Peace in Your Life – Have Faith in GOD
Peace in Your Life – Have Faith in GOD
In his this series ‘Have Faith in God’ Dr. Bill Winston sets the record straight on why it is vital that every believer have ‘real’ faith in God. There are some things that God can’t do for you until you truly believe. Begin living a life full of the miraculous and the supernatural when you wholeheartedly begin to have faith in God!
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
Real faith does not get embarrassed.
Real faith is not timid because faith releases God’s ability and it’s his ability that does a miracle.
A miracle. What is faith? Confidence in God.
This gospel was never meant to be preached with all this revelation and no proof.
When you start operating in righteous, it, the miracles won’t take place.
But if you’ve got low self esteem, a low ceiling, if you are always intimidated, if you’re living so close to the world that like Sam, all of a sudden you lose your strength because you think more of Delilah than you do of Jesus.
I’m gonna tell you you are accident going somewhere to hell.
I believe he’s got faith in God from now on.
You don’t have misplaced faith in whether or not your company is going to stay around whether or not the doctor’s report was right.
They’ll be concerned about what the newspaper said. Have faith. Yeah.
What evil report may come into your life. Just make up your mind.
I’m going to have faith in God.
Real faith is, does not get embarrassed.
Come on, help me. I put it down. Real faith does not get embarrassed.
Number one, number two, real faith is not timid.
I said real faith is not timid.
Now you need faith because faith releases God’s ability and it’s his ability that does a miracle.
Faith releases it. What is faith? Confidence in God?
I believe God, what I’m saying?
So when you the enemy has been assaulting the church trying to keep the church from the miracles.
And one of the reasons He wants to keep you and I from the miracles is because evidence is essential for the gospel to go forth as God had planned it, that there can be more accomplished in one year with proof than there will be in 100 years without it.
I’m preaching better than you said. Amen.
This gospel was never meant to be preached with all this revelation and no proof say amen to that.
And so the enemy has tried to come in and get the church to preach on medicine instead of healing God, not only can heal your body, but he can make it so that whatever was secreting the chemical that would cause that melody in your body or the weakness in your flesh.
He can go down to the DNA level. Come on. We believe God up in here.
He can go down into a level and fix whatever is broke.
He can take a person who’s been blown out. Of their mind with cocaine for 21 years.
What would give them of Christ?
Do you believe God now?
Don’t be coming down on me.
I’m gonna just share with you though and I’m gonna share with you the truth.
I’m not gonna look at your face because I’m gonna stand on the truth. God’s gonna promote me for.
That’s the key. That’s the key you don’t promote me.
God promotes me cos my faith is in and that’s why the critics have backed off politically correct and all of this stuff backing up, backing up now.
No miracles, no proof now, no supernatural now, no strength.
And pretty soon we are knocking on doors begging for a donation or trying to play bingo game to get the, the, the, the, the deficit out of the way folks, we need to come back.
Can you ever see Jesus going from door to door trying to get a donation so he can keep the disciple with something to eat?
Oh, I’m doing a good work. Can’t you give to us? It’s over.
He invited all them to come to dinner. He said, can you come on, follow me?
I’m about to feed every one of you as much as you can.
That’s where you’re going.
But if you’ve got low self esteem, if you got a low ceiling, if you are always intimidated, if you’re living so close to the world that like Sam, all of a sudden you lose your strength because you think more of Delilah than you do of Jesus.
I’m gonna tell you you are accident going somewhere to heaven.
Now don’t make me preach up in hell.
I believe God folks.
When you start operating in righteousness, you’re gonna find the miracles will take place.
Now, listen, I have nothing against people. Understand, I love people. You’ve got to love people.
I don’t care who they are, what kind of lifestyle I don’t care if they’re drug dealers.
You still got to love people.
But I’m saying that there’s a power that God has to put through the church.
And one of the things that is after the enemy is after He’s got to get after you to try to do something to block that power.
Now I’m saying here what I’ve just read is a fact that in our lives, one of the things is that we cannot get embarrassed.
Faith does not get embarrassed. I’m gonna say it one more time.
