Monday Night Prayers – Bedtime Prayer For Peaceful Sleep!

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Bedtime Prayer For Peaceful Sleep!

Tonight, my prayer for you is that the Lord touches your health, your family, your home, and your finances. Amen

Tonight, I want to feel that it is You who drives me to act, giving me joy, determination, and serenity in the face of any challenges I encounter. Here I am before You, for I have realized that only You can give me what I need to be truly happy. You fill me with Your love and shower me with Your gifts. Lord, come and reign in my heart so that nothing can take away the strength of Your love—the love that sustains me each day.

God of love, tonight I affirm that You never abandon those who trust in You. I know You are always with us, filling us with every good thing Your love provides. Thank You for always being present in my life, revealing Yourself with power and showing me Your love in all situations I face. Remove anything negative from my heart, for it desires to belong solely to You.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, thank You for this wonderful day that is now coming to an end. Thank You for Your constant companionship, where I feel Your protective hand blessing and guiding me. Lord of life, You are my sword to overcome challenges, the source of my strength, and the purpose of my existence. You are everything to me. Nothing can stop me, and nothing can take away the happiness You have promised.

I ask You to illuminate my path with the powerful light of Your love, so that every decision I make is rooted in the wisdom that comes from You. I want to praise and bless You always, for I know that under Your protection, I am safe. You make me strong to continue fighting and to face trials without fear. I ask You to watch over me tonight and guard my rest, so I can wake up to a beautiful morning in Your presence. Come, give me the peace I need to rest, for only in Your peace can I find true calm.

Guide me, my Heavenly Father. Lift me up and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Grant me wisdom and understanding to discern before I act. Give me Your peace so that I may sleep peacefully. Don’t let the difficulties of life make me forget that You are by my side. Thank You for being with me throughout the day, for filling me with strength when mine ran out. My God, You are the only one who guides my steps and calls me to true happiness.

Thank You for the faith You have placed in my heart, for through it, I can discover that You are with me, helping me move forward. Grant me a free heart that chooses the path of holiness to which You have called me, without being trapped by fears or wounds that enslave me. I give You everything I have and everything I am because I want to be by Your side and allow You to renew my life, as You did from the beginning.

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BOBBIE - 2025-03-25 03:52:17


- 2025-03-25 01:53:26

As my night draws to a close, will You, my Lord Jesus please help me and favorably come to me so very close that I will feel You all night long and also all dawn and all day long tomorrow and Please answer all of my Prayers favorably .... Please Lord Jesus will You help me by bringing into me my favorite nurse and aide and strength to take a hot shower ... Amen

Rosie - 2025-03-11 04:54:49

Please pray for my son Antiwane the God will open the prison door soon to be released back to society. I believe in second changes in Jesus name

Casey Rooney - 2025-03-11 02:33:40

I need help turning over everything to God. I keep worrying even though I know God is in control.

Sam - 2025-03-11 02:46:58

Heavenly Father, we thank You for today. Thank You that You are in control. Thank You for being You and creating us in Your image. Thank You that You know we are human and we are going to make mistakes. We pray You, God, will keep us humble. We pray You, God, will lift Casey up this evening. We pray Casey can let go of the things that are hindering a true relationship with you. We pray You, God, take away anything that isn’t helping Casey to turn towards You. We pray for Casey to fully let go and know You, Father God, are in total control. We pray all these things in Jesus’ name. Amen

Peggy Smith - 2025-03-11 01:50:11

Please pray for my marriage. Please pray for my family.

Sam - 2025-03-11 02:51:37

Heavenly Father, we thank You for today. We thank You for the gift of marriage. You, God, know marriage is hard at times, we pray for Peggy’s marriage. We pray You, God, put a fellow believer and follower in Christ mentor couple in Peggy and her husband’s path. We pray for open communication, full honesty, understanding, compassion, passion, and Your peace, God, that surpasses all understanding. We pray Peggy and her husband pray together and date each other again. We pray they encourage and lift each other up. We pray they know that at the end of the day, they remember what the love about each other. We pray for Peggy’s family. You, God, know what is going on. We pray for strength, encouragement, understanding and love. We pray all this in Jesus’ name. Amen

Evelyn - 2025-02-11 07:42:55

Peace..... That God will not allow the evil one to return to the job. Keep her away God in the name of Jesus.... what she did was wicked and evil and hateful.... BLOCK in the name of JESUS... Protect me your daughter...

Gail - 2025-02-05 06:00:43

God help me with my upcoming trips so that I have what I need, so everything goes well with my Husband, and Mom. Also God please smooth things out with my Daughter so that she communicates truth. Moreover please take away/heal my feet and legs cramps at night so my sleep is not disrupted. I ask this in Jesus\'s mighty name.

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