’s what faith teaching is designed to do. And without faith teaching by the word, your limitations remain intact.
If you wanna go there, you gotta hear it first.
If you wanna believe, you have to hear the word being taught to be able to build your belief.
So words of doubt and unbelief, they feed your limitations.
But the preaching according to the word of faith that’s gonna build you up, that’s gonna build your courage to erase those limitations.
And before the impossible can happen, God always has to build your belief. Now, I got news for you.
I don’t think that this is the first time that Simon Peter heard Jesus or heard the gospel, you know, theologians say that Peter had heard the gospel different times before.
As a matter of fact, uh it’s documented that Jesus went to Peter’s house to heal his mother in law.
So this wasn’t even Peter’s first encounter with Jesus. He wasn’t necessarily a stranger. Keep that in mind.
Let’s keep going. And verse four, when he had stopped speaking, he said to Simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch plural because Jesus had in mind how much was about to be caught up, how much he was about to harvest.
And now let me ask you a question. Could Peter?
Could he have gotten a catch if he refused to let down his neck?
May I ask again? Could Peter have gotten a catch if he refused to let down the net?
No, absolutely not. What does this mean?
God will not do our part for us if we wanna see a miracle manifest, if we wanna erase the limitations, that means that faith is active.
It’s not just sitting on the sidelines, it’s not just hearing a good word, but it is doing faith without works is what dead.
That’s what the scripture says. And so Simon Peter had to do and I believe God might be speaking to you this week that it’s time to let down your nets.
Now, that might be metaphorical. It might mean something else to you. Not literal nets unless you’re a fisherman.
But maybe God is calling you to sell something or to start something or to do something or to make that call or, or to, to transition out of that job or maybe to move to a different location or maybe to apply to that school.
God is calling you to do something.
And he’s saying, son, daughter, I need you to let down your nets for a great increase.
Because without the letting down of nets, you cannot receive the increase.
You’re gonna have to participate with the miracle because no miracle manifests without your participation, it doesn’t happen, not in this kingdom.
It doesn’t happen by accident. You participate with God, what do we do?
We pray and then we participate, see some people think we pray and walk away like, ok, thank you God.
And then we’re done. No, no, no. It’s a finished work. We thank him for it.
But then we listen for his instruction, God. What do you want me to do next?
And if we’re keen to hear God and hear his voice, he’s gonna instruct us on exactly where to go and what to do.
So we get back to Simon Peter and I believe that if you wanna see the impossible, you must be sensitive to divine opportunities or divine timing.
The Young’s literal translation says that Jesus said put back into the deep your nets.
Mm So imagine they had already been there. They had already gone out into the deep there.
The sea of Galilee, the lake of they had already been there.
And Jesus says, go back, he required them to do something that maybe they felt like they had already been doing.
I think that that’s very interesting. I’m gonna come right back to that point.
But it’s interesting how God, he requires us to do something.
And if you go right before Luke chapter five, you go back to uh chapter four.
And at the end of chapter four, it says in verse 40 that when the sun was setting Jesus, he was healing the sick with various diseases of people that were brought to him.
And it says this, it says he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them.
That word healed. It’s a Greek word.
And you can guess what we English Word we get from that therapy.
So Jesus Thera them. Now when I think of therapy and I know there’s different kinds of therapy, but let’s think of a physical therapist.
I actually had to go to a physical therapist.
Uh some months ago, I was having just a little bit uh slight knee pain.
And of course, you know, I was putting the scripture on it.
I was pleading the blood of Jesus and healing.
But I felt like, OK, I felt like God was telling me to do it.
And so I did and I met with the physical therapist there handful of times and they had me do some exercises that were different than I thought that they were gonna have me do.
And so I thought that they were just gonna, you know, just some basic knee strength exercises.
But what they started doing is they started doing some work on my hips, on my mobility.
And I was like, I don’t understand how this quite connects but wouldn’t, you know it.
But after going to them for 34 weeks, even after the first week, I immediately started to notice a difference.
I was like, hey, OK, I feel it now and it’s amazing how we have physical therapists who know the body and have you do certain things that will help you get better mobility and, and less pain and heal the body.
But notice the physical therapist won’t do the work for you.
You gotta get this, they won’t do the work for you.
They are there to lead and guide you and tell you what movement to do.
See God is there to lead you and guide you by His Holy Spirit to tell you what movement to do.
But God won’t do the movement for you. He won’t be obedient for you. That’s you.
You have to say yes, you have to decide to partner with God. You have to step out in faith.
And that’s the point where the transaction occurs. They had to cooperate with the miracle.
I hear God saying, son, daughter, are you ready to cooperate with the miracle and leave all limitations behind?
Oh, that’s good. And let me ask you a question. What if they came back?
The disciples will talk about Peter.
What if Peter came back the next day and decided to launch out into the deep and let down his net for a great increase?
Do you think he would have seen it?
Well, I mean, I, I, I, I know this is theoretical but I don’t think he would have, why wouldn’t he have Pastor David?
Because he missed the moment in which obedience was required.
See sometimes what we do is we try to get good and ready for when our mental and emotion, our, our mental state, our emotions are ready to now do this thing.
But sometimes you got this window of time where God is saying no, no son.
I need you to do it now, daughter, I need you to move. Now. The window was open now.
And that breakthrough, that miracle that erasing limitations hinges on your obedience. In the moment.
I pray that somebody under the sound of my voice, the spirit of might comes upon you even as I’m speaking and preaching and even as Doctor Winston is preaching that spirit of might and spirit of faith fills your heart and it gets you to absolutely destroy every limitation by stepping out in faith and what you know, God told you to do.
Praise God. I’m getting excited. Yeah.
Would the fish have been there in miraculous fashion the next day or the next week or the next month?
I personally don’t think so because it was that moment that Jesus was requiring obedience.
Verse five and salmon, salmon.
I’m thinking of fish, salmon, but Simon answered and said to him, master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing.
Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net.
So Peter references Jesus here as master and I talked about this.
This wasn’t Peter’s first encounter with Jesus and to be able to reference him as master, he must have known something about him.
There must have been some other encounters that he had with him.
And then it said that word toiled, they toiled all night.
That word toiled means to be exhausted from work, mentally, physically, emotionally exhausted.
Now, imagine Jesus got into the boat and then told them where to go to fish.
Now, he’s not a fishing expert. Van toiled all night and it was time to go home.
You don’t fish during the day. So now you got Jesus coming.
He’s not a fishing expert knows nothing about fishing and he gets in the boat and says, you know what, let’s go fish over there.
You say Jesus, it’s daytime, launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.
Now, this is over time. You’re not being paid for this. You off the clock, volunteering your time.
But what happened, Jesus was right and Peter, he had to humble himself enough to receive the master’s instructions.
He had to humble himself. Let me ask you a question. What if you’ve done it before?
And God says, try it again.
You said I went to the university before it didn’t work out. Well.
The first time God has tried it again, he says, well, I’ve tried to start this Bible club in my school but it didn’t work the first time.
God says, try it again. He says, well, I, I, I sold my seat or I did this or I tried to talk to them or I put in my application.
I, I wanted to start the business.
I, I, I tried to make it work in this relationship or in this marriage. God says, try it again.
And Peter was humble enough to say, you know what?
Nevertheless, at your word, I’ll go do as you say.
