Loosed to Evolve | Bishop T.D. Jakes Passes the WTAL Torch to Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts
Loosed to Evolve
In a momentous culmination of the Woman, Thou Art Loosed!: Homecoming, Bishop T.D. Jakes anoints and passes the torch to Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts as she continues the WTAL legacy with Woman Evolve.
God is saying to you today,
“I’m orchestrating every detail of your life. I am always with you.
Whatever you are going through, I am right there beside you. Trust Me to take care of you and be faithful to you in every season that you walk through.”
In the gospel of Saint John, it says in the beginning, what’s the word?
And the word was God and the word was God.
All things were made by Him and without him was not anything made that was made in Him was life and the life was the light of men.
And the light shined in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not watch this closely.
Now, there was a man who was sent from God. His name was John.
He was not that light but sent to bear witness of that light saying there is one coming after me who is a mightier than I his shoes.
I’m not worthy to let you I have indeed baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire.
In the third chapter of the Gospel of Saint John verse 27 through 30.
He continues his dialogue by saying, John answered and said, a man can receive nothing except it, be given Him from heaven.
Wait a minute, you can receive nothing, nothing except to be given you from heaven.
You yourselves bear me witness that I said, I am not the Christ, but I am sent before him.
He that have the bride, it’s a bright groom.
But the friend of the brag groom which stand and hearth him, rejoice greatly because of the brag groom’s voice.
This my joy therefore is fulfilled. He says I’m not jealous.
He said, if I’m the friend of the bride groom, then I would not be jealous.
You can’t be jealous of people you love.
He says he must increase that I must that I might decrease this transitional moment.
This transfer moment woman that loose comes to an end today.
But that does not mean that there is not something. Next.
Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts, when you stand and walk to this stage, you are walking into your destiny, your future, you’re calling your purpose, your giftings, stand up girl.
This is your moment. Walk to the stage.
I read the scripture in John because when Jesus came along, John was the man.
He had the crowd, he had the name, he had the audience, he had the power, he had the brand, he was unique, he was authentic.
He was creative. Jesus said there was nothing like John, but the truth of the matter is God gave John his platform so that he would be smart enough to know when to pass it on.
And after 30 years, a ministering woman there at loose and 45 46 years of preaching the gospel, the time has come that I must decrease that you might increase.
I am so proud of. You.
Don’t get it twisted. I’d be proud of you.
If you were driving for the post office, I’d be proud of you.
If you worked at Kmart, I’d be proud of you.
If you were sweeping the floor, I’m not just proud of what you do.
I am proud of who you are.
You are bone of my bone, you are flesh of my flesh, my DNA runs through your body.
But none of that is the reason why you are standing on the stage.
This is not an inheritance. This is a calling.
You are not standing on this stage for family legacy.
If you didn’t have the oil, you would not be standing here.
I respect God too much to throw somebody up here just because they’re kind to me and I love you too much to put you in a situation for which you were not endowed with the creativity and the strength and the power and the tenacity to do the thing that is set before you.
And yes, it will be hard and yes, it will be difficult.
And yes, there will be haters and critics who walk and talk and say everything that it is to say about you as they did me but greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
I want you to understand. You have come full circle.
You rose to the stage at Lakewood to introduce me and had the courage to tell your story at woman thou art loose.
And now you’re standing on the stage of women that are loose as I pass the baton all of this.
When you were preaching, this is hard when you were preaching last night and has set on the steps.
I sat there as a watchman on the wall and I will sit there as long as I am alive.
When you made your announcement, you said that when I invited you back to church, when you had Malia and stood you up and welcomed you back that you knew in that moment that I had your back, my hair is now gray.
My body is stiff.
I am now much older but with all the strength and might that is within me.
I sat over there as a watchman on the wall to say, I steal, have your back.
I want you to understand.
This is not a favor, this is not daddy.
This is a divine assignment that women are loose. Must evolve.
When I came to Denver to hear you do woman evolve.
I sat on the front row and it was then that God spoke to me and said it is time for you to decrease that she might increase.
I had the voice for our generation.
Did I not, did I not have the anointing to reach around the world to my generation?
The Bible says that David served his generation Well, my generation is aging.
As I am aging, you are the voice for this time and for this generation bring the bench.
There is something I confer upon you.
Not all people will like you, not all people will follow you.
Not all people will agree with you, but you preach the gospel in season and out of season.
Some people will follow this one and some people will follow that one and some will make a career out of trying to kill you.
