Lisa Harper | Faith Family Church

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An Unforgettable Women’s Conference with Lisa Harper

This past weekend, we had an incredible Women’s Conference! The room was filled with women wholeheartedly worshiping God and enjoying a powerful time together. We were also blessed to have Lisa Harper with us, and we’re thrilled that she graciously extended her stay to be here today. How many of you are excited to have her with us? We are in for a real treat!

For those who may not be familiar with Lisa Harper, let me share a little about her. She has been in ministry leadership for over 30 years and spent a decade speaking with Women of Faith. She also served as the National Women’s Ministry Director at Focus on the Family—a ministry founded by James Dobson, whom many of you may know and love.

If you watch Christian television, you’ve likely seen her—she’s a sought-after speaker at conferences and churches across the nation and around the world. Lisa has written 16 books and created Bible study series in both written and video formats. She holds both a master’s and a doctorate in theology, making her not only incredibly knowledgeable but also an exceptional communicator. She has a unique gift for presenting deep biblical truths with clarity, humor, and engaging storytelling.

However, Lisa considers her greatest accomplishment to be adopting her beautiful daughter, Missy, from Haiti. Missy is here with us today, sitting in the front row, and she is truly a blessing! Let’s give Lisa Harper a warm South Texas welcome this morning!

A Message from Lisa Harper

“Oh, please, please, y’all are way too kind! That introduction made me sound far more impressive than I really am. I told the first service that the only challenge this weekend has been standing next to Tamara—who is much sweeter, petite, and blonde—while I just try to keep up!

We had such an amazing time on Friday and Saturday. The atmosphere was so full of God’s presence that I joked with Pastor that even if someone had just read the phone book, the Lord still would have moved! It was truly a special time, right, Miss Ernestine?

Now, gentlemen, I’ll do my best to keep the estrogen-laced terminology to a minimum today. But if I slip up, bear with me—and maybe say a quick prayer!

Before we dive in, let’s take a moment to pray for those around us. The world is full of distractions, and it can take a moment to quiet our hearts and focus on what God wants to speak to us today. So, reach out and touch the person next to you (appropriately, of course!), and let’s pray together:

Heavenly Father, we come before you today with open hearts, ready to receive your word. We ask that you remove distractions and help us to hear your voice clearly. Holy Spirit, we know that without you, we cannot fully understand the gospel, so we invite your presence to move powerfully in this place. Lord, remind us that we are deeply loved, that our hope is in you, and that your peace is available to us even in the hardest seasons. We lift up Pastor Jim and Pastor Tamara as they travel—may you protect them and bless them with favor. We can’t wait to hear the incredible testimonies of what you are doing through them. We trust you, Lord, and we give you all the glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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