Jack Hibbs Today: BANNED?

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Pastor Jack and special guest, Karen England, from Capitol Resource Institute sit down to discuss the sexually explicit and pornographic books that are plaguing our public school systems. Do “banned books” really exist in our public schools? You may be surprised to find out that this isn’t only a problem in liberal cities, but that many of these books are often available in conservative school districts as well. What can you do? Listen in to be armed with information on how to find out if this is an issue in your school district and what you can do about it. THIS EPISODE IS NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN.

Hey, everybody. You’re gonna wanna catch this podcast.
I’ve got a stack of porn in front of me, and we’re gonna dive into it with our very special guests.
Stay tuned. Uh, you must see this episode of our real life podcast.
Real life presents the Jack Gibbs podcast.
With intention and boldness to proclaim truth equip the saints and impact our culture.
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Now open your hearts to what god’s word has to say to you. Here is Jack Gibbs.
Well, everybody, welcome to today’s podcast.
And, um, like never before, we need to give you maybe numerous times warnings, warnings, disclaimers, the material that you are about to hear will be shocking.
It will be pornographic. It will be um, dangerous to young ears.
We are going to take on the great trending issue of how to mentally, uh, molest your children in the public school system, thereby setting them up for the day of actual physical molestation to get them to think it’s okay to go through the uh, horrific abuse of rape in the name of education or rape in the name of this is the way it is.
Or aberrant, bizarre sexuality. Let me insert this before I introduce our guest.
And, what it all means here real quick in scripture.
Number 1 is remember this that the Bible says in the last days before Christ returns and before the world is plunged into absolute bizarre darkness.
The Bible says that we will have to contend with doctrines of demons doctrines of demons, doctrines.
So the word doctrine means teachings of demons and spiritual wickedness. Okay?
Now for those things to manifest themselves, okay, and for invisible entities to show themselves, they use human beings.
And they have humans, uh, promote their doctrine. Jesus warned us about this.
The Bible warned us about this.
But also this, Jesus said, if you offend a child, the the littlest and the least defensive of these, It will be better for you if you would have been either drowned in the depths of the sea or that you would have never been born than in the day of judgment.
Can I put it in modern day 21st century words?
Jesus said, if you abuse a child in a child’s innocence, any way, shape, or form, It would have been better for you to never to even had life itself because I’m gonna deal with you personally before the universe as a witness.
Pedophiles. You name it. Child molesters. You name it.
But the attack has broadened beyond.
What we would have thought was in was a once in a while crime perpetrated against a child.
Now state tax dollars, your tax dollars, federal tax dollars are funding What I do believe is this.
The resurrection of ancient pagan religions being lived out in our school boards and in our city councils and in our school board, uh, education system today.
Because it’s always after the children, always, and it’s always pornographic.
It’s been that way for the last 5000 years and you’re gonna see how the idols have been resurrected, how those ancient ishtar Babylonian type idols have come back.
I have with us not only a very dear friend, but I’m so happy to report to you guys for years.
Wherever there’s a fight, If I get a call, Jack, fly here, go there, show up quick, move.
This is what’s happening somewhere. When I show up, there’s Karen England. She got there before I did.
We have with us Karen England who is a hero in my hearts and my mind and in my soul, she is a warrior.
She may be little, but she packs an overwhelming punch. Why? Because she is a trafficker in truth.
She’s all about truth. She’s all about what’s right, and she is out fighting for your children.
And, uh, Karen England is the president of the Capitol Resource Institute. And it started in California. Hey.
Here’s some good news. It started in California a great thing, and now it’s nationally a great thing.
It’s throughout the nation. So, Karen, welcome to the program, and we’re so glad to have you.
And, um, I I’m actually now gonna pretty sit back and let you do what you must do to inform people and listen friends Don’t you dare turn this off?
Make sure there’s no young ears around and young eyes around.
We’re gonna tell you things we’re gonna show you things that are pornographic.
And if you don’t like that, if you’re too saintly to handle that and you’re just gonna draw your while your child gets mentally molested at school.
Okay. There’s something very wrong with you and being complicit to what is happening to your child.
So why don’t you just, you know, man up for a moment or woman up for a moment?
Let’s go to battle. Let’s find out what your kids are learning.
Uh, and the school is intent and committed to making sure you don’t know what Karen is about to tell you.
So Karen, Let it go.
Well, thank you, Pastor Jack, for giving me the platform so that I can let parents know about this as well as the very kind words.
A lot of people have been watching on the news how parents are getting up and reading at school board meetings.
The really graph content often too graphic to even the school board wants to stop them.
One thing that parents don’t know is that several years ago, over 40 states when obscenity laws came about that considers these things obscene, state legislatures went in and they did an exemption on obscenity to public libraries, public schools, and universities.
And so this stuff is perfectly legal.
So a lot of times I see people go and they read the obscenity laws at the school board meeting, or I’ve seen a congressional uh, representatives send a letter to the school board about the obscene laws.
Well, they’re exempt from them. They’re protected. Yeah. They’re protected.
That doesn’t mean you can’t remove them, but you can’t remove them just because there’s a law about obscenity.
There’s a process you have to go through.
And so that’s that’s one thing that I think a lot of people are missing out there in the battle.
