Jonathan Cahn: A Prophetic Message on Current Events & America’s Moral Decline | Eric Metaxas on TBN

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A Prophetic Message on Current Events & America’s Moral Decline

Jonathan Cahn sits down with Eric Metaxas to discuss striking parallels between the Old Testament and a series of increased shaking in America. He also gives a prophetic message on America’s moral decline and more. Don’t miss this insightful interview!

The Bible says that these things were given for our example and God knows everything.
I mean, I know I’m preaching to the choir, but before anything happens, he knows it.
So he’s certainly going to speak from his word. And many of the templates concern biblical judgment.
What is, what is the pattern that God gives the warning that God gives to a nation that is He’s consistent.
So he’s going to use his word. Hey, folks, welcome. Do I seem excited? That’s because I am actually excited.
I have as my guest right now here in the studio, someone with whom you may be familiar.
Rabbi Jonathan Khan, rabbi Jonathan Khan. Welcome. Great to be here. It’s great to see you.
I know you’re just, you’re just coming from across the river here. But uh uh it’s wonderful to have you.
And I don’t wanna, I wanna start with the most important thing. You have a movie coming out.
It’s called, it’s called The Harbinger Harbinger of Things to come. It’s the first time we ever did this.
The Harbinger of things to come in a film in a, a motion picture.
It’ll be, it’ll be across the country and, I mean, everywhere, um, May 12th, um, fathom event.
It’s that one night, Thursday night.
Um, and I’m in it, it’s kind of documentary but it’s, it’s kind of going all across the country.
Um, opening up the message of the heart. It’s very prophetic.
I mean, if you could imagine it’s a prophetic motion picture for believers and prophetic stuff. Come on. Well, really?
Yeah, it actually is. Yeah. So do I, Ok. So what? All right. Well, then that, that’s the next question.
Now we know it’s May 12th in theaters across America. What is in it? Because you’ve written so many books.
What do you cover in this film?
Yeah, it’s, it’s taking the, the template of the Harbinger which start, you know, the first book I ever did, of course, The Harbinger, the last one I did, which I was with you the other time was the Harbinger Two, which is the sequel.
So it has not stopped the, the template of national judgment and warning on America has not stopped.
And so this is bringing it up to date and for the people who have never heard the Harbinger to those who do know the Harbinger, what has happened since I wrote The Rich, uh where things are going, what’s happening to America?
What do we need to know uh for the future?
Where does this lead according to the template according to the biblical pattern?
Um And it’s actually, you’re not just hearing about the harbingers.
The difference from the book is you’re actually seeing them.
So it’s kind of opening, going across the country, opening up these mysteries. Ok.
Now, a lot of people in the prophetic world have said Trump is coming back for a second term.
Do you see that? Um, I, I don’t, I don’t predict like that, you know, but, um, we, I can’t say that’s definitely gonna happen, but we, we need to pray for it.
We need to pray for God’s will in the government.
I, I already knew that I didn’t need to have the expert, Jonathan on the program to tell me we need to pray for God’s will for the government.
So, you know, and I know that we are obliged to, to pray for God’s will you have in, in some of these templates.
I’m, I’m just so fascinated with this that you’ve discovered. Uh what, what do you call them?
I guess you, you say that template, I, I use it as templates or patterns. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
That God gives. And you, you, you talk about uh you, you talk about Trump as being a Ja who character.
Yes. Yeah. You, you, you know, the, the Bible says that these things were given for our example and God knows everything.
I mean, I, I know I’m preaching to the choir but before anything happens, he knows it.
So he’s certainly gonna speak from his word. And many of the templates concern biblical judgment.
What is, what is the pattern that God gives the warning that God gives to a nation that is he’s consistent.
So he’s gonna use his word Trump.
That’s the book from the paradigm which it talks about a, the people there are templates in the Bible patterns and Trump, you know, to America was, is a whoo.
And that je who was a, a wild, he was wild, he was uh unpredictable.
He was raised up kind of, despite himself was raised up to be uh uh a force to slow down the, the, the fall of the nation, the a of the nation.
He was a reprieve and, and the thing is, um you know, he ends up coming head to head against the nation’s former first lady, which in the Bible is Jezebel.
But so Trump did, he comes into the capital city with a, with a uh with an agenda to drain the swamp.
He, he actually makes an alliance with the religious, I’m talking about who makes an alliance with the religious conservatives of the land.
And he actually, you know, so there’s so much but interesting, I I’ll share something that is not in the paradigm, it’s not.
