Messiah In The Pit & The Amazing Witness Of The Rabbis | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Messiah In The Pit & The Amazing Witness Of The Rabbis | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn reveals the foretelling of Yeshua the Messiah through the life of Joseph. Both going down to the pit and both rising.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

Amazing because the rabbis are saying, look at you. You wanna know about Messiah? Read Joseph.
But look at what he’s saying on Joseph.
Joseph is the 1 who separated from his family, who becomes the savior of the Gentiles, and his family has no idea.
He’s got the answer for Israel, but they don’t know it. 1 day they will.
The story will end when they come together again.
And we get later on in the story the the the sons or the the brothers are feeling guilty.
They’re in trouble and they’re saying you know what, this is all coming upon us because of what we did to Joseph.
And when they talk about that they’re actually revealing more of the story that you don’t get here.
First of all they say we are guilty. This is later on. Not, not the way later on.
It says we’re guilty because of our brother.
And the word they use for saying we are guilty is the word, asham. Try it.
Asham means guilt or guilty. But it’s also got this mystery like the other word.
It’s also the same word for the sacrifice that takes away all guilt. It’s called the asham.
In Isaiah 53 it literally says, because throughout Leviticus it calls the sacrifice the asham, takes away all guilt.
But in Isaiah 53 it says this.
It says he made his life an asham, a guilt offering.
So he became Messiah, became an asham which means the guilt and the offering that takes away guilt.
And they go on. The brothers are talking and they’re describing what happened so they’re giving us more insight about what happened here.
But later on they said, they said we’re being, we’re being punished basically because of the anguish of his soul.
Like In other words they remembered that Joseph was in anguish when this was happening.
Because the Bible doesn’t say it there, tells you later. He was in anguish.
Interesting because when you read Isaiah 53 it says, literally it says because of the anguish of his soul.
Same thing of Messiah. And then it says, then the brothers reveal.
It says remember he was begging us. He was entreating us. Same word could be prayer.
He was imploring us. He was, he was seeking from us. It means someone bending on their knee.
He was, he was, he was beseeching us. So Joseph was, was pleading with them. Interesting.
The rabbis wrote of the mission of Messiah. Now the rabbis again didn’t know.
We, we know they, we can’t follow what they said. They didn’t know, they didn’t know Messiah.
But all the more they become amazing witnesses because they’re talking, they’re saying things that would be talking about the Lord and they don’t even realize it.
This is what they say in 1 of the rabbinic writings. This is the way they picture it.
The Holy 1, God, blessed be He, began to tell the Messiah the conditions of his future mission.
And they said, he said to them, he said, the sins will force you into an iron yoke.
They’re gonna, they’re gonna, they’re gonna render you like this Like, like, gonna, they’re gonna put you in bondage, the sins of the people.
Gonna choke out your spirit.
And because of their sins, the sins of the people, your tongue will cleave to the roof of your mouth.
He said do you accept this mission?
And they have in the, in the writings they say, Messiah says with gladness in my soul I accept it so not a single soul would perish.
Not only those who are alive in my days but even the dead from the days before until now and all those yet to come.
This is how they’re picturing, they’re picturing a Messiah who is dying, suffering for sins to save, save them.
And then it goes on. Here’s, here’s another part. David, 1 more vision they have.
It says they see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob talking to the Messiah.
And in the future they will rise up in in the month of Nisan.
Nisan’s the month that Messiah died. And they’ll speak to him.
They’ll say, they’ll say, Messiah, even though we are your fathers you are greater than us, than we.
For you suffered because of the sins of our children.
Cruel punishments have come upon you the likes of which have not come upon any, any people.
In other words because of the sins that he’s going to die for sins or suffer for sins And also it’s the sins of that generation that are gonna, that are gonna make him suffer.
That’s exactly what happened. So they throw him.
Now he is either naked or almost naked and they throw Joseph into the pit, The pit.
So here’s the 1 who was glorious.
He’s the, he was the 1 who was adorned in glory and now he’s naked and he’s in this dried up pit.
They throw him down the pit. Interesting.
The place where he went to here called Dotham, it means the place of the 2 pits.
So it’s literally a place of pits.
So he goes down and acts the other place, it says where they were supposed to be, Shechem, which is still here today in the West Bank, Shechem literally means the place of burden.
