Jonathan Cahn: The Bible Reveals the Mystery of Today’s World

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The Bible Reveals the Mystery of Today’s World

“And America has done much good. And there’s no shortage of nations far exceeding any of its faults or sins. But no nation in the modern world has ever been given so much. None has been so blessed. To whom much is given, much is required. If a nation so blessed by God should turn away from Him, what then? It’s blessing will be replaced with curses? Yes. And has America turned away from God? I asked. It has turned and is turning. How? In the same way Israel turned. It started with a spiritual complacency, then spiritual confusion, then the merging of God with idols and then, ultimately, the rejection of his ways. Just as with ancient Israel, America began ruling God out of its life, turning, step by step, against His ways, at first subtly and then more and more brazenly.”
― Jonathan Cahn

 June 24, 2023

Song of Solomon 6:11 says, “I went down into the garden… to see the blossoms of the valley.” Believers often tell you they’re in a valley and they’re unhappy about it. The valley is a low place. It can be hard times, times of sorrow, loss, weakness and not feeling God. But in Song of Solomon, it’s not a sad thing, it’s a beautiful thing. The valley can be a place of fruitfulness, one of the most fertile places, where the rain and waters flow. So in your life, the low times are often the most potentially fertile, the most potentially fruitful, and the most beautiful. Generally hard times produces the greatest change, repentance or decisions for God. Most believers came to the Lord in the valley. So why do we despise it, if so much more growth, repentance and joy will come from the valley? Don’t despise your valley. Go down, see the blossoms, the vine and the pomegranate. Look for the good fruit God wants to bring forth. In every hard time, you will find what God has being waiting for you, blossoms of the valley.

Where was the church 2000 years ago. It was in Jerusalem. It was the Book of Acts.
It wasn’t, it wasn’t established, it wasn’t comfortable, it wasn’t rich, it was radical, revolutionary, filled with a spirit and world changing and history changing.
That’s right. And what that means is though we see a great falling way.
It means that in the end, God is calling the church to go back home to its original state, which is radical revolutionary world changing.
Spirit filled and unafraid bold on. You broke down what the jubilee mysteries are for us.
What’s an oracle? Some people might say that you are an oracle, my friend, a prophet, a seer.
Well, the, yeah, I didn’t say this, that the oracle like the harbinger because there’s so much kind of being, being given out.
I was led to do it like I did the harbinger with there’s a narrative, there’s a story, it’s all real what happens.
But there’s a narrative, a man goes to seek a band called the oracle.
The oracle is someone who reveals divine things. It’s of God.
So every so the oracle is opening up all these mysteries continuously.
Um and all the mysteries of God and it happens through these visions.
And so there’s these seven doors that are opened up of revelation and behind each door is like eight streams of mysteries.
But we, we will open the doors. I mean, we’ll, we’ll probably have one open up the first door.
Why not? What was the event that sent the end time mystery, end time prophecy into motion?
This is like a secret. It’s a secret to the world. But it’s amazing.
God says, when moles is in his last, his last words to Israel, he tells them that at the end times, God is going to gather them back to the land.
It will be the end time. He’s the first one to talk about the end times.
And he says, he says, but before that happens, he says, there will be a turning among the Jewish people.
He says, in your nations, when you’re in the nations, you will turn back to God and then I will bring you back to the land.
Now there’s going to be a massive turning. At the end. We know that a national turning.
But could there have been a spiritual restoration before the physical wrest that triggered everything?
Well, the it’s a secret event, but amazingly in the 19th century Jewish people start turning back to Messiah Yeshua Jeez.
They start turning and the first gathering ever of Jewish believers since the Book of Acts together happens in London kind of a secret event happens and that is going to trigger everything right after that happens, they gather together and they’re even prophesying that Israel is going to come back to the world, going to come back to the land right after that, the year is 18 67.
This is going to be the first jubilee of restoration, which key it’s going, it’s going to determine everything that happens after that up to our day.
Everything. So it happens then and the other thing is when does it happen? Could it actually foreshadow the future?
The spiritual, well, the event takes place on May 14th, the day that Israel will come back in the world in the next century.
And so right after that, all these things start taking place in the land.
All the right after that, that’s a crucial year. Strange things start appearing a man with a measuring line.
It’s an ancient sign of the Bible appears, we can’t get into it.
But all these things happen, Israel, the Jewish people start coming back, they start planting the land, but it all begins in that year.
Everything in 60 cities. That’s the first jubilee in that year.
Also, there’s, you know, on the jubilee says the land will return to the people.
You know, we will return to the old jubilees every 50 years, 50 years, we just had one in 2017.
Yes. Which yeah, we’re gonna get to a biggie. Yeah.
So, so the thing is that so, so the land returns to the owner.
