Just Give Me Jesus | Jack Hibbs Sermon

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Just Give Me Jesus | Jack Hibbs Sermon

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I’m gonna ask you guys, you grab your Bibles and turn if you would to the book of Hebrews chapter five, Hebrews chapter five, and we’ll get into the word a little bit tonight.
We’ll make sure that we have time for communion.
But Hebrews chapter five, no need to stand just yet in the reading of the word.
Uh, but if you’re a note taker, get your pin out, be ready to write this down if you would.
And that is the best way to understand Hebrews chapter five is to read Psalm two.
That’s what I love by the way. And you do too about the Bible.
We often challenge you to become very familiar with the Old Testament because without a knowledge of the old Testament, you’ll never appreciate the New Testament.
Uh, you see, well, Jack, isn’t it the old, like old?
I wanna, I wanna be in the new, well, it goes this way.
There’s the old covenant and there’s the new covenant, but you need to know and appreciate the new covenant.
You’ve got to find out what was going on in the old and the book of Hebrews is the authorship to those believers who were extremely familiar with the Old Testament because they were Jews, who we would say became completed Jews or born again Jews.
Now, people understand this, that the Bible teaches.
Don’t let anybody bamboozle you on this one that as gentiles, we must be born again.
But Jews, they keep the law, that’s how they go to heaven.
And there’s a lot of people talking about that.
Did you know that there are famous names on so called Christian TV?
That teach that you and I need to be born again.

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But the Jews need to keep the law and that’s how they go to heaven. Did you know that’s heretical?
Did you know that’s wrong that to understand the New Testament, you’ve got to look at the promises made in the old and then what is said in the old excuse me is fulfilled in the news so much so that Jesus spoke to Nicodemus, the Jew, the priest, the teacher of Israel and told him and you all know it, Nicodemus, you must be what?
Born again, born again. So no one goes to heaven unless they are born again.
Jesus said it doesn’t matter if you’re a Jew, a gentile white or black, short, tall, doesn’t matter.
You’ve got to go the one way that Jesus Christ provided.
I recently heard somebody say a nationally known individual uh make a comment that you need to be careful and watch out when you hear that, that there’s only one way to heaven.
And he made a comment about correcting Jesus that he’s certain that Jesus didn’t mean what people think he meant when he said I am the only way I am, the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the father.
But through me, can you imagine the goal of somebody saying that when Jesus is the one that the entire Bible is written about?
Not this person that was talking, we need to understand the scriptures.
But listen to this, I’ll read Psalm two and then it will make more sense to you as we look into the breaking verses of chapter five.
Psalm chapter two. Why do the nations rage? This is God speaking.
Why do the Nations rage and the people plot a vain thing.
The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord, watch this and against his anointed.
If you’re one of our Jewish friends tonight, Psalm two verse two, we’ll keep you up all night if not for the rest of your life, if you seriously study it, because in the Hebrew, it’s even stronger who has gathered together to come against the Lord And against the messiah, the anointed one, the chosen one that the Lord would send forth.
That’s what it means. And it’s understood by Jews who studies Psalm two that this is speaking about the Lord and the Lord that should ring a bell to some of you who know your old testament.
Listen to this. This is what they say.
Verse three, let us break their bonds and pieces and cast away their cords from us.
In other words, let’s get God out of the public square. Let’s get God out of our face.
Let’s be done with God. Look at Verse four, God’s response.
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then he shall speak to them in his wrath and distress them in his deep displeasure.
That means God knows how to shake things up yet.
I have set my king on my holy hill of Zion. This is huge. God is speaking.
God is saying, I’ve got my anointed one. Who is this one that is to be called the king.
And oh, by the way, you’ll find them in Zion of Israel and Mount Zion.
Not anywhere else in the world.
There’s only one Mount Zion, there’s only one Israel and God is saying, I’m gonna place my king there someday.
I’ll place them there. And oh, by the way, when you’re angry at me, you’re angry at Him.
