Jack Hibbs Today: Living In The Daze Of Deception – Part 3
Living In The Daze Of Deception – Part 3
It’s a wise thing to build protection around your home, your mind, and your life as you navigate this world of false teachings, deceptive influences, and phony expertise. Learn how to do that with Pastor Jack Hibbs in today’s episode of Real Life TV.
You and I are learning a world right now that we are constantly having to check, follow-up, Did they get the job done?
Are you gonna arrive on time? Kind of a world? Things have been broken.
Broken trust broken relationships, broken agreements, broken contracts. What in the world is going on? What’s happening?
And I think for most believers, and you don’t to be a believer.
I don’t think you have to be a believer to begin to discern that these are different kinds of days in which we’re living in.
All the way down to just getting service at a restaurant to a business contract or the buying of house.
Nothing seems to be the same anymore. What’s up? Well, what’s up is an age of deception.
None of us who know our bibles are surprised.
In fact, when in the last, I don’t know, 3 to 5 years, there was this constant shifting and constant, uh, idea of opinions and expertise being floated out to us.
I don’t think anybody that I know personally was moved by any of these things.
It’s just, well, let’s see what god’s doing. Let’s see what his word has to say.
To us in light of what’s happened in the world around us.
And so we navigated the world, and we do navigate the world around us through the Bible, the word of God.
God’s truth. And to do that is to stay in the word, and it is to build for yourself protection.
It is wise to build protection around your home as it were a structure of truth.
Mom’s, dads, husband’s wives, you should surround your home with the word of god.
We are living in the days of deception. Our heads are spinning.
The cloud and fog is around us. It doesn’t have to be that way.
If you know God’s truth, let his words shine it’s light upon the path and lamp of the feet of which you are walking in this world for his glory.
Let’s grab our Bibles. And see what god has to say to us.
Efusion 612 says for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood.
They’re not your attention. We don’t fight against human things.
But against principalities, these are orders of invisible powers.
Principalities against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age. Isn’t it amazing against spiritual hosts of wickedness?
There are ranks and there are our orders and levels of demonic authority based upon some, what, meanness, some attributes that they possess, we don’t know.
But this we know from the Bible that you and I are the targets. Deceiving spirits.
These are real actual entities that are invisible. They’re in the Bible. They’re for real.
And you wanna stay away from things that are known as entries.
Uh, don’t commission any of you or desire interview to do this, but when you study biblical demonology, And, uh, as you get into it, there’s a facet of what is known as entries, things that open the door to demonic activity, hallucinogenic drugs, by the way, are are one of them or part of them.
Right. And other things, uh, uh, incantations, Ouija boards as as strange as it is. Weegee board.
Oh, hell, harmless is that. Didn’t Hasbro make the weed health bets.
Has nothing to do with Hasbro friends or Mattel or whoever made it. Seances. We’re just goofing off.
Listen, the demonic world is not goofing off. It is real.
And for those of you who think it’s not real, it’s to deny the very word of god.
Jesus said it’s real. Deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, teachings, the word means teachings of demons.
The Bible tells us that in the last days, demons are gonna be teaching people.
Well, how am I gonna know the truth?
Judge everything you hear against the word of god.
But listen. Jesus said in the last days, great deception is coming.
And by the way, I believe Christ is coming soon. I’m, uh, just for the record, I’m a pre millennialist.
Uh, futurist, pretribilationist, literalist. What does that mean?
That means I believe that this book says exactly what it says means exactly what it means.
I believe that for the church, Christ could come back at any moment. I hope it’s right now.
Or now or maybe now.
And I believe that god has a special place for Israel just as he promised.
I believe that god is gonna fulfill his word.
Just as he did in the past, he’s gonna fulfill what’s ahead and what remains.
But if we’re starting to see things like this, now remember, the 7 years of the great tribulation period is a time of profound deception where many of these things will be brought, uh, to their maturity in the areas of deception, uh, people preaching messages, and doing miracles, but they’re demonically empowered.
They’re demonically energized. So, look, I mentioned to you last week, people got up and walked out because this message was a little bit too direct.