Faith does not get embarrassed. Let me tell you the next thing about faith. Faith is not timid.
If you are timid, you’ll find that pretty soon the devil will shake you out of your faith.
Well, I’m not timid. I’m just shy. No, you’re not.
You got fear inside of you and fear will contaminate your faith and make you timid.
You got to be bold and say, wait a minute, folks.
It sucks that the Christian don’t wanna just stop for a moment and just pay grace over their food with the people at work.
That’s part of the light that you’ve got. The light that you’ve got said. Pardon me?
I’m just about to bless my food. Thank you. Would you like me to bless yours? I bless yours too.
They knew who I was. What?
No doubt whether Bill was a saint or not.
And I wasn’t trying to wear it on, beat nobody down.
But what I was trying to do is let my light so shine.
Because when they had a problem, every time they come to me say, could you pray for me?
I said, yes, sir, sure can not only pray for you, invite you to church because I believe God wants to save your soul.
Say amen to that boy. They got a prayer answered in their life and they’ll find that church, they’ll beat that church down trying to get to the door.
So because the answers are in there. I said, God has put the answer inside of you.
The last thing real faith is not self conscious of other people.
All right. Now, let me talk about this for just a minute.
See, when I talk like this immediately, the devil comes in on me.
I’m gonna just tell you what happened. He said, no, you shouldn’t say that.
Well, I used to start crying but now I don’t anymore.
Now I know that’s what I should have said because I, if I shouldn’t have said it, he would have told me I should have said it.
Right. All right. Let’s, let’s look at this. Wait a minute, wait a minute now.
Sake. Stay with me. Have faith in God. That’s the theme here.
Let’s go to 2nd Samuel In 2nd Samuel Chapter six.
2nd Samuel Chapter six.
Folks, you preach this kind of stuff over in Africa.
They will come a loose, they’re so glad to hear the truth.
They don’t know what to do, but sometimes you preach it over in the United States.
Well, I don’t know why because you got too much.
You, you need to take a journey down by, barely get a long street down there by grumble alley.
You lose some of that that you’ve got and you’ll be glad to hear the truth.
You got too much, you’re too comfortable, you got so comfortable that you don’t even want to hear anything about what the Bible says about the right lifestyles.
You don’t want to hear that. Let me tell you, you are dangerous.
You just getting like Samson, you about to get on the wrong side and you get on the wrong side, you’re gonna be judged with them.
Tell you one of the things that’s missing in church is the fear of the Lord.
I see when I, when I was growing up, when I was growing up, the, the preacher wasn’t scared to say that that.
All right, you do this, you’re gonna go to hell.
He said right out there you go on the hill. They don’t say that anymore.
But do you know there are some people going to hell?
This guy wrote a book.
I said, I listened to him on, on, uh or whoever he said, you know, you know, one of the things I was surprised when God took me to that journey to heaven that a lot of preachers weren’t there.
He said that surprised me.
I’m telling you folks, this is the last day and I know some of coming back and then, OK.
All right. Look what it says here in second chapter six. Come on.
I’m not up here to please, man. I got to preach the truth. I gotta give you the truth.
I love you. So that’s why I’m gonna give it to you.
If I didn’t love you, then I’ll give you some sweet snacks so I can fleece you so I can keep you happy with me.
So you give me your money. But I’m not doing that.
I’m going to preach you the word of God. The truth of God’s word just like it is.
Uh, look at second Samuel chapter six.
Look at verse 14 and David danced before the Lord with all his might and David was girded with a lion, a linen epoch.
And what did David do? David was a man after God’s own. What? Heart?
So now here’s David out there with just something around his loins dancing out there before the Lord verse 20.
Then David returned to bless the household, his household and Michelle, the daughter of Saul came out to meet David and said, now, how glorious was the king of Israel today?
Watch my, watch the tone of my voice.
Now who uncovered himself today in the eyes of the handmaidens of the his servants as one of the vile fellows shamelessly uncovered himself.
You see my, you see my poem. Now, what does she do?
She, she David is a man of faith and he is a king that love the Lord.
So he was unashamed of his faith.