Well, well, in that year, for 2000 years, Jerusalem. Biblical Jerusalem was hidden was in the sand.
That year it’s uncovered to the world. After 2000 years.
That same year, the Ottoman Empire, Turkish Empire, they’re never, they don’t want to give back the land to Israel.
But that year they’re, they’re going bankrupt.
It’s a Muslim Empire and they, they start releasing the land and that Jewish people start buying the land just like in the Jew.
It all begins that year. And actually a lot of the things begin within days of that kind of secret meeting of Jewish people the first time in 2000 years.
Yes. In 18 67 Jonathan mentioned Mark Twain, there’s a Mark Twain, we didn’t identify him.
But yes, the stranger Moses says, the stranger will come to the land and he’ll do things and he says exactly what he’ll say it was fulfilled.
It was Mark Twain. He actually fulfilled what Moses said as he said it.
And right after that, everything started happening, but he left his ship just like within less than 30 days from that secret meeting.
And by the way, you mentioned Moses talking about the end times, a lot of people may not realize that Moses did talk about the end times in the book of Deuteronomy.
He was the first one and that’s where the prophecy is. That’s exactly it Ok.
So the first door is opened, set in 18 67 sets the end times prophecy in motion. What happens?
Well, if you count 50 year and we only get, we can only touch.
I mean, again, I’ll count one mystery with each door.
Um, and I, and I’m doing another, I’m doing another TB M praise and, and about 90% of what I do there.
I won’t even mention I can’t mention this there because there’s so much stuff and even then we won’t touch it.
So the thing am I excited? OK. OK. So God is amazing. New York City.
Are you excited for Jonathan? Thank you.
How God is in charge of everything, count 50 years. It takes you to the 50th year.
Jubilee is the year 1917. Anything happened? The whole world explore the mystery.
Now shakes the whole world, world war one.
You have the Ottoman Empire on one side, British Empire, the Ottoman Empire has the land, but they’re not giving it back.
You have the British Empire on the other. They just had a revival.
They have a love of the Jewish people. God, they both come into the war one is about to crumble.
The other is about to come to the land.
And in that time as the year of jubilee approaches the British government, they have a government that actually doesn’t want the Jewish people to go back.
All of a sudden they crumble in the last in the end of the year.
And then God raises up these two people who are raised on the bible.
One is David Lloyd George who becomes prime Minister.
The other is Arthur Balfour, the foreign minister who’s a whose passionate he loves the Lord. They both love Israel.
God lifts them up at the exact moment for the jubilee.
And in that year, they’re going to issue English issue the Balfour declaration which is going to give the land promised back to the people.
Jubilee. Everyone shall return. They open up the land for the not the nation yet, but for the people to return.
And yet they don’t have the land yet because the Ottoman Empire does.
But in the same year, another Christian who didn’t want to be a soldier general, Edmund Allenby enters the land and for the first time in 2000 years, Jerusalem is liberated for the Jewish people in the year of Jubilee.
Yes. And if you’ve crossed, if you’ve been to Israel and you better be.
But if you’ve crossed from Israel into Jordan, you have crossed the Allenby bridge named after this man Allen. Yes.
Yes. Oh yes, yes. OK. Go ahead. Yeah.
So now there is a, there is a, there was a, a scripture.
See, the other thing is these appointed amazing words when they issued the Balfour declaration to say the Jewish people, it’s their land, they can go back, they can go home.
There was a scripture. Appointed in the ancient scrolls at that, at that moment that was being read all over the world, chanted all over the world.
What was it? It was God saying to Abraham, I have given you this land and to your Children forever as exactly as they’re doing it, it’s being fulfilled.
And on the day when, when all and b soldiers enter Jerusalem is after 2000 years, they enter Jerusalem.
It’s a day, there’s a day on the Jewish calendar where they celebrate the regaining of Jerusalem from ancient times.
It’s called Hanukkah. It’s when the occupier had to leave and they restore Jerusalem and the temple.
Well, the day they enter Jerusalem for 2000 years, there are lights, the Jewish people are lighting lights all over the world.
It’s Hanukkah, the festival of lights. It’s the day that celebrates the liberation of and it was already planned.
And there’s a scripture for that Sabbath.
And it says this, this is, this is the scripture that Jerusalem has brought back.
It says God will, God will take possession of Judah. And God says, I will again choose Jerusalem.
I’m a believer, but reading it, I read it, Jonathan in a sense of amazement and wonder about how God is involved in the effect of individuals, of nations and how He’s using Israel to kind of tie it all together in these times.
We live in faith back things. Yeah, that’s what I’m hearing from.
Only a few people have read it yet, you know.
But believe is that, that, you know, they’re being blown away by God.
That’s, but also to give to unsafe people. You know, because that’s what it’s about.
