Keeping God First | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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Keeping God First | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

In this teaching, Joyce Meyer discusses finding God’s will for your life, the importance of everyday obedience, and shares personal anecdotes that offer practical lessons in faith. Discover how to hear from God in the ordinary moments and be encouraged to step out in faith to fulfill the unique ministry calling on your life.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times best selling author Joyce Meyer.
On today’s program, Joyce will be teaching from her series but first things first.
Our number one priority in life should be spending time with God.
When and how we spend time with him different for everyone.
An easy place to start is waking up and simply saying, good morning, God. Now, here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.
Last message for this weekend, god helped me this morning as I try to be your mouthpiece.
You said if I’d open my mouth, you’d fill it.
And so I want them to hear from you, not from me, and I want them to listen is if you were sitting and having a conversation with them that they would hold on to every word and let it get down into their hearts and make changes in their lives.
In Jesus name. Amen. Now, at first, the title of my message was put god first.
But something about it was bothering me.
And this morning, I thought, no, I’m gonna change it to keeping god first. You know why?
How many times do we decide to put god first?
But then the keeping him first becomes an issue because in case you haven’t noticed, the world is full of things to distract us.
I’m sure you’ve experienced you make a decision that you’re going to pray every morning and study the word before you do anything else.
And man, all of a sudden, it’s night time, and you don’t even know what happened, but that plan you made didn’t work out.
And so more than anything I want you to listen to me.
More than anything, the devil will fight you about keeping god first in your time, in your finances, and in many, many, many different ways.
And so I feel like the Lord wants me to talk to you this morning about keeping God first.
And for some of you, it may require making some adjustments.
You see, here’s the thing that you don’t wanna do.
I found myself many years ago trying so hard to work god into my schedule.
And finally, one day, the lord said, why don’t you just work your schedule around me?
So are you trying to find a place to put god into your schedule?
Or would you be willing today to say, god, from now on, you’re gonna be 1st, and I don’t care what else has to go.
I don’t care what else has to go or what I have to change, what I have to make an adjustment in.
I want to keep you 1st in my life in every thing. Let me tell you.
Being a Christian just does not work out right if god is a sideline in your life.
And I, you know, that’s probably the case with a lot of you because you wouldn’t have taken the trouble to come out here on a Saturday morning, but I’m not just talking to you today.
We’re talking to millions of people all over the world. To this wonderful technology today that we have called television.
And I’m well aware that there are people who think you accidentally turned the program on, but it could be a life changing moment for you today.
There are also probably millions of people that I refer to, like I used to refer to myself as a religious person.
Well, Jesus didn’t die so we could have a religion.
He died so we could have a deep, intimate, personal relationship with him through Franks.
We need to learn how to do life with god.
He doesn’t wanna just be part of your Sunday morning.
He wants to be well come into and be a vital part of everything that you do.
K then.
1000000 of people believe in Jesus, and go to church on Sunday, but god is not 1st in their life.
And I wanna tell you that he is a jealous god. He’s jealous of you.
He puts you first in his life. Do you know that?
Every single one of you is first in god’s talks. Said, well, how could we all be first?
Because god is god. And he can do that.
And so everything I’m saying today is not just to a bunch of people it’s to individuals.
And once Jesus died on the cross and ascended on high, he sent the Holy Spirit who can be everywhere all the time with every person.
So god is omnipresent. He’s here today, but he’s also in China, and Africa, and India, and Asian.
And he can speak something different to every one of you all at the same time.
People will come to these conferences and tell me things they got out of it, and I don’t even remember saying that.
But see, god can speak to you. And I want you to understand this today.
You are on god’s mind all the time. You are on god’s mind all the time.
He’s always thinking about you. We could not even count the thoughts that god has toward us.
They would be like little grains of sand on the beach.
Before you ever arrived on planet Earth, god made a plan for every single day of your life.
He won’t force you to walk in it, but he would like you to walk in it.
He would like to guide you and lead you through life and literally let me say it again, be involved in everything you do.
In every decision you make, god wants to be part of it.
That’s what Jesus died for us to have, not just believe a certain doctrine, join a certain group, and go to church once a week and hope we go to heaven when we die.
That’s pretty sad if that’s all being a Christian means to us.
So I wanna talk to you for a moment about the importance of remembering the things that god has done for you.
There’s some great warnings in the Bible about the dangers of forgetting god.
And really exactly what’s wrong with our nation right now It’s not a money problem. It’s a moral problem.
If the morals are right, the money will be there.
And I don’t care how many panels of experts they put together to study the problems.
They are not gonna find the answers because the answer is simply repent of your sins and return to god.
And to be honest, in most of our lives, I the bottom line answer.
Quit trying to do what you wanna do and start doing what I’m asking you to do.