I went, we went over to Rwanda. I think it was.
And here we were and they invited me down to because they wanted me to bring a message for the night because the, the president didn’t come out in public that much except with his bodyguard and all that.
So it causes a distraction sometimes. So he, he want us to come there.
So it took me and the team, we went there and that was the president and they start playing the music and the president just got loose.
I mean, coke came on. I said, well, all right, dad, that’s what I’m talking about.
I kind of got lose myself. Yeah. Watch this.
David was known to talk with the Aristocrats or talk with a servant because he was a man after God’s own heart.
He wasn’t ashamed of the gospel.
Now, here’s Michelle, she comes down on him for coming off of what she called her his kingly place and dancing like a commoner.
And look at verse 23.
Therefore, Michelle, the daughter of Saul had no Children until the day of her death.
He shut up that room.
Watch David over in first chapter 17 and we’re done.
Y’all get something out of this today.
I have nothing against anybody but I’m gonna tell you something.
We’re gonna stop backing up off the truth.
So I need this thing just like it is because God will fix anything. I said he’ll fix anything.
There’s nothing too hard from it for him.
Look what it says here in Samuel, the first chapter 17 is where David came to front line.
His dad has sent him up there with some crackers and cheese or something for his, for his kid.
And so here he was, he gave in front line.
But once he got to the front line, he was saw them, they were all dug out and fearful because this man Goliath and David says to him, he said, now what is a man gonna get if he slays this giant?
He said, well, you’re gonna get tax free. Well, that was enough right there.
He said, all right, stop right there. God, I’ll take it myself, right? The Lord.
So then he goes on down, he goes, finds his way up to.
So because his faith is promoting him, he finds his way up to Saul.
And Saul said, David take this arm and put it on.
David said, no, I haven’t tested that stuff out.
He said, David, are you about to fight a man that’s been trained in war from a youth?
Check it out. Are you what I’m saying here, trained in war from you?
You about to fight this man? David said, wait a minute minute.
Now, let me, let me, let me get you straight.
You know, you know, he said, I’ve killed a line and I did that with my bare hands and then here come Yogi a bear and I killed him.
Now I can take this man too. Now, watch this. David did not have misplaced faith.
That’s faith. That’s got faith in somebody, faith in your political position, faith in your degree from your college, faith and so forth.
Instead of having faith in God, any other kind of faith, Satan will defeat it.
He was in this earth 6000 years before man.
He was in this earth before man came and 6000 years he’d been in here and he was anointed.
You recovered. He got more tricks than you ever thought you had. Your degree will never whip Satan.
Your political position will never, I don’t care how many masons, you know, you never, you, you never, you’ll never, you’ll never defeat him if you want to take you down.
He’ll take you down. Now point to you get your faith in the right place.
Have faith? Come on in God, what did he do?
He said, I’ll have this guy, I’ll take him.
Uh This is the interesting thing about this.
In this, David announced the outcome in the middle of the battle.
I’m talking about the having miracles in your life. Start announcing the outcome in the middle.
Come on of your battle. I said, start announcing the outcome.
Now, don’t think you gotta do it because Jesus said, it’s not me.
Come on, help me now, it’s the father. He does the work.
But his way is for me to announce the victory in the middle of the battle.
That’s what I’m gonna do. Say amen to that verse 43.
And the Philistine said to David, I am a dog. Did you come to me with a stick?
And the Philistine cursed David by His God. How many you know what God blesses cannot be cursed?
You know, you need to be concerned whether the devil can curse you or not, stop being concerned about that.
Believe that he can stop giving him some power. He cannot curse you.
I got proof for it. I don’t have time to go in here right now.
But whatever God blesses is blessed, say amen to that.
And God said, I will bless them that what bless you and I will come on curse them.
That curse he can’t touch you. Witchcraft, can’t touch you. Come on, sorcery, can’t touch you.
What he said in verse 44.
And the Philippines said to David, you come to me and I’m gonna give you a flesh to the foul of the air and to the beast of the field.
Watch us and said, then said, David to the Philistine.
Are you coming to me with a sword with a spear and with a shield?