And in verse six, when they did this, what happened, they caught a great number of fish and their net was breaking a huge multitude of fish.
It says, and in verse seven, so they signaled to their partners.
Come on, James John, come on, help us and the other boat to come help them and they came and filled both the boats so, so that they began to sink.
So here’s the question I know you’re wondering, especially, you know, in your 16 year old mind, you might be younger.
You listening to this, you’re saying, well, how many fish was it?
I’m glad that you asked because I think sometimes as we read the gospel, we put it in perspective according to our own belief, our own preconceived notions or thoughts or how we’ve been trained or what we’ve been exposed to.
So a lot might be relative to all of us. But here, let me give you some facts.
So historians believe that those who fished in the sea of Galilee, the lake of, they all used the same kind of boat made by the same basic manufacturer.
And so let’s say all of the boats were just about the same.
So historians say that this boat was about 10 m long.
We’ll say about maybe 30 or so meters long, maybe 32 ft long.
Uh uh excuse me, 10 m long, 32 ft long, three m wide, maybe a little less than 10 ft And was very deep.
They estimate that each boat could hold about 5-6 tons of weight. So what does that mean?
So to fill two boats to the capacity where two boats are beginning to sink, they estimate that there was over 10 tons of fish being pulled into both of these boats total.
That’s a lot of fish. You know how many fish that is?
That’s like putting two Mercedes G L S S U V s onto each boat.
That’s a lot of fish, a net breaking boat, sinking load of fish.
And how did it come? Because Peter was so awesome. He looked so good. He was so strong.
He was so eloquent because he was the best fisherman around.
I think it came simply because he was the one that decided to sow the seed.
What was the seed? He sowed his boat. He could have gone home after a long shift.
But he decided I’m gonna let the master use my vessel.
What is Jesus speaking to you about what is God speaking to you about that?
He’s asking you to sow or sacrifice that may be inconvenient in the moment.
But is necessary for the miracle that the breakthrough is predicated upon your obedience to be able to follow him, listen to his voice and do according to what he says.
And then we can see the net breaking boat sinking, harvest.
What is God trying to put into your boat?
And we know we’re gonna have to sew because all increase in the kingdom is sea based without a seed increase in the kingdom is illegal.
Sowing and reaping is the economic system of the Kingdom of God.
And so we gotta sow that seed, whatever that might be, may not be monetary, whatever that is.
And he didn’t even have room enough to receive it. Isn’t that amazing?
And in verse eight, what happens to Simon Peter? Imagine being in that position.
And when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at jesus’ knee saying depart from me for I am a sinful man.
Oh Lord, I believe that this brought Peter to salvation because he this incident or this situation made Peter confess Jesus as Lord he said, depart from me.
I’m a sinful man. Oh Lord sounds like repentance to me.
See, notice that even though Peter might have had other encounters with Jesus previously, maybe he heard him doing a little teaching.
Maybe, you know, Jesus came and healed his mother in law, but it wasn’t until Jesus blessed his business and he saw something that was unexplainable at that moment, it brought him to his knees and that’s what miracles are designed to do.
Miracles are designed to bring people to Christ.
They’re not designed for us to show people how flashy and how good we are.
How nice the car is that we’re driving. I mean, hey, that, that’s nice. I know you look good.
Maybe you have a nice car.
But what the miracle is designed to do is it’s designed to get their attention, that God is good and he wants them and his family.
That’s what it’s designed to do.
I give glory to God when people see me or they see something in my life and they know it’s miraculous.
They know it’s God’s goodness and they ask me about it and I get a chance to brag on God.
I said, this ain’t me. This is God. God has blessed me. God has blessed our family.
God has done so much. Only God could do that.
And in Luke chapter 5: verse nine, for he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken.
And so also were James and John and the sons of Ze who were partners with Simon.
And Jesus said to Simon, do not be afraid from now on. You will catch men.
God is about to do something in your life that is going to astonish others.
I decree it. I declare it right now from this pulpit.
I need you to catch it by faith.
God is about to do something in your life that’s about to astonish others. What is that word? Astonishment.
This this word astonish means dumbfounded to the point of shutting down. Oh, I like that.
The literal translation is amazement. Had seized them all.
God is about to do something in your life that you won’t have words for it.
It’s gonna be hard to put into words. It just might make you weep tears of joy.
And I believe that that’s what God wants for all of his Children.
Yeah, we’re gonna have trials and tribulations, challenges are gonna come.
I’m not, I’m not here telling you that none of that will ever exist in your life.
They might come but no weapon formed against you will prosper. You might be in a tight spot now.
But I’m here to tell you that whatever is happening is just setting up a platform for God’s miracle working power to show up and leave you astonished.
It’s about to astound others.
God’s gonna use you as a walking billboard to advertise for His goodness.
You’re about to be the poster child of God’s government and how well God takes care of his Children.
Oh, I like this. So verse 11, the last verse.
So when they had brought their boats to the land, what did they do?
They go back to normal life when we count all these fish, you know, get them out to the different markets.
I’ll see you tomorrow, James John, I’ll see you. I’ll see you, Andrew.
No, no, they forsook all and followed him the business that maybe they worked so hard to build, maybe the clientele, they work so hard to build the relationship with vendors and markets.
And they were finally known in the community, they had already marketed and they finally got their social media together and they finally got a little bit of advertisement.
Things were finally moving in the right direction, but they had a challenging night. They took in nothing.
But then this this neck breaking load of fish changed everything.
Peter had a degree in fishing management, but this changed everything God is about to encounter you in a way that’s going to leave you changed forever, man.
Why would all of them leave their businesses and follow Jesus?
Because one encounter with the impossible leaves, you changed, one encounter would be impossible.
It leaves you changed. They had no intention on ever coming back.
They said we’re done with this and we’re not coming back.
And I believe that people today sometimes they don’t wanna follow God because we’ve reduced him to a being that we can’t figure out that sometimes maybe makes us feel good.
We’ve reduced him to maybe just a couple of quotes.
We’ve reduced him to just, you know, sipping coffee while we listen to the pastor. No, no, no, no.
God is a God of the impossible of the miraculous.
And not only does he want us to encounter his miracle working power.
He wants us to be facilitators of that miracle working power. Jesus said the works that I do.
You can do too and greater because I go to the father.
So I need you to continue on my mission. And here’s the power to do it.
Usher in the holy ghost. You have the same ability, the working of miracles awakens your spirit to follow God at a deeper level, man.
The working of the impossible. It’s meant to give God glory. That’s what it’s meant to do.
I remember when Jesus raised a boy from the dead in Luke chapter seven.
And what happened is that fear came upon all of them and they glorified God.
It says in Matthew chapter five verse 16, let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.
When they see those good works, they are, people are designed to turn to God.
Did you see that? I believe that there’s something inside of us that when we see true good works, it makes us start to turn to God.
It, it, it gives us an awareness that wait a minute, it’s not just me. I’m not alone.
There’s not just some being here, you know, in space somewhere, there is a God.
It says in acts chapter 10 verse 38 that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power who went about doing good healing, all who were oppressed of the devil because God was with Him.
That’s what we should be doing going about, doing good healing.
Those making a difference in our communities, using our faith to change our world as our theme is faith to change your world.
That’s what we should be doing.