And that’s the thing because when you combine biblical truth, folks with irrefutable historical truth, that’s an unbeatable combination.
That’s exactly what you’ve done in the book. Tell us about the lost city.
Well, the lost City is, is Jerusalem, is that city after buried for 2000 years.
The biblical Jerusalem and a guy stumbles over a tunnel uh shaft and it comes back everything in the year.
Julie, every jubilee, there’s another restoration.
Every, everyone builds on the next one and another thing I know we’ll get to one point.
But there’s a mystery where we called the jubilee people that every 50 years on that jubilee, a child is born who’s gonna play the central role in the next jubilee when they turn 50.
I mean, up to, up to today, I can’t tell you until I talk to the person.
I can’t reveal who that one. The last one is, but it goes all the way back.
Uh Maybe at one point I’ll, I’ll, I’ll share who these people are before we continue.
I have to ask you, uh Where do you get your research? Do you do all of your own research?
It’s so intricate, yet, so easy to understand. That’s not a problem.
But the research, I just marvel whenever I read your book. Jonathan. Wow. Where did he get this incredible information?
I never heard anything like this. Downloads from the Holy Spirit. I know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I never heard anything like it. You know, it’s the Lord.
I’m the first one to be blown away by it, you know. I, I don’t, yeah. All the Lord.
Lord, I couldn’t do it if I had to try to reproduce, you know, like the harbinger or the power, I couldn’t reproduce it or this because it just comes like this.
It’s like some God overwhelmed me. I was in, I was ministering nomination.
He just overwhelmed me with these things about the jubilee and then it’s like the next thing deeper and deeper and deeper and then, and then something, he put something on my, my mind.
I don’t know if it’s true or not. I go to the web and there it is, you know.
So it’s, it’s God, I mean, this is all this is the Lord.
I believe it’s for such a time as this. Yeah. And I know how that is.
You’re, you’re in bed, you get those down, jot it down. I don’t wanna forget this. You’re jotting it down.
I have my laptop in bed. So I’m ok. Yeah. Yeah. My wife’s asleep.
I’ve written a lot of good things in bed, but God has given a lot of things in bed actually.
Yeah. Yeah. Now I hear you. I’ve been there take us through the door. I think we are.
We on the second, I think we’re on the third door.
There’s seven doors, by the way, which profoundly impact the lives of everyone in this room and across the world watching right now, let’s walk through the third door.
The third door is a different jubilee, which actually actually the, the man who founded Israel, he’s Theodore Herzl and he actually made a prophecy and he wrote down a prophecy and he said the whole world will know about Israel in 50 50 years.
Jubilee, 50 years every 50 years, remember. And that’s a different cycle.
But when you, when you look at the date that he wrote that it comes out to the date that Israel was voted back into the world in this play in New York in New York here was voted back into the world prophetic event.
And actually, when I looked at, I looked at the resolution that brought Israel back in the world, the plan and has a date on it.
It’s September 3rd, which by the way is also the release of a book which you didn’t plan it, but September not a plug, nobody planned it.
September 3rd. And when you look back, when I look, that was the day, when you look back, 50 years, when Herzl wrote the prophecy, it was September 3rd.
It was the exact day. It was 50 50 jubilee to the day.
But on that day in this city here where we are, they voted Israel back into existence.
The UN, the UN voted it Israel back.
But could there have been an appointed word for that day from God that was appointed from ages past to be read as the scrolls were opened all around the world.
Well, the thing is, here’s the thing, you know, amazing.
First of all the scroll, the word that was appointed, by the way, it was voted back on a Sabbath Saturday.
So that means it’s the exact day of the reading of the word.
And so they opened up the scrolls and you know what it is, you know that this was when this is about the return, this is Jewish people, the son, the Children of Jacob returning to the land.
What the what the portion, the appointed word they chanted was the return of Jacob from exile to the land, the father of Israel.
And you know, when they, when the Jewish people came back, there was still a conflict.
They divided the UN, divided the land between the Arabs and the Jews, they are brothers, you know, you know, but the appointed word was that was Jacob coming back and fearing Esau was going to kill him, which is Israel was preparing.
But then nobody knew the name of this nation because they had no name.
There was no name for the Jews until just a few days before it came back in May in the next year.
Ok, about five months later, nobody knew it. But the God did. That shouldn’t surprise us.
God did the appointed word all over the world on the day Israel was voted with no name said you shall be called Israel.
The first time Israel is mentioned in the Bible. We are still in the 3rd, 3rd door.
Yeah, we’re just touching on the third door.
Now, remember folks, we started in 18 67 we moved on to 1917. We’re going every 50 years, right?
These jubilees 18 67 1917. Now we are up to, well, this is the other one from Hertz.
This is the other jubilee from Hertzel 50 years.
So this is, we’re at the time of the birth of Israel, which is prophetic.