And then it got me thinking, my goodness, my goodness.
What happens if down the street to uh, tonight or tomorrow. Somebody’s preaching.
Some really bizarre message, but he’s able to heal. Everyone who comes forward.
This church would be half the size that it is next week.
He said, that’s a mean thing to say.
Jesus said to his disciples, will you also go away from me?
And Satan knows that we’re suckers for signs and wonders.
Oh, but I what he’s saying is weird. It’s just weird, but did you see what happened?
You see how this plays out?
Jesus said there’s gonna be a time like this that if it were possible, even his own very elect would be deceived.
So for seeing things like this now, how much closer as the coming of the lord for the church.
And Luke chapter 21 verse 28, the Bible says, Jesus is speaking.
Now when these things begin to happen, Look up. Lift up your heads because your redemption draws near.
You know what that word means? Be ready. Now be ready. So church here it is.
Our second argument, it’s this. It’s what has the world observed in times past Why is that important?
First of all, everybody history is important. You know why we’re so messed up as a culture?
We’re not teaching history anymore. If I was a dictator of education in the United States of America, you know what I would do, I’d make sure that all history teachers are the most skilled and the best.
You can give math to some boring guy.
All the other courses you can be but when you come to history, How can it not be incredibly exciting and enthusiastic just by nature?
Your spine. You are looking. You’re gazing into events that unfolded in time has gone by.
You get to look at how they lost that battle or why they won that battle.
You get to look at the rise and fall of nations, and not only that, but what drove them?
What motivated them? And you’ll find that every culture of the world that what motivated them was a religious foundation.
They had a religious belief system. Even atheism today has a religious faith system.
Luke chapter 17 verse 22. Luke 1722. These are the words of Jesus.
Then he said to his disciples, the days will come when you will desire to see 1 of the days of the son of man.
Another, it’s kinda like where we live now. Lord, come, and you will not see it.
And they will say to you, look here, or look there, do not go after them or follow them, for as lightning that flashes out of one part under heaven shines to the other part under heaven.
So also, the son of man will be in his day. That’s the reference of the second coming.
Every I will see him. Not the rapture. This is different. This is at the 7 year tribulation end.
Verse 25. But first, he must suffer. Now, he goes into the time at hand. He’s speaking to them.
Verse 25, but first, he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.
And as it was in the days of who? Noah?
So it will be in the days of the son of man.
They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the arc.
And the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, so here comes another example.
So as I’m reading, the big deal is regarding the last days, I need to know about the days of NOAA.
Anything else? Oh, yes. Verse 28, likewise, as it was also in the days of lot. Lot.
So log in Noah are big deals in understanding the end time events. K?
They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day that lot went out of sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.
Verse 30, even so, will it be in the day when the son of man is revealed.
That’s the second coming. So what do we know about the past?
We need to know about Noah, the days of Noah. Very important.
So mark it down in your bibles in your note taking. Job chapter 38. Buckle up.
Put your mouthpiece in. Strap your helmet on. Here we go.
Job 38, beginning of verse 3, the oldest book in the Bible, and one of the oldest books in all the world.
Job 38 verse 3. Now prepare yourself like a man, and I will question you, and you shall answer me.
That’s god speaking to Joe. Poor Job. I mean, poor job. He’s got a star spinning around his head.
He’s he’s had a rough time. And now god says, be like a man.
Listen to me. Poor guys.
Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me.
If you have understanding who determined its measurements surely, you know, or who’s stretched the line upon it?
To what were its foundations fastened?
That means the earth is suspended in upon nothing, or who laid its cornerstone when the morning stars sang together, mark that down in your notes.
The morning stars singed together, and the sons of god shouted for joy.
God is saying to Job, in all of creation in that moment when it happened.
Tell me how I did it. If you think you know so much, Job, explain it to me.
Oh, and by the way, it was such an amazing thing that I did in those days of creation that the stars rejoiced and the sons of god saying praises.
So Job answer me, if you think you know so much.