But I’m coming to you in one name, the name of the Lord of hosts. No misplaced faith here.
The God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied.
Watch this this day, not next Tuesday or Labor Day this day will the Lord deliver you into my hand?
Watch it. And I will what smite you?
I will take your head off of you and I will give your car the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day under the fouls of the air and the wild beasts of the earth that all of the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.
Now, I am not asking all these other armies back here to go with me because they are afraid they are scared, they are in foxholes and dug out, but I’m gonna do it because me and God are a majority are gonna come against you.
And what I say He will do.
Now, you gotta know this and I want you to do something put your faith in God from now on your faith is in Him.
You don’t have misplaced faith in whether or not your, your company is gonna stay around whether or not this the doctors report was right, whether or not have faith in God.
I don’t care if the man’s running out on you. You got some promises in here.
God’s peace in your life don’t say have faith in God. Be concerned about what the newspapers said.
Have faith in God. I’m saved with you no matter what Beaver report may come into your life.
Just make up your mind. I’m gonna have faith in God.
Well, praise the Lord.
I trust that you are blessed by that powerful teaching. Now have faith in God.
There are four things I want to remember about this teaching.
One is that real faith does not get embarrassed or is timid.
You remember the woman who had the issue of blood?
She came out of that house pressing her way through that crowd. Why? She wasn’t embarrassed? Why?
Because she was in real faith. Secondly, operating in, right enables you to perform miracles.
See, when you step into that miracle realm, there’s a boldness that’s needed in that realm and righteousness gives you that boldness.
Thirdly. God desires for us to have no more misplaced faith.
Now, it’s al already, you know, we, we have doctors, we have lawyers, we have all these people, but our faith is not in them our faith is only in God.
And then the fourth thing you can announce the victory before the battle ever starts. Praise God.
Now, our announcer is gonna bring you some more important information and I’ll be right back.
Real faith does not get embarrassed.
Real faith is not timid because faith releases God’s ability and it’s his ability.
That does a miracle, a miracle. What is faith? Confidence in God.
This gospel was never meant to be preached with all this revelation and no proof.
When you start operating in righteous, it, the miracles will take place.
But if you’ve got low self esteem, a low ceiling, if you are always intimidated, if you’re living so close to the world that like Sam, all of a sudden you lose your strength because you think more of Delilah than you do of Jesus.
I’m gonna tell you you are accident going somewhere to hell.
I believe he’s got faith in God from now on.
You don’t have misplaced faith in whether or not your company is gonna stay around whether or not the doctor’s report was right.
They’ll be concerned about what the newspapers said.
Have faith, no matter what people report come into your life, just make up your mind.
I’m gonna faith in God, release your confidence in God and demonstrate his amazing power in you today with Pastor Bill Winston’s four disc series entitled Have Faith In God to Order on CD or DVD by Bank Guard at 1 807 119327 or online at bill dot org.
Do not allow your past to stop the miracle working power of your future.
You are the righteousness of Christ and in Him, there is no condemnation. Therefore, you can have faith in God.
Order your copy today of this four disc series, have Faith in God.
Hello, my name is Bill Winston.
I am here to tell you about this exciting book. It’s called The Vengeance of the Lord.
Now, this is a topic that a lot of Christians never understood. It’s not revenge. That’s, that’s a human concept.
This is vengeance. God says in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 30 vengeance is mine.
And I will recommend say the Lord, what does it mean? It means justice.
It means that God is the one that’s gonna justify you when we were trying to buy our first shopping mall.
The people didn’t want us to have it, but the vengeance of the Lord stepped in.
And the next thing you know, we’ve got the ball, not only that they tried to keep us from having services and we’ve got that too.
My point to you is there are places that you can’t go without the vengeance of the Lord and just like anything else that a provision of God, you have to do it by faith.
Well, how does faith come by hearing and hearing by the word, the vengeance of the Lord get this book, build your faith.
And I’m telling you, it will make you unstoppable.
I’m talking about in the education area, changing educational laws back to be under the, the, the order of the Kingdom of God, a economic, a government.
Everything this vengeance of the Lord will open the pathway.