Listen, Jesus cannot come again until Israel is back in the world.
And the Bible said, you know, when I was an atheist that blew me away to just that God said it.
He said, everything he said is coming true that Israel is in the world every day.
You’ve got a sign from God that your God is real.
And so here, so, so there’s something in that, in that door called the day of the scrolls.
And here it is, you know, whenever God does something, he does it by his word first before he did the universe, his word before Israel came, they came to land, they came to Sinai, got the word before they came back, the words restored.
And even before Israel came in the modern times, you had the word of prophecy around for 2000 years before it happened in our lifetime.
So the word always comes from God, always restores the word linked to the restoration of Israel.
So now here’s the thing, a, a little shepherd boy or a shepherd boy is following his goat.
He ends up going into a cave, throws a rock in the cave hits, hits crashes. Pottery looks in there.
He finds these ancient scrolls that he brings the scrolls, brings it to a shop. And now what is this?
This is the Dead Sea scrolls. Now, the Dead Sea scrolls has the Bible in it.
It’s the oldest Bible in the world. This is 1947. This is 1947 which is crucial.
It just happened after 2000 years when, why?
Because Israel is coming back the next year, the word and then the nation. So he restores the word.
So and this is something you know, people said, oh, the Bible was written.
Well, it went from the middle ages. I was the oldest to the dead sea scroll.
So God is upholding his word and particularly the book of Isaiah, which is filled with prophecies about Israel coming back into the world.
But here’s the thing, this one guy gets it.
They give, they give the scroll to one guy who’s a professor in Jerusalem named Ali suk, he gets it and he starts opening up the scrolls on one.
He brings it back to his apartment opens up and he can’t believe what he’s seeing. It’s blowing him away.
He never saw anything like he’s opening it up and it’s being revealed for the first time after 2000 years.
That same night, his son is running into his room giving him news of something and giving reports from the radio because the night that the dead sea scrolls, the word of God was, was now here restored Isaiah.
All that on that same night, Israel was voted back into the world. Only God, only God.
You mentioned the little boy.
Uh and the oracle this, it is fiction, quote unquote. It’s, it’s framed in that.
It’s like the like the harbinger, but very familiar to people in a great way because you’re on an adventure, you’re on an adventure.
That’s how I felt. Just the settings.
We’re in the desert, we’re in a cave, we’re, we’re at an oasis with the oracle, this mysterious, you know, divine inspired figure, very cool stuff.
My friend that that’s the way because when I did the show, when I first wrote the har jo, I wrote it completely non fiction.
And the Lord just said, OK, you finished now, rewrite the whole thing because God uses power balls and he uses pictures and to reach more people.
So the delivery system is that, but you’re gonna be, it’s filled with everything it’s filled with is real. Yes.
Now, now even even America, we, we all grow up.
Many of us growing up in America, we’ve been blessed to live in America, the head nation in the world with power and all.
Well, even America and its rise is part of the mystery because if you look at it, you know, you have the Ottoman Empire, have the land, but they’re against God’s purposes here.
So God says, ok, you’re coming down.
So they come down and then Britain says, we’re going to be for this and the Jewish people going go back.
God lifts them up to the pinnacle of their power.
The British Empire, then in between the two wars, England turns against this and all of a sudden overnight, the British Empire collapses.
So God has to have another power to raise up. That is the United States of America.
So America rises up just at the moment that Israel needs it all.
Even our nation is part of the mystery.
Everything we’ve experienced is part of the mystery of God for New York City where we’re sitting right now.
That’s good news right now. We keep blessing Israel. Yes.
And to New York where we’re at right now and around the world, this really lines up.
I think Jonathan when I was reading Genesis 12 3, I will bless those who bless you.
God says to Abraham, I will curse those who curse you in real time in real time.
God keeps his promises. Yes. Yes. That, that’s true as a nation and that’s true individually.
You know, you bless Israel. I’ve never met anybody who blessed Israel and wasn’t blessed.
No, I never met anybody who hated the Jewish people and wasn’t cursed. Never.
And, and I, and, and, and this is, this has held up from the days of Egypt to the United States of America, like clockwork.
Our God is real. You know, one of the things is we’re living in a time when the world is trying to dismiss God and say, oh, that’s old.
We can move on from that.
That’s one of the reasons I believe this is here because no God, your God is in the God of the Bible is alive and well, and he’s in charge of everything.
Know, even even presidents, even presidents, even American presidents who played a crucial role in the rebirth of Israel, a prophetic role.
When God, you know, even even that, when, when, when the Jewish people came back the first time, God had a world ruler, Cyrus to bless them to say, go back to actually bless Jerusalem and come back and rebuild Cyrus.
He led the Persian Empire, let them go home from Babylon, from their captivity.
Well, when God brought them the second time, which was in our life, our time, which was even bigger.
