Knowing Beyond Your Knowing | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Knowing Beyond Your Knowing

“The Almighty has His own purposes…. Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said, that the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.”3”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

Spurgeon had no idea what would happen in the 20th century.
All the events that would come to bring about what he said, he had no idea it was gonna happen in Russia with those are persecuting the Jewish people.
The first World War, the, the Balfour declaration, the fall of the British Empire, the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the liberation of Drew, all the Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust in the Soviet Union, Harry Truman.
He had no idea. He didn’t have to and you don’t have to know everything either.
You just have to know God’s word.
You have to know, I mean, listen, we know other things but that you don’t have to know everything to solve your problem.

You have to know what God said. It was a supernatural knowing.
It gave him a supernatural power and wisdom beyond his own.
And you don’t just apply, I’m not talking about just applying this to the prophetic verse prophetic world.
You can see every day we have the generation that every day you tell me something about Israel and God said it, it’s about God, not about, it’s not about Israel, it’s about God.
Israel’s about God, but the thing is not just about the prophetic things, it’s, you have to apply this to every word that God gives you, every word that God gives you.
The word that God impresses on your heart. You gotta take that, you gotta go with it.
The word that when you look at you open the Bible ever opened the Bible and just jumps out at you, you gotta take that, you’re gonna take the words you read in your devotion.
The word you hear in the sermon in the message, the power is when you take it at full strength.
No, if ands or buts God said it. Jesus told me that means totally believing the word of God.
You know what that does just to believe what it says, you know how much that would change?
You talk, you know, listen, you might say, well, let’s change the Yeah.
Yeah, we believe to a degree, we believe a bit.
It says if you have faith, the size of a mustard seed, you’ll move mountains.
So if your, if your life has been changed, it just took a little faith.
But imagine if we had even greater faith, it means to totally go with the word of God.
Totally, let it, it says, let it rule, let it rule and guide you and covering.
That means if I feel something else I’m saying, no. God said it. This is what’s gonna rule.
If I’m feeling something else, I said okay.
I’m feeling this but still God said it, this is what’s gonna rule.
I want something else but God said it, it’s gonna rule. I’m not feeling God today.
It doesn’t matter if you feel God today. God doesn’t have to be felt. He’s real.
He’s not a feeling he’s real. Sometimes you feel it.
Sometimes you don’t, it doesn’t matter, get over it, get past it because that’s when you have victory doesn’t matter what I’m feeling.

I know it doesn’t say you’ll feel the truth and the truth will set you free.
You may be feeling lousy. But he says, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
Take the word of God that charges you.
He calls you take it at full strength and go with it. Take the word of God.
That’s when it connects the word of God says, repent of this dude.
God says, don’t let this be in your life, then take it, say he didn’t say let it be a little bit occasion.
He said just get it out and take the encouragement of God at full strength.
God says He loves you. You don’t have to worry about that anymore. Be blessed in it. Wow.
He loves me more than I know he loves so whatever else is happening.
He loves me and that’s more important than the problem I’m dealing with.
He says, be strong and of good courage. Take it. It says every be confident in it.
It says rejoice in the Lord always take it believe that I don’t feel like rejoicing. That’s the whole point.
That’s when you have to do it.
Take it fully take it at as God gave it because that’s where the power is over, over it stands over anything that goes against it.
That’s where the power is. When you have resistance in your heart, resistance to the situation, resistance.
That’s when the power goes, take it over the situation over your problem.
The word over your feelings over the flesh, over your fears, over your sins, even we’re gonna take the Lord’s supper.
When you take the Lord’s supper, the Lord’s the Lord’s supper. You know what it represents Him?
Who is Him? Who is He? He is the word of God.
So when you take your, you’re taking Him, you’re taking it, you’re taking the communion into your mouth, into your being, it’s going to become part of you.
So, in the same way, that’s the way you’re supposed to take the word of God into you.
Let it become part of me, let it come into my being, let it touch my emotions, let it touch my past, let it touch my ways that haven’t been touched.
That’s where the power is. Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel.
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