And so and I think the left loves it because everyone’s going down this road on on the obscenity and trying to get their DA involved, and there’s an exemption on this.
And and the left wants that. They want you focused on something else.
So sorry. Real quick. These exemptions came into power by how and by whom?
State legislatures. Uh, California is, uh, by would have to look at the actual date of California, but, uh, Nevada, Tennessee.
I mean, they’re they’re all over. Red state, blue states. Over 40 states have exemption.
So voting matters.
Voting absolutely matters. And once they get in, um, I wanna talk I’m gonna talk about how these are all over red states, not just blue states, but red states.
Florida, some of these books are in Miami, Florida. You know, people are are saying, how can this b.
Oh, we’ve gotta move out of California and go to Florida, but it’s equally perverse.
Oh, yeah.
A lot of people don’t know, though. They’ve they’ve they’ve been logged into sleep thinking who?
I’m out of California, and they just went from the fire to another fire or even
They do. And and you’ve heard me. What happens California doesn’t stay in California, including me.
And so, um, this stuff is being transferred everywhere.
And it’s something I think, is really unknown because the media is so busy, uh, saying we want to ban re books on race or the Holocaust.
That isn’t what we’re trying to do.
We want to curate books and we wanna make sure minors aren’t accessing erotica and our school districts are not buying these books, which they are, that’s money that could go into the classroom, could go to the teacher.
But, listen, before we go into somebody might be thinking, So banning books, banning books, good, bad.
We need to think about that. Let me ask you. And I ask for ignorance. I haven’t checked.
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. Is that banned in schools or not?
Uh, no. It’s in the it’s in the schools.
So so are a lot of the books how to build a bomb.
So true. So, uh, all you all you, uh, crazy knuckle dragging neanderthal Christians when to do his banned books, Um, so what they’re saying is, uh, you if you’re anti Semitism’s wrong, But you can read Mein Kampf.
Yeah. Um, we’re not trying to indoctrinate your kids in sexual things, but you have to read this?
Oh, absolutely. And one of the questions I often get is, well, where are these books? And are they assigned?
You know, do kids have to read them?
A lot of the AP and honors English, especially in freshman classes, these are a lot of the books that are being, um, assigned to them.
It’s a matter fact, there was a red state red county last year that the the assignment was they gave them an entire list of banned books and asked them to first to go through those and and decide which ones they wanted to read and do their book report on.
Now we uncovered it and they, um, they backed up a little bit But these were kids that were doing reports on this graphic pornographic.
You know, this this band book thing, I wanna talk about that. Do we have playboy playboy ban?
Is that a bad thing? We don’t have playboy in our in our public schools, nor should we.
That’s what this stuff is like. And, you know, who’s the ultimate banner, the librarian, because you know what happens?
The librarian gets books and they decide what goes in and what doesn’t. But are we calling them book banners?
No. No. It’s called curating. And parents are getting a bad rap because they want to curate And they wanna make sure that porn isn’t right down the hall from our kids with our tax dollars.
That is all these parents are trying to do. They are trying say, hey.
I don’t want our innocent, our our kids, hearts, and minds raped with this kind of information.
I hope you are really saying this, hey, mom and dad, um, your kid has access to all of this stuff and they’re being encouraged to read it.
I know, Karen England, I know that if you hear this podcast today and what we’re gonna expose to you, you’re gonna go do something about it.
You’re going to go rescue your child.
You’re gonna make a big stink at your local school or district, but you’re gonna get involved.
I I I can’t imagine Karen after you give what you’re gonna give, parents turning a blind eye to this.
I I hope not. I know that that we recently launched a website takebacktheclassroom.com, and we are putting every single school district in the nation and a list of the books along with excerpts from the books so that we can help equip parents.
Now right now, we’ve got 11 states up there, but it’s equally divided between red and blue, you would be shocked.
These books here, every one of these books is in a the reddest Red County Redest of Red State.
I’ve confirmed it. We have it on the website. We show exactly what school district it’s in.
Most of these books are in most school districts. Again, we’ve gone through we’re we’re every day.
We’re adding school districts to our list.
And these are the these are common books that are in all of our libraries.
This one push, I have to say one of my this has been around for about 20 years.
I’ve got a a young mom who’s on staff with me who went to the high school in her in her local town.
This was the book 10 years ago that everybody was going and checking
No. What what’s what’s push? What what
oh, push is a a really graphic book. Pornographic rape erotica.
I’m just trying to there’s so much to uh, it’s, uh, incest, I’m I’ll just do a little reading.
Please. Yes. Listen. Pamper.
Mama can’t fit into the bathtub no more. Go sleep. Go sleep. Go it’s awful, not very well written.
I tell myself, mama’s hand, creepy spider up my leg in my pussy. God, please. Thank you.
God, I say as I fall asleep. That’s incest.
Yeah. Yeah. That’s incest. Absolutely.
Uh, let’s see. Um, daddy put his pee pee smelling thing in my mouth, my pussy, but never hold me.
Yeah. So listen, people, this is what your kids are exposed to, but you
don’t know what it is. I’ve been knowing about that since I was 5 or 6.
Maybe I always known about pussy and dick. I can’t remember not knowing.
