Make the Decision | Jack Hibbs Sermon
Make the Decision
One of the things that we have to remember about almost everything in life, but absolutely certainly true about jesus christ and who he is is that we make the decision, we make the commitment, we pull the trigger, as we say, it is possible that you could be someone who is drawn into the affection and the wonder and the marvelous teachings of the bible and the person of jesus, which I think throughout all of history, people have said, oh jesus was a wonderful teacher, I’ve also discovered that the same people who say that put him in a group of other wonderful teachers and that is to actually insult him and to do him a great dis service because he’s not one among many wonderful teachers, that he’s the eternal God that was revealed to us in human flesh.
Here’s the point as we are in this season that has been selected frankly to celebrate the birth of jesus christ or what is called the advent, which is cool, the advent of God into this world in a human body, we call it christmas is the challenge that what are you really doing with the reality?
And the truth of jesus, even at a time like this, are you giving gifts to one another insane merry christmas and not even knowing really why?
Because listen, you could almost be like someone who’s attracted, like some uh object in space is attracted to a greater body of a mass.
Maybe you’re like a media being pulled in by this particular body uh by gravitational pool, but at some point, you can skip right back out and and miss the whole experience, you, you entered the reality wrong.
You’re thinking jesus is one among many, but it’s not true.
He’s not one among many and you’ve been pondering him and you, you pride yourself on logic and reason and all of these things.
But listen, here’s the danger and logic and reason is fine created by God.
Mind you, You come around and you orbit this gravitational pool of who God is.
If you don’t make a commitment on that truth, once you understand that, Hey, I know enough about Jesus that he’s 100,000% unique from all others.
But if you don’t pull the trigger, get committed to that truth.
You’ll wind up being ricocheted as it were hurled out into space.
And then when that happens, you become a believer in everything and anything.
You become pantheistic and it’s almost as though God is judging you for you not having made a commitment to the light that he’s given you.
So when you come into this christmas season, it’s beyond gifts. It’s beyond bows, toys and trinkets.
It’s to stop and realize is this one that I’m celebrating the one who’s completely worthy of me falling down on my face and giving him all the praise, honor and glory.
To the point where I give him my very existence and become a follower of his, that’s what christmas is for.
That’s what it’s about no gifts, but you presenting yourself as a gift to the one whom God gave us as the gift.
You need to make that decision. Some of you listening have been circling without the commitment.
You need to make the commitment before it’s too late to receive christ as Lord and Savior and have the ultimate transformation of your life take place.
- Snatched! – Bishop T.D. JakesTháng 8 3, 2023