The word the sons of god is the Hebrew word, Benai Elohim, sons of god.
Why is that important? It refers to angels.
Only in the Old Testament, only angels, When god created the angels sang, and they rejoiced.
But something went terribly wrong at some point in eternity past.
Isaiah 14 verse 9.
So this is a 3700, 2000.
This is a 2000 seven fifty year old prophecy, and god is gonna let us in on something.
Churchill, are you ready for this? Are you guys are are you are you guys with me?
Okay. I worked really hard for this.
I hell from beneath is excited about you.
To meet you at your coming, it stirs up the dead for you, all the chief ones of the earth, It has raised up from their thrones, all the kings of the nations.
They all shall speak and say to you, Have you also become as weak as we?
Have you become like us, your pump, pride? Is brought down to hell to sheol.
And the sound of your stringed instruments worship, the maggot is spread under you.
And worms cover you, how you are fallen from heaven, Olucifer, sun of the morning, how you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations.
For you, have said in your heart, listen up, everybody. Notice pride, proud.
You have said in your heart. This is what Satan said.
This is how you get thrown out of heaven. I will ascend into heaven.
I will exalt my throne above the stars of god.
I also or will also sit on the mount of the congregation of the furthest sides of the north.
That’s the chief seat. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most high.
Wow. Yet you shall be brought down to sheol to the lowest depths of the pit.
Who are we talking about?
Satan, Lucifer, there’s one verse that is the nucleus behind all attempts of deception.
All of them. All the cults are explained in this one verse.
All of these alien weird things, which I believe are demons and fallen angels, this explains it, where our culture is today, just marrying the cultures of the past, breakup of the home, abortion, luteness, all of this stuff, it’s all happened in the past.
This one verse, Genesis 315. The greatest prophecy in the Bible, everybody.
God says, I will put empathy between you. He’s speaking to Satan.
I will put empathy between you, Satan, and the woman eve.
And between your sperma and her sperma is the word. Really? He isn’t this interesting.
First of all, women don’t have that. Only men do.
In this one verse is is acknowledged and announced that the Messiah would come clean, pure, through a woman.
Notice the capital s. It’s a reference to the deity of Christ. Watch this.
He whoever he is, we know it’s Jesus, shall the wording in Hebrew is crush your head, and you will crush his heel.
The English puts the word brewers. That’s not strong enough. By the way, watch this.
To what would you rather have? A crushed heel or a crushed head?
One you’re gonna limp away with, and the other, you’re dead.
Notice the Bible says that Satan is gonna get his head crushed in by the messiah who’s gonna come from the woman who satan tried to manipulate to taint.
Is it possible? I believe it is that from Genesis 315. This was the announcement. Messiah will come.
And from that moment on, Satan has been, uh, held bent on destroying not only the human race, but males in particular, and notice that in Egypt and in Israel kill the firstborn males.
And then we end with this.
When god made Adam, he made him out of the dust of the earth, and Adam was nothing but dirt.
Until something happened, the Bible says that god breathed into Adam, and he became a living soul.
That’s when he got consciousness. Could it be that the Bible says that there’s gonna come a time when a machine is going to be created?
That a man who has religious powers over the earth who is a servant friend bedfellow to another guy who controls the government and economies of the world called the Antichrist, that this one will have a statue that is mechanized But it says that power will be given to it so that it would both breathe and speak, and it’s a machine.
It’s AI looking like it has a consciousness, I’m going to submit to you today, and I run the risk of being labeled as a lunatic, that A demon will possess that machine.
Something of another world will try to intermingle.
Why do I say that?
Because the Bible says it. Daniel chapter 2 verse 40.
And the 4th kingdom shall be as strong as iron.
Daniel has shown the kingdoms of the world, and the last one at the end has yet to arise.
And as much as iron breaks in pieces and shatters everything, and like iron that crushes the kingdom, will break in pieces and crush all the others, whereas You saw the feet and toes partly of potters clay.
He this is Daniel’s image. He saw the vision and partly of iron. The kingdom shall be divided.