Here you go. Public school. And this explains why our kids are idiots in in the international world scene of education.
Yeah. The 1 and and Senator Kennedy made waves. The, um, all boys aren’t blue.
This is a very common one.
Make sure everybody sees that
blue cover. Yes. So all boys aren’t blue.
Uh, this is in a lot of high schools in another Red County red state.
This is in a junior high.
And right before I came on this podcast, I went and I looked, and it’s checked out.
You can see most of these books, you can see when they’re checked out.
And this is this is checked out. Then they start reading it
and Well, it’s gotta be great though, Karen. It’s a New York Times
Yeah. Aren’t they all?
Selling book here.
Yes. And, uh,
yeah, this one. Oh, yes. Here we have. We have this is, um, yeah.
They’re they’re all they’re all award winning. Remarkable. It’s crazy.
It’s absolutely crazy.
So keep going. I I take my kid to school, and I think the school has my child’s best interest in mind, and I’ll pick them up in 6 or 7 or 8 hours.
And, um, they enter the classroom on one day, and they’re gonna be hearing things and being taught things such as
such as, um, well, let’s let’s do a new book that we’ve uncovered, and it’s for children.
This is for elementary school, and I’m gonna read.
I I read this a little earlier, and this is just frightening. This is grooming our children.
If you care about sex trafficking, You need to care about what’s going on because these books, I assure you, your local school, has these your public library absolutely has these, whether you’re a red state or a blue state, and that’s why we cover red and blue state.
You are not safe and in, I the William Wilberforce quote.
After today’s show, you cannot say you did not know. You you cannot turn a blind eye.
I’m trying to sound the alarm Organization will help you get these removed. So let’s see.
Why can’t young children have sex? Again, this is a this is a book for young children.
Cartoons. Very, very cleverly put together.
Your your child may find this.
This is a newer book that is just getting on the scene and in school districts, including RED County, um, RED State, another one of those.
Why can’t young children have sex?
Children don’t yet desire sex or sexual intercourse and their bodies are not ready for sex.
It’s only later when you’re a teenager or later still as an adult and that you feel the desire for sex.
Here here we go. But many kids do like to cuddle or tickle one another under the blanket There are plenty of different ways to show affection to each other.
Some sexual pleasure.
This is fine and a good way to get to know your own body and how and where you like to be touched.
These are things you can share when you are older and ready to be sexual with other people.
What does this do to a a young kid who’s uncles molesting them?
It’s it’s it’s all acceptable.
Yeah. And this is a new one.
So if you’re in a new school, uh-uh, I’ve got a Red County where this this is at a a brand new school.
This is just on the cutting edge. So it may not be everywhere yet, but it’s on its way. Yep.
And so that That is that wasn’t even the graphic stuff, but that was when I read that and saw it was it was total grooming.
How harmful is to to little kids.
And I can see adult pervert using that on kids reading it, having this book.
Yeah. That’s right.
Yeah. It’s it’s crazy. So, yeah, I wanna, uh, in again, I wanna say, uh, take back the classroom .com.
The other thing that we’re doing is because you probably don’t believe all of this.
And so we’re we have free printable PDFs of all the books.
So hold that as still as you can and Sean’s gonna kinda tick take a look at that.
This is your kids are are having access to this.
Mom and dad uh, caretaker, grandma, grandpa, whoever you might be, they have access to this.
They’re look and by the way, the curiosity of a child and what they’re doing in it’s gonna drive them to this.
And, um, anyway.
Yeah. And so so they they do that.
And then, you know, just porn, there there’s a reason our kids are getting access to it.
You know, it’s not like you’re finding the the magazine in the field on the way home.
It’s right down hall. It’s it’s, uh, in in your public library.
I mean, I can’t tell you how many parents have their kids.
They come home with picture books from the public public library.
And once they start really looking at it, they’re like, oh my gosh. I had no idea this was there.
There’s a book that’s very popular in elementary schools bathhouse.
And it’s about, um, tradition and the Asian tradition of of mom, moms and daughters, or um, moms and kids bathing together.
And the left will say, oh, well, this is just cultural appropriation, and that’s why we need to have it.
We’ll know in America when minors pick up a book and it’s got adult
With kids, not even all in the same family, in a big pool naked,
That is not what kid the message kids are getting.
And so I don’t know why we need to be covering that in kindergarten anyway, and it’s called the bathhouse.
I mean, again, they’re so slight because Satan is very crafty in how they do this.
The other thing that I think is really important that we’ve discovered that a lot schools.
Um, these 2 authors. 1 is Ellen Hopkins, and these are series of books.
These are books that you would not know. These are the most common everywhere.
And as a matter of fact, the criticism is it’s heterosexual and white.
Um, but there’s a whole series of them. So
I don’t know if you can see the title, everybody. It’s called Trix.
Yes. Oh, and and this is the one this is, yeah, this is about, uh, prostitution.
And and I was kind of upset because they had the age of consent wrong on California.
And I thought, can’t the author just Google teacher consent.
Um, I can’t feel my mouth or nose, but other parts of my body are begging to be touched.
Lucas indulges them too in his hand in his mouth. I love how he kisses.
Love how his fingers move over my body. Everything is hard. Everything is warm. I mean, I could go on.
