Lisa Harper: Grow Your Faith & Trust in God! | FULL SERMON | Women of Faith on TBN
Lisa Harper: Grow Your Faith & Trust in God! | FULL SERMON | Women of Faith on TBN
The Divine Space in Our Souls: Only Jesus Can Fill It
There is a divine space in our souls, placed there by God Himself. We are created for a relationship with Him, and the only one who can truly fill that longing is Jesus. Scripture reveals Jesus as our compassionate and empathetic High Priest. He invites us to draw near, saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.”
The Bible also declares that Jesus is Lord—the only Lord—completely holy and set apart. Yet, in today’s culture, many resist this truth. Some may call it narrow-minded, intolerant, or even offensive. But God Himself has spoken: “I am Supreme and Sovereign over all; there is none like Me.” Because He created us, He sent His Son in human form to reconnect us with Him. But let’s be clear—Jesus is not just another human. He is the perfect, holy God, deeply in love with sinners like us.
God is not an angry ruler, quick to cast us aside when we fail. He is not a strict librarian, waiting to expel us from His presence for making mistakes. When we read Scripture in context, we see that over and over again, He is a Redeemer. He is a Shepherd, guiding us toward goodness, not a harsh lawgiver but a merciful Father. Everything He does is ultimately for our good.
A Personal Story: Finding Rest in an Unexpected Place
Before we explore Luke 4, let me share a recent experience. I traveled to Taos, New Mexico, for an event. A friend in Nashville mentioned a spa there, famous for its natural hot springs with healing properties that could even boost metabolism. Intrigued, I decided to visit.
Upon arriving, I realized I had left my swimsuit at the hotel—clear across town. I explained my predicament to the receptionist, a petite, cheerful young woman. Without hesitation, she reassured me: “No worries! You’re free to go nude here.”
That was not an option for me. I joked that other guests might be traumatized if I exercised that “freedom.” Still unbothered, she brightly responded, “No problem! We have loaner swimsuits.” Then, she pulled out a bin filled with pre-worn swimsuits.
At first, I was horrified. The idea made me slightly nauseous. But then I thought—this might be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Why let the fear of a stranger’s germs keep me from enjoying a miracle? So, I carefully selected the least damp swimsuit, a large black one-piece with an Amish-level modest design.
A few minutes later, I was sitting in the hot spring, completely in awe. The natural pool, carved from stone, was filled with pure mineral water bubbling up from underground. A teak privacy fence surrounded it, and beyond the fence, the Sangre de Cristo Mountains stretched across the horizon. The setting sun cast a breathtaking purple and peach glow over the valley, the mountain peaks dusted with snow.
At that moment, I thought, “This was totally worth wearing a borrowed swimsuit.” I had never felt so perfectly relaxed.
That peace lasted all of four and a half minutes—until I heard giggling in Portuguese coming from the locker room. Moments later, four Brazilian beauties, who had not opted for the loaner swimsuits, came bounding into the spa. Suddenly, what had felt like a spacious hot spring for one became quite… crowded.