If you’re angry at Him, you’re angry at me.
And there’s gonna be a day when I’m gonna settle the score.
Wow, verse seven, I will declare the decree the Lord has said to me, you are my son today.
I have begotten you. The word begotten is today. I have honored you. And it means something very specific.
When we put all the scripture, old and New Testament together, we know what the word begotten means.
But in that day, there will be a day when, when I have begotten my son before the world, I have begotten my son before the angels.
I have begotten my son in accordance.

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And according to and according to my scripture, there’s a day that’s coming remarkable.
And he goes on verse ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance.
So this is God saying to the anointed one.
The king asked me, I’m gonna give the nations to you and the ends of the earth for your possession.
Verse nine, you, that is the Messiah, the king, the one who will someday being thrown in Zion, you shall break them with a rod of iron, you shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.
If you know your Bibles, if you know the book of Isaiah, that’s a reference to the millennial reign of Messiah Christ.
When he sits on the throne of David, the Bible says now therefore, be wise o kings.
That’s kings of the earth. Be instructed. You judges of the earth serve the Lord with fear.
That is reverential awe with great respect and rejoice with trembling.
Look at verse 12, kiss the son lest he be angry and you perish in the way when his wrath is kindled.
But a little blessed are all those who put their trust in him.
It’s the Lord Jesus Christ prophecies in the Old Testament Scriptures.
There’s no other way around it, by the way, you might say, well, that’s your opinion, Jack, it’s not my opinion when you share this with your Jewish friends.
Some too, they will be surprised that you’re reading it from their Old Testament. Because why?
Because rabbis avoid teaching this in the synagogues, they won’t do it because it’s too obvious that it’s the Lord and his Messiah who is the Lord.
Remarkable. Now, we can stand to Hebrews chapter five. And then let’s do our responsive reading together.
Hebrews chapter five. I’ll begin in verse one.
If you pick it up in the even number verses, we’ll go down to verse five.
Hebrews chapter five, verse one.
For every priest or high priest taken among men is appointed for men in the things pertaining to God that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins.
Yeah. Okay.
Verse three, because of this, he is required as for the people.
So also for himself to offer sacrifices for sins.
Verse five will end here.
So also Christ did not glorify himself to become high priest, but it was he who said to him, you are my son today.
I have begotten you father in jesus’ name.
Speak to us and prepare our hearts for not only the study of your word, but for the communion of your spirit.
We pray in Jesus name and all God’s people said amen church. You may be seated.
So tonight in our time together somewhat abbreviated but worthy. I trust as we look to the word.
If you might want to be taking notes to this, this section breaks open in Hebrews chapter five and it’s this and the title would be Just Give me Jesus, just give me Jesus.
Do you remember in our previous studies, we talked about no pastor priest, Pope or King could bring to you what is needed regarding the sin issue, the sacrifice issue, the salvation issue that there is no pastor priest or king or Pope.
Anyone else? Nobody, no man on earth.
No religious system could bring you into that place of relationship with God that the God of the Bible requires no man, no man at all.
So now the answer comes to us in this chapter and it’s simply that just give me Jesus.
But what are we talking about when we speak about? Just give me Jesus.
I don’t say that in a way that is somehow lackadaisical or somehow just easy going.
I mean that in a very reverent way, it’s almost as though you were dying and they’ve tried everything to try to heal you.
And then the prescription comes and the only way that you can be healed is by this one prescription that Dr God can prescribe to you.
And he writes out as it were in a prescription pad. Just give him Jesus.
And you think about that for a moment when all is said and done, there’s nothing else that anybody can do for us and the family is called and people gather around the bed and there’s no physical available healing on earth for you.
I don’t think you’re going to say, just give me an aspirin.
I don’t think you’re gonna say just give me a drink.
You know, the Bible says, and the Old Testament give us give strong drink to him who is perishing?