I mean, it’s the whole world. He did. He have a world leader.
Well, he did an unlikely man, a guy who never, you never expect.
But all of a sudden, God raises him from, from almost nothing and makes him the most powerful man in the world.
And his name is Harry S Truman.
And Harry Truman read the Bible several times as a youth and one of his best friend was a Jewish man which God would use years later for Israel to come back into the world.
And, and yeah, and, and Harry Truman had a love for Israel and he actually defended Israel.
Well, you know, if, if FDR Franklin Roosevelt had remained in power, it’s most likely Israel would not have come back into existence.
So Roosevelt in his last election decides to lift up this guy, Harry Truman, less than 90 days after Truman is sworn in, Roosevelt dies and Truman becomes the most powerful man in the world.
And now Truman is going to follow the mystery of Cyrus. He’s the first one, follow mystery of Cyrus.
In fact, you know, first of all, he’s going to recognize Israel, he’s going to return.
He is instrumental in the un voting Israel back just like Cyrus was instrumental.
We were the first nation, by the way, if you’re in the United States to recognize the state of Israel, the modern state of Israel 11 minutes after it was declared 1948 14.
Yeah. Yeah. So I will bless those who bless you. Hello?
And, and when, when did America become a superpower at that same moment? Same moment, same moment.
So that all happens. And now, now Truman, not only that people don’t realize Truman actually first sent the word to the British Empire, let those exiles go back to the land just like Cyrus did.
He said, you let them back.
And I looked at the day that he said it was a Sabbath was a Friday and it was an appointed word and that begins the return and the appointed word was Moses telling Israel the first prophecy in that day, God will gather you back from all the nations and bring you back to the land on the exact day.
And not only that after Truman recognized Israel, the chief rabbi, you know, you know, actually, you know, you know, Cyrus, you know, he didn’t know what he was doing, he just was doing.
And God says, I’m not a believer, I’m using you anyway.
And then, but Isaiah says, no, Cyrus, God is the one in charge of you.
So Truman also had a Cyrus, I mean, like an Isaiah, in a sense, the chief rabbi of Israel makes a visit to the White House.
He sees Truman and he says, Truman, he says, Harry Ruman President, you have been put in your mother’s womb for such the exact time as that.
He said, that’s why. And he opens the book and starts reading about Cyrus to him.
And Truman says, was I used by God and he says, yes.
And Truman breaks down and cries in the oval office and he says, well, ok, years a little while later now he’s jumping a gun.
He’s a guy. It’s too good.
I couldn’t keep it all in Cyrus would sign his inscriptions saying I am Cyrus, you can find it.
I am Cyrus. Years later, Truman says these words, I am Cyrus.
And one of the mysteries here is that when God does like one jubilee, he prepares the next one and plants the seed.
So when he does one, so he’s got one Cyrus in the reign of Harry Truman.
That Cyrus, the first American Cyrus is born a child, Donald Trump, the next Cyrus born in the year born in the time of Truman.
We go OK, we go. Yeah. So now, all right.
So now if you go back to the main jubilee that keeps going, we had 86 7/50 year 1917, restoration count, count 50 years.
See every time there’s gonna be a restoration of what was lost. That’s jubilee.
You shall go home, everyone shall return. So count 50 years from 1917, it takes you to the year 1967.
Anything significant happened that year? Well, wait, Jesus said, I’m not coming back until the Jewish people say Haba blessed is he in Jerusalem?
So they need Jerusalem, you know.
And so, but they didn’t have Jerusalem when they came back but God says, I don’t care what the UN says.
I don’t care what the world says. If I said it, I’m going to do it.
So amazing thing, it all is going to happen and that year is going to be the year Israel didn’t ask for it.
Actually, it just came upon them.
And Israel enters that year, Jewish soldiers after 2000 years enter the gates of Jerusalem for everyone shall return home, the owner shall return home.
The six day war. The six day war comes upon them. And how does it happen?
It happens because the Soviet Union, the Godless anti God, anti Bible, anti Jesus Soviet Union sends a word to the Arab nations false that Israel is going to attack you, that causes the Arab nations to line up to destroy Israel that brings about the six day war that brings about Jerusalem.
So the Soviet Union brought about biblical prophecy and that tells you something.
If God can use the Soviet Union, he can use any problem in your life to accomplish his will in your life.
And so, but you know, in a Bible, a lot of people, God gives prophetic songs that a song of prophecy is given and then it comes true.
You see it in the Bible.
Well, amazing thing on the 19th anniversary of Israel, they’re having a celebration and a woman sings a song to the nation and it spreads throughout Israel and it’s a, it’s a song of prophecy.
The song is called Jerusalem of Gold. Love it. All of a sudden, Israel is longing for Jerusalem all over.
