Mike Huckabee: The Biggest QUESTION America is Facing in 2024 | Kirk Cameron on TBN

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Mike Huckabee: The Biggest QUESTION America is Facing in 2024 | Kirk Cameron on TBN

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee joins Kirk Cameron to discuss how men and women of faith can stand up for the future of America. He shares how Christians may prayerfully consider who to vote for in the upcoming election and the importance of continuing to ask God to guide our nation. Don’t miss this riveting conversation here on Takeaways with Kirk Cameron on TBN!

Join Kirk Cameron to discuss pressing issues Christians are facing with compassionate, well-informed guests. Together we will find actionable takeaways that we can use today, this week, and this month to bring more of Heaven to Earth.

our biggest danger our biggest threat right now is that we are rapidly moving toward a society of tyranny rather than a a society and a government uh of order and law and the rule of the law rather than rule of the passions of men we’ve really now come to a a critical place in our culture and government in our country where this is a vertical election we’re either going up or we’re going down uh it’s it’s the fight between good and evil and I don’t want in any way to try to say that the
Republicans are the good and the Godly and the Democrats are the uh the evil it’s simpler than that people who take positions whether they’re democrat or republican that don’t believe in the rule of law that don’t believe in due process that believe in weaponizing government that believe in taking the life of an unborn child right up to the moment of birth and think that somehow the dismemberment of a human baby in its mother’s womb is actually Healthcare people who believe that we should mutilate the bodies of 12 and 13y
old girls and uh remove their breast and give them a hysterctomy because at some point they casually said to their mother or their teacher you know I’m I’m feeling like uh more masculine than I do feminine and they suddenly are put in irreversible surgical consequences we’re living at a time when when this country is making decision decisions that are no longer variations of tax policy and defense policy we are literally talking about whether or not we worship the creation rather than the Creator that have we embraced the
environment as our God rather than the creation of our god do we believe that the environment is here to serve us or do we believe that we’re here to serve the environment and to be its slave these are fundamental differen uh differences in terms of of critical policy and it no longer is horizontal that’s why I say from a Christian believer’s perspective this is the fight good and evil we believe in a judeo-christian ethic or we believe in Marxism those are our choices and that’s really what’s going to be decided upon
in the uh in the the elections this year two years and probably Beyond Mike when you talk like this it’s painting a picture in my mind of a ship uh on on the Niagara River headed for the falls and and there comes a point where you’re you’ve reached the the place of no return that the current is so strong that you can’t turn around do you think that with regard to our founding principles that you just laid out for us that judeo-christian worldview uh have we reached the point of no return are we
going over the falls or is that just a doomsday perspective and and there’s still time to turn the ship around I would answer that with h with a simple response With God all things are possible but I would also quickly add to that if we do not Embrace God’s holy word and believe the scripture to be absolute infallible and erent truth if we decide we’re going to uh compromise on biblical principles and values so that we can be popular or so that we won’t be labeled something and hated and put out of business if if we sell out as
Christian Believers um then the real danger is that how can why would God turn this country around so I believe it can be done I can’t honestly say if it will be done and you just gave a great analogy of the ship let me add to that analogy the Pastors in our pull pits Across America they really need to see themselves as captains of Warships leading their people into the battle for righteousness and against the forces of Satan they don’t need to see themselves as the captain of the loveboat just making sure everybody’s having a good
time and that their church is more entertaining than the one down the street and I worry about pastors that are fearful of their own congregations they’re fearful of their communities of their denominations and they don’t want to rock the boat and they don’t want to take a stand and say thus sayeth the Lord and and I’m I’m going to be very clear to Kurt I’m not talking about pastors Endor in specific candidates or uh signing people up to ride a donkey or an elephant I’m talking about people who
unapologetically take the word of God and apply it to the issues of the day people will get it they’ll understand what they’re supposed to do but they won’t if there’s not a a scriptural application that is based unapologetically on the word of God Mike you said a moment ago With God all things are possible how do we as believers balance having a hopeful optimism because of the goodness and faithfulness with God uh of God together with our responsibility to do the right thing uh it’s it’s um often we we we go heavy on
the hope we get we go heavy on the faithfulness of God but not we’re not doing so great with our own responsibilities in terms of getting involved what what can you say to encourage people with with with what to do and and uh and how to do it uh what a great question Kirk and and the reason I say it’s a great question is because I don’t think I’ve ever been asked it quite so uh bluntly and I I love it and and here’s what I think some Christians Miss they they want to say yeah I believe God can do anything but they