Remember, this is the last world governing empire that hasn’t happened yet. It’s gonna be divided, though.
Yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, but as you saw, the iron mixed with ceramic clay and as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay.
So the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. Here it is. Versus 43.
As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the sperm of man, the seed of man.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are living at time that we need to make sure we know our bibles.
When people say it worked, did you see the news coming out of England about those flying things, you need to be able to say, sure did.
I believe they’re satanic. I believe they’re demonic. Oh, but they mean no harm.
You, my friend, should listen to a sermon I heard at a church service.
It’s part of the grand deception. We’re living in an amazing age.
I hope you know your Bible.
Well, listen, in Southern California, as you leave the Los Angeles Basin, you drive up uh, some pretty steep mountains to leave the LA area as you’re heading north, and you go through what is, uh, known as the Grapevine or the Tehachapi mountains.
And once you reach the peak and depending upon what time of the year it could be snowing, uh, could be a very, very crazy weather compared to the valley of California.
And sometimes it looks like a a vast ocean Uh, it’s it’s fog as far as you can see just off the ground.
You can’t see buildings, you can’t see trees.
And as you make your descent, heading north, it’s a very odd thing because all of a sudden you begin to see the atmosphere around you.
Get a little dense. Then you gotta turn on your wiper blades.
You enter into this fog a little bit more.
Until listen, it’s so deceptive that all of a sudden tragically every year, you hit the back end of a car It happens every time.
Sometimes the car accidents, they’re in 50, a100, a 150 cars. What’s happened? It’s called Tule FOG.
It’s very deadly, very dangerous, and it forms in an instant.
You go from sunshine into a very, very seductive, deceiving fog.
And you and I live at a time like that, friends, you and I need to know god’s truth like never before to keep us from getting into such an accident as that’s in the spiritual realm.
So listen. Always, my friends. Check us out at jackibs.com.
Much more tea in there for you, and we just wanna see you grow with Jesus all along the way.
So thank you. God bless you. Stand strong. Stay in the word.
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Welcome to real life radio with Jack Gibbs.
God’s words, whoever will return void, God’s word is spirit, it’s power, and it has its effects.
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Your gift will be faithfully put to work because it’s our desire that through Jesus Christ, you will know real life.
Are you gonna arrive on time? Kind of a world? Things have been broken.
Broken trust broken relationships, broken agreements, broken contracts. What in the world is going on? What’s happening?
And I think for most believers, and you don’t to be a believer.
I don’t think you have to be a believer to begin to discern that these are different kinds of days in which we’re living in.
All the way down to just getting service at a restaurant to a business contract or the buying of house.
Nothing seems to be the same anymore. What’s up? Well, what’s up is an age of deception.
None of us who know our bibles are surprised.
In fact, when in the last, I don’t know, 3 to 5 years, there was this constant shifting and constant, uh, idea of opinions and expertise being floated out to us.
I don’t think anybody that I know personally was moved by any of these things.
It’s just, well, let’s see what god’s doing. Let’s see what his word has to say.
To us in light of what’s happened in the world around us.
And so we navigated the world, and we do navigate the world around us through the Bible, the word of God.
God’s truth. And to do that is to stay in the word, and it is to build for yourself protection.
It is wise to build protection around your home as it were a structure of truth.
Mom’s, dads, husband’s wives, you should surround your home with the word of god.
We are living in the days of deception. Our heads are spinning.
The cloud and fog is around us. It doesn’t have to be that way.
If you know God’s truth, let his words shine it’s light upon the path and lamp of the feet of which you are walking in this world for his glory.
Let’s grab our Bibles. And see what god has to say to us.
Efusion 612 says for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood.
They’re not your attention. We don’t fight against human things.
But against principalities, these are orders of invisible powers.
Principalities against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age. Isn’t it amazing against spiritual hosts of wickedness?
There are ranks and there are our orders and levels of demonic authority based upon some, what, meanness, some attributes that they possess, we don’t know.
But this we know from the Bible that you and I are the targets. Deceiving spirits.
These are real actual entities that are invisible. They’re in the Bible. They’re for real.