They’re all singing Jerusalem Jerusalem on the night that she introduced the song, the Arab, the Egyptian soldiers are lining up on the borders of Israel to invade and it’s going to bring about the six day war.
So it’s all going to come to pass as this from the song.
And by the, by the end, end of that, on the end of that war, she has to change the end of the song because it was a song of mourning.
And but now at the end, it becomes a song of rejoicing.
Remember God said to Israel when they lost Jerusalem when he said, he said, you know, judgment comes, I’m going to turn your rejoicing into mourning.
But then he says, redemption, I will turn your mourning into joy. So that’s exactly what he did, right?
And but but Israel didn’t know like when this was all happening, Israel thought it’s going to be destroyed.
They start preparing coffins, they start, they start dedicating the Parkland for cemeteries, digging graves.
There’s footage of this and old pictures from that.
They’re actually doing that, but they have no idea that God is at work, you know, so and same with our lives, you have no idea but God is at work.
And the thing is that so they have a secret meeting of the president, the prime Minister and the military even said, what do we do?
And they make the decision. He says, if we don’t go war now we’re going to be destroyed.
So they make the decision on this day. But that day is a Sabbath.
So that means there’s an appointed word, the appointed word for that day has the words go to war.
Well, it’s the, it’s the time in the Torah where God tells Israel how to prepare for war and to mobilize all the men.
That’s what they were doing and they mobilize all the men up to the age of 50 jubilee.
So they had to be born to the last, the last jubilee.
And at the end of the war, the scripture speaks about getting all the men up to the age of 50.
The actual thing God does it.
And there’s something amazing called the Masada mystery, Mossad Asada, one of my favorite places in Israel when you visit, not, if you visit Israel, when you visit Israel, you must go to Masada.
Masada is the last stand of ancient Israel. It’s where they died.
You know Jerusalem fell, then Masada fell and that was the grew the grave.
But, but there for 2000 years, there was a mystery hidden on that mountain.
God put a parchment there with this prophecy for two and it took 2000 years for the Jewish people to get back and open it up and be blown away by the prophecy.
Now, I can’t get into everything. Ok? Because I did this on the other.
I’m doing this on the other show.
But let me, let me, let me get into a really amazing thing from Masada. We won’t tell anybody. No.
Of course, not just millions of people around the world. We promise we’ll keep it a secret. Ok?
So the thing is that, that, you know, when in ancient times, Israel lost Jerusalem, Messiah Jesus prophesized and then a few years later, they lost Masada.
Well, if God’s reversing this redemption, could he could this reverse?
That means when Israel returns to Masada to uncover it? That means soon after that they will return to Jerusalem.
Well, the amazing thing I looked at the I said, let me look at the exact date when Israel returned to Mossad when they lost Mossad in when they lost Jerusalem and take the exact amount of days between that and put it back from the, when they return to when they turn to Masada, it’s 1333 days.
When you take it back, it comes out to the date of 1967 June June 7th, the very day Israel opens the gates of Jerusalem 61.
The exact date. Yeah.
A and, and the, the six day war, Jonathan, the way it unfolded and you unfold it beautifully in the book.
The six day war to me was proof of God’s hand on Israel, all the cards, all the odds were stacked against them and to retake Jerusalem, they didn’t expect to retake Jerusalem that were, they told the people actually, they said, stay away from Jerusalem.
They were afraid of the world with that. They said, but God just forced it.
You know, God is going to do it and notice every jubilee is leading up to something it keeps on building and growing and going to the next one.
So, yeah, and this is actually going to lead to the next.
We could just, there’s many more mysteries of the but, but this is gonna lead to the next door, which is going to take it right up to where we are right now.
And our president, I believe in our president. Now we have about 30 seconds. Give us a quick teaser.
I think this is kind of funny. What does the summer of love in 1967? Not a really Christian event.
What does that have to do with the oracle?
We have about 30 seconds before we’re gonna go to your quickly.
All right here when 2000 years ago Israel Drew was destroyed and all of a sudden, Jewish believers start vanishing the apostles.
The time is over and the church loses its Jewish roots. So what happens when Jerusalem comes back?
That means Jerusalem comes back. It’s the, what comes right after that is Jewish people start coming to Messiah like never before.
Like they’re all around the world.
And it begins with the summer of love, begins with the Jesus movement and that begins in June 1967.
When Jerusalem is restored, one thing happens during the jubilee is the legal right to the land is given.
You don’t just return to your land. You’re given the right to the land.
But when the Jewish people returned in 1967 the world said no, we’re not going to recognize it only capital in the world that was not recognized.
But the jubilee says it’s going to be recognized. So count 50 years from 1967. Where does it take you?
2017, anything happened? The United States of America for the first time recognizes Jerusalem gives them a legal right to the owner of Jerusalem.