Why? Because he’s in so much pain, you want to put him out of his pain.
But being put out of your pain doesn’t help your soul and your eternal destiny.
As a pastor and as pastors, we go to hospital visitations and it’s quite disheartening.
I gotta tell you because we live in an age that is no friend to the salvation of souls.
You wanna know why somebody that you might know and love could be in an accident or something happens.
They get hit in the head or whatever it is.
And by the time you get there, they’re in the hospital and, and you show up and they’re laying there, they’re looking very peaceful.
They’re all plugged into stuff, but they’re just there and you want to talk to them, especially if you want to settle the account, right?
All of a sudden now it’s thrust upon you.
Believe me, listen, listen to what I’m saying this happens to all of us.
That’s why you want to keep a short account with, with friend and foe.
And that is this, don’t wait until your dying day or their dying day to ask for forgiveness or to issue forgiveness.
Don’t do that. If your relationship is broken with a friend or a family member, fix it now because listen, I promise you, you will live to regret never settling that because of pride and arrogance and you want to go to them, but you show up and here’s what happens in this day and age.
By the time we get there, the family calls and says, can you get to the hospital?
My dad just had a heart attack or a stroke or my son just got hit by a bus.
And by the time we get there, they’re completely drugged out of their minds.
They can’t hear us. They can’t respond to the gospel because they’ve been numbed.
Are you hearing me? And I understand it?
The medical system wants to put somebody out of pain so they give them this stuff.
But listen, so many times like the thief on the cross who’s in great pain.
It’s that pain that drove him to Christ.
If you think about it, how many people would be saved?
If in that last moment, you could speak to them and say, just turned to Jesus, just call out to him.
But I was a terrible sinner. That’s why he died for you.
But but I don’t think I have enough faith, but you have enough turn to him.
Call upon him. The scripture says, call upon him and be saved. All you ends of the earth.
Remarkable. Just give me Jesus is the answer for all of our life situations.
You say you make it sound so easy. It’s not so easy.
Do you know how much humility it takes for you?
And I to say, and to agree, just give me Jesus.
We are so often so self sufficient, we can take care of ourselves.
And if that’s not our plague, it’s what I mentioned earlier where we begin to judge ourselves to the point that we render ourselves condemned so that we would not call upon Jesus because why would he forgive me?
I understand that. But his love is greater than the condemnation that is heaped upon our hearts. He’s amazing.
So just give me Jesus this way versus one through five.
And it’s this why you need Jesus Christ and no other. There’s nobody else you need.
I mentioned about a month or a month and a half ago that during this time from this portion of scripture out of chapter 456789 Hebrews 10 that I asked you to invite your Catholic friends, Catholic friends that we have.
All of us have a Catholic friend and they’ve been steeped in Catholicism.
They’ve been taught a certain way. But I promise you this.
They’ve not learned the book of Hebrews because it’s the book of Hebrews that says, just give me Jesus.
Jesus is your high priest, Jesus is the one that you need. Oh, pray for me, pastor.
I need God to forgive me. No, no, no. Wait, wait, read your bible. I’ll pray for you.
But I’m gonna help you right now. You’re gonna go to God direct.
I’ll put my arm around, you will pray together. But friend, you’re gonna pray right now.
Maybe for the first time, a prayer directly to Almighty God because you’re coming to Him through the Lord Jesus Christ.
He’s the one you need. He’s the one that you must have and we see it this way and versus 12 and three and that is this, you and I need Jesus and no other because of his person, the very person of who he is.
Look at chapter five verse one for every high priest taken from among men.
So this is earthly priesthood, right? So you can throw in orthodox Lutheran Catholic.
You name it all of the above.
If there’s a hierarchy, that’s what the scriptures addressing every high priest taken from among men is appointed for men that is to do ministry on behalf of men.
Ladies, y’all know we’re talking about mankind when it says man, you’re not offended. Are you right?