One man said this because God’s people have not known vengeance.
Many have been victims, not you praise God because here’s the book called the Vengeance of the Lord.
Get it today. You’ll be blessed. Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.
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The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Real faith does not get embarrassed.
Real faith is not timid because faith releases God’s ability and it’s his ability that does a miracle.
A miracle. What is faith? Confidence in God.
This gospel was never meant to be preached with all this revelation and no proof.
When you start operating in righteous, it, the miracles won’t take place.
But if you’ve got low self esteem, a low ceiling, if you are always intimidated, if you’re living so close to the world that like Sam, all of a sudden you lose your strength because you think more of Delilah than you do of Jesus.
I’m gonna tell you you are accident going somewhere to hell.
I believe he’s got faith in God from now on.
You don’t have misplaced faith in whether or not your company is going to stay around whether or not the doctor’s report was right.
They’ll be concerned about what the newspaper said. Have faith. Yeah.
What evil report may come into your life. Just make up your mind.
I’m going to have faith in God.
Real faith is, does not get embarrassed.
Come on, help me. I put it down. Real faith does not get embarrassed.
Number one, number two, real faith is not timid.
I said real faith is not timid.
Now you need faith because faith releases God’s ability and it’s his ability that does a miracle.
Faith releases it. What is faith? Confidence in God?
I believe God, what I’m saying?
So when you the enemy has been assaulting the church trying to keep the church from the miracles.
And one of the reasons He wants to keep you and I from the miracles is because evidence is essential for the gospel to go forth as God had planned it, that there can be more accomplished in one year with proof than there will be in 100 years without it.
I’m preaching better than you said. Amen.
This gospel was never meant to be preached with all this revelation and no proof say amen to that.
And so the enemy has tried to come in and get the church to preach on medicine instead of healing God, not only can heal your body, but he can make it so that whatever was secreting the chemical that would cause that melody in your body or the weakness in your flesh.
He can go down to the DNA level. Come on. We believe God up in here.
He can go down into a level and fix whatever is broke.
He can take a person who’s been blown out. Of their mind with cocaine for 21 years.
What would give them of Christ?
Do you believe God now?
Don’t be coming down on me.
I’m gonna just share with you though and I’m gonna share with you the truth.
I’m not gonna look at your face because I’m gonna stand on the truth. God’s gonna promote me for.
That’s the key. That’s the key you don’t promote me.
God promotes me cos my faith is in and that’s why the critics have backed off politically correct and all of this stuff backing up, backing up now.
No miracles, no proof now, no supernatural now, no strength.
And pretty soon we are knocking on doors begging for a donation or trying to play bingo game to get the, the, the, the, the deficit out of the way folks, we need to come back.
Can you ever see Jesus going from door to door trying to get a donation so he can keep the disciple with something to eat?
Oh, I’m doing a good work. Can’t you give to us? It’s over.
He invited all them to come to dinner. He said, can you come on, follow me?
I’m about to feed every one of you as much as you can.
That’s where you’re going.
But if you’ve got low self esteem, if you got a low ceiling, if you are always intimidated, if you’re living so close to the world that like Sam, all of a sudden you lose your strength because you think more of Delilah than you do of Jesus.
I’m gonna tell you you are accident going somewhere to heaven.
Now don’t make me preach up in hell.
I believe God folks.
When you start operating in righteousness, you’re gonna find the miracles will take place.
Now, listen, I have nothing against people. Understand, I love people. You’ve got to love people.
I don’t care who they are, what kind of lifestyle I don’t care if they’re drug dealers.
You still got to love people.
But I’m saying that there’s a power that God has to put through the church.
And one of the things that is after the enemy is after He’s got to get after you to try to do something to block that power.
Now I’m saying here what I’ve just read is a fact that in our lives, one of the things is that we cannot get embarrassed.
Faith does not get embarrassed. I’m gonna say it one more time.
Faith does not get embarrassed. Let me tell you the next thing about faith. Faith is not timid.
If you are timid, you’ll find that pretty soon the devil will shake you out of your faith.
Well, I’m not timid. I’m just shy. No, you’re not.