Public school. Public school very these are very, very common.
And then this entire court, the this entire series is, um, in in almost every single public school.
And I don’t think a lot of people know about those in, in all honesty, I I hate to give Educats and librarians extra grace, but I I think on these 2, they just think it’s a a book and everyone’s telling them to get them.
And I don’t think they even know on those. Seriously. And they’re poorly written too. If I
If you that’s no longer
Yeah. That doesn’t matter.
That’s no longer
a standard. Award, probably.
That’s no longer a standard. If you walked by and you saw this book entitled, there’s there’s nothing that you would think is of child perversion Yeah.
And grooming.
No. You wouldn’t. And and so again, that’s why we have the PDFs.
And one thing that we’re doing is we are not just taking a passage.
We are doing and we show in our PDFs beginning, middle, and end.
So it’s not just one rape scene.
This, we are only covering the worst of the worst, but they’re everywhere, Pastor Jack.
They’re everywhere in every public school. And some of these are even in elementary and middle school.
And so parents, you have to be you’re the only one that’s gonna protect your kids from this because the schools and the librarians think these are okay.
I I read this book in a in a Red County at a school board meeting.
They tried to stop me.
Yeah. Yeah. Makes everybody grabbed. Listen to this. Listen to this. Please grab this.
So this book is one of the most common books in school districts all over the nation.
And I started to read it in a school board meeting in a Red County, and they tried to stop me from reading it.
And I said, you’ve proved this book. This is this is, yeah, this is in the school.
So I don’t think you want a 1st amendment issue. You just don’t want me reading this.
And that that’s kind of the amendment issue. Still, the I did this on July 25th.
This book is still in the Red County in the Red School District. And people are checking it out.
That is what is going on.
I cannot, I, again, I cannot stress part of my passion and pastor Jack, when I just jumped at the opportunity to have this platform, people don’t know.
I know that they would start protecting their kids if they knew. This was going on.
You’re more hopeful than I am. I sure hope you’re right about that.
You know what? They don’t. I I had a I a lot of people have come to me and said, I didn’t know.
I have to tell you, I have, um, a mom in our in our school district where I live, literally, I had put a packet together for her, and I wrote at the top every single school that had this book and this book and this book.
She carries it in her purse.
So when she’s meeting with people, she’s like, look, this is at this middle school, this high school, this would it, you know, and and it just because that’s what it takes, and that’s why we did this because people don’t believe me.
That’s why going to take back the classroom.com is so important because we have the actual if you wanna hold up this one on is that one tricks or traffic or
which one is this traffic? Yeah.
Traffic. Okay. Yep. So we show you the excerpts from the book. We show you.
So you can decide if you think that’s appropriate for kids or not.
So if you know this and you don’t go check to see if these books are in your school, then you are complicit in allowing it to be there.
And you should care about the kids that are left in there that are don’t have engaged parents, inner city kids.
Those kids are already getting a lot of the wrong messages, and no one no one is A lot of people ask me, my my grandkids are homeschooled.
You know, why do I keep doing this? And, you know, it it is very dark.
No one is going to the school boards trying to help those kids.
We need to stand in the gap for those kids too. Not just our own pulling them out.
And those kids are gonna be our law our doctors. Well, our politicians.
Yeah. I don’t think so. But, yeah, here’s the reason why I don’t think so.
They’ll they won’t know how to spell.
That’s okay. Spell checked.
That’s true. There’s always a r. No.
I mean, our our our politicians so far okay with this because they haven’t really done anything.
Have they?
In in fact, I like I’ll I’m gonna jump on what you use brought up.
Here’s how here’s how, uh, apathetic and dead the church and or concerned concerned citizens are.
Hey, Karen. I saw the podcast And I called our local school district, and they said, um, well, this know, this is our authority.
This is our thing. We did this. It’s, uh, we’re the ones that are in control.
And so a parent I would think would say, um, I’m exempting my kid out of this class and or whatever the they’re gonna turn around and say, because that kid is a dollar sign.
Nothing but a walking dollar sign. They’re gonna somehow come back to the parent and say, you can’t do this.
You can’t expose this. You can’t talk about it. You can’t threaten this. Uh, you are you a Christian?
Oh, separation of church and state? You’re involving yourself in this.
The school system, by and large, pretty much believes that they own your child once they up on, uh, on the ground?
No. They do, and they think that the parents are the problem. So I’ll I’ll I love this little segue.
First of all, I don’t believe anything, a school um, official tells me even if they’re wearing a WWJD bracelet.
I I hate to say it, but I have found that to be my experience.
And and school districts will lie.
I’m I’m convinced that superintendents and teachers go to a special counseling last that tells them how to mislead parents.
The school district I was talking about that in a RED County that did the banned books week, they immediately came back and said, oh, was a mistake.
It was a 1st year teacher. Tell.
What’s the band book weeks?
Oh, okay. So the American Library Association, they promote band books week.
And that’s coming up the 1st week in October, and most school districts participate in most librarians, both in the public library and the public school library will put out a display of the banned books.
And in in this school district, they actually had a checklist.
So they’re
they’re encouraged you to read books.
So this is a pitch.
It’s a it’s
a it’s a premeditated, uh, certainly a curiosity hook Oh, these are banned books. Hey.
