Life Is What You Make It – Pt 4 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

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Life Is What You Make It – Pt 4 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer

Are your first thoughts of every day positive or negative? Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer discusses the options we have as Jesus followers as to whether we will enjoy the day…or not.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

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Patience is a fruit of the spirit that only grows under trial.
You can’t get patience without trouble.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you hurt.
Your attitude determines the quality of your life.
Your attitude is your outlook on life especially the way you look at problems.
A good attitude, a positive attitude equals an enjoyable life.
Not necessarily one that’s trouble free, but one that’s still good and enjoyable.
Have you ever noticed that the apostles even with the great problems that they had always seem to keep a positive attitude in the midst of them.
Thinking that you cannot have a problem and enjoy your life at the same time is not true.
Don’t just look at what did happen to you, but look at what could have happened that didn’t.
If you had a car accident and you’re still alive, thank God for that.
A friend of mine was in a boat one day, she’s gone home to be with the Lord now, but this has been many years ago and she was actually reading psalm 91 sitting in the boat about how God will give his angels charge over you.
And the boat hit a big wave and she fell over and hit her head on the side of the boat.
And right away she started well, God I don’t understand this, where were you?
Where where were my angels? I was just praying about how angels will watch over me and God just spoke to her and said you’re not dead are you?
Do you know that every day you drive to and from work in traffic and get home alive is a miracle?
I mean it really is.
When you think about all the cars out there and the crazy people and Yeah. My goodness.
So learn how to look at what didn’t happen that could have happened.
Be thankful for the blessings you have. Gratitude releases joy in your life. Amen. Amen.
Some bad attitudes that will prevent you from being happy.
An impatient attitude, more later.
A self pitying attitude, A jealous attitude toward people who seem to have a better life than you do.
You know, God put this in Dave’s heart one time and I think it’s so good.
You will never get what you want until you can be happy for somebody else that has it.
Now think about that.
You’ll never get what you want until you can be happy for somebody else that has it while you’re still waiting for it.
Yeah. And you know how that comes by trusting God that he knows what he’s doing and that his timing is perfect in your life and he’ll give you what you’re supposed to have at the right time and in the meantime be happy for other people that are blessed.
Amen? An angry attitude toward God because you don’t understand some of the things that have happened to you.
Don’t ever blame God for your problems.
Don’t ever get mad at God because some things have happened to you that don’t seem right are fair.
I don’t I don’t know why but God has blessed me with with all the stuff I went through as a kid.
And I was praying for God to get me out of that situation.
He did not get me out of it, but he did get me through it.
And as soon as I was willing to let him use it, he worked good out of it.
Amen. And I do believe that millions of people around the world have been healed in their soul because of painful things that have happened to them just by seeing an example of somebody who can have a terrible situation and end up with a great life.
Amen? And God is no respecter of persons if he does it for 1 he’ll do it for another.
When you have a bad attitude you’re just defeating yourself.
Now, I want to talk to you about an attitude that a lot of times we don’t think about.
A responsible attitude.
I’m a very responsible person and I’m glad that God has called me to preach because I never one time in 45 years have ever stood up to teach the word without having studied first and prayed.
I never get up here thinking, been there, done that a 1000 times, no problem.
I don’t have to prepare. No.
It’s my responsibility to get up here and be as prepared as I can be.
It’s up to God how it turns out, but don’t think that God is gonna bless you while you’re lazy and do nothing.
Another responsibility that we have is to take care of the things that God gives us.
If you have an automobile, well, wash it, get the oil changed, have the tires rotated, do the things that you’re supposed to do to take care of it.
Amen. Any blessing that we have, if we don’t do what we need to do to take care of it, we’ll lose it.
Well you guys are quiet.
See, if you don’t if if we’re not accountable then we will be forced to be accountable.
That’s right. If you’re if you’re not responsible to get to work on time and you’re consistently late then you’ll be forced to be accountable when you lose your job.