And it says in Genesis chapter 12 verse two, God tells Abraham that He’s gonna make you a great nation and I will bless you with an abundant increase of favors and make your name famous.
And distinguished and you will be a blessing, dispensing goods to others.
God’s gonna make you famous and distinguish why to give God glory and accurately represent the kingdom.
That’s why it’s not for your vanity. It’s not so you can get up your Twitter followers.
It’s not so you can get verified on Instagram. No, no, no, no, no. Let’s not get this thing twisted.
This is not about us. This is about God’s kingdom coming to earth.
It’s not about us trying to escape here and get to heaven. Jesus said thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That’s what we’re here for.
That’s the mission it says over in Psalms chapter 1 15 in verse 16, the heaven, even the heavens are the lords but the earth has he given to the Children of men.
I like what our pastor said here. Recently, miracles are made to manage the earth.
That’s good. Miracles are made to manage the earth.
Earth is under new management, your country, your community, your city, your township.
We got news for the devil tonight. It is under new management.
It doesn’t belong to him or his kids.
The earth is under your management, the township, the residents, the apartment building, your neighborhood, your city, your school, your place of employment.
Yeah, maybe you didn’t start the company. But spiritually, it’s under your management.
Maybe you didn’t found the school but spiritually it’s under your management.
Maybe you’re not the head of, of, of, of, you know, the Black club or maybe you’re not the person who’s uh over the housing association for your subdivision or your neighborhood.
But spiritually, it’s under your management because you are the only one who has authority.
So take jurisdiction, know your rights as a kingdom citizen.
Nothing should happen on your watch without your allowing it. What do we want to happen?
Good things, right? We want blessing to come. We want new opportunities to come.
We want the curse to be lifted and the blessing to be brought. We want our communities to be flourishing.
We want to eradicate poverty and make the waste places like the Garden of Eden.
We wanna heal the sick, we wanna raise the dead, we wanna see blind eyes open, we wanna start Kingdom businesses, we wanna give back and sow back and we wanna make it so that there is no trace of the curse in the earth.
That’s our job. Regardless of your age. That’s your job.
Don’t shrink back and say, well, I’m only 12 years old.
It was a, I believe it was a 12 year old boy who brought his basket of loaves of, of bread and fish to Jesus.
And what did he do? He blessed it and they fed 20,000 folks.
I mean, it’s an arena full of folks because one boy had enough courage to sow the seed of dinner of supper.
Now that would have been inconvenient, right?
Because he couldn’t go home empty handed because I know I know how mothers be like boy, where is the bread?
Where is the salmon? I sent you out and you can’t, you, you gave it, you, you gave it to who you gave it to the pastor.
What are you doing? No, no, no.
But I believe the boy saw something because when Jesus preached, he demonstrated the Kingdom of God.
And when he talked about the Kingdom of God, often he talked about what it talks about in Mark chapter four.
The Kingdom of God is if as if a man should sow seed in the ground and sleep and rise night and day in the seed, spring up and grow and he doesn’t know how.
So I know if Jesus was teaching the kingdom sowing seed was somewhere embedded in there and his boy caught it.
I said, well, let me shoot my shot.
I hear God saying to you today, shoot your shot.
You’re worried about it if you’ll miss it, but you’re gonna miss the opportunity if you don’t step out.
You know, there’s a saying that says we miss 100% of the shots that we don’t take to erase limitations.
You’re gonna have to step out, you’re gonna have to jump, you’re gonna have to shoot the shot.
You’re gonna have to try and don’t worry about failing God is with you.
And when God is with you and you’re obeying God.
Even when you feel like a mistake is made, even when you fail, feel like you failed.
When you’re following God, you can’t even fail and fall down.
All you can do is fail up when you’re following God.
When you’re being obedient to what he’s called you to do. There’s no failure.
It’s just maybe a little redirection, right? If we were trying to redirect some, some things.
But I believe the Holy Spirit’s job is to bring you to a place where you can glorify God by using your potential.
It says in Romans chapter eight and verse 19, for the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.
And in verse 22, it says for we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.
But if you go back to verse 14, it says this for as many as are led by the spirit of God, those are the sons of God.
So the sons of God are those who can solve the problems of today, solve the problems of the world now, who are the sons of God?
Well, that’s referring to me or you. But let’s get one thing clear.
Sons refers to those who are resembling God’s character and his nature.
It also means mature offspring. So check this out. We are not counted as mature offspring.
If we are not being led by God being led by God is the prerequisite to being mature offspring.
And what is God leading us to do? He’s not leading us to do possible things.
He’s not leading us to do things that we can do in our own strength.
He’s leading us to do things that only the Holy Spirit can manage to do.
He’s leading us to do things that are impossible.
There’s no limitations here and you know what God is calling us to do.
He’s calling us to rediscover, limitless living, rediscover capture, get a hold of it.
Let it get down inside of you.
Don’t let anybody convince you to think small or to dream small or that’s too big for you because you, you know, you don’t know anybody in that industry or you don’t come from a top school.
Forget that limitless thinking God through the vehicle of the Holy Spirit is calling you to rediscover, limitless living and limitless thinking because it says in the word that He can do far beyond what we can ask or think according to the power that works inside of us, what is that power?
That’s holy ghost power. He’s gonna give you a dream that you can’t fulfill by yourself.
He’s gonna give you a vision that you can’t complete by yourself.
He’s gonna give you a goal that you can’t see a way to get to by yourself.
But he did it on purpose to guarantee that you will leave him in it because if you could do it by yourself, you could leave God on the sideline and let this thing play out.
But when God gives you something, you’ll know it’s from God because there’s a component of it that has to include Him.
Guaranteed. If we are not doing the impossible, we are not walking in maturity as believers, period.
God has given us these miracles to manage the earth and just like Peter, we’re gonna have to do some unusual things to get some unusual results.
We’re gonna have to launch back out into the deep and let down our nets for a great increase.
What is God trying to do in your life in this season that he’s been tugging on your heart?
Saying son, daughter launch back out into the deep, let down your net for a great increase.
I know maybe some people might have given up on you.
Maybe things got real hard over the last couple of years because of what we’ve experienced.
Maybe there’s some people that have walked out of your life or maybe there’s some places that you got dismissed from.
Maybe there’s some things that you had to leave behind and you didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to the business closed, the schools shut down.
Something happened that started to try to shake your belief that God could really fulfill the dream and desire that he gave you years ago.
I’m here to reawaken that I’m here to build your faith so you can change your world.
I believe that this is the time that God is calling you forward and let this be the announcement that God is calling you back into the deep.
I believe it. And if you believe it, I need you right where you are to just give God some praise.
Come on shout, amen. Give him some praise. Thank Him for how good He is.
We thank you Lord for being amazing. You are still alpha and Omega. You are Jehovah Raph.
You are Jehovah Gyra. And we thank you Lord for being exactly who you said in your word. You were.
You are still working miracles and you’re working them through your believers. Even today.
I thank you father for this word and we thank you Lord that you are calling us into the deep.
Let us not get discouraged. Let us not give up, let us not lose hope.
You said that we would reap if we do not faint. Father.
I thank you Lord for the strength, the supernatural courage and the super natural endurance, not to faint, but to launch out into the deep, to let down the nets of our expectation that we may pull in something that astonishes others and leaves us in amazement and points all other men to give you glory in Jesus name.