If you came in here, whoa, you’re gonna leave a NWO when this, when the Bible says men, it’s generic.
Mankind. Okay. So what does that say, man first? Because man came first.
That’s all women are better looking. Women are probably smarter, okay?
We can lift bigger, we can lift heavier stuff.
But you guys can out think us almost every time and you just, and we don’t know how to argue, you know how to argue really good.
We don’t know how to do that either.
So don’t, you know when the Bible says that you’re the weaker vessel, don’t think like, oh poor thing.
Oh no guys watch out. They’re, they’re the, they’re the, they’re the mother, mothering type there.
They’re gentle. We’re not, thank God there’s women because if there was men just had babies hanging around them all the time, we wouldn’t know what to do.
We just leave them there. The thing cries, we leave.
It’s like I can’t, what is that noise?
The mom notice when a bomb goes off, men run towards the explosion and, and women run back and gather and protect.
Were so dumb. Something blows up. Let’s go.
He’s talking about earthly priest ministering to mankind to men, to man and the things pertaining to God that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices.
So immediately it means this, that whatever he’s offering as a priest, right?
His resources are of human origins, his gifts, right? He brings us a high priest.
If I were a high priest representing you, I would need gifts and sacrifices to make an offering on your behalf.
I’m the mediator to God, but I can only bring to Him what you give me.
Do you hear that? Right then?
And there you should pause and think for a moment how fragile that type of salvation or attempted salvation really is that you come and you expect God to accept an earthly offering.
Regarding a spiritual issue, the spiritual issue is we’ve all sinned and come short of the glory of God.
So if we’re all condemned, where’s our hope? I told you at the beginning, just give me Jesus.
So listen, he offers both gifts and sacrifices for sins.
Verse two, he can have compassion on those who are ignorant and going astray. This is great.
He can have compassion on those who are ignorant and going astray. Why?
How well since he himself is also subject to weak weakness, the high priest of this earth is also subject to ignorance and weakness and going astray.
So are you gonna put your faith in man?
Are you gonna put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ? You see the difference.
One is religion, the other is relational, one is aloof and always fragile.
By the way, one is very insecure.
You don’t know how it’s gonna go this day or the other and I have to do these things so many of that and this is the other and you’re always at a loss and you read the old and New Testament.
And the Bible tells us that the joy of the Lord should be our strength.
And people read that and they go really? Yeah, really?
If Jesus is your high priest makes a big difference friends.
And it says in verse three, because of this, he is required as for the people.
So also for himself to offer sacrifices for sins, simply saying this, that if you’re gonna lean on earthly high priest to represent you.
Okay, then have you ever asked him what he does about his sin?
Come on, think about it, right?
I go to this man to represent me, to God because I’m a sinner.
But wait a minute, he’s a sinner. So where does he go? And who goes for him?
Earth based man based representation can never connect with heaven.
I find it fascinating that God just made us with just the tangible I’ll say in a respectful way, the carnal wonderment of looking up into the heavens, we see the stars and we become very aware that we’re earthbound and there’s something within us that we want to go there.
You know, you all, we’ve all agreed on this to some fashion is, wouldn’t it be great to just for a second, be able to visit one of those stars up there?
Just for a second. Imagine if you could survive that, snap your finger and you’re, you’re on a star, you’re on one of those things out there one of those sons or whatever they are.
You’d love to do that. I know you would, don’t tell me you wouldn’t.
But, but we can’t do that. So what do we do?
We build rockets, we build rockets and we try to, we try to reach the heavens.
There’s something within us. I encourage you to read some of the Gemini and early Apollo accounts of the astronauts and their writings.
You might find it quite shocking to find out that these great scientists and test pilots who graduated to become an astronaut went out into space.
And by the time their capsule turned around and looked back at the earth, some of them they wrote became believers in God.
How is that the vast expanse that we see as space?
If we look at it and there’s no God, then there’s no hope.
But if we look at it and understand that the Bible says, God made all of that and even placed it metaphorically speaking because God is spirit.