If you don’t pay your bills on time, you’ll be forced to be accountable when they come and repossess the stuff that you own.
If you don’t take your family responsibilities seriously, spend the right amount of time that you need to with your family, you’ll be forced to be accountable when your partner wants a divorce and your kids don’t want to be around you anymore.
We all have responsibility, I think a lot of Christians don’t realize they have a civic responsibility.
And I said this last night but I’ll say it again, you have a responsibility to vote.
Well it’s raining, I don’t want to go today.
Well, what kind of a country do you want to live in?
Alright, I’ll go on.
Sadly, we think they should fix everything.
If a person isn’t responsible, they’ll lose everything that they have.
You know the Israelites spent 40 years trying to make what could have been an 11 day journey.
Their story amazes me.
And years ago I did a big study on that whole thing about why they wandered around out there for 40 years.
And they thought it was their enemies but I found proof in the word that it was their attitude.
They had a bad attitude.
They even grumbled about the miracle manna that God was giving them every day.
Everything that went wrong they blamed on Moses and on God.
Nothing was their fault, they weren’t responsible for anything.
A lot of people won’t take responsible for their own bad behavior, it’s always somebody else’s fault.
Well, if you did If you treated me better then I wouldn’t get angry so easily.
Now we have to be responsible for ourselves.
Don’t think like this, my behavior may be wrong but it’s not my fault.
You know, somebody else can act the same way that we’re acting and for them there’s no excuse.
There is no excuse for you to act that way.
But for us, there’s always an excuse.
I act bad because I was abused.
I act bad because I was born on the wrong side of tracks. I act bad because because because because.
We act bad because we’re not being obedient to God. Period. End of the conversation.
Somebody asks you for help you say, oh I would love to help you but I’m just so busy and pressed for time.
Well you know what that’s not true if you would really love to help them you’d find a way to do it.
Yes. Because love always finds a way. Amen?
Well, I’m late for work because I got a phone call just as I was walking out the door.
Well who said you had to answer it? You didn’t have to answer it.
Can I say something, if you’re consistently late everywhere you go, Stop coming up with a new excuse every time you’re late and just admit that you’re not managing your time properly?
See only the truth will make you free. Yeah.
And to be honest to be late everywhere you go is not love because it’s rude to make everybody else wait.
And excuses of reason stuffed with a lie.
A patient attitude, I know you couldn’t wait.
You were so impatient for me to get to patience.
You know, patience is not just the ability to wait, patience is how we act while we’re waiting.
Boy I remember those days when I was in the school of the Holy Ghost not that I’m not still there but man, God didn’t let me get away with nothing.
And I don’t know why but I learned so many lessons in the grocery store.
That seemed to be my school of education and I can remember back in those days we had these big Jesus rhinestone pens.
Anybody as old as me and you lived, you know, when they had those, We all wanted our Jesus rhinestone pen, and, uh, they were big too.
And so I’d have that pen on and walking around in the store, you know under my breath praying in tongues being spiritual.
Get in line, there’s a new clerk, she’s already a nervous wreck.
She runs out of tape.
I gotta wait, she’s slow, she’s making mistakes.
Look at every other line to see if there was a shorter line that I could get in.
After all, I was too important to wait, I had things to do.
I had my Jesus rhinestone pen but I wasn’t acting like Jesus.
Come on, if you’re going to advertise that you’re a Christian then act like him.
There’s a story in the bible where Jesus said he was hungry and off in the distance he saw a fig tree that had leaves on it.
And he went to it and found no fruit so he cursed it.
And I used to feel sorry for that fig tree I thought well, wasn’t the fig tree’s fault that didn’t have any fruit.
But why there’s such a lesson in that story because actually if you study it when a fig tree has leaves it’s supposed to have fruit under the leaves.
And so Jesus cursed the fig tree because it was a phony.
You see, I had leaves Come on, are you there?