And you wanna stay away from things that are known as entries.
Uh, don’t commission any of you or desire interview to do this, but when you study biblical demonology, And, uh, as you get into it, there’s a facet of what is known as entries, things that open the door to demonic activity, hallucinogenic drugs, by the way, are are one of them or part of them.
Right. And other things, uh, uh, incantations, Ouija boards as as strange as it is. Weegee board.
Oh, hell, harmless is that. Didn’t Hasbro make the weed health bets.
Has nothing to do with Hasbro friends or Mattel or whoever made it. Seances. We’re just goofing off.
Listen, the demonic world is not goofing off. It is real.
And for those of you who think it’s not real, it’s to deny the very word of god.
Jesus said it’s real. Deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, teachings, the word means teachings of demons.
The Bible tells us that in the last days, demons are gonna be teaching people.
Well, how am I gonna know the truth?
Judge everything you hear against the word of god.
But listen. Jesus said in the last days, great deception is coming.
And by the way, I believe Christ is coming soon. I’m, uh, just for the record, I’m a pre millennialist.
Uh, futurist, pretribilationist, literalist. What does that mean?
That means I believe that this book says exactly what it says means exactly what it means.
I believe that for the church, Christ could come back at any moment. I hope it’s right now.
Or now or maybe now.
And I believe that god has a special place for Israel just as he promised.
I believe that god is gonna fulfill his word.
Just as he did in the past, he’s gonna fulfill what’s ahead and what remains.
But if we’re starting to see things like this, now remember, the 7 years of the great tribulation period is a time of profound deception where many of these things will be brought, uh, to their maturity in the areas of deception, uh, people preaching messages, and doing miracles, but they’re demonically empowered.
They’re demonically energized. So, look, I mentioned to you last week, people got up and walked out because this message was a little bit too direct.
And then it got me thinking, my goodness, my goodness.
What happens if down the street to uh, tonight or tomorrow. Somebody’s preaching.
Some really bizarre message, but he’s able to heal. Everyone who comes forward.
This church would be half the size that it is next week.
He said, that’s a mean thing to say.
Jesus said to his disciples, will you also go away from me?
And Satan knows that we’re suckers for signs and wonders.
Oh, but I what he’s saying is weird. It’s just weird, but did you see what happened?
You see how this plays out?
Jesus said there’s gonna be a time like this that if it were possible, even his own very elect would be deceived.
So for seeing things like this now, how much closer as the coming of the lord for the church.
And Luke chapter 21 verse 28, the Bible says, Jesus is speaking.
Now when these things begin to happen, Look up. Lift up your heads because your redemption draws near.
You know what that word means? Be ready. Now be ready. So church here it is.
Our second argument, it’s this. It’s what has the world observed in times past Why is that important?
First of all, everybody history is important. You know why we’re so messed up as a culture?
We’re not teaching history anymore. If I was a dictator of education in the United States of America, you know what I would do, I’d make sure that all history teachers are the most skilled and the best.
You can give math to some boring guy.
All the other courses you can be but when you come to history, How can it not be incredibly exciting and enthusiastic just by nature?
Your spine. You are looking. You’re gazing into events that unfolded in time has gone by.
You get to look at how they lost that battle or why they won that battle.
You get to look at the rise and fall of nations, and not only that, but what drove them?
What motivated them? And you’ll find that every culture of the world that what motivated them was a religious foundation.
They had a religious belief system. Even atheism today has a religious faith system.
Luke chapter 17 verse 22. Luke 1722. These are the words of Jesus.
Then he said to his disciples, the days will come when you will desire to see 1 of the days of the son of man.
Another, it’s kinda like where we live now. Lord, come, and you will not see it.
And they will say to you, look here, or look there, do not go after them or follow them, for as lightning that flashes out of one part under heaven shines to the other part under heaven.
So also, the son of man will be in his day. That’s the reference of the second coming.
Every I will see him. Not the rapture. This is different. This is at the 7 year tribulation end.