You got fear inside of you and fear will contaminate your faith and make you timid.
You got to be bold and say, wait a minute, folks.
It sucks that the Christian don’t wanna just stop for a moment and just pay grace over their food with the people at work.
That’s part of the light that you’ve got. The light that you’ve got said. Pardon me?
I’m just about to bless my food. Thank you. Would you like me to bless yours? I bless yours too.
They knew who I was. What?
No doubt whether Bill was a saint or not.
And I wasn’t trying to wear it on, beat nobody down.
But what I was trying to do is let my light so shine.
Because when they had a problem, every time they come to me say, could you pray for me?
I said, yes, sir, sure can not only pray for you, invite you to church because I believe God wants to save your soul.
Say amen to that boy. They got a prayer answered in their life and they’ll find that church, they’ll beat that church down trying to get to the door.
So because the answers are in there. I said, God has put the answer inside of you.
The last thing real faith is not self conscious of other people.
All right. Now, let me talk about this for just a minute.
See, when I talk like this immediately, the devil comes in on me.
I’m gonna just tell you what happened. He said, no, you shouldn’t say that.
Well, I used to start crying but now I don’t anymore.
Now I know that’s what I should have said because I, if I shouldn’t have said it, he would have told me I should have said it.
Right. All right. Let’s, let’s look at this. Wait a minute, wait a minute now.
Sake. Stay with me. Have faith in God. That’s the theme here.
Let’s go to 2nd Samuel In 2nd Samuel Chapter six.
2nd Samuel Chapter six.
Folks, you preach this kind of stuff over in Africa.
They will come a loose, they’re so glad to hear the truth.
They don’t know what to do, but sometimes you preach it over in the United States.
Well, I don’t know why because you got too much.
You, you need to take a journey down by, barely get a long street down there by grumble alley.
You lose some of that that you’ve got and you’ll be glad to hear the truth.
You got too much, you’re too comfortable, you got so comfortable that you don’t even want to hear anything about what the Bible says about the right lifestyles.
You don’t want to hear that. Let me tell you, you are dangerous.
You just getting like Samson, you about to get on the wrong side and you get on the wrong side, you’re gonna be judged with them.
Tell you one of the things that’s missing in church is the fear of the Lord.
I see when I, when I was growing up, when I was growing up, the, the preacher wasn’t scared to say that that.
All right, you do this, you’re gonna go to hell.
He said right out there you go on the hill. They don’t say that anymore.
But do you know there are some people going to hell?
This guy wrote a book.
I said, I listened to him on, on, uh or whoever he said, you know, you know, one of the things I was surprised when God took me to that journey to heaven that a lot of preachers weren’t there.
He said that surprised me.
I’m telling you folks, this is the last day and I know some of coming back and then, OK.
All right. Look what it says here in second chapter six. Come on.
I’m not up here to please, man. I got to preach the truth. I gotta give you the truth.
I love you. So that’s why I’m gonna give it to you.
If I didn’t love you, then I’ll give you some sweet snacks so I can fleece you so I can keep you happy with me.
So you give me your money. But I’m not doing that.
I’m going to preach you the word of God. The truth of God’s word just like it is.
Uh, look at second Samuel chapter six.
Look at verse 14 and David danced before the Lord with all his might and David was girded with a lion, a linen epoch.
And what did David do? David was a man after God’s own. What? Heart?
So now here’s David out there with just something around his loins dancing out there before the Lord verse 20.
Then David returned to bless the household, his household and Michelle, the daughter of Saul came out to meet David and said, now, how glorious was the king of Israel today?
Watch my, watch the tone of my voice.
Now who uncovered himself today in the eyes of the handmaidens of the his servants as one of the vile fellows shamelessly uncovered himself.
You see my, you see my poem. Now, what does she do?
She, she David is a man of faith and he is a king that love the Lord.
So he was unashamed of his faith.
I went, we went over to Rwanda. I think it was.
And here we were and they invited me down to because they wanted me to bring a message for the night because the, the president didn’t come out in public that much except with his bodyguard and all that.
So it causes a distraction sometimes. So he, he want us to come there.