You know, you may have the most massive Christian library in your house.
And you like to make sure that you lead all your friends through that den where you’re so we can impress them, but how many of them have you read?
I mean people tell me I have all your books.
And I think sometimes, well you don’t act like it.
It doesn’t make us more spiritual just to have a big Christian library.
Take 30 minutes every day and read. Yes. Just just 30 minutes.
Can you spare 1 hour a day? Yes.
Take 15 minutes and pray, 15 minutes and read your bible, 15 minutes and read a good Christian book that’s gonna help you understand the bible, and 15 minutes Amen.
To listen to some praise and worship music. Yeah.
You know, if you just take 1 hour a day and you commit to that.
We challenged people we called it the 30:30 challenge and we challenged people to take 30 days and study the bible 30 minutes every day for 30 days.
And we had so many people tell us it was absolutely life changing.
Sometimes you just need a plan.
And, you know, if you happen to miss a day you don’t have to get condemned, but you the devil doesn’t want you to learn anything.
Oh, amen. He doesn’t want you to do anything.
And read, you know, today everything is at our fingertips.
We don’t have to do anything, we just press a button and it pops up on the screen.
But I’ll tell you the truth the more you dig and the more you work yourself the more it will get down on the inside of you.
Now we have AI and I’m just going to tell you my opinion of that is you better be careful.
My son several months ago said to me watch this, I didn’t even know AI existed.
He said watch this. And he said to the computer, give me a 150 word devotional by Joyce Meyer on the mind.
And I mean in less than 2 minutes it spit out a devotionals, sounded exactly like me.
The computer had the ability to go out and grab stuff out of my teachings.
Well, you know I’m not about to start doing my writing that way.
Amen. I I’m not gonna do that.
When I give you something I want to have put something into it.
I want to have worked at it, something that I can be proud of.
Patience is a fruit of the spirit that only grows under trial.
You can’t get patience without trouble.
The bible says when we have trouble it will bring out patience and endurance.
And I said last night it brought a lot of stuff out of me before we got around to patience.
Oh, my gosh.
I used to act so bad when I would have trials and tribulations.
And they would tell me, until you stop getting upset every time something doesn’t go right, you’re always gonna have trouble.
Then I get mad at him.
I’m so glad that I’ve learned a few things and I don’t have to get upset every time the devil acts up now.
Amen? Okay.
Luke 21/19 is a great scripture about patience, it says in patience possess ye your souls.
That’s a King James version. What does that mean? In patience possess ye your souls.
Well your soul is your mind, your will, and your emotions.
So when you’re having trouble, if you’re not patient your mind will go wacko, your emotions will just be all over the place, Yes.
And your will will resist the will of God because you want what you want and you want it right now.
But if we’re patient, we can think like God wants us to think, we can stay calm, and we can trust God for his perfect will in our lives.
Do you want your soul to possess you or do you want to possess your soul?
Yep. Amen? I spent so many years frustrated how many of you know anything about frustration?
You know what frustrates us trying to do something about something we can’t do anything about?
That’s right. Like for example, who are you trying to change right now?
Oh, come on. Come on.
Which one of your kids are you working on? Amen?
So listen, don’t ruin your relationship with them now Amen.
By constantly finding fault with them and breaking their spirit and get them to the point where they can’t stand you.
Amen. Give them a chance to grow up and let God do a work in their life. Amen?
I tried to change Dave, I tried to change my kids, I tried to make my ministry grow, I tried and tried and I tried till I almost died.
And I’m just telling you if you got somebody that you’re working on you need to go home and let them off the potter’s wheel because you are not the potter.
Amen? If you want to enjoy your life you got to be willing to wait on God.
I remember when our ministry wasn’t growing as fast as I wanted it to, and I was still just doing all this little stuff and I had a big vision.
I was in California, I was laying across a bed one afternoon, and a man had approached us and he was a promoter of some sort.