And because it happened after, OK, there is a, there is one of the templates of where he is in the capital city and he calls for an assembly in the capital city.
And uh what ends up happening is there is uh, a siege on a capitol building in the city, in the city.
Um, and it’s actually, you know, and what happens at the end, um, you know, when we, when the thing happened with the, I guess what happens?
Go ahead, Mike Pence caves in, well, I’m not getting, I’m not going, that’s not, that’s not in the book either, not in the book, in the book.
But what happens is that if you remember um when they first rounded up the people from the, the, the Capitol event, you know, that week they put in all the papers the the police announced we had 80 people, we’ve arrested.
Now, of course, they kept going later, 80 men, 80 men, if you look at who in, in kings, the book of Kings and after that siege happens, it says there were 80 men that went to the siege to the exact thing.
How, how do you prevent yourself from uh just being paralyzed when you realize these, these parallels?
I mean, it, it’s, it’s kind of, it, it really is, you know, because I have to joke around just because I, I’m, I’m astonished that that what you can read in the ancient scriptures tells us some things about where we are right now.
I, I mean, I mean, wouldn’t we think it, you know, on one hand that because this is God, but I’m, I’m the first one to be blown away.
I’m blown away. We say that we believe this.
But when you actually see it, it’s, it blows me away, it blows it from the beginning from the harbor.
I was, it was, you know, much of this happened around where we are right now.
Um, I was standing at ground zero and when I saw the, I saw this struck down tree and then something said you have to search this out as I did just kept getting bigger and I was blown away.
So I’m continually blown away, but no matter what. Um And I mean, there are things that give exact dates.
I, I’ll tell you something, Eric, that I didn’t know when I wrote the harbinger. OK.
Now, for those who know the harbinger, the, the central scripture is Isaiah 9 10, which is when this first strike of warning comes on the land and the people, the the nation instead of repenting responds with defiance, Isaiah 9 10, they, they make this vow, we’re gonna come back stronger, bigger without God.
But the, that, that’s throughout the harbinger. All the harbingers are linked to that scripture.
But what I didn’t know Eric is that when I wrote the Harbinger, um was that when 9 11 happened all over America, believers were opening up their Bible to that exact scripture before it happened.
And the reason is that if you, if you, if you have the one year Bible, you know, when the one year Bible has a, has a scripture for every, every day, if you open up the one year Bible to the Harbinger scripture, the scripture about the attack on the land and the beginning of judgment, enemy attack.
It has a date on the top and the date is September 11th all over America.
Then this came out, this came out in the 19 eighties.
So every year on 9 11, believers all around the country were opening up their Bible to the attack on the date of 9 11.
And so with, and then on, on that day it happened, everything that happened.
I had no, I, when I wrote the, I had no idea but it was all across the country.
I mean, again, I, I, I it’s, it’s sort of funny because we all say, well, I believe in God, I believe in scripture.
But when you see it like this, you, you just say, wow, I, I, my faith wasn’t big enough now.
I feel like I really, really get it. Uh I really see God as sovereign.
Uh It, it, it is amazing.
Now, of course, you know, every time I have you on or any time anyone talks to you, they, they really want to know more about what, what do you see happening?
I know that, that you talk about that.
There’s that there’s a template uh that, that, that the, the bizarre universe of, of, of COVID, uh that there’s something in scripture that would give us a very interesting a few things and, and, and, and again, I’m not saying also that behind one event, there’s only one cause there’s a million causes.
But however, however, Eric, when I wrote, when I wrote the Harbinger, I was looking because I, I asked myself and I even put the question in the original book, The Harbinger, I can answer it in the harbinger too.
The, the, the question is asked, how long is it from that first strike, the pattern uh to the greater shakings coming on the land?
OK. So when in the case of Jerusalem, that first strike came in six oh five BC, anybody could look it up.
That’s when the Babylonians first struck Jerusalem.
But then the, then they had a time, you know, of, of, of given by the Lord.
But then the greater shakings came in 5 86 BC. That’s the, you know, so I wonder it’s OK.
That’s, that’s 19 years, you know.
So I wonder so now if we take 9 11 and we go, we go 19 years, it pinpoints the year 2020.
So for years I’m looking is 2020 gonna be a year of shakings coming out of America.
How did that turn out? Well, it didn’t turn out.
Well, what, what happened was uh 2020 came COVID came and we haven’t, we’re, we’re still not out of this whole crazy time, but it began that time for years.