Amen. Thank you so much. I love you all.
Once again, this is Pastor David Winston saying keep walking by faith just gets better and better.
I know this word will empower us to fulfill our destiny and purpose in the kingdom of God.
Definitely a teaching we need to meditate on as the next generation.
Don’t forget tonight at seven PM, we have Doctor Bill Winston with the final word for the Bill Winston Africa Conference of 2022.
That’s it for me. Goodbye. And in the words of Doctor Winston, keep walking by faith.
Next gen what a session we had this morning. A word to prepare our generation to take over and dominate.
I am gift and I will be your host this evening. Let us pray dear. He any father.
We thank you for the awesome work that you are doing in this generation and the youth.
We thank you for an awesome word that is equipping us to dominate and take over in Jesus name right now.
We pray. Amen. It’s Friday and the final day of the Bill Winston Ministry, Africa Conference 2022.
And it has been life changing.
If anyone wants to know more about how to partner with this ministry, then take a look at the next clip.
Now, I’d like to take a minute to speak to you about the importance of partnership.
Now, partnership is something that the Apostle Paul talked about over in uh Philippians chapter one and he talked about these two, the people that supported him in his ministry and he called it fellowship.
But in the Greek, the word is partnership.
And when you partner with Bill Winston ministries, you are helping to fulfill the Great commission.
He said, the great commission is to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
Well, you can go but you need some help sometime in helping you go.
And when I say that, I mean, the gospel is free but the equipment cost something.
So you have to be able, we have to be able to pay for it as we go.
And when we came here to Chicago, we had nothing uh but $200 and even no place to stay of our own.
But somebody partnered with us, they gave us a place to stay and, and kept us there for 78 months.
And then we moved down to our own place and then started the church and people start partnering with us and now we’re preaching to almost a billion households on a weekly basis.
So what happened? People start joining us and partnering with us, helping with prayer, helping with financial support to get the job done.
Number two, When you partner with us, every soul that is saved, every person that’s healed, every life that’s transformed, every family that’s restored is accredited to your account.
And that’s what Paul brings out in Philippians Chapter four.
And he is saying that it’s not so much that I desire a gift, but that fruit may abound to your account.
And same thing here, we’re not here to get your money, we’re here to get you blessed.
And part of that blessing. Is when you do give, it’s given back to you good measure, pressed down, shaken together because God wants you to have abundance.
But the other way you get blessed, you get rewarded.
I mean, the souls that we can’t bring in into the kingdom and the lives that are transformed.
Part of that goes to your account.
It’s kind of like you being a stockholder in a, In a company and a company does well, well, you get part of rewards and this is the same thing here.
# three, the same anointing that is on me flows on you through your giving.
I call it the law of association that is your associate with me through your giving and with your prayer support.
I want you to know that that association actually causes an anointing that is on me to also flow on you.
Here’s an example when Peter was fishing, Jesus asked to use his boat, Peter now was washing his nets and no next thing you know, he gave Jesus use of his boat.
Now, Jesus then sat down and taught and then after he finished, he said, launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draw, a great increase.
And Peter said, well, we fished all night and caught nothing. Nevertheless, of that word, I’ll launch out.
And so he did when he did that partnering with Jesus, then he pulled in a boat sinking net, breaking load of fish because that anointing that was known.
Jesus came right on him through his giving, but not only that he called for his partners and his partners came out who were helping him.
They got blessed too. Their boats ran over. Notice everybody’s getting blessed because of the law of association.
When you partner with this ministry, a blessing, the favor that’s on us is coming right on you.
So I’ll encourage you now to become a partner.
I went to the partner with us, go online or call today or just get hooked up because God is doing amazing things through this ministry.
I’m not bragging. I’m just saying what God is doing.
Praise God and with you joining us, we can do more. So I’m reaching out to you today.
Partner with me. Let’s go together and build his kingdom. I love you, Bill Winson saying, keep walking by faith.
So if you would like to partner with us, then simply email us on partners at Bill Winston dot org dot Z A that’s partners at Bill Winston dot org dot Z A and our team will be sure to assist you.
Coming up next. A leader of leaders, a giant slayer, a pioneer of our generation. Pastor David Winston.
David Winston is the pastor of Go hard for Christ Youth Ministry at Living Word Christian Center and the director of Bill Winston Ministries, a worldwide outreach ministry based in Forest Park, Illinois.
In these roles, Pastor David has dedicated himself to ministering God’s word and advancing the kingdom around the world during his senior year of college, after applying to medical school to become a cardiologist, Pastor David heard the voice of God calling him into ministry.
You had a plan to heal hearts in the natural, but I have called you to heal hearts in the spiritual.
At the age of 22 Pastor David accepted the calling and began pursuing his master of Divinity degree from Oral Roberts University or in Tulsa Oklahoma.
Pastor David holds an honorary doctorate in Christian Business Leadership from United Graduate College and Seminary International.
In 2020 he created and launched an online leadership course called the Winston Leadership Institute.
Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together as we welcome Pastor David Winston. Hey, everybody.
My name is Pastor David Winston International, Director of Bill Winston Ministries. And I’m so glad that you joined me.
This is the next generation, take over day. And hey, God has a word for us in season.
You know, I love our next generation. I love our young people and our youth.
As a matter of fact, one of my other roles here in the ministry is the youth pastor here at our local church living word Christian Center.
I’ve been doing it for over 13 years and I love to empower and encourage our young people to be able to achieve and do everything that God has called them to do.
And so I believe in this next generation.
I believe that God has a word for all of us, whether you’re young or young at heart.
God has a word for you right here today.
And so, um my assignment is to be able to just speak life into you, into your purpose, into your destiny.
And, you know, I grew up in a pastoral household as the son of doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston.
I understood exactly what it meant to stand on the word of God even at a young age.
And I can’t say that I was perfect, but I was taught the principles of the word of God and learned to just live by faith, right, to walk by faith and not by sight.
And that’s exactly what God wants for all of us.
And so I have a real good message lined up here for you today.
And so let’s pray and get right on into it. Heavenly Father.
We thank you for this opportunity to minister the gospel.
I thank you Lord for the word that you would think through my mind and speak through my lips that this word would come out unhindered and unchecked by any outside force that the seed of this word of God would go into every heart and bear forth much good fruit I decrease now that you may increase.
I step back, that you may step forward and we decree and declare signs wonders and miracles confirming the word preach we praise you in advance for it.
In Jesus name. Amen and amen.
Well, I hope you have your bibles with you and ready because we’re gonna be turning to some different scriptures.
But I wanna talk to you today about taking the limitations off of yourself.
The subject title for my teaching today is called Erasing Limitations, erasing Limitations.
And let me tell you this no matter what generation you are in.
God calls you to walk by faith and not by sight. God calls us to live by faith.
God calls us to fight the good fight of faith. Now, he didn’t say fight the good fight of faith.
If you’re over 21 he didn’t say live by faith.
If you’ve made it to 12 years old, he didn’t say walk by faith.
Once you have a good education at the nearest university and once you have a good job in your career is on the straight path.
No, no. He told all of us if we are believers, if we believed on Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, he’s told each and every one of us To walk by faith and then he has given us the faith to do it.
He’s equipped us with the faith necessary to accomplish everything that we need to accomplish in this earth and in this life.
