Living By GOD’s Grace – Take It All Back Vol 4

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ANNOUNCER: The Believers’ Walk of Faith is supported by the generous contributions of partners and viewers of Bill Winston Ministries.
ANNOUNCER: Coming up next on Believers’ Walk of Faith

BILL: The days of being vulnerable to sickness, financial lack, or harm are over. Those days are behind you because we are sowing a spiritual seed of dominion. When the snake bit Paul, he simply shook it off. Why? Because God’s spiritual boundary was in place: “Touch not My anointed, and do My prophets no harm.”

BILL: God’s grace is available for you. Whatever He asks you to do, He will provide the grace to accomplish it. Whether it’s buying a shopping mall or overcoming challenges, grace makes the impossible possible. Say “Amen” to that! When God’s power works in your life, people will ask, “How did you do that?” That’s your opportunity to testify: “Because Jesus came, He brought grace and truth, and I am a partaker of His grace.”

(01:33) BILL: Did you know you can partake in the grace on my life by sowing into this ministry? Glory to God! By doing so, you don’t have to face the same struggles I went through. You can start from the level God has brought me to. God is raising up grace-filled believers. This is real grace—empowerment from God to do what you could never accomplish on your own.

BILL: Your season of grace has arrived! God is taking the struggle out of your life. Struggle causes stress, tension, and even health issues. But with God’s grace, you don’t have to depend on your own strength. Declare: “I want great grace!” As you lean on grace, it will multiply in your life, enabling you to do things beyond your natural abilities.

(04:07) BILL: Can I get an “Amen”? Let’s now move to the topic of Cleansing the Temple. In Mark 11, Jesus entered the temple, overturned the tables of the money changers, and drove them out. This act was a demonstration of purifying the house of God.

BILL: Look at Numbers 14:36-37. The scripture shows how some leaders brought back an evil report after spying on the Promised Land. Out of the 12 spies Moses sent, only 2 returned with a good report. Did they all have the same opportunity? Yes, but their words determined their outcomes.

(06:20) BILL: Matthew 12:35 says, “A good man brings good things out of the good stored in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored in him.” By your words, you will be justified or condemned. Which will you choose?

BILL: When I faced opposition, people told me I couldn’t succeed or own certain properties because of my background. They expected anger or legal action, but I chose to speak words of faith. I declared: “By my words, I shall be justified.” What you say matters. The words you speak deposit faith into your heart, and that faith shapes your destiny.

(07:13) BILL: Remember, no one can stop you from reaching your God-given destiny except you. Speak life, declare God’s promises, and watch Him do the impossible in your life!

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