You wanna come and see the banned books? Yeah. Well, of course.
Well, and they’re right there front and center in the library.
And you’ll start see them this week in, yes, you’ll see it in bookstores.
You’ll see it in the in the public library, even in the little kids section, actually coming coming here, layover in Austin.
Took a picture of the book, all of the book.
You know, they had several of the books in the young adult section. It’s like they’re everywhere.
Uh, but, the band book tweaks.
The other thing they do is you can look on the internet, and then schools are really proud of it.
They they have you hold up the book, and they do they have this, like, mugshot background.
Now great question. If this is banned, how do I have it in my hand? Mhmm.
Uh, and easily got it off.
Oh, that that would take a thank you and Yes.
Absolutely. But back to the banned books, and so the lesson for this AP English class, um, a pastor and a congressman found out about it called the school the Christian principle, said, oh, we pulled the lesson.
It was on a 1st year student blah blah blah blah blah. So I sent out an email saying victory.
You know, we exposed this, first email back to me said they didn’t change the lesson.
They just removed the list of books. Off the website, off the Google doc. And they removed one book.
They then told a school board member that, oh, hey, Um, no, no, no, none of the banned books were read.
And I, and I was telling this board member, yes, they were. You know, we had long back and forth.
And I’m like, you can believe me or you can believe them. But I’m telling you it is not.
And if I do a public records request, we’re gonna have kids that did book reports on on the banned book.
2 months later, he finally came back to me and said, you are right.
So I said, so what is the consequence for them telling the entire public sending out an email telling a congressman, telling a pastor that this lesson was pulled.
What is the removal from office or removal from authority immediately. Absolutely nothing. We we, yeah, absolutely nothing.
Not even a a file and this teacher. This is a Red County and a Red state.
But twenty parents could show up to a board meeting and say, this Christian principle lie to us and we want him immediately extracted by the navy seals if necessary.
Well, yes. And, of course, you know me, Pastor Jack, I did it.
It was interesting because when I went to the school board meeting and I was gonna talk about it, he was there getting some, you know, awards with kids, and I felt the need as a believer.
I just sat I went up to him and I first time I met him, my husband knew him, and I said, I need you to know that I’m gonna be talking about you when I get up there.
And so I was like, just you just need to know because you lied.
Now whether he was lied to, I don’t know, but I know the public was lied to, and he’s the ultimate.
He’s the authority.
Exactly. And so I I I don’t say it lightly when I say that I just don’t believe school districts anymore and and that and you can’t.
And, it’s an easy stick your head in the sand if you do.
You need to really look into this.
Shouldn’t parents just start adopting across all these 50 states shouldn’t parents just start adopting some sort of a routine where hypothetically, let’s just pick on Los Angeles that, uh, some concerned parents there might let’s say there’s a 100 of them.
Um, the school board is what? Once a month? Twice. Twice a month?
Couldn’t out of the 100 of them say, hey, you take these dates. I’ll take these dates.
You take these dates. And we start auditing these meetings. And we just sit there. We’re quiet.
We either record or we write, and we start now making this information public.
If somebody did that, not gonna take many people.
No. Absolutely. I will tell you that we were able to get 2 books removed in in our local school district.
And it we had to go through the process, but the good news on that is that the process stinks.
And almost every state has a real and school district has a really process that the same people that put these books in are the ones that decide if they’re appropriate or not.
How convenient.
So we have a policy and and at takebacktheclassroom.com.
We have a uh, remove point in school’s toolkit, where we talk about the obscenity laws, we talk about there are first amendment issues So you have to be careful with what you challenge so you don’t end up in court.
And we have a model policy that legal has approved in our 1st school district.
I’m not gonna share where yet, but our 1st school district will be passing that in August in or, uh, in October.
What that policy says is the minute a book is challenged, it’s immediately removed by the principal.
And in 45 day within 45 days, the school board has to have a hearing on it.
So let’s say Tanner removed, they schedule a hearing.
If I read this and I find out a school board member votes to keep this a school with fourteen year olds.
Let’s camp.
I’m I’m running someone for office to get them out of
office. Campaigns.
Absolutely. Let them own it, tied around the Absolutely. And that is why we’re really, um, pleased with the policy.
We we we wrote and worked with some legal counsel on the specific policy because most of them, they they have a committee, and it includes the principal and teachers, and it’s all in secret.
And that’s what the American Library Association wants. So, again, our toolkit has a model policy.
You can adapt it for your local school district. No matter what state you’re in, we wanna help you.
That’s the way to get this exposed. Get these off the shelves when they’re challenged. And you know what?
People are gonna challenge the Bible. The left is gonna come in and challenge the Bible. Well, you know what?
First of all, I don’t think our kids are running in there reading the Bible.
But secondly, if it means getting rid of this smut, I I’m okay if if a Bible isn’t in the public school life.
No. No problem with that.
Yeah. No problem with that at all.
I wanna know that school board member too that that that says, yeah, let’s get the Bible out.
You know, they’ll they’ll come in and say, oh, so I’m Solomon. Yeah.
So Well, in California, we’ve become real big fans.
Uh, it took us too long to wake up to this, but when uh, some lunatic legislator has an idea and thinks that this should be a bill.