America was built on the foundational principles of the word of god.
All of our laws are built on the word of god.
And you cannot remove god from a nation that was built on god and expect the nation to last and to work.
Israel did that over and over and over and over and over and god is gracious and he always received them back, but they would do the same dumb thing again and again.
And every time they did, they had war They had famine. They had all kinds of problems in their life.
I don’t know why anybody would not be able to see what is going on.
And I think one of the things we need to pray is that the that the blind will see in the will hear.
And I’m not talking physically. I’m talking about the blindness that’s on our leaders.
The blindness that’s on our leaders that prevents them from seeing what the real problem is.
All you have to do is look back to when they took the 10 commandments off the walls in the schools, and it fell.
Thank you. Well, you know, we can all sit and say, well, I don’t know what to do.
I don’t know what to do.
Well, you know, we’re not responsible for what everybody does, what we are responsible for what we do. Amen?
I read this morning about a group of mothers.
I can’t remember exactly where it was, so I won’t tell it wrong, but they started a Jesus lunch off campus in a park nearby a school, And, uh, the kids go to McDonald’s and nobody cares.
School don’t get involved in that. Government doesn’t get involved.
If you want to go eat at McDonald’s, Well, these mothers started a nice home cooked lunch for any student who wanted to come and eat lunch there, and they present a simple message of Christianity, and they feed the kids.
Well, there’s now 500 kids voluntarily coming to this. So now they’re getting threatened.
They’re being told they have to stop it. That they can’t do it.
And thank god these women are fighting, and they’ve gotten a lawyer that will them fight.
So we cannot just kinda lay down under this and say, I don’t know what to do.
I mean, we need to get stirred up and say, we have got a right to talk about god as much as we want to talk about god.
Now I agree that this is a free country and we can’t people believe anything, and I don’t personally think we should try to push off on anybody what we believe, but we should not let them take away what we believe.
To be honest, it seems like today, everybody’s got rights but Christians.
But everything that’s going on in this country and many other countries around the world is because they have forgotten god.
Well, we sure need god when we’re desperate. Twin Towers are bomb. Well, where was god?
All pray. Every every news station, let’s all pray.
Well, you know, we can’t just go to god when we’re desperate.
That’s not a walk with god. Due to running me 8, 1920.
I figured we might as go out with a bang today, man.
And if you forget the lord your god.
Listen, I don’t wanna forget god any day of my life.
Now, you know, you grow in your walk with god, and I’m gonna tell you a few things about my life, not doing any of it to brag, just as an example to you, I will not put my feet on the floor in the morning until I talk to God.
I don’t wanna do that.
I need him to get up and walk across the room.
And you will, too, when you get old enough.
Come on. Deuteronomy 8 19.
And if you forget the word your god and walk after other gods and serve them and worship them, And, you know, we think sometimes other gods is like being in some kind of false religion or bowing down to, a statue of an idol, but let me tell you something.
We can turn anything into a god in our life.
Because anything that we make more important than god becomes an idol to us.
You can let the building of a house come before god.
Matter of fact, I know a man, him and his wife were building a home, and he was very involved.
He was the general contractor. And so in addition to his job, he was spending every waking moment with this house.
During the building event, he didn’t have time to go to church, and it ended up causing some tremendous problems in his relationship with god, he ended up getting involved with another woman at work and got a divorce.
We cannot afford to take a vacation from god. Hey, man?
I know another woman who had this tremendous intercessory prayer Ministry from god.
And let me tell you something.
When you can get up and pray 4 or 5 hours every morning, that’s a gift.
That is a gift. I pray a lot, but I don’t have that gift.
And, She was very faithful and very diligent, and she was really enjoying it.
And her family was gonna take a 2 week vacation, so she decided during those 2 weeks that she wouldn’t get up early and pray.
She never could go back to it after that.
The anointing lifted, and she never could go back to it after that. You can’t take a vacation from god.
Hello? You cannot take a vacation from god.
People often tell Joyce they don’t know how to hear from god And today’s resource offering will help with that.
Learning to hear god’s voice is a 4 week bible study designed to help hear his voice clearer than ever before.
You’ll also receive this package for your gift of $30 or more.
Order now at or call toll free at 180789 0089.
Well, I hope that you feel that I’m a partner in your life by teaching you the word of god.
And I’m asking you to partner with me in helping us continue reaching out not only to you through this program, but to so many people around the world that still don’t know Jesus.
Together, we can do so much more than what we can do by ourselves.
So please become a brand new partner with us today. To join us in partnership right now, go to
Thank you so much.
Thanks again for listening to enjoying everyday life.
Joyce Meyer Ministries mission is to share Christ and love people.
Together, we can do so much more.

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