Messing Up the Devil’s Symphony in Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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  1. Praise is MY weapon! My father was abused as a child! He kept planning the day he would be able to kill his father. He met my mother (preacher’s kid) at school, got saved and LED his abusive dad to the Lord!

    Baruch HaShem!!!! 🎶

    If that isn’t changing a tune!!! … I’m here today because he didn’t listen to the dark spirits and submitted to the Lord instead… he started a new chapter, or TUNE, if you will, in his relationship with his dad! I look forward to meeting my grandfather in the Kingdom of Heaven one day! Awesome message, Rabbi! Many blessings to you and your family! Shabbat shalom!!!

    1. I have been following Jonathan and the three nice Jewish boys for many years. I am one of your outreach minister have recommended your sermon to so many. I am always blessed by your monthly magazine. I do love Jonathan and the Jewish people God bless.

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