Verse 25. But first, he must suffer. Now, he goes into the time at hand. He’s speaking to them.
Verse 25, but first, he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.
And as it was in the days of who? Noah?
So it will be in the days of the son of man.
They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered the arc.
And the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, so here comes another example.
So as I’m reading, the big deal is regarding the last days, I need to know about the days of NOAA.
Anything else? Oh, yes. Verse 28, likewise, as it was also in the days of lot. Lot.
So log in Noah are big deals in understanding the end time events. K?
They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day that lot went out of sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.
Verse 30, even so, will it be in the day when the son of man is revealed.
That’s the second coming. So what do we know about the past?
We need to know about Noah, the days of Noah. Very important.
So mark it down in your bibles in your note taking. Job chapter 38. Buckle up.
Put your mouthpiece in. Strap your helmet on. Here we go.
Job 38, beginning of verse 3, the oldest book in the Bible, and one of the oldest books in all the world.
Job 38 verse 3. Now prepare yourself like a man, and I will question you, and you shall answer me.
That’s god speaking to Joe. Poor Job. I mean, poor job. He’s got a star spinning around his head.
He’s he’s had a rough time. And now god says, be like a man.
Listen to me. Poor guys.
Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me.
If you have understanding who determined its measurements surely, you know, or who’s stretched the line upon it?
To what were its foundations fastened?
That means the earth is suspended in upon nothing, or who laid its cornerstone when the morning stars sang together, mark that down in your notes.
The morning stars singed together, and the sons of god shouted for joy.
God is saying to Job, in all of creation in that moment when it happened.
Tell me how I did it. If you think you know so much, Job, explain it to me.
Oh, and by the way, it was such an amazing thing that I did in those days of creation that the stars rejoiced and the sons of god saying praises.
So Job answer me, if you think you know so much.
The word the sons of god is the Hebrew word, Benai Elohim, sons of god.
Why is that important? It refers to angels.
Only in the Old Testament, only angels, When god created the angels sang, and they rejoiced.
But something went terribly wrong at some point in eternity past.
Isaiah 14 verse 9.
So this is a 3700, 2000.
This is a 2000 seven fifty year old prophecy, and god is gonna let us in on something.
Churchill, are you ready for this? Are you guys are are you are you guys with me?
Okay. I worked really hard for this.
I hell from beneath is excited about you.
To meet you at your coming, it stirs up the dead for you, all the chief ones of the earth, It has raised up from their thrones, all the kings of the nations.
They all shall speak and say to you, Have you also become as weak as we?
Have you become like us, your pump, pride? Is brought down to hell to sheol.
And the sound of your stringed instruments worship, the maggot is spread under you.
And worms cover you, how you are fallen from heaven, Olucifer, sun of the morning, how you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations.
For you, have said in your heart, listen up, everybody. Notice pride, proud.
You have said in your heart. This is what Satan said.
This is how you get thrown out of heaven. I will ascend into heaven.
I will exalt my throne above the stars of god.
I also or will also sit on the mount of the congregation of the furthest sides of the north.
That’s the chief seat. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most high.
Wow. Yet you shall be brought down to sheol to the lowest depths of the pit.
Who are we talking about?
Satan, Lucifer, there’s one verse that is the nucleus behind all attempts of deception.
All of them. All the cults are explained in this one verse.
All of these alien weird things, which I believe are demons and fallen angels, this explains it, where our culture is today, just marrying the cultures of the past, breakup of the home, abortion, luteness, all of this stuff, it’s all happened in the past.
This one verse, Genesis 315. The greatest prophecy in the Bible, everybody.
God says, I will put empathy between you. He’s speaking to Satan.
I will put empathy between you, Satan, and the woman eve.
And between your sperma and her sperma is the word. Really? He isn’t this interesting.
First of all, women don’t have that. Only men do.
In this one verse is is acknowledged and announced that the Messiah would come clean, pure, through a woman.
Notice the capital s. It’s a reference to the deity of Christ. Watch this.
He whoever he is, we know it’s Jesus, shall the wording in Hebrew is crush your head, and you will crush his heel.