And he said, if if you sign on with me I can I’ll be your agent and I can get you speaking engagements all over and blah blah, and it won’t be long and you’ll be known everywhere.
Man, I wanted that so bad.
But as I laid across that bed I was so convicted in my heart again that God said, you wait on me.
Amen. It’s so tempting to want to get it our way, But it’s so much better to wait on God.
Is anybody getting anything out of this?
The results of impatient it steals your peace and joy.
It causes stress and stress causes sickness.
How well do you do while waiting in traffic?
That is one place where my husband can become a different creature.
How do you act when you have a slow clerk?
How about a new clerk?
I love this one when you can’t find a clerk.
That’s getting pretty popular today it’s like they don’t How do you do when another driver does something you think is stupid?
How do you do when somebody steals the parking place you’ve been waiting for?
Come on.
How do you act when something doesn’t go your way?
Can you not get your way and stay happy and sweet? Yeah.
I can now but boy it took a long time.
Does impatience cause you to disobey God?
One honest person over there in this section.
Waiting with hope will give you joy.
And hope is the expectation that something good is about to happen at any moment.
You know, it really is quite a revelation to realize that by reframing how we think about our circumstances and choosing to shift our focus from those things that are making unhappy to one of gratitude, we can change our attitude about whatever we are going through in life, and that can make all the difference between living a life in constant turmoil and actually enjoying the life that God is giving you.
You can go deeper with God and learn to trust Him to bring you through the uncertainties and the difficulties of life that are so real with the help of today’s resource offer.
It’s the teaching you just enjoyed plus more.
The entire series in digital format, full of material that will be very helpful to listen to again and again.
And in addition to the series, you’ll also get Joyce’s book, Living a Life You Love.
The key to loving your life is found in God’s love for you.
And here, you’ll discover all that you need to know to transform your attitude and your life.
Some key chapters include God has an amazing plan for you. You can find out more about that.
Refuse to let fear determine your destiny and see each day as an opportunity.
You’ll get both of these resources now, Joyce’s teaching and the book, and see what an understanding of the fullness of God’s word can do for you.
It will make a difference. Reach out and let us know today.
And remember, God’s thinking positively about you.
You are not alone and he has a wonderful plan and a purpose for your life.
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy.
My purpose is to give them a rich and a satisfying life.
This kind of life is what Jesus came to give us, so why doesn’t everyone have it?
We have to make a decision to start doing it God’s way. Your life is what you make it.
God tells us how we can have a great life.
A satisfying life can vary from person to person, but ultimately, it’s about finding a sense of contentment with one’s circumstances and choices.
But I’m so grateful that God has taught me how to think in a way that can actually give me a happy life.
And the more you learn about the word, the quicker you’ll recognize wrong thoughts.
Today’s offer includes 3 entire audio teachings from Joyce’s series called Your Life Is What You Make It.
As you listen, you’ll be encouraged and empowered to make real changes to your attitude and perspective.
When God says, if you obey me, you’ll be blessed, and if you don’t, you won’t.
That’s what he means.
We’re also including Joyce’s book, living a life you love.
Discover how you can live the life Jesus has given us with enthusiasm and passion.
Inside, you’ll find useful chapters such as God has an amazing plan for you.
Don’t poison the present with the past. See each day as an opportunity and so much more.
Experience the joy and fulfillment God has for you with these 2 power pack resources.
These 3 entire audio teachings from the digital series, your life is what you make it, and Joyce’s book, living a life you love, are available for a gift of $30 or more.
Contact us now. Visit online at or call 1-800-709-2895.
You will be amazed at what will happen in your life if you’ll start to do everything that God shows you to do, whether you like it or you don’t.
We hope you enjoy today’s program.
Please contact us or visit to share your prayer request or partner with us in sharing Christ and loving people all across the globe.
This program has been made possible by the partners of Joyce Meyer ministries.

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