Keep Your Eyes on Israel | Jack Hibbs Sermon

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Keep Your Eyes on Israel | Jack Hibbs Sermon

Alright. This might be one of the most fascinating things literally happening right now as you and I converse and that is the incredible financial military, uh the overall economic and technological explosion that’s taking place in a little land called Israel.
A country about the size of the state of New Jersey or Lake Michigan, Israel, Israel right now at this time, has one of if not the strongest economies in the world right now, Israel, the cutting edge of technologies that are shaping the very devices that you and I own and operate Israel medical invention technology, invention, satellite space launch technologies, Israel weapon tree never before imagined being produced and manufactured and sold to other nations.
Israel, Israel’s natural resources in the last several years have absolutely been off the charts in oil gas and so much more nuclear technology off the charts.
Israel, why is that important? Well coupled that together with Jews who had never been born in Israel, they, they’ve been born all over the world, including America and they are moving to Israel, it’s called Aaliyah.
They’re moving to Israel. Why is that important?
Because God says in the Bible in the last days before the advent of the seven year tribulation period.
God will gather His people back into their promised land before the seven year tribulation period begins.
In fact, the seven year tribulation period is all about God re focusing not on the church refocusing now for seven years on the nation of Israel, there’ll be national salvation and there’ll be Jewish salvation.
But how do we tie this together?
Israel’s incredible success and wealth is catching the eye of Russia of Iran, of the Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south.
And there are nations in North Africa that are angry and jealous and upset, envious of Israel.
And so what do we, what do we expect to see only what the Bible talks about that that is that they will get together and invade this country who says to itself in a state of prosperity, we’re safe.
We’re doing good, we can relax.
And Jesus said when that time comes to Israel, when they say peace, peace, then sudden destruction comes. Why?
Because listen, they are going to be humbled by the God of Heaven so that their eyes and hearts will finally after 2000 years, once and for all be opened to receive Jesus there, Jesus.
Yeah. Chua ha Machida, Jesus, their Messiah as Lord and Savior Israel is going to continue to grow and all of its beauty and wealth and all of this stuff to become a target by an invading force God’s fury.
The Bible says will rise up and defend Israel at that time.
And then he says, Israel will begin to believe that he is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob once again.
So keep your eyes on Israel.

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