The English puts the word brewers. That’s not strong enough. By the way, watch this.
To what would you rather have? A crushed heel or a crushed head?
One you’re gonna limp away with, and the other, you’re dead.
Notice the Bible says that Satan is gonna get his head crushed in by the messiah who’s gonna come from the woman who satan tried to manipulate to taint.
Is it possible? I believe it is that from Genesis 315. This was the announcement. Messiah will come.
And from that moment on, Satan has been, uh, held bent on destroying not only the human race, but males in particular, and notice that in Egypt and in Israel kill the firstborn males.
And then we end with this.
When god made Adam, he made him out of the dust of the earth, and Adam was nothing but dirt.
Until something happened, the Bible says that god breathed into Adam, and he became a living soul.
That’s when he got consciousness. Could it be that the Bible says that there’s gonna come a time when a machine is going to be created?
That a man who has religious powers over the earth who is a servant friend bedfellow to another guy who controls the government and economies of the world called the Antichrist, that this one will have a statue that is mechanized But it says that power will be given to it so that it would both breathe and speak, and it’s a machine.
It’s AI looking like it has a consciousness, I’m going to submit to you today, and I run the risk of being labeled as a lunatic, that A demon will possess that machine.
Something of another world will try to intermingle.
Why do I say that?
Because the Bible says it. Daniel chapter 2 verse 40.
And the 4th kingdom shall be as strong as iron.
Daniel has shown the kingdoms of the world, and the last one at the end has yet to arise.
And as much as iron breaks in pieces and shatters everything, and like iron that crushes the kingdom, will break in pieces and crush all the others, whereas You saw the feet and toes partly of potters clay.
He this is Daniel’s image. He saw the vision and partly of iron. The kingdom shall be divided.
Remember, this is the last world governing empire that hasn’t happened yet. It’s gonna be divided, though.
Yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, but as you saw, the iron mixed with ceramic clay and as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay.
So the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. Here it is. Versus 43.
As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the sperm of man, the seed of man.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are living at time that we need to make sure we know our bibles.
When people say it worked, did you see the news coming out of England about those flying things, you need to be able to say, sure did.
I believe they’re satanic. I believe they’re demonic. Oh, but they mean no harm.
You, my friend, should listen to a sermon I heard at a church service.
It’s part of the grand deception. We’re living in an amazing age.
I hope you know your Bible.
Well, listen, in Southern California, as you leave the Los Angeles Basin, you drive up uh, some pretty steep mountains to leave the LA area as you’re heading north, and you go through what is, uh, known as the Grapevine or the Tehachapi mountains.
And once you reach the peak and depending upon what time of the year it could be snowing, uh, could be a very, very crazy weather compared to the valley of California.
And sometimes it looks like a a vast ocean Uh, it’s it’s fog as far as you can see just off the ground.
You can’t see buildings, you can’t see trees.
And as you make your descent, heading north, it’s a very odd thing because all of a sudden you begin to see the atmosphere around you.
Get a little dense. Then you gotta turn on your wiper blades.
You enter into this fog a little bit more.
Until listen, it’s so deceptive that all of a sudden tragically every year, you hit the back end of a car It happens every time.
Sometimes the car accidents, they’re in 50, a100, a 150 cars. What’s happened? It’s called Tule FOG.
It’s very deadly, very dangerous, and it forms in an instant.
You go from sunshine into a very, very seductive, deceiving fog.
And you and I live at a time like that, friends, you and I need to know god’s truth like never before to keep us from getting into such an accident as that’s in the spiritual realm.
So listen. Always, my friends. Check us out at jackibs.com.
Much more tea in there for you, and we just wanna see you grow with Jesus all along the way.
So thank you. God bless you. Stand strong. Stay in the word.
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Welcome to real life radio with Jack Gibbs.
God’s words, whoever will return void, God’s word is spirit, it’s power, and it has its effects.
God did not give us a Bible prophecy to scare us, but to pre Paris.
You are the light of the world Jesus said. You are the salt of the earth. How does that happen?
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