Um, we we were really big on having everybody know, hey, see that gal, see that guy?
They’re the inventor of X Y Z sex Yep.
And we will not stop blowing that horn because it’s a 100% biblical. Somebody might be thinking, oh my goodness.
I thought this was a Christian podcast. Yeah.
Is real Christianity in 2nd Corinthians 10 6 says, by our obedience to Christ, we’re to punish all disobedience.
Of evil that is around us. And you don’t see that happening anymore.
Although thank god for people like you care in England and what you’re doing, Um, what’s next?
You’ve got so much stuff.
Well, the the other one that I I I wanna talk about that really isn’t on any lists.
And this is one that we were able to get, um, taken out of the school in a red county in a red state, but this is this is common.
This is a newer one But the scary thing in with this book is and this, again, they they always get one one step ahead of us.
So at the end of every chapter, there are QR codes.
Now, when you go to this QR code, it takes you to a planned parenthood site.
A lot of them, like on the the how to have trans sex takes you to a site where you have to say you’re 18, and it is some of the, just disgusting pornographic stuff.
Like, what?
Um, like, strapped on body parts. Um, I mean, full on having sex naked bodies.
This is for kids.
This this is for your kids.
Then we all know in this digit.
And again, they’re crafty because, again, parents aren’t going in in And the lord has been so good in in just when he just will tap me and say, get that book.
Like, why are why are these QR codes? And then I started to go through them.
And and by the way, at Kitchen Table Activists, our Instagram, and all of that, you can see we actually did a video showing where you go to the page you go to this.
But every one of these takes you to a Planned Parenthood site.
It takes you, like, on the one on Isn’t it funny?
It’s an educational book found in the public school systems steering your child to to Planned Parenthood?
What’s what’s what could possibly be the connection between what they’re being taught? Notice this. Hey, kids.
You gotta read this book because we think it’s great.
And, oh, by the way, if you read it and do it, You’re gonna need plant parenthood.
Yes. Absolutely. So you you go to these, but here’s the thing. And and we know this.
Anyone that has ever been on Facebook And all of a sudden, something you’re talking about, and then all of a sudden, all these Facebook ads start showing up or you’ve googled something.
The way this one works, the this goes through the author’s QR codes.
So when your child scans this, they are then going to be be targeted with additional ads, with additional porn, with additional information on this.
This this one of one of the chapters on, um, transitioning tells you how to get chest binders, where it can go without parents knowing.
I mean, everything is in here. They here’s the thing.
They’re after our kids, Pastor Jack, and you’ve heard them, especially this last year, whether it’s the drag queens or at, um, the gay pride parades were after your kids, are we going to believe them?
Really? Exactly. Why don’t we why don’t we believe them?
They they are so brazen, and they they they’re banking on the parent not carrying.
And and and acting?
Well, because they haven’t. And really until COVID, you know, now we see this this wave and it’s fun and not funny.
Yeah. Thank god for COVID and that
Well, it it is. And, you know, we see all of these people that are fighting about the sex ed and how graphic it is in California.
Well, that’s been around since 2015.
And you know there were only 3 groups, real impact, our our group that opposed that bill when and when And we were trying to tell everyone, hey.
This is gonna mean anal sex in elementary school. This is gonna mean this. This. This.
people just thought we were crazy.
That’s right.
And and that it was all hyperbole. And so please take this seriously. This is these are our kids.
You are you cannot unrape their mind, and some of these are well written, and that’s where where it does imprint.
And and I was reading about erotica because this falls under kind of the erotica The thing is erotica is a little bit different than some of the ones with with the pictures, the the actual picture porn.
It leaves a lot to imagination, and you start to visualize.
And I was reading how bad that is for teens, especially on when they’re developing their old view on sex and all of that.
Absolutely. And and again, it’s natural for kids to be curious to be curious about their body, to be curious about their feelings, you pile this stuff on.
We are gonna have 1 messed up generation. And we wonder why kids are committing suicide.
We wonder why kids are, um, assaulting other kids We’re we’re reading about that more and more in school.
We wonder why there’s sexual assaults in school.
Wow. You know what? Um, so every man knows I don’t care what worldview you have.
I don’t care what party animal you, you know, donkey elephant what state blew. It doesn’t matter.
Every man knows that the first time in some way, shape, or form, he saw something.
He not to see. He knew it. He knew he he knew he should not be seeing this.
And the second thing is he never looked at any female, the name after that ever.
Now I don’t know how it is for females.
I don’t plan on becoming one because even if I tried, I can’t.
But for a guy, there’s a day that he sees something and forever his mind works different.
And I challenge every man that watching this right now. You can lie and post against what I just said.
All you want, you are a pro. You are an absolute liar if you contradict what I’m saying.
Every guy knows it. Yeah. Few will admit it.
But when you see that picture, which is why it’s important to them to have these illustrations, If forever changes, at least a boy, I can only come from the guys.
And I will tell you. I I mean, I the field story was my husband, and he and he will tell you how how he remembered it.
I also have 2 boys. So, obviously, we’ve had these conversations. And and you’re right.
I will say my husband often says, Karen, where are the men fighting this?
And I’m like, I don’t know, but until they do, I’ve gotta keep doing it.