And I have news for you. It’s already a fixed fight because Jesus already won the victory.
So all we’re doing is we’re battling to maintain the victory that Jesus already died to provide.
We’re gonna talk about erasing limitations here today.
And it reminds me of the scripture in Daniel chapter 11 and in verse 32 the scripture says this in the last part that the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits.
I love that they’re gonna be strong, kind of like me, kind of like you and they’re gonna do great exploits.
But what is an exploit? Because sometimes we don’t even know what that is.
We read the Bible so fast that we don’t even know. Like what does this mean?
I like what one man said, exploits are news making record breaking supernatural results.
I like that news making record breaking supernatural results.
God is gonna use you to do something in this next year that is gonna break records.
It’s gonna make the news, it might be trending on social media. It’s gonna be a supernatural result.
Imagine if Jesus walked to day.
Oh man, he would be a, a permanent trending topic every single day because everything that he did made news, it made headlines and it made people wanna follow him and glorify God.
Oh man, I’m getting excited already. See God. He calls us to do impossible things.
You know, it says all the time in the gospels, especially even in Matthew chapter 19 verse 26.
I recall when Jesus said with men, this is impossible. But with God, all things are possible.
Say it with me, with God. God, all things are possible. That means there’s no impossibilities with God.
He is a God of the miraculous.
Now, I love what my father, Doctor Winston said a few weeks ago in his service.
He said, faith is not an intellectual exercise. I said, oh, I, I caught it.
Faith is not an intellectual exercise.
It’s not about how much, you know, what degree you have, what credentials you have, who you’re connected to or what your I Q is.
No, no, no, no, a child who has barely an education, they can exercise faith.
And in this kingdom, in the government of God, they can get results.
So no matter who you are, where you’re from, the big city or the township, much education, little education doesn’t matter.
You have the faith to overcome the world. And that’s what our theme is this year.
Faith to change your world. And so in the gospels, we often see Peter James and John who are the closest ones to Jesus.
And we see Peter specifically and God uses Peter in a miraculous way.
But we know that sometimes Peter was quick to speak. He was the disciple that did betray Jesus.
So I, I, I understand and you know, sometimes we make mistakes but I’m glad that God shows it fit and saw it fit for Peter’s story to be placed there in the Gospel.
Because it helps me identify and understand that even if I make a mistake, I can repent before God and he can restore me.
But God used Peter in an amazing way.
And Jesus, you know, he had, I believe he, he had some special uses for Peter starting with, using his boat because there’s a story in the gospel that talks about Jesus utilizing Peter’s boat and uh Peter and uh James and John And when it says Simon is saying Simon, Peter and the gospels, but James John Andrew, they had this fishing business and I don’t know if you have started a business, maybe you’re a small business owner, but you know everything it took to start that business, right?
You know, you had to put your blood, sweat, tears, prayer scriptures, sow and seed to get that business off the ground and then continue it to move forward.
So imagine them having this fishing business, right?
And so they’re fishing and Jesus comes up and we pick up at Luke chapter five and verse one.
And I’m gonna read out of the new King James version. New King James version. Luke chapter five verse one.
So it was as the multitude pressed about him to hear the word of God that he stood by the lake of and saw two boats standing by the lake.
But the fishermen had gone out from them and were washing their nets and then he got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s and that’s Simon Peter and asked him to put out a little from the land and he sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat.
And when he had stopped speaking, he said to Simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.
But Simon answered and said to him, master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing.
Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net.
And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their net was breaking.
So they signaled to their partners and the other boat to come and help them and they came and filled both the boats so that they begin to sink.
And when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’s knees saying depart from me for I’m a sinful man.
Oh Lord, for he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken.
And so also were James and John, the sons of Zeti who were partners with Simon and Jesus said to Simon do not be afraid from now on, you will catch men.
So when they had brought their boats to the land, they forsook all and followed him.
I wanna stay right here with the story for most of our time here today because I believe that there’s some revelation that we can grab that’s embedded in it when we’re talking about erasing limitations.
We see something supernatural happening to Peter and also to James and, and, and John and uh also Andrew something supernatural happened to them.
And this lake of which is also uh the Sea of Galilee. It’s actually the same body of water.
Um We’ve been able to see from historical records and documents. It’s that same big body of water.
And we see that this is the same body of water that later on in the gospels.
Peter’s walking on that same water. This is the same body of water that takes place right there by Galilee.
And we see Jesus and he’s teaching and in verse two, as the people were pressing him, he saw that there was fishermen who were gone from their boats and they were washing their nets and you know, this signals to me that the time to, to fish was over, right?
It was morning time, just think about it is morning time, sun was up.
And so they’re washing their nets after a long shift, they fished all night. That hadn’t cost anything.
So they’re washing their nets and they’re about to shut it down. Right.
Have you ever gone to a restaurant, whether it’s a fast food restaurant or a nice restaurant?
And have you ever got there right at the end?
And they tried to tell you that the kitchen is closed.
I have, it actually happened to me recently I went to a place to eat and they said, oh, I’m sorry.
So, the kitchen’s closed and I said, well, well, it, it says you’re still open.
He said, but the kitchen’s closed. What were they trying to tell me? The cooks are ready to go home?
You know, the things have been pots have been washed and plates have been cleaned and food has been put away and, and the burners and the ovens have been turned off.
Everything’s been shut down because they were ready to get out of there.
Well, I believe that’s what Peter was doing. He’s washing his net and imagine working a long shift all night.
You’re ready to go home. And Jesus asked Peter to do something that was inconvenient.
He said, well, Peter, well, let me get into your boat and launch out a little from the land and this was inconvenient for Peter because he was ready to be done.
And I wanna tell you something, the impossible often involves the inconvenient. The impossible often involves the inconvenient.
How much are you willing to be inconvenienced by God to see that miracle manifest because sometimes we want something that’s miraculous, but yet we wanna be comfortable.
Right? We don’t wanna step outside of that comfort zone. We don’t wanna be inconvenienced.
Oh, I, I don’t wanna have to give up this. I don’t wanna have to do that.
I don’t wanna have to. So that because that was, you know, I was gonna use that for this over here on the side, but God is speaking to you, even as I’m ministering, I believe God is speaking to you And he may be asking you to do something that’s inconvenient or encourage you to listen to that voice.
And in verse three, he got into the boat. Jesus did, which was Simon’s.
He asked him to put out a little from the land and what did he do?
He taught from the boat. So Jesus is teaching and teaching and Simon had to make a decision, not just to go home, not just to leave, not just to go down the street to get something to eat, but he stayed and he heard the word of God.
How do I know? Because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
So we had to be able to build his faith and hearing the word of God for what was about to come next.
And that’s why this conference is so important.
That’s why hearing the word is so important because faith teaching erases limitations.
That’s what faith teaching is designed to do. And without faith teaching by the word, your limitations remain intact.
If you wanna go there, you gotta hear it first.
If you wanna believe, you have to hear the word being taught to be able to build your belief.
So words of doubt and unbelief, they feed your limitations.
But the preaching according to the word of faith that’s gonna build you up, that’s gonna build your courage to erase those limitations.
And before the impossible can happen, God always has to build your belief. Now, I got news for you.
I don’t think that this is the first time that Simon Peter heard Jesus or heard the gospel, you know, theologians say that Peter had heard the gospel different times before.