don’t really deep down believe that there’s an old saying um you know if you’re going to pray for rain and pray to you know fix the garden take a hoe with you and if you don’t then you’re really not praying with with expectation so there ought to be optimism on the part of Believers not blind optimism not uh silly and what I call misguided optimism but there ought to be a sense that we believe that ultimately God is in charge um that he can hear the prayers of his people now here’s here’s
the downside if his people don’t pray he’s not hearing anything and so the scripture in 2 Chronicles 7:14 make it very clear the prescription that we have to follow If my people who are called by my name uh will hear my voice and answer my call and I will hear their prayers and I will heal their land but we’re required to pray if we don’t oh and and repent and if we don’t do those things then we’re just uh we’re pretending to be Believers Governor can you can you help us um understand the difference
between what most Americans think is their responsibility as Citizens and what the founders told us would be our responsibilities if we were to keep this constitutional republic they gave us it’s good that you mentioned that we are a constitutional republic because so many people I hear uh particularly in the culture of today and people who are elected who ought to know better they will say things like we’ve got to protect our democracy and this group is an enemy of democracy well that’s fine we’re not a democracy a democracy is
basically majority rule all the time uh virtually it’s if you want to call it mob rule it’s Whoever has the most votes it’s the uh the sort of the survival of the fittest it’s darwinian in nature if you will uh that’s not who we are our country was never created to be majority ruled it was designed to be ruled by a constitution with elected representatives who were then empowered to vote the will of the people but there was also checks and balances built in and this is the genius of our Constitution and the genius of our
founding fathers three branches of government none of which is better than the other more powerful than the other you have to have agreement with the powers of government in order for it to function one reason it’s so difficult for it to function but we need to recognize that voting is that we’re voting to preserve this constitutional republic we’re voting to make sure that we don’t fall into mob rule that we don’t allow people who may have power to have it unrestricted and unrestrained because then that’s when tyranny sets in
yeah our biggest danger our biggest threat right now is that we are rapidly moving toward a society of tyranny rather than a a society and a government uh of order and law and the rule of the law rather than rule of the passions of men we look to these people that we elect to be our quote unquote leaders when really that’s not what they are they’re public servants of their true leaders who is what we the people so this idea that we’re electing people to guide us to lead us to be our officials well wait a minute no no no if we really
love the United States of America we need to go back to the idea that the people with the highest form of authority that uh govern This Land Is Not the executive branch or the Supreme Court judges or the legislators it’s we the people and they are there as our servants to represent our values and protect our freedoms and I think if we go into the voting booth understanding that that’ll help us know who to vote for that’s that’s a great point I mean people who get elected to office need to never forget that
they work for the people who elected them they’re not the bosses they’re the employees and they’re subject to getting fired and we’d be better off if we fired a bunch of them when I was governor Kirk one of the things I did from my very first day in office we put a large frame in the outer office of uh the governor’s office on the second floor of the state capital every person who came in would see it and there was in this large frame an inscription at the top that said our boss and you might think well that’s
where my picture was in the almost 11 years I was governor my picture was never in that frame every week or two we would change it and we would put some ordinary Arkansas citizens picture there we might put a couple celebrating a 50th anniversary maybe a scout troop we might put uh a seven-year-old who had done some wonderful deed in this community it was always some citizen of our state and we put their picture there and I said to my staff every single week when you walk into this office I want you to never
forget who the boss is it’s not the guy sitting in the corner office with the nice view down Capitol Avenue and another one down the Arkansas River um it it’s the guy out there that came home bone tired from working in a factory wearing a hard hat and carrying a a lunch paale and he came home sweating through his socks and he went home to feed his family that’s your boss and don’t ever mistreat him don’t ever talk back to him if he comes in here even if he smells bad from a hard day work or
maybe not having bathed in a week uh treat him like he’s the boss CU he is our boss and let’s never forget it as Believers does God give us scriptural requirements to get involved what does the Bible say is our responsibility as members of the the household of faith uh for for those of us who live in a free society when the scripture says that you know we should be uh mindful to pray for our leaders and our rulers that’s part of it and that’s that’s given even if we were in a totalitarian government we’re
supposed to pray for our leaders but we’re in a unique position in America we actually have citizenship we have not just the responsibility we have the right to vote the right to free speech the right to challenge our government and so when we’re given that right for us to fail to utilize it it it’s really um I I’m going to go so far Kirk to say I think it’s a sin against God for us to be given such a wonderful religious liberty personal freedom um to be given freedom of speech and freedom of thought and freedom of