President Donald Trump. And it doesn’t matter, listen, it doesn’t matter what you think of Trump.
It doesn’t matter what you thought of Cyrus.
The fact is God can use anyone and he recognized it and listen, it’s the first time, not just in modern times, it’s the first time since ancient times that any power has recognized Jerusalem in the year of jubilee.
And he did it just before the jubilee ended, he got it right in there, you know, and not that Donald Trump is studying Leviticus, you know, he just, he just did now.
But the thing is, there are so many mysteries and one of the mysteries is we’ve heard the Cyrus thing, but it goes so deep, much deeper.
First of all, Trump is linked to Truman, as we said, he’s born there.
And the thing is that the thing about, first of all, you know, Cyrus, well, one of the things about one of the things about Trump is during, in that first year, he actually quotes from King Cyrus and he actually speaks as Cyrus.
People don’t realize that he did it. But he, you know, Truman recognized Israel, but he didn’t recognize Jerusalem.
Cyrus did. So Trump is going to recognize Jerusalem. And Cyrus spoke about a house being built.
Truman Trump spoke about a house in that declaration being built and Cyrus did it in his first year of world power.
Trump did it in his first year of world power.
But there’s this mystery about 70 years because the Bible says the king will do that or all these things will happen at the end of the 70 years of captivity, end of 70 years.
So was there any 70 year period that’s significant that Trump came at the end of well count back 70 years.
It takes you to nine, 18, 47 the year that Israel comes back in the world again, seven years.
But I look deeper and the day that the UN again voted Israel’s existence, it was night time, it was Kislev 17 in the Hebrew calendar.
And Jeremiah says it says what happened at the end of 70 years so you got 70 years and then the day after it marks the end.
Well, if you go 70 years later, it comes to Kislev 18. Ok. Now what is Kis Love people?
Kiss love is the month and 18 is the day it takes you to 2017. Kiss day.
Is it on our counter? It was December 6th the exact day that Trump issued that declaration at the end of 70 years to the day December 6th, 2017 when Trump declared the embassy.
Yes, we’ll move to Jerusalem the exact day.
And, and you know, you know, you think about the ramifications if we were back there in 1947 and we had this, we knew the mystery, we could say, OK, what this is saying is once Israel is coming back to the world count, 70 years and a world leader will arise and he will issue a declaration concerning Jerusalem.
It had to be. And so when was Trump elected, Trump had to be elected just when he was because it’s going to be in his first year of power, Cyrus.
So the American election had to take place when it did and it had to turn out like it did for the 70 years because the 70 year was approaching, the 70 years approaching.
But I, I’m gonna tell you, I gotta tell you this, you know, I might skip this up but I gotta, I gotta say this and this one, I’m doing on the other one, but I have to do this year because it’s just God.
OK. And that is this, listen, what happens in the year of jubilee? What happens in the year of jubilee?
You sound the far right. You know we know that, that, that signal the show far must sound.
What does the name Trump mean? In English? The trumpet?
The trumpet comes to power in the year of jubilee. When did he come? 2017, the trumpet must sound.
The Trump must sound. So God not about him. It’s not about the so far.
It’s that God has to lift up.
You got to lift up the trumpet in the year of jubilee that Trump has got to and the Trump shall sound throughout the land.
He has not stopped sounding since you know the Trump.
I mean sometimes you know the Trump, the Trump, you know, even tweets a bit but the Trump it sounds, you know, and what happens when the Trump sounds, what happened?
The Trump sounds and when the Trump sounds and the jubilee year of jubilee, the land, the possession returns to the original owner.
So the Trump sounded and Jerusalem is recognized for Israel year of jubilee only got and even for that, listen for that to happen, the end of 2017 at the end they just got in and got in and the thing but you know, God is perfect, you know, and the thing is that again, it means that, that all these things were waiting, the election had to turn out and a president named Trump had to become the leader in the year of jubilee.
It’s all all from God. I mean, you know, you got amazing stuff.
So, and now, now I can just, there’s so much but we can go because it’s, the mystery is going to go into the future.
So maybe we want to try to, we can get a little bit of the six story.
People like to hear that for sure. Ok.
And I again, I know I’m excited but like a broken record, but there’s so much just touch on these things.
But the mystery of the jubilee really is the secret really of the end times because what is the mystery?
It’s that everyone shall return to where you live. So it’s return, return.
So that the mystery of the end times is return.
One is that everything has to go back to where it was at the beginning of the age.
So you got, the Jewish people were in Israel, they got to go back to Israel, they were in Jerusalem, they got to go back to Jerusalem.
But the mystery even gets bigger because the whole world is going to follow this mystery of jubilees, the whole world because this is called the Dark Jubilee in the book in the article.
And that is that this the world 2000 years ago at this time when the Jews were in Israel wasn’t Christian, it was pagan.