As a matter of fact, uh it’s documented that Jesus went to Peter’s house to heal his mother in law.
So this wasn’t even Peter’s first encounter with Jesus. He wasn’t necessarily a stranger. Keep that in mind.
Let’s keep going. And verse four, when he had stopped speaking, he said to Simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch plural because Jesus had in mind how much was about to be caught up, how much he was about to harvest.
And now let me ask you a question. Could Peter?
Could he have gotten a catch if he refused to let down his neck?
May I ask again? Could Peter have gotten a catch if he refused to let down the net?
No, absolutely not. What does this mean?
God will not do our part for us if we wanna see a miracle manifest, if we wanna erase the limitations, that means that faith is active.
It’s not just sitting on the sidelines, it’s not just hearing a good word, but it is doing faith without works is what dead.
That’s what the scripture says. And so Simon Peter had to do and I believe God might be speaking to you this week that it’s time to let down your nets.
Now, that might be metaphorical. It might mean something else to you. Not literal nets unless you’re a fisherman.
But maybe God is calling you to sell something or to start something or to do something or to make that call or, or to, to transition out of that job or maybe to move to a different location or maybe to apply to that school.
God is calling you to do something.
And he’s saying, son, daughter, I need you to let down your nets for a great increase.
Because without the letting down of nets, you cannot receive the increase.
You’re gonna have to participate with the miracle because no miracle manifests without your participation, it doesn’t happen, not in this kingdom.
It doesn’t happen by accident. You participate with God, what do we do?
We pray and then we participate, see some people think we pray and walk away like, ok, thank you God.
And then we’re done. No, no, no. It’s a finished work. We thank him for it.
But then we listen for his instruction, God. What do you want me to do next?
And if we’re keen to hear God and hear his voice, he’s gonna instruct us on exactly where to go and what to do.
So we get back to Simon Peter and I believe that if you wanna see the impossible, you must be sensitive to divine opportunities or divine timing.
The Young’s literal translation says that Jesus said put back into the deep your nets.
Mm So imagine they had already been there. They had already gone out into the deep there.
The sea of Galilee, the lake of they had already been there.
And Jesus says, go back, he required them to do something that maybe they felt like they had already been doing.
I think that that’s very interesting. I’m gonna come right back to that point.
But it’s interesting how God, he requires us to do something.
And if you go right before Luke chapter five, you go back to uh chapter four.
And at the end of chapter four, it says in verse 40 that when the sun was setting Jesus, he was healing the sick with various diseases of people that were brought to him.
And it says this, it says he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them.
That word healed. It’s a Greek word.
And you can guess what we English Word we get from that therapy.
So Jesus Thera them. Now when I think of therapy and I know there’s different kinds of therapy, but let’s think of a physical therapist.
I actually had to go to a physical therapist.
Uh some months ago, I was having just a little bit uh slight knee pain.
And of course, you know, I was putting the scripture on it.
I was pleading the blood of Jesus and healing.
But I felt like, OK, I felt like God was telling me to do it.
And so I did and I met with the physical therapist there handful of times and they had me do some exercises that were different than I thought that they were gonna have me do.
And so I thought that they were just gonna, you know, just some basic knee strength exercises.
But what they started doing is they started doing some work on my hips, on my mobility.
And I was like, I don’t understand how this quite connects but wouldn’t, you know it.
But after going to them for 34 weeks, even after the first week, I immediately started to notice a difference.
I was like, hey, OK, I feel it now and it’s amazing how we have physical therapists who know the body and have you do certain things that will help you get better mobility and, and less pain and heal the body.
But notice the physical therapist won’t do the work for you.
You gotta get this, they won’t do the work for you.
They are there to lead and guide you and tell you what movement to do.
See God is there to lead you and guide you by His Holy Spirit to tell you what movement to do.
But God won’t do the movement for you. He won’t be obedient for you. That’s you.
You have to say yes, you have to decide to partner with God. You have to step out in faith.
And that’s the point where the transaction occurs. They had to cooperate with the miracle.
I hear God saying, son, daughter, are you ready to cooperate with the miracle and leave all limitations behind?
Oh, that’s good. And let me ask you a question. What if they came back?
The disciples will talk about Peter.
What if Peter came back the next day and decided to launch out into the deep and let down his net for a great increase?
Do you think he would have seen it?
Well, I mean, I, I, I, I know this is theoretical but I don’t think he would have, why wouldn’t he have Pastor David?
Because he missed the moment in which obedience was required.
See sometimes what we do is we try to get good and ready for when our mental and emotion, our, our mental state, our emotions are ready to now do this thing.
But sometimes you got this window of time where God is saying no, no son.
I need you to do it now, daughter, I need you to move. Now. The window was open now.
And that breakthrough, that miracle that erasing limitations hinges on your obedience. In the moment.
I pray that somebody under the sound of my voice, the spirit of might comes upon you even as I’m speaking and preaching and even as Doctor Winston is preaching that spirit of might and spirit of faith fills your heart and it gets you to absolutely destroy every limitation by stepping out in faith and what you know, God told you to do.
Praise God. I’m getting excited. Yeah.
Would the fish have been there in miraculous fashion the next day or the next week or the next month?
I personally don’t think so because it was that moment that Jesus was requiring obedience.
Verse five and salmon, salmon.
I’m thinking of fish, salmon, but Simon answered and said to him, master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing.
Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net.
So Peter references Jesus here as master and I talked about this.
This wasn’t Peter’s first encounter with Jesus and to be able to reference him as master, he must have known something about him.
There must have been some other encounters that he had with him.
And then it said that word toiled, they toiled all night.
That word toiled means to be exhausted from work, mentally, physically, emotionally exhausted.
Now, imagine Jesus got into the boat and then told them where to go to fish.
Now, he’s not a fishing expert. Van toiled all night and it was time to go home.
You don’t fish during the day. So now you got Jesus coming.
He’s not a fishing expert knows nothing about fishing and he gets in the boat and says, you know what, let’s go fish over there.
You say Jesus, it’s daytime, launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.
Now, this is over time. You’re not being paid for this. You off the clock, volunteering your time.
But what happened, Jesus was right and Peter, he had to humble himself enough to receive the master’s instructions.
He had to humble himself. Let me ask you a question. What if you’ve done it before?
And God says, try it again.
You said I went to the university before it didn’t work out. Well.
The first time God has tried it again, he says, well, I’ve tried to start this Bible club in my school but it didn’t work the first time.
God says, try it again. He says, well, I, I, I sold my seat or I did this or I tried to talk to them or I put in my application.
I, I wanted to start the business.
I, I, I tried to make it work in this relationship or in this marriage. God says, try it again.
And Peter was humble enough to say, you know what?
Nevertheless, at your word, I’ll go do as you say.
And in verse six, when they did this, what happened, they caught a great number of fish and their net was breaking a huge multitude of fish.
It says, and in verse seven, so they signaled to their partners.
Come on, James John, come on, help us and the other boat to come help them and they came and filled both the boats so, so that they began to sink.
So here’s the question I know you’re wondering, especially, you know, in your 16 year old mind, you might be younger.
You listening to this, you’re saying, well, how many fish was it?