So it took me and the team, we went there and that was the president and they start playing the music and the president just got loose.
I mean, coke came on. I said, well, all right, dad, that’s what I’m talking about.
I kind of got lose myself. Yeah. Watch this.
David was known to talk with the Aristocrats or talk with a servant because he was a man after God’s own heart.
He wasn’t ashamed of the gospel.
Now, here’s Michelle, she comes down on him for coming off of what she called her his kingly place and dancing like a commoner.
And look at verse 23.
Therefore, Michelle, the daughter of Saul had no Children until the day of her death.
He shut up that room.
Watch David over in first chapter 17 and we’re done.
Y’all get something out of this today.
I have nothing against anybody but I’m gonna tell you something.
We’re gonna stop backing up off the truth.
So I need this thing just like it is because God will fix anything. I said he’ll fix anything.
There’s nothing too hard from it for him.
Look what it says here in Samuel, the first chapter 17 is where David came to front line.
His dad has sent him up there with some crackers and cheese or something for his, for his kid.
And so here he was, he gave in front line.
But once he got to the front line, he was saw them, they were all dug out and fearful because this man Goliath and David says to him, he said, now what is a man gonna get if he slays this giant?
He said, well, you’re gonna get tax free. Well, that was enough right there.
He said, all right, stop right there. God, I’ll take it myself, right? The Lord.
So then he goes on down, he goes, finds his way up to.
So because his faith is promoting him, he finds his way up to Saul.
And Saul said, David take this arm and put it on.
David said, no, I haven’t tested that stuff out.
He said, David, are you about to fight a man that’s been trained in war from a youth?
Check it out. Are you what I’m saying here, trained in war from you?
You about to fight this man? David said, wait a minute minute.
Now, let me, let me, let me get you straight.
You know, you know, he said, I’ve killed a line and I did that with my bare hands and then here come Yogi a bear and I killed him.
Now I can take this man too. Now, watch this. David did not have misplaced faith.
That’s faith. That’s got faith in somebody, faith in your political position, faith in your degree from your college, faith and so forth.
Instead of having faith in God, any other kind of faith, Satan will defeat it.
He was in this earth 6000 years before man.
He was in this earth before man came and 6000 years he’d been in here and he was anointed.
You recovered. He got more tricks than you ever thought you had. Your degree will never whip Satan.
Your political position will never, I don’t care how many masons, you know, you never, you, you never, you’ll never, you’ll never defeat him if you want to take you down.
He’ll take you down. Now point to you get your faith in the right place.
Have faith? Come on in God, what did he do?
He said, I’ll have this guy, I’ll take him.
Uh This is the interesting thing about this.
In this, David announced the outcome in the middle of the battle.
I’m talking about the having miracles in your life. Start announcing the outcome in the middle.
Come on of your battle. I said, start announcing the outcome.
Now, don’t think you gotta do it because Jesus said, it’s not me.
Come on, help me now, it’s the father. He does the work.
But his way is for me to announce the victory in the middle of the battle.
That’s what I’m gonna do. Say amen to that verse 43.
And the Philistine said to David, I am a dog. Did you come to me with a stick?
And the Philistine cursed David by His God. How many you know what God blesses cannot be cursed?
You know, you need to be concerned whether the devil can curse you or not, stop being concerned about that.
Believe that he can stop giving him some power. He cannot curse you.
I got proof for it. I don’t have time to go in here right now.
But whatever God blesses is blessed, say amen to that.
And God said, I will bless them that what bless you and I will come on curse them.
That curse he can’t touch you. Witchcraft, can’t touch you. Come on, sorcery, can’t touch you.
What he said in verse 44.
And the Philippines said to David, you come to me and I’m gonna give you a flesh to the foul of the air and to the beast of the field.
Watch us and said, then said, David to the Philistine.
Are you coming to me with a sword with a spear and with a shield?
But I’m coming to you in one name, the name of the Lord of hosts. No misplaced faith here.
The God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied.
Watch this this day, not next Tuesday or Labor Day this day will the Lord deliver you into my hand?
Watch it. And I will what smite you?