He’s not physical. He says, I measure that out in the span of my hand.
The span of my hand is from the tip of your thumbs, spread out, tip of the thumb to the tip of the baby or pinkie finger.
Okay. And then he says, you know that dip, go ahead and do that with your own hands.
See the dip in your hands. And I hope I have a normal hand.
Do you have a, he says the heavens are, I measure them this way and, oh, in the depths of the sea, I measure that in the hull of my hand.
See that little pool that’s in your hand. God says that’s like the oceans to me.
He’s trying to communicate to us, to our little pea brains that he is absolutely beyond.
And that’s exactly the kind of savior that you and I need a savior that’s beyond because everything earth based is limited, doesn’t matter what it is.
It’s limited in every way. Everything that’s earth based is temporary at best, right? It’s temporary.
That’s why I often say I’m so grateful.
And you think about this when you read the gospels, you never once read about Jesus visiting the temple and going into the holy of Holies.
Jesus visited the temple, but he never went in.
Don’t you think that’s weird if Jesus is the Lord of the Bible, which he is And the temple that stood in Jerusalem 2000 years ago, which he had ordained from the beginning anyway, in the old testament.
Why didn’t he just walk right in there and show them all?
See I can walk in there with no blood.
I made all this and it’s on a model, by the way, this big building, just a model.
It’s just a picture of what’s in heaven where I came from. He never did that.
I wish he would have, but he never did it And I’m glad he never did it because if he would have done that and associated our salvation with some earthly building, imagine if he would have been crucified on the cross, resurrected from the dead and then goes into the temple into the holy of Holies in Jerusalem and presents his blood on the altar there.
Imagine if he would have done that and then walks out and says, I’ve made atonement for your sins and everybody claps and worships and goes crazy.
And then in 70 A D, Rome invades and destroys the temple and everything in.
It’s torn down and destroyed. Tell me, where is your salvation?
Now, you see, I thank the Lord that he didn’t make his offering in any earthly temple.
So anyone worshiping any God or gods going to some shrine or temple to make an offering, understand it’s earth based.
It has no authority.
It has nothing that can be produced that can appease or please God or the gods.
If you’re a pagan worshiping person from some other religion that you try to appease the gods, there’s nothing there.
You can’t get there from here.
And in Christianity, which I, when I say Christianity, I’m talking about the old Testament fulfilled.
When I mentioned Christianity, I don’t think that when I mentioned Christianity that I’m talking New Testament.
I’m talking about the fulfillment of the Old Testament that’s revealed in the New Testament that makes me a Christ follower.
Christian is a little Christ. That’s what, that was a slam on us at anti ock.
They made fun of us. The Roman world and the Jewish world made fun of the Christians, an anti ock of Syria.
When the first followers of Jesus were called little Christ.
Look at you going around praying for everybody, aren’t you just a little Jesus?
You know, they made fun of us that way and you know what the Christians in the first century when they heard that they went, we like that and we grabbed onto the term Christian.
But the reason why you are a Christian is because what was recorded in the old was prophecy in the or revealed in the new, what was recorded in the old was prophecy and fulfilled in the New Testament.
Old spoke it and the new recorded it.
one more thing before we move on from this point is this God rebuked Israel in the Old Testament because he said, you know, you have forsaken me, you’re not listening to me and you’re not calling upon me.
And I wanted to, I want to defend you and be there for you, but you won’t even call to me instead.
You went and you’ve leaned on the military powers of Egypt or you’ve tried to make an agreement with a Syria to defend you against your enemies.
And he said, it’s like you’ve gone and you’ve leaned on a broken read.
Now, do we even know what reads are in our culture anymore. Do you do? We?
It’s like a corn stock and one and one’s bent in the middle and you lean on it.
If you lean on the corn stock and it’s already bent, it’s gonna get out on you.
And God says that’s exactly what happens when you lean on the promises of man’s power to supply for you.