It was anti unchristian, anti Christian Rome. It was pagan.
That means the world in the end is going to return to its anti Christian state.
It’s Unchristian, it’s pagan state, not everybody but the mainstream culture. And so what are we watching every single day?
It’s the mystery of this return every day that the world throws off another thing and say, I don’t want and we’re saying what’s going on?
It’s the return. Everything is being set in motion.
It’s going to be a rematch at the end, you know, you know, but the good news on that, there’s another return in the book that I have to say because that is, it is, where was the church 2000 years ago?
It was in Jerusalem. It was the Book of Acts.
It wasn’t, it wasn’t established, it wasn’t comfortable, it wasn’t rich, it was radical, revolutionary filled with a spirit and world changing and history changing.
That’s right. And what that means is though we see a great falling way.
It means that in the end, God is calling the church to go back home to its original state, which is radical revolutionary, world changing, spirit filled and unafraid, bold, uncompromised.
So, so even though even though we’re seeing, you know, even though we’re seeing all this and we’re seeing people fall away and all that, those who stand will be transformed into what they were the apostles and the disciples.
That’s why Jewish believers are back because that’s what it was at the beginning.
You know, the church church in Israel were together at the beginning. They haven’t been together until now.
So it’s all coming back. So that’s a call for all of us to rise to that calling.
So and even when persecution comes, listen, there was, it was that way back then that will help mold us to become the apostles disciples of God.
We are called to become. It’s an exciting time to be alive.
Yes. We live in perilous times, but we live in Bible times. Yes. Yes.
So people are praying, you know, I say this all the time. People are always praying.
Lord and many, many you I wish I lived in Bible times. Congratulations. You’ve arrived right now.
Now, now again, again, we can only, we’re only given the, we’re touching doorknobs here on the doors.
But, but I gotta do this because it ultimately is about each of us.
This mystery is about each of us.
You know, because what’s the mystery it’s about coming home, you know, our whole, you know, in this world, we’re never at home.
And the older you live, the less you’re at home, which is weird because we’re not home.
But what is salvation? You see, you see, listen, what is the jubilee?
It begins where you’re leaving a land, you’re leaving a place that you had.
Well, look at the beginning of the Bible.
We left our home, we left our time with God, we left our place. And so what is salvation?
It’s jubilee. It’s coming home, it’s returning home. What Jesus is our jubilee and it’s returning home. So he’s calling.
So our whole salvation is jubilee, our whole He’s calling you to become what you were meant to become from the beginning, restoration coming home all that.
And there’s, that’s why I put in the book. It gets very personal at the end.
But also that God wants us to live the power of the jubilee.
You know, if we’re seeing God, you know, we’re seeing, we’re seeing all these things so real.
So God of Israel, that means He’s your God too. So he’s just as real for your life.
And if he doesn’t his promise to Israel, he’s not going to forget his promise to you.
And if he’s going to in the same way, if he’s going to restore Israel, he’s going to restore you.
Ok? And, and what is this all leading up to missing peace?
What you know, listen, this all began when it wasn’t much Israel left the land, someone else left the land.
Messiah did the ultimate jubilee is the king was separated from his kingdom.
But the return is saying that the king is coming back to his kingdom.
He’s returning again and we need to and I will, I will just say, you know, I could just touch it up.
But, but there is 1/7 door. The seventh door is a mystery. Ok, if you do it.
But I will say this, I will say this when you read the end of the Bible, when you read the end of the Bible, what do you read?
The Tree of Life was gone? Now it comes back, everything was gone, comes back. What? It’s, it’s coming home.
What is, what is heaven? It’s just like Israel came to Jerusalem.
We’re coming to Jerusalem and that is the final home. When we come, heaven is the final mystery.
That’s our ancestral and that’s where we belong. That’s where God is calling us. When we get to heaven.
We’re going to say we’re home for the first time. That’s what it’s all about.
And it goes on forever and ever and ever.
He’s going to, he’s going to restore, wipe away every tear from our eyes and no more death, no more pain, no more mourning.
That is the ultimate restoration he says, and then He will be ours and we’ll be his. That’s our possession.
God is our possession and we are his. We were born for this age and this is an exciting time.
It’s challenging, but it could also be the greatest time because God is alive and well and to stand with him in these times is worth more than when he’s popular.
This is the time where he’s going to anoint the eyes of the Lord searching the entire earth looking for the one whose heart is completely his.
He’s going to raise you up, you be that one. He will raise you up, he will anoint you.
He is alive now. And we need to pray for revival because we need to pray for revival.
We need revival in America, revival in the world because if there’s not revival, America is down, we need to pray for that and there can be.
But the revival starts with us at TBN.
Our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible.
With the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you. We couldn’t do it.
God bless you.

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