I will take your head off of you and I will give your car the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day under the fouls of the air and the wild beasts of the earth that all of the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.
Now, I am not asking all these other armies back here to go with me because they are afraid they are scared, they are in foxholes and dug out, but I’m gonna do it because me and God are a majority are gonna come against you.
And what I say He will do.
Now, you gotta know this and I want you to do something put your faith in God from now on your faith is in Him.
You don’t have misplaced faith in whether or not your, your company is gonna stay around whether or not this the doctors report was right, whether or not have faith in God.
I don’t care if the man’s running out on you. You got some promises in here.
God’s peace in your life don’t say have faith in God. Be concerned about what the newspapers said.
Have faith in God. I’m saved with you no matter what Beaver report may come into your life.
Just make up your mind. I’m gonna have faith in God.
Well, praise the Lord.
I trust that you are blessed by that powerful teaching. Now have faith in God.
There are four things I want to remember about this teaching.
One is that real faith does not get embarrassed or is timid.
You remember the woman who had the issue of blood?
She came out of that house pressing her way through that crowd. Why? She wasn’t embarrassed? Why?
Because she was in real faith. Secondly, operating in, right enables you to perform miracles.
See, when you step into that miracle realm, there’s a boldness that’s needed in that realm and righteousness gives you that boldness.
Thirdly. God desires for us to have no more misplaced faith.
Now, it’s al already, you know, we, we have doctors, we have lawyers, we have all these people, but our faith is not in them our faith is only in God.
And then the fourth thing you can announce the victory before the battle ever starts. Praise God.
Now, our announcer is gonna bring you some more important information and I’ll be right back.
Real faith does not get embarrassed.
Real faith is not timid because faith releases God’s ability and it’s his ability.
That does a miracle, a miracle. What is faith? Confidence in God.
This gospel was never meant to be preached with all this revelation and no proof.
When you start operating in righteous, it, the miracles will take place.
But if you’ve got low self esteem, a low ceiling, if you are always intimidated, if you’re living so close to the world that like Sam, all of a sudden you lose your strength because you think more of Delilah than you do of Jesus.
I’m gonna tell you you are accident going somewhere to hell.
I believe he’s got faith in God from now on.
You don’t have misplaced faith in whether or not your company is gonna stay around whether or not the doctor’s report was right.
They’ll be concerned about what the newspapers said.
Have faith, no matter what people report come into your life, just make up your mind.
I’m gonna faith in God, release your confidence in God and demonstrate his amazing power in you today with Pastor Bill Winston’s four disc series entitled Have Faith In God to Order on CD or DVD by Bank Guard at 1 807 119327 or online at bill dot org.
Do not allow your past to stop the miracle working power of your future.
You are the righteousness of Christ and in Him, there is no condemnation. Therefore, you can have faith in God.
Order your copy today of this four disc series, have Faith in God.
Hello, my name is Bill Winston.
I am here to tell you about this exciting book. It’s called The Vengeance of the Lord.
Now, this is a topic that a lot of Christians never understood. It’s not revenge. That’s, that’s a human concept.
This is vengeance. God says in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 30 vengeance is mine.
And I will recommend say the Lord, what does it mean? It means justice.
It means that God is the one that’s gonna justify you when we were trying to buy our first shopping mall.
The people didn’t want us to have it, but the vengeance of the Lord stepped in.
And the next thing you know, we’ve got the ball, not only that they tried to keep us from having services and we’ve got that too.
My point to you is there are places that you can’t go without the vengeance of the Lord and just like anything else that a provision of God, you have to do it by faith.
Well, how does faith come by hearing and hearing by the word, the vengeance of the Lord get this book, build your faith.
And I’m telling you, it will make you unstoppable.
I’m talking about in the education area, changing educational laws back to be under the, the, the order of the Kingdom of God, a economic, a government.
Everything this vengeance of the Lord will open the pathway.
One man said this because God’s people have not known vengeance.
Many have been victims, not you praise God because here’s the book called the Vengeance of the Lord.
Get it today. You’ll be blessed. Bill Winston saying, keep walking by faith.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.