So when we say pastor or priest, will you pray for me? Will you make an offering for me?
Will you do so much? Will you do this or the other? Do you understand that?
What you and I are asking of a human being? They cannot do.
I know, listen, there’s people that are gonna write me, you’re gonna be upset with me before you write me.
Think about it for a little while, pray and ask God.
In fact, you can just say tonight when you get home and say God, if that guy was nuts, show me and if he wasn’t nuts and I need to rethink this.
Show me, think about it.
Secondly, look at verses four and 5.
It is this why you and I need Jesus Christ to know no other is because of his calling.
It says in verse four and no man takes this honor to himself. I love that.
No man can technically declare himself to be a minister, a priest, a pastor, a pope or whatever.
It’s impossible. So wait a minute, I went to Ding Dong University.
And I got my, I got my doctorate in Divinity. I graduated from the seminary of, of whatever.
And I’ve got my, I have my papers. You understand that God doesn’t even look at your papers.
Listen, do you understand this? We need to understand this.
Well, I went to, I went to that church.
I didn’t learn anything but the guy’s a doctorate of this and a master’s degree of that.
And he got his, he went to this place and that place and every place under that place and, and there must be something, right?
No, John chapter 15 tells us that God calls us into the ministry and calls us into his family and that you can’t do it on your own.
Peter was a fisherman and he opens his mouth after the day of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit came out And people started listening and getting saved.
3000 people got saved Peter’s first sermon.
What a guy Peter would have said, I had nothing to do with it.
I was more shocked than anybody. Can you imagine? Truly when God uses you, can you say amen to that?
That when God uses you, you’re the one that’s most freaked out. Yes.
Charles Spurgeon said, when God uses us and there’s an effect.
He says, just remember you’re not as great as people say you are.
And then he said, when you flop a sermon terribly and somebody comes up to you and says, how terrible you are.
Just say, you’re just know you’re not as bad as they say you are either who’s sufficient for this.
Is that awesome? It’s all of God.
People want to know why things are happening here. How did that happen?
How did, what did you guys do to do that?
Did you know that pastors and churches will come and visit to see what’s going on?
What’s the secret? Is it? The angle of the building is the shape of the place? It’s absolutely crazy.
And then they get all upset because I remember years ago we were talking to a bank 2025 years ago and they said, what’s your 15 year plan?
They actually asked this, The board, they asked the board of the church.
So what’s your 15 year plan? 15 Year Plan? 15 Year Plan is to be in heaven by then?
That’s our plan. That’s our 15 minute plan.
But notice this, no man takes this honor to himself, but he who is called by God just as Aaron was.
Come on. Let’s be honest. Was Aaron kind of a weird duck. You know, Aaron Moses brother, strange guy.
Let’s admit it. Strange guy. God called him. I wouldn’t have done it. God, did it?
Look at Moses, did God call Moses?
Did you know that Moses was a murderer? Yeah.
And God called them. Wow.
I’m not encouraging bizarre conduct to get into the ministry, but Moses was Moses.
It was interesting, but he was called by God.
Aaron’s the guy who said Moses, I don’t know where that bull came from, but people just gave me their golden earrings and stuff.
I threw it in the fire and this calf came out.
Aaron said that man, but he was called by God.
Here’s the cool thing, God calls you and then he equips, you don’t think that you go and get equipped and then God calls, that’s where the hook is at.
God calls. And then he equips those who are called remarkable Verse five says.
So also Christ did not glorify himself to become high priest. This is beautiful.
That word implies that Jesus did not petition.
The father asked the father begged the Father or do anything to impress the father for him to qualify to be the high priest.
He didn’t have to because he’s not from this earth based system.
He’s not from here.
And it says, but it was he was he.
That’s God, the father who said to him, that’s God, the son. You are my son today.
I have begotten you. And that is a calling.
That is a statement that has brought forth to us to understand that God to redeem us listen, could not have come from earth to impress so to speak the heavens.