I’m glad that you asked because I think sometimes as we read the gospel, we put it in perspective according to our own belief, our own preconceived notions or thoughts or how we’ve been trained or what we’ve been exposed to.
So a lot might be relative to all of us. But here, let me give you some facts.
So historians believe that those who fished in the sea of Galilee, the lake of, they all used the same kind of boat made by the same basic manufacturer.
And so let’s say all of the boats were just about the same.
So historians say that this boat was about 10 m long.
We’ll say about maybe 30 or so meters long, maybe 32 ft long.
Uh uh excuse me, 10 m long, 32 ft long, three m wide, maybe a little less than 10 ft And was very deep.
They estimate that each boat could hold about 5-6 tons of weight. So what does that mean?
So to fill two boats to the capacity where two boats are beginning to sink, they estimate that there was over 10 tons of fish being pulled into both of these boats total.
That’s a lot of fish. You know how many fish that is?
That’s like putting two Mercedes G L S S U V s onto each boat.
That’s a lot of fish, a net breaking boat, sinking load of fish.
And how did it come? Because Peter was so awesome. He looked so good. He was so strong.
He was so eloquent because he was the best fisherman around.
I think it came simply because he was the one that decided to sow the seed.
What was the seed? He sowed his boat. He could have gone home after a long shift.
But he decided I’m gonna let the master use my vessel.
What is Jesus speaking to you about what is God speaking to you about that?
He’s asking you to sow or sacrifice that may be inconvenient in the moment.
But is necessary for the miracle that the breakthrough is predicated upon your obedience to be able to follow him, listen to his voice and do according to what he says.
And then we can see the net breaking boat sinking, harvest.
What is God trying to put into your boat?
And we know we’re gonna have to sew because all increase in the kingdom is sea based without a seed increase in the kingdom is illegal.
Sowing and reaping is the economic system of the Kingdom of God.
And so we gotta sow that seed, whatever that might be, may not be monetary, whatever that is.
And he didn’t even have room enough to receive it. Isn’t that amazing?
And in verse eight, what happens to Simon Peter? Imagine being in that position.
And when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at jesus’ knee saying depart from me for I am a sinful man.
Oh Lord, I believe that this brought Peter to salvation because he this incident or this situation made Peter confess Jesus as Lord he said, depart from me.
I’m a sinful man. Oh Lord sounds like repentance to me.
See, notice that even though Peter might have had other encounters with Jesus previously, maybe he heard him doing a little teaching.
Maybe, you know, Jesus came and healed his mother in law, but it wasn’t until Jesus blessed his business and he saw something that was unexplainable at that moment, it brought him to his knees and that’s what miracles are designed to do.
Miracles are designed to bring people to Christ.
They’re not designed for us to show people how flashy and how good we are.
How nice the car is that we’re driving. I mean, hey, that, that’s nice. I know you look good.
Maybe you have a nice car.
But what the miracle is designed to do is it’s designed to get their attention, that God is good and he wants them and his family.
That’s what it’s designed to do.
I give glory to God when people see me or they see something in my life and they know it’s miraculous.
They know it’s God’s goodness and they ask me about it and I get a chance to brag on God.
I said, this ain’t me. This is God. God has blessed me. God has blessed our family.
God has done so much. Only God could do that.
And in Luke chapter 5: verse nine, for he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken.
And so also were James and John and the sons of Ze who were partners with Simon.
And Jesus said to Simon, do not be afraid from now on. You will catch men.
God is about to do something in your life that is going to astonish others.
I decree it. I declare it right now from this pulpit.
I need you to catch it by faith.
God is about to do something in your life that’s about to astonish others. What is that word? Astonishment.
This this word astonish means dumbfounded to the point of shutting down. Oh, I like that.
The literal translation is amazement. Had seized them all.
God is about to do something in your life that you won’t have words for it.
It’s gonna be hard to put into words. It just might make you weep tears of joy.
And I believe that that’s what God wants for all of his Children.
Yeah, we’re gonna have trials and tribulations, challenges are gonna come.
I’m not, I’m not here telling you that none of that will ever exist in your life.
They might come but no weapon formed against you will prosper. You might be in a tight spot now.
But I’m here to tell you that whatever is happening is just setting up a platform for God’s miracle working power to show up and leave you astonished.
It’s about to astound others.
God’s gonna use you as a walking billboard to advertise for His goodness.
You’re about to be the poster child of God’s government and how well God takes care of his Children.
Oh, I like this. So verse 11, the last verse.
So when they had brought their boats to the land, what did they do?
They go back to normal life when we count all these fish, you know, get them out to the different markets.
I’ll see you tomorrow, James John, I’ll see you. I’ll see you, Andrew.
No, no, they forsook all and followed him the business that maybe they worked so hard to build, maybe the clientele, they work so hard to build the relationship with vendors and markets.
And they were finally known in the community, they had already marketed and they finally got their social media together and they finally got a little bit of advertisement.
Things were finally moving in the right direction, but they had a challenging night. They took in nothing.
But then this this neck breaking load of fish changed everything.
Peter had a degree in fishing management, but this changed everything God is about to encounter you in a way that’s going to leave you changed forever, man.
Why would all of them leave their businesses and follow Jesus?
Because one encounter with the impossible leaves, you changed, one encounter would be impossible.
It leaves you changed. They had no intention on ever coming back.
They said we’re done with this and we’re not coming back.
And I believe that people today sometimes they don’t wanna follow God because we’ve reduced him to a being that we can’t figure out that sometimes maybe makes us feel good.
We’ve reduced him to maybe just a couple of quotes.
We’ve reduced him to just, you know, sipping coffee while we listen to the pastor. No, no, no, no.
God is a God of the impossible of the miraculous.
And not only does he want us to encounter his miracle working power.
He wants us to be facilitators of that miracle working power. Jesus said the works that I do.
You can do too and greater because I go to the father.
So I need you to continue on my mission. And here’s the power to do it.
Usher in the holy ghost. You have the same ability, the working of miracles awakens your spirit to follow God at a deeper level, man.
The working of the impossible. It’s meant to give God glory. That’s what it’s meant to do.
I remember when Jesus raised a boy from the dead in Luke chapter seven.
And what happened is that fear came upon all of them and they glorified God.
It says in Matthew chapter five verse 16, let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.
When they see those good works, they are, people are designed to turn to God.
Did you see that? I believe that there’s something inside of us that when we see true good works, it makes us start to turn to God.
It, it, it gives us an awareness that wait a minute, it’s not just me. I’m not alone.
There’s not just some being here, you know, in space somewhere, there is a God.
It says in acts chapter 10 verse 38 that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power who went about doing good healing, all who were oppressed of the devil because God was with Him.
That’s what we should be doing going about, doing good healing.
Those making a difference in our communities, using our faith to change our world as our theme is faith to change your world.
That’s what we should be doing.
And it says in Genesis chapter 12 verse two, God tells Abraham that He’s gonna make you a great nation and I will bless you with an abundant increase of favors and make your name famous.
And distinguished and you will be a blessing, dispensing goods to others.
God’s gonna make you famous and distinguish why to give God glory and accurately represent the kingdom.
That’s why it’s not for your vanity. It’s not so you can get up your Twitter followers.
It’s not so you can get verified on Instagram. No, no, no, no, no. Let’s not get this thing twisted.
This is not about us. This is about God’s kingdom coming to earth.