movement freedom of assembly and then to abuse it by never being grateful enough to it for it that we would uh exercise the full rights of our citizenship let’s just remember and I’ll be quick about this but the Apostle Paul was a Roman citizen so when he was accused of of insurrection what did he do did he say oh yes throw me in jail I don’t care no he said I I want to appeal my case to Caesar so what he was doing was saying I’m a Roman citizen I have certain rights as a Roman citizen one of them is
I get to appeal any judgment against me all the way to Caesar and he exercised his rights of citizen ship that’s a great example for what we ought to be doing Mike how does the the right to vote set us apart from other countries around the world I think sometimes we just we just don’t understand what the alternative is I think a lot of people just think well you know what it might be kind of nice for other people to make the decisions for us you know just kind of pay for my food pay for my education
and my health care and and I don’t have to sort of figure this stuff out for myself well what people ought to do is to to realize voting is not voting for someone who is promising you something because when they do they’re promising you something that they’re going to give you with your own money so government has no money it doesn’t take from its people so unless you want there to be some free gift out there for people that you’re going to pay for you better vote for people who have a sense of of real
fiscal responsibility and who don’t want to spend more money than they take in as individuals we can’t spend money we don’t have and we can’t borrow money we can’t afford to pay back why should we vote for people who spend money we do not have and who borrow money that as a country we can’t afford to pay back so make your vote about does this person believe in the constitution do they want to protect the basic rights even of the people we disagree with because if if you only want to protect the rights of
the people who agree with you that’s not real citizenship in the United States our job as Citizens is to protect protect not just the rights of the majority but protect the rights of the minority without letting the minority run the country or letting the majority run over the minority we we have a brilliant I consider it a a god inspired government it’s brilliant and it’s really construction because it even assumes that we are basically Sinners uh that’s right how what kind of government makes that assumption that because we’re
Sinners we need checks and balances we need other branches of government to keep us from getting out of control which is the reason we have three branches rather than just elect a monarch and he has Sovereign Rule and dictatorial Authority but if we don’t exercise within that role of three branches and we don’t have the accountability and we don’t do the checks and balances well we might as well be a totalitarian government and quite frankly we are and that’s the Tyranny that we can’t afford to to to
experience some people are saying look it’s all or nothing if you’re not pro- life I’m not voting for you and others would say well I don’t have any options who were pro-life but I want to go with the one who can at least get us going in the right direction even if they’re not everything I’m hoping that they’re going to be and they can win well I think voting for someone who can win is important but voting for someone who shares basic core values is important but be careful not to say I’m only going
to vote for a person who checks every box that I believe in because that may be a tough deal to find somebody uh that is identical to one’s beliefs and I would say this if a person says I’m only going to vote for a person who thinks just like me then you better be the candidate because the only person who’ll think just like you will be you so be the candidate go out there and run but if you’re not going to do that it’s a matter of looking at the options and saying who reflects the closest not just
to what they say but to what they’re going to do when they’re in office I I know some people that are not necessarily righteous I’ll never find them in church on Sunday morning but when it comes to their vote they’re going to vote for things that do matter they will vote for example to uh protect human life they will vote to believe that mothers and fathers raise better kids than the governments do and they believe in parental rights rather than government control of our children uh they believe that uh we ought to bless
Israel and God will bless us if we do right rather than uh to be a curse to Israel uh those are important issues to me as a Christian believer but there may be somebody who doesn’t share my faith but who shares those views and I always say that if if I had a terminally ill family member and that person needed surgery that might save his or her life I had two choices of a doctor one had a bedside manner that was atrocious the doctor was vulgar and rude uh came in and basically just said look if you would want me to do the surgery I’ll do
it but I ain’t got time to ask answer a lot of questions the other option uh for a surgeon came in sat on the side of the bed held your relative’s hand prayed was so kind and gentle but here’s the difference that rough bedside Manor doctor had done the surgery 700 times and 98% of his patients lived the other one is just right out of med school and residency he’s only done the surgery 12 times and eight of his patients died who do you pick to do the surgery well let me tell you who I pick I’ll worry about the
bedside manner on another level I want the very best surgeon I can get for my loved one because his job is not to be nice to me is not to make me feel comfortable his job is to save the life of my relative and that’s why I hire him to be my doctor that’s how we ought to look at how we hire the people to service in government who’s going to get that job done and then we pray for them and then we vote for them and we trust God to work all things together for good


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