But preach the gospel preach it when they like you preach it, when they hate you, preach it.
When you’re lonely, preach it when you’re scared to death, preach it when you don’t know what to do or what to say.
One day I will be gone and all you will have is this video.
But every time you’re back to the corner and every time you’re shoved to the wall, play this video and to hear your father tell you that you are enough.
You are enough.
Sometimes you won’t know what to do. Sometimes you won’t know what to say.
Sometimes your enemy’s voice will seem so much louder than your own, but you are enough.
They will hate you and betray you and use you and see you only as an opportunity and forget you are a person and that you are a wife and a mother and a daughter and that you have a life and they will use you to promote them.
But don’t forget that you are enough for every woman who has never been validated by a father for every woman in this room who has never had a father talk to you like this.
This message is not just to Sarah Jake Roberts.
It’s to every woman in this room who long to hear a daddy say that to her.
I want you to reach up and receive this as your word from the Lord because as I commission her, so I commission you.
This is your hour for greatness, this is your hour for strength.
This is your hour to stand in the integrity of who God created you to be.
And just because you’re a leader doesn’t mean you can’t be a great wife and a great mother.
I respect you so much because you have never gotten so high that you didn’t honor your husband and you have never gotten so high that you didn’t feed your kids and you have never gotten so high that you didn’t put your family first.
You have never gotten so ambitious that you forgot what God has given you in your family.
Because when all the crowd is gone and you’re laying in the bed sick and you can’t breathe.
It will not be the crowd that wipes your head.
It will be your Children and your husband and the people in your life.
And that’s why I value you because you come when I’m sick and you’re there when your mother is sick because we are family and your priorities are right.
And that’s why I know you can do this.
Oh I want you to kneel on this altar for it is not by nor by power but by my spirit sayeth the Lord.
It is not by DNA, it is not by birth order.
It is not by favoritism or nepotism.
If I did not know that the hand of the Lord was on you, I would never do this as Samuel’s horn of oil or knowing it.
David, I so annoyed you and with every drop of oil that falls upon your head, may the strength and the power of the Almighty God rest upon you, rest upon your life, rest upon your life, rest upon your life.
I want every woman in this room to lift up your hands and receive the anointing of God.
Because when you leave this place, I expect you to do exploits. I expect you to be an overcomer.
I expect you to go forth and be whoever God created you to be.
I want every man in this room to raise your hands.
I know we haven’t always had anybody to believe in us or support us or dream with us.
And we haven’t always had people who weren’t so selfish that they would step aside and give you an opportunity.
But I declare a new season in your life. I declare a new moment in your life.
This is an impart that is bigger than her. It includes you.
It is time for every woman in this room to evolve into your destiny.
Lift your hands and open your mouth and receive the anointing of God as it overshadows you, it overshadows you, it overshadows you, it overshadows you, it overshadows you when my daughter was a little girl and we were riding in the car and I was driving down the road and she was sitting in the back.
She would say daddy, I’m cold and I would pull over on the interstate and take my coat off to cover her up because I love her.
And as long as I live, I will cover you, I will take my coat off my body and I will cover you because it’s gonna get cold.
But as Jacob put his coat on Joseph, so I put my coat on you to speak to women around the world and help them to evolve into their destiny and their career and their family and their creativity.
There is no way you could do what you have done and travel from city to city to city, packing out auditoriums and stadiums without the hand of God being upon you, open our eyes and see no man can do these things save God be with him and believe what you see and know who you are for.
This is the day that the Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad it is.
And I want the people of God to shout in this place.
I can’t hear you come here to.
I told my daughters don’t marry a man until you find somebody who loves you.
Like I do. And every time she’s preaching and you and I are standing up side by side, I with each other, it proves in my heart.
And every time you fight for her and every time you stand by her and every time you walk by her and know who you are as a man of God and still allow who she is to function in her capacity.
I respect you and I’m proud of you.
This is gonna be tough. It was hard for me and my wife.
It was painful, but we stuck it out and I believe that you are made of the stuff that it takes to step into your destiny and still let her step into hers and I embrace you as my son.
We are family, we are family.
You need your family. You cannot stand greatness alone. You can’t hardly trust people.
You need somebody that’s got your back.
I don’t care if it’s your daughter or your son or your grandmama.
You need somebody who’s got you covered.
And so I can’t anoint her without anointing him.
I want you to take your eyes and look at the screen and I want you to show the screen of how we got here, show the picture of how we got here tonight.
They have given me the task of introducing the man who needs no introduction to my daddy.