So you got a picture of Messiah. The son is sent by the father to a place of burdens.
He comes to earth to bear burdens and he ends up going down into the pit.
And the word actually shechem also literally means shoulder.
Like you bear burdens on your shoulder, Messiah would bear the burden, would bear literally the, the beam of the cross on his shoulder as he headed to his death.
It says What does it say? God is the 1 who bears our burdens.
He carried our sins it says the Messiah. It says you got burdens, you got anxiety?
Cast your cares upon him because he cares for you. He bears your burdens. Give them to him.
So the Son of the Most High comes to the land of the burdens and then he ends up going to the pit.
Joseph in a pit, in a dry well. Symbol picture of Messiah.
Picture of Messiah. It’s the beginning of the time when the separation between Joseph and his family, they’re never gonna see him again for years years years.
And so there has been a separation between the Jewish people and their Messiah.
And in the same way as Messiah went through all this he also went, as Joseph, he went through a separation from his family.
The Lord loves all everybody equally. But he has a family.
And he’s been separated from the Jewish people just like Joseph was separated from his brothers.
Even that was prophesied. And he’s put into the well.
In Isaiah 12 it says therefore you shall draw water from the wells of salvation.
But in Hebrew it says and you shall draw water, That’s not the Hebrew part.
And you shall draw water from the wells of Yeshua.
So it’s saying in that, you’re saying wells of salvation but it’s saying that basically the same name as you’re gonna There’s gonna be wells of Yeshua.
They, in the Feast of Tabernacles they used to say this scripture. They would pour water out.
They would get water from the pool of Siloam, where the blind man was healed.
They bring it up to the, the Temple Mount.
They pour out the water on the Temple Mount as they poured it out. They prayed for rain.
They prayed for the spirit. They said, Isaiah 12 and in joy you shall draw water from the wells of Yeshua.
And it says that Messiah stood up at the feast.
We don’t know if it’s exactly them but it probably was because they’re pouring it out.
And he stands up and he says if anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink.
Here they’re saying you’ll draw water for the wells of Yeshua.
And here’s Yeshua saying come to me and I’m going to give you water. How cool.
But for 2000 years just as there was a separation, we don’t know how long Well we could try to figure it out a bit.
But there was a time of years where they didn’t see their brother. They thought he might have been dead.
And they didn’t see him.
So there have been 2000 years where the Jewish people, not all of them, but the Jewish people have not seen their brother.
Joseph would end up in Egypt and he, yet he becomes the Saviour of Egypt, the Redeemer of Egypt and of the known world back then.
But his brothers meanwhile have no idea it’s all going on.
They, they might have heard of, they might have heard of this guy but they don’t know it’s Joseph.
And, and they’re going to be, they’re going to have a famine and the answer is with Joseph but they don’t know it.
And so Israel today, they know, they don’t know, they don’t I mean they, they know of this person Jesus but they don’t know it’s their brother and their Redeemer.
Same thing. Amazing. Because the rabbis are saying, look at you. You want to know about Messiah?
Read Joseph. But look at what it’s saying about Joseph.
Joseph is the 1 who’s separated from his family, who becomes the Saviour of the Gentiles and his family has no idea.
He’s got the answer for Israel but they don’t know it. 1 day they will.
The story will end when they come together again. So Messiah and the Jewish people will come together again.
Paul says what’s going to happen at the end? They are going to be saved.
They’re going to be coming back in but not yet.
I remember I was at the western wall where the, you know, where, where Jewish people pray, not just Jewish people, and the Orthodox are there praying and they got prayer books there.
They pray from books. Not all of them but they’re And, and, and they have these tables and they had, they had these big Hebrew books there open.
And I was doing a tour there in Israel and 1 of the people on the tour from here said what does it say?
So I looked at the book. It’s in Hebrew and it says, I look at it.
It’s opened up to God will become my Yeshua, from Isaiah.
And then it says and you shall draw waters from the wells of Yeshua.
And I’m thinking and I’m watching them all. They’re praying to God and they’re seeking.
But here it’s like here’s the answer. Right there. Open up. Right by the wall.
I’m thinking could it be something significant that the holiest place in Judaism is a wall.
Could that be a spiritual message that there’s a wall that’s been put, that a wall between mess his people and Messiah.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan and I hope you were blessed with a video.
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