Maybe they don’t wanna know.
Well, yeah. And, I mean, it it is.
It’s it’s a very dark It’s, um, on the days when I because I choose to do all the the going through and highlighting these.
And I don’t wanna other young mind that, uh, to have to go through this.
I mean, until the lord gives another person, and it’s really clear that because because it’s dark.
There there was a day I did 15 hours we launched our website of just highlighting.
It was just so disgusting.
Um, couple of things I I wanna leave everybody with are some new statistics.
So 12 years is the average age for exposure to pornography. I’m sure that’s getting younger.
This is a study done 2 year ago, 15% of the respondents reported seeing online porn before the age of ten.
We also know that when that’s happening, they then need to go see it again or more.
75% of kids at age seventeen have viewed pornography.
5th 2% reported seeing violent pornography, including media that depicts what appears to be rape choking or someone in Yeah.
That’s a big deal.
These books have rape choke all, all, all throughout them.
And they’re in our public schools, and they’re being purchased with your tax dollars.
Yep. Isn’t it amazing, Karen, that the and forgive me because I’m not sure about the term.
Is it virtual signal signaling or something else where, uh, the very purveyors of this stuff will yell and scream about, women’s rights protecting women.
Um, they scream and holler about the atrocities, uh, you know, child protection agency needs to get involved regarding this kid little this kid broke his finger on the swing side.
You know, oh my gosh. They they they just send up skyrockets of warning and and all, but there’s that’s what they say over here.
And all the Christians and conservative and the moralist runs over here and they’re all focused at this while they take the 90% of the field and run with the ball.
Yep. While we’re over here, uh, trying to figure what foot is left or right.
And the perversion notice, again, I mentioned it earlier.
I believe based on the Bible that it begins and ends in religion.
Perversion All pagan worship practices outside of Christianity and Judaism have child perversion.
It’s focusing on the child and all of the ancient religions that were responsible for such Horrific rape murder of children to their gods are starting to resurface.
It’s hard for us to believe But if you read the practices of Babylonian worship systems, you’ll be shocked to find out that It’s exactly what what it is happening here.
How to worship Diana. It doesn’t say it doesn’t say how to worship Diana.
But it tells you how to worship Diane. Yeah.
These are spiritual issues because we were created in the image of god and Satan hates when he hates kids.
And they’re biblical issues. And this idea that, um, Satan isn’t in red states is just crazy.
Where do you think he’s know, he’s kinda done his, yeah, he’s done his work in California.
So this idea that they’re not, you know, where a Christian principle might be, where do you think he really is going?
You know, I I I often like to listen to the screw tape letters because it just is such a good reminder.
I I listen to that audiobook, and it’s like, Wow.
If I wanted to, the this is exactly how I would get that generation.
And then I I I wanted to mention that this one, you know, women and Christian women Romance novels.
That’s that’s kind of become a a big thing. And that’s these books, this author is most school districts.
But Sarah Moss?
Yes. And fee and it’s a whole series. I don’t know. There’s probably 10 or 12 books. They’re all bad.
Oh, okay. Masterful story telling from number 1, New York Times best selling author brings her see action packed series to new heights.
Why is this?
For kids.
Yeah. For kids. But it’s hooking girls now more and more because it’s got these kind of yes.
And and that’s that’s the plan to do that.
Um, so I just I just hope parents will reach out to us.
We wanna help you get the policy passed. We you can get these books removed.
Like I said, reading them, which is why we did the PD us is the best thing to do where you’ve got the proof, and that’s why we I hate to give these people money by purchasing these books, but I feel like it’s really it it’s the only way.
Yes. It is. Yeah. It’s the only way that we’re gonna be able to push back with truth and not be discredited by saying, oh, that’s not really in that book.
It’s hard to defend this stuff.
So you go read this. Those people, you don’t want them by your children that are okay with this.
We have a couple of minutes left. I want you to uh, answer these questions for the people.
I’m I’m I’m the people on the other side of the camera. Um, what can I do about it?
Number to is is there any way for me to amass a group or somehow connect in my community with like minded parents who wanna do something about it?
Um, the third thing is what is it in ending?
Which what how can you shock us into action?
So You want more reading from me, Pastor Jack?
I want I got enough we have enough from you. I want them. Yeah. But
Well, a couple of things. Yes. You can actually get this stuff removed, and our organization will help you.
You join with other parents. We will do Zoom calls.
We will help you on the law no matter what state you’re in.
I can navigate, you know, what your personal laws are on this.
Like I mentioned, Florida, everybody was shocked when they found out this stuff was in Florida this last week, this, uh, a bunch of these books because they’re just assuming because they believe what they’re seeing on TV.
But if you aren’t actively going in and getting this stuff removed and holding these people accountable to some of the laws, this stuff is there.
And we’ve seen it too. Teachers unions are pushing back. And so we want to help the parents.
We will put you with like minded people. I will go help. I will testify at a school meeting.
Like you said, I like to go and show up for whatever reason. I like
beat me to every fight I show up at.
I I I love school board meetings. I love hang up till 1:30 in the morning.
I watch them on TV. That’s the other thing.
Moms and dads can watch school board meetings and figure out what’s going on.
You can have it on the TV. I watch schoolboard meetings all over the country. You’re cooking dinner.