I was looking at it. I, I if you look at the, if, if somebody, you read the Harbinger, there’s a thing called thing to come, you’ll see the question is asked that time.
And the thing is that, that also the 19th year, 19th year is always linked to judgment.
19th year has, comes 19 year, Jeremiah 19th year. What is the name of this plague COVID?
And then the number 19, what uh this is too much?
All right, you’re sticking around because we’ve got the doors locked.
I’ll be back with Jonathan Khan folks.
I am enjoying uh my conversation with rabbi Jonathan Khan. He has a brand new book.
I call The Return of the Gods.
In, in some ways, it’s your most provocative book, which is saying a heck of a lot.
But what you’re saying here is so central to where we are. Um So what should we say?
We just got a couple of minutes left in this hour. Where should I? I think?
Yeah, there’s so much and, and I’m, I’m blessed. We’ll be able to do more. The uh Yeah.
Well, one thing you know, this is affecting everything and one of the things that, that to sum up what, what the spirits do as they seek.
Destruction. That’s this destruction of life, destruction of gender, destruction, of marriage, destruction of family and, and to remove things from their purpose.
So if they can remove men from the purpose of men, women from the purpose of women, you a family from the purpose, marriage.
That’s what we’ve been watching. And the other thing is you, you, you made a, I, I like how you say, you said this has happened like a few minutes ago, like this whole new movement.
It just happened yesterday. And everybody’s acting like this is the, this is the real, but this is what, so this is what should tip people off.
It’s kind of like it, you know, when the Nazis took over, they suddenly said, oh, this is the new reality, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
And a lot of people are like, oh OK. OK. OK. And you think, wait a second, wait a second.
Where did this come from? So this transgender thing, you, I mean, I was with a secular doctor in New York here.
Uh And he, I don’t know if he knew where I was coming from but, you know, Jewish guy, whatever.
And he says, hey, this transgender thing, can I ask you a politically incorrect question?
He said to me, I said, of course, and he says this, you know, I, I had a, a patient to a 12 year old wants to identify as a they, and he looked at me like, is, is this like, is this a thing when we were growing up?
What like, what, where did effectively, where in the world did this suddenly come from? That?
Suddenly there’s this new reality that there’s such a thing as a a young man who decides to be called a they, which has never been in one sense.
But on the other hand, came from this, if we were alive, there’s nothing new here back then as Christians.
But we would have seen the, we would have seen priests of this goddess dressed up as that.
We would see even transition. We, we have time.
We, we’ll go to, we will even see the transitioning people from one to the other.
This is where it goes. You know, it, it was all going this way from the beginning.
I mean, when, when we turn away from God and we, and we start seeing the sexual revel, we started seeing a spirit that was coming against manhood at male as male, female as female.
You know, if, if a woman says, you know, if a man acts masculine, they’ll say that’s toxic masculinity.
If a woman does, they applaud it. What’s that? What is that? That’s the spirit.
It’s been happening in every factor of our society. It’s called shut up. Don’t ask questions, don’t be consistent.
Just go with it. This is, this is, this is the latter work of this.
This is the deep or this is where it was gonna go.
Anyway, it was gonna go this way because this is what started.
Then once you turn away from God, you put him out, you lose your identity, you lose your purpose, you lose your, if you’re a man you lose that everything.
This is what the gods do and that’s why I believe it’s crucial for this hour.
That’s why, that’s why I was led to write it.
Even though I knew there’s gonna be a backlash, you know, I knew it was gonna be explosive.
If there’s no backlash, it’s not worth writing. Right?
I mean, let’s face it that we’re living in the midst of a battle and, and you and I, we pray that God can wake up.
Uh Those who would be woken up. Now some people will, will be lockstep, sleepwalking to the cliff.
They do not, they will not wake up. But there are people who have seen enough. This is my theory.
They’ve seen enough to say, you know what, I am willing to get a little radical because this is crazy.
I had no idea that it would go here.
And I think, you know, you saw this in Germany in the thirties, Martin Niemoeller woke up, he finally woke up, but when he woke up, it was too late, but he did wake up.
Finally. He said, I, I didn’t know if I would have known I would have spoken up sooner.
I, I would have, I don’t care about my reputation. I care about truth. I care about God.
We’re out of time. But can I can, can we continue the conversation, please? Ok.
So folks, um we’re out of time for this hour, but lots more with Rabbi Jonathan Kahn.
The book is the return uh of the Gods. Uh Rabbi Jonathan. Thank you so much. Thank you, Eric.



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