It had, it had to be heaven that left that dwelling place.
Christ brought that down to us. We are so near.
Obviously, in the season of Absging the birth of Jesus Christ.
And you do know that December is just the Pagan. It’s Pagan. December 25 is Pagan.
Just, just know that he said, well, what do you mean by that Constantine In the 300’s?
He countered the pagan worship system of Cetron Alia where roughly around December 22 to December 25 is the shortest day of the year.
Did you know that? I think now in this age, it’s the 22nd, shortest day of your shortest time of daylight.
So the pagans, you know what they used to do, they used to take trees, evergreen trees and they would type their firstborn Children to the trees and then set the tree on fire.
And so that the new life, right? The life of the child.
I know, I know we would never sacrifice Children in our day and age.
But they believe that if you sacrifice your child, then you can go on and live because the sun will receive the offering and let’s watch and see what happens.
And so they did it and they noticed, hey, you know what The day was a little longer.
On the 27th, There was more daylight on the 31st.
Look, it’s January nine, the days are getting longer, more sunlight it worked.
And so To counter the Pagan religion, it was declared that December 25 would be the day where instead we would worship Christ now people run around the world doing what they do to Have a December 25.
In my opinion, if Jesus is not your lord and savior, all you’re having is that December 25 and you’re offering up gifts right?
And you’re giving gifts and all that stuff. You ever think of where that came from?
God gave one gift. His name is Jesus.
Give you a few verses. I’m way over but we’re okay.
We’re gonna do, we’re gonna hand it out to you. So we’re okay. Acts chapter acts chapter 13 church.
We’ll just read these four passage sections together.
Acts 13 33 says God has fulfilled this for us, their Children and that he has raised up Jesus from the dead.
Remember the word begotten. That’s what it means.
When God mentions in the old testament, the word begotten.
When Jesus said in John 316, for God so loved the world that he gave his only Jesus was speaking prophetically about his coming death, glorify.
You could take the word begotten and put this word in it in replacing glorified.
And so He raised up Jesus as it is also written in the 2nd psalm.
Wow, Paul, the apostle knew the second Psalm. You are my son today.
I have begotten you and that he raised him from the dead no more to return to corruption.
He has spoken. Thus, I will give you the sure mercies of David.
That’s a reference to the Messiah, listen everybody out.
But on confusion and closing, Jesus is the eternal son of God.
Jesus was born through Mary in Bethlehem through Mary.
Remember we covered this months ago, not through Joseph. He had to be born through Mary.
None of Joseph’s blood could be allowed in Him by law.
And so what is so powerful about this is that in the flesh, the incarnation God revealed in skin is how Jesus is the one who is qualified to fulfill the promises and prophecies that was given by God to King David.
What did God say to David? David?
From your blood on your throne, your son, David will reign forever.
I said, man, that’s deep stuff.
It is deep, Jewish people get it like this sons to them.
We think of Sun like son, father, son, that’s it. Father’s son, that’s the end of it.
They don’t think like that. They think generationally and Jesus, you know, at the Christmas story, the Christmas account is behold, born this day in the city of David is Christ the Lord.
And you hear throughout the New Testament, people calling upon Jesus as have mercy on me, son of David.
Whoever sits on the throne of David has to sit there for 1000 years according to the Bible, has to be human, has to be divine.
Go figure. Romans chapter one verse 4 regarding Jesus declared to be the Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead.
Awesome Hebrews Chapter 1: verse five.
For to which of the angels did he ever say you are my son today?
I have begotten you. And again, I will be to him, a father and he shall be to me, a son.
So rule out all angels. There’s no angel that can save you.
And then of course, we return in this closing reminder Hebrews 55.
So also Christ did not glorify himself to become high priest, but it was he who said to him, what an awesome statement the Lord said to the Lord God said to God, you are my son today.
I’ve glorified you today. I have begotten you.


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