Meet Your Fears Head On | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Meet Your Fears Head On
Message Of The Week – Jonathan Cahn shares of the amazing discovery hidden for over three thousand years and what it has to do with our lives. The secret of Gideon, the opposite law of the kingdom, warring against the gods, breaking down the altar, the days of Gideon revisited, and what Jerubbaal means for such a time as this.
“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
God is calling you as
he called Gideon, confront that fear head on and break it.
Whether a sin habit, way, or fear he’s call you head on.
God called for victory, but Gideon had to do this.
The problem began with the gods,
and the answer had to begin with the gods. Before there’s any battle, He’s gotta deal with that altar.
The altar was draining the blessings of Israel.
It’s draining the sacrifices, draining its focus, draining its devotion, So that’s what that sin does.
It drains our devotion. Drains our energy for god. Drains all those things. The altar was keeping them
in bondage and oppression and fear.
Gideon had to go, had to break it down, had to smash the altar.
You have to do the same thing.
The thing that is not god, that sin, that habit, that way, that that attitude, that pattern, that substitute, that relationship, that compromise, that’s draining you robbing you, keeping you.
It’s gotta come down.
You wanna live a life of victory. It’s gotta come down. You gotta break it.
You gotta smash it. You can’t coexist with it. You can’t coexist not with the altar of bail.
You have to make a decision. You gotta draw a line in the sand. And say no more.
You have to hate it. Yeah. We love people, but we hate them. Smash it, rid it from your life.
If you have a struggle, you mess up, you come out. Doesn’t matter.
Get up again and smash that thing again. God says, you know, you reverence the gods Israel.
The word again is fear.
So the alter of bail can also manifest in your life, not only a sin, but as a fear.
A fear that’s keeping you living from what god called you to live. A fear that’s crippling you.
A fear that’s causing you to accept what you shouldn’t accept.
To give in to the darkness, to prevent you from living a life, from living in bondage, because you’re afraid.
And you end up avoiding that thing because what god called you because of what god because of that fear you have.
God is calling you
as he called Gideon confront that fear head on and break it.
Whether a sin, habit, way, or fear, he’s calling you head on.
Got when god calls his chosen people, I’m talking about everybody calls in the Bible. There’s a pattern.
Often the first reaction is fear. He called Moses fear. Jeremiah fear. I can. I’m too I’m too young.
You know, gideon fear. God calls you And there’s often a fear because you’re he’s calling you to rise higher.
If you’re gonna get there, you gotta rise higher.
But you due to do it, you gotta meet that fear head on. That obstacle head on.
That thing head on. Not run from it, run to it.
He called Gideon up to do a very specific action. He calls you to do a very specific action.
To overcome that thing. Take a specific act against that fear, against that sin, against that giant.
The oppression of the midianites was all over.
It was general.
But the answer that was saved that was very specific. So you might feel oppressed.
You might feel I’m just not victorious. I’m in battle.
Very general, but you gotta take a specific act, a specific step in your life.
See, general things never happen.
I’ll do something sometime. I’ll get it together with god. I’ll fulfill my calling, you know, in the future.
It never happens.
The victory is specific. You want victory? Take an act
specific action, start today’s specific time. Don’t say tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, even if it’s symbolic, take an action.
A gimme an
action, smash, smash the altar of your bail.
It may involve you actually smashing something. Now that may happen. Uh, it may, and be careful.
I’m not telling you
to go out and, you know, riot.
It may be something symbolic that you do something, something mentally, and that’s a sign of it, do it before you go
to bed. Start. Get in the act was a
first step. You know, great victories begin with one step. Even if it’s a small step, take it.
You see, You see great big things never happen just like that. It’s better. In other words,
what I mean is it’s better to take a small step for god today now than have a great thing you’re gonna do that you never do.
We saw on Friday that god called Gideon. He gave a Hebrew word. He said, oh, gabor.
Great man, which means valiant, great one champion. It means, oh, hell. Oh, Gabor. Great one.
God called you to be that one, but he had if this want to be that one, he
had to deal with the altar. God has called you to be a champion.
But to to be a champ, you gotta deal with the altar first.
Decisive action. You see, he
could not defeat the armies of midian until he defeated Bail in his own life. Bail in his own house.
That was his father’s altar. He was raised under that altar.
You want victory in the world in your situation. First get victory in the spiritual realm.
First get victory. You want victory on the outside. Get victory on the inside.
You’ll have victory on the outside. God told
him take the wood of the Ashir uphold this goddess wood. Use it for the wood of the sufferers.
God will actually use your breaking down that altar and he’ll turn it to actually cause you to be blessed.
Years ago, as a new believer, I was in a friendship with a young woman, I’d helped lead to the lord on my job, where I was.
And there were feelings developing, and it wasn’t an unbiblical situation, but it wasn’t the lord’s will.
And I had to give it up. I had to break the altar.
And when I did it, right then, it was like revival came to me. Revival came. Rep you repented.
Do what you have to do. Revival will come to you. Refreshing. Renewing will come.
Open the door for it. God told Gideon, break that thing down.
The act was the undoing of what the Israelites had done. They were reverencing the gods.
They were fearing the gods. You know, Gideon was still hit a lot of fears,
but he overcame them. That’s the difference. It’s not that you don’t have fears.
It’s that what do you do about them? Overcome them.
The very act of breaking it down was Gidi was saying, I am not fearing bail. And I
am not referencing bail. God wants you to
do have that same spirit. Do not reference the gods. Do not reference the the principalities.
Do not reference the bandages that the devil wants on your life. Do not reverence them.
Do not bow down to them.
Do not reverence the power of sin.
Do not reverence depression or feared fear depression or rejection or calamity or evil or what’s gonna happen in the future or the or man It doesn’t mat ward this culture.
It doesn’t
mat do not fear them. Do not fear the giants in your life. Face them and slay them.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with
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Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you next time.