And when they told me that I was gonna introduce him, I thought, what am I gonna say?
I could tell about the millions of lives he’s changed with his sermons or the thousands of people who have been touched by his books.
But I decided instead to tell about the night that he changed the life of his little girl.
So some of you all may know I had my son Malakai at the age of 14 and there are no thoughts in the room that I hadn’t in one time, thought about myself.
And I remember after coming back to church, my dad made Makai and I stand up and he welcomed us back into the service.
And I remember in that moment of like he, he had my back.
Well, we kept going to church Sunday after Sunday.
And I said daddy, I don’t wanna go anymore because I feel like people are judging me and I feel scared.
And he told me I told him there’s this one family friend in particular.
Every time I come, she turns her back or she just stares at me and, and, and I don’t wanna go or I wanna sit in the back and he told me that person in particular got pregnant when she was your age too.
And he said, sometimes when someone’s staring at you, it’s not because they’re judging you.
It’s because they’re wondering how different their life would have been.
Had they been strong enough to do what you’re doing?
It was in that moment in his living room that he loosed me from.
The shame of my past. Grace is available to all of us.
We’re gonna really understand our worth and we are going to live.
Get ready to do some digging because we’re gonna, you went through what she went through.
You really do get to keep it like all the way real.
I said it like most things it starts with what’s on the inside.
We wanna talk about being a millennial woman in this generation for you to set your city on fire.
Don’t let the cute quotes fool you. I know how to go to war with the enemy.
I see freedom on the other side of your name. I say glory.
The only thing I need right now is the power of the Holy Ghost for faith is a life.
And I hear God saying that I’ll show you how to use that power.
I’m gonna stand where God has planted me. I’m gonna be who God has called me to be.
And this right here, I see this as a spiritual assignment.
So tonight I stand in front of you for every teen mom, any woman who’s ever been raped, divorced, sexually abused.
And I say thank you for this moment where we will be loose from our past and set free to walk into what God has for us.
It is because of this conference that millions of women will be changed.
This night is the beginning of the rest of your life.
When you walk out of here, you will be loose and free.
I know, I know, I know baby, your mother and I would like to invite you to host your first international meeting at the Potter’s House in Dallas Texas.
All of our facilities, our support, our help, our team, our influence is at your disposal.
And they came here thinking it was an ending.
This is a beginning and may the grace of God and the power of the holy ghost rest upon you as you embark upon this mission for the rest of your life.
I want every woman in this room to go to woman evolve.
I said I want every woman in this room to go to woman evolve.
I want you to pack our place so out that we’re putting out chairs and speakers outside.
I want you to let the world know that it is not weak for a man to empower a woman.
And if I can put my coat on her, then surely you can put your coat on her and show them that we have each other’s back.
And I need to hear a roaring praise coming out of this.
Your dates are in October.
September. September. The what? You don’t know, she, I don’t know.
Somebody come tell me what they say.
Yeah, the 20th through the 23rd next year.
I don’t think that it would be appropriate for me to close the meeting because I must decrease that.
You might increase. Wait a minute, I’m about to give you the mic but I forgot something.
Wait, I got something else to give you.
I pass this torch to you, put it on your desk somewhere and may it forever burn.
I didn’t want a kind of torch that would go out when the meeting was over.
So they designed this torch. So it wouldn’t last longer than me.
May the power of God and the cloven tongues of fire rest upon you.
All of your life in Jesus name, you help her hold it from, it’s done.
So I’ve had my say and I’ve handed you the torch and in the words of my last book as I hand you this mic Don’t black some I Yeah.
Well, I guess it’s just the beginning of a breakthrough.
Then I guess it’s just the beginning of the next dimension.
Then I guess all things really do work together for the good, the Lord and called according to his purpose.
I guess if one can trace 1000, then a few of us could put the devil on notice that we have been loose to evolve into the next dimension.
I don’t even need all of you.
I just need one or two writers to decide that it’s gonna end with me and then it’s gonna begin with me.
And generational blessings will be my inheritance.
So women and don’t leave me out here by myself.
If I’m going up, everybody with me going up too. You better watch out who you’re sitting next to.
We got a world to change. We got a devil to chase. We got a generational curse to break.
We got a generation to change and a culture to turn upside down for the glory of the Lord.
The devil should have took us out when we had the chance. But baby, we survived. So let’s go.
Hey, baby.
- Sarah Jakes Roberts: God’s Promises Never Fail!Tháng 6 9, 2023