Schoolboard meetings on while I’m cooking dinner.
And so you can find out where your school board members stand and what’s going on.
And it’s really easy with technology to be a kitchen table activist. And so you can do it.
And all I can say is these numbers about how young our kids are accessing porn and that now porn is right down the hall of the local school when you drop your kid off.
How can you drop them off and not do something knowing there’s porn in that building? Really?
Honestly, that is that is a serious question.
How can you be complicit in this when you drop them? Knowing it’s in there.
And that even if your kid isn’t gonna access it, some other innocent child is gonna have their mind raped by it.
We’re gonna make sure that at the end of this program that you can, um, click on, uh, the link link, uh, and the descriptions there for you to connect with everything that Karen is saying.
I know this has been a really serious and heavy podcast, However, it must be, we are at war.
Your children, as it has been throughout history, if it’s pharaoh, or if it’s horrid or Zeus or Diana, the children are the targets.
Course, that’s because Satan wants to destroy. If he can destroy kids, uh, he’s got the culture.
I think it was, um, Fidel Castro who said something if I have the children, uh, by the age of five, I’ve got them for the rest of their lives, something to that effect.
I I just I I years ago, Karen showed me some of the things that were in some of the books.
And there were cartoons, but they were extremely well done by way of quality detail.
And they were telling kids what to do And I have to tell you that I grew up in a non Christian home in a very sexually charged age in the sixties seventies.
And my perverted mind had never even thought of those things. Yeah.
Uh, I was shocked. And it’s almost like what Mike Huckabee said about the bathroom bill.
Remember if, you know, a boy can use a girl’s bathroom.
And, you know, he was serious, but he made us laugh when he said, Gosh, when I was when I was fifteen, I was trying to think of a way how I how I could sneak a peek in the girl’s shower and locker room.
So, you know, we’d kick the ball accidentally through the doorway.
And now the state of California or the state of Colorado or Florida is saying, hey.
You can just walk on into the bathroom. Kind of stuff? Why?
I wanna ask you, why do you think this is happening? And woah. And I mean this woah.
To the Christian who turns their eye away from this.
You are absolutely, uh, derelict while on duty Uh, the Bible says if we know that something is sin and we do not do anything about it, uh, we’re gonna be judged for that.
This is our moment. And, um, we’re gonna be making these things always more public.
I’m already thinking in my mind, Karen, Uh, maybe this Sunday, maybe in a couple of Sundays, the timing I’ll get together to ask you when will be the best effect.
But even before I teach the sermon, I wanna be able to have Sean and his graphics team put up on our big screens I wanna be I want people to see these, and I wanna say something in 3 to 5 minutes about how you must know and become familiar with these books because your kids are.
They’re learning all about them. And Instead of your child being able to compete with the European kids in math or engineering or chemistry or biology, your kids cannot.
They’re not being taught. See if your kid can spell or read or think or think use critical thinking skills.
Um, what are they learning about world history? Uh, you know, where was the Vietnam war fought?
For example, didn’t know the to that. Is the earth flat or round?
Um, what’s the truth of of the sciences? What what can we know? No. No. No.
The American child is not learning that stuff. They’re learning this.
And I convene conveniently have this in a pilot turns out, and I’m thinking about.
If you like it or not, I sound like Gavin Newsom.
Uh-huh. You’re gonna do it. More hand motion. You’re gonna do it if you like it
or not. Well, you know what? Um, god is gonna someday take this stuff.
And before he burns it, according to the scriptures, uh, those who have perpetrated these evils against children, um, their eternity doesn’t doesn’t fare well for them.
And nor should it.
And nor should it. And it won’t. You wanna know why because the god of the Bible is just.
And he will bring justice. Right? Everybody wants to talk about justice. Are you sure?
Because the god of all righteousness is gonna bring justice.
So once again, listen, if you, you would take, uh, go to the link and, uh, the subscription, share this everywhere you can.
Uh, we’ve gotta come back and do this again because it’s just too much.
And I know you’ve got you’ve got so much more.
And I have to tell you, this is the most subdued I’ve ever seen Karen.
She she’s she’s usually She’s usually the mama bear for you, but now the fight is so big.
It, uh, she needs you. She needs us.
So Absolutely. And Pastor Jack, it’s a little hard to come, you know, get really animated about porn with Pastor Jack.
So, yeah, but I will come to school board meeting. I’m there to help protect the kids.
And so use me, use our organization. We exist for this. We want to help this stuff.
You know, you’ve got the American Library Association, George Soros. This the other side is so much funding.
You’ve got the teacher’s union. We wanna come alongside because parents wanna do something. They just don’t know how Yeah.
They’re not organized. Yeah. And we wanna help. So the website is
Uh, take back the classroom dotcom. You can get our tool kit. You can see the books there.
If your school district isn’t on there, it’s just a matter of time. It’s a matter of of resources.
We will we’re adding new school districts, new states, and new books every single week.
So check back if if, you know, the book isn’t there, or contact us and we’ll help you research your district and get it up online.
Awesome. Absolutely. So listen, we believe, uh, that it’s time for us to live out, right, what we believe in It’s time for real life, and this is it.
So god bless you guys. We’ll catch you next time.
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