It’s not about us trying to escape here and get to heaven. Jesus said thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That’s what we’re here for.
That’s the mission it says over in Psalms chapter 1 15 in verse 16, the heaven, even the heavens are the lords but the earth has he given to the Children of men.
I like what our pastor said here. Recently, miracles are made to manage the earth.
That’s good. Miracles are made to manage the earth.
Earth is under new management, your country, your community, your city, your township.
We got news for the devil tonight. It is under new management.
It doesn’t belong to him or his kids.
The earth is under your management, the township, the residents, the apartment building, your neighborhood, your city, your school, your place of employment.
Yeah, maybe you didn’t start the company. But spiritually, it’s under your management.
Maybe you didn’t found the school but spiritually it’s under your management.
Maybe you’re not the head of, of, of, of, you know, the Black club or maybe you’re not the person who’s uh over the housing association for your subdivision or your neighborhood.
But spiritually, it’s under your management because you are the only one who has authority.
So take jurisdiction, know your rights as a kingdom citizen.
Nothing should happen on your watch without your allowing it. What do we want to happen?
Good things, right? We want blessing to come. We want new opportunities to come.
We want the curse to be lifted and the blessing to be brought. We want our communities to be flourishing.
We want to eradicate poverty and make the waste places like the Garden of Eden.
We wanna heal the sick, we wanna raise the dead, we wanna see blind eyes open, we wanna start Kingdom businesses, we wanna give back and sow back and we wanna make it so that there is no trace of the curse in the earth.
That’s our job. Regardless of your age. That’s your job.
Don’t shrink back and say, well, I’m only 12 years old.
It was a, I believe it was a 12 year old boy who brought his basket of loaves of, of bread and fish to Jesus.
And what did he do? He blessed it and they fed 20,000 folks.
I mean, it’s an arena full of folks because one boy had enough courage to sow the seed of dinner of supper.
Now that would have been inconvenient, right?
Because he couldn’t go home empty handed because I know I know how mothers be like boy, where is the bread?
Where is the salmon? I sent you out and you can’t, you, you gave it, you, you gave it to who you gave it to the pastor.
What are you doing? No, no, no.
But I believe the boy saw something because when Jesus preached, he demonstrated the Kingdom of God.
And when he talked about the Kingdom of God, often he talked about what it talks about in Mark chapter four.
The Kingdom of God is if as if a man should sow seed in the ground and sleep and rise night and day in the seed, spring up and grow and he doesn’t know how.
So I know if Jesus was teaching the kingdom sowing seed was somewhere embedded in there and his boy caught it.
I said, well, let me shoot my shot.
I hear God saying to you today, shoot your shot.
You’re worried about it if you’ll miss it, but you’re gonna miss the opportunity if you don’t step out.
You know, there’s a saying that says we miss 100% of the shots that we don’t take to erase limitations.
You’re gonna have to step out, you’re gonna have to jump, you’re gonna have to shoot the shot.
You’re gonna have to try and don’t worry about failing God is with you.
And when God is with you and you’re obeying God.
Even when you feel like a mistake is made, even when you fail, feel like you failed.
When you’re following God, you can’t even fail and fall down.
All you can do is fail up when you’re following God.
When you’re being obedient to what he’s called you to do. There’s no failure.
It’s just maybe a little redirection, right? If we were trying to redirect some, some things.
But I believe the Holy Spirit’s job is to bring you to a place where you can glorify God by using your potential.
It says in Romans chapter eight and verse 19, for the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.
And in verse 22, it says for we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.
But if you go back to verse 14, it says this for as many as are led by the spirit of God, those are the sons of God.
So the sons of God are those who can solve the problems of today, solve the problems of the world now, who are the sons of God?
Well, that’s referring to me or you. But let’s get one thing clear.
Sons refers to those who are resembling God’s character and his nature.
It also means mature offspring. So check this out. We are not counted as mature offspring.
If we are not being led by God being led by God is the prerequisite to being mature offspring.
And what is God leading us to do? He’s not leading us to do possible things.
He’s not leading us to do things that we can do in our own strength.
He’s leading us to do things that only the Holy Spirit can manage to do.
He’s leading us to do things that are impossible.
There’s no limitations here and you know what God is calling us to do.
He’s calling us to rediscover, limitless living, rediscover capture, get a hold of it.
Let it get down inside of you.
Don’t let anybody convince you to think small or to dream small or that’s too big for you because you, you know, you don’t know anybody in that industry or you don’t come from a top school.
Forget that limitless thinking God through the vehicle of the Holy Spirit is calling you to rediscover, limitless living and limitless thinking because it says in the word that He can do far beyond what we can ask or think according to the power that works inside of us, what is that power?
That’s holy ghost power. He’s gonna give you a dream that you can’t fulfill by yourself.
He’s gonna give you a vision that you can’t complete by yourself.
He’s gonna give you a goal that you can’t see a way to get to by yourself.
But he did it on purpose to guarantee that you will leave him in it because if you could do it by yourself, you could leave God on the sideline and let this thing play out.
But when God gives you something, you’ll know it’s from God because there’s a component of it that has to include Him.
Guaranteed. If we are not doing the impossible, we are not walking in maturity as believers, period.
God has given us these miracles to manage the earth and just like Peter, we’re gonna have to do some unusual things to get some unusual results.
We’re gonna have to launch back out into the deep and let down our nets for a great increase.
What is God trying to do in your life in this season that he’s been tugging on your heart?
Saying son, daughter launch back out into the deep, let down your net for a great increase.
I know maybe some people might have given up on you.
Maybe things got real hard over the last couple of years because of what we’ve experienced.
Maybe there’s some people that have walked out of your life or maybe there’s some places that you got dismissed from.
Maybe there’s some things that you had to leave behind and you didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to the business closed, the schools shut down.
Something happened that started to try to shake your belief that God could really fulfill the dream and desire that he gave you years ago.
I’m here to reawaken that I’m here to build your faith so you can change your world.
I believe that this is the time that God is calling you forward and let this be the announcement that God is calling you back into the deep.
I believe it. And if you believe it, I need you right where you are to just give God some praise.
Come on shout, amen. Give him some praise. Thank Him for how good He is.
We thank you Lord for being amazing. You are still alpha and Omega. You are Jehovah Raph.
You are Jehovah Gyra. And we thank you Lord for being exactly who you said in your word. You were.
You are still working miracles and you’re working them through your believers. Even today.
I thank you father for this word and we thank you Lord that you are calling us into the deep.
Let us not get discouraged. Let us not give up, let us not lose hope.
You said that we would reap if we do not faint. Father.
I thank you Lord for the strength, the supernatural courage and the super natural endurance, not to faint, but to launch out into the deep, to let down the nets of our expectation that we may pull in something that astonishes others and leaves us in amazement and points all other men to give you glory in Jesus name.
Amen. Thank you so much. I love you all.
Once again, this is Pastor David Winston saying keep walking by faith just gets better and better.
I know this word will empower us to fulfill our destiny and purpose in the kingdom of God.
Definitely a teaching we need to meditate on as the next generation.
Don’t forget tonight at seven PM, we have Doctor Bill Winston with the final word for the Bill Winston Africa Conference of 2022.
That’s it for me. Goodbye. And in the words of Doctor Winston, keep walking by faith.
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