It’s Turnaround Time Part 2 | Jentezen Franklin

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It’s Turnaround Time for America, Your Family, Health, Business, and Finances

Today, I’m delivering a message about the turnaround that’s coming for America, your family, your health, your business, and your finances. It’s time for a change of course—time to turn around and follow the Lord. Together, we can inspire people to live for Jesus and find purpose and peace in their lives.

If you’re searching for more—if you desire to live with purpose, make a difference for your family, and serve those in need around the world—Jesus is the answer. Our mission is to simply point you to Him. You are watching Kingdom Connection with Jensen Franklin.

The Call to Rise: A Lesson from the Prophet Elisha in 2 Kings

In 2 Kings, the prophet Elisha sends one of his servants with a message. He tells him to prepare himself with a flask of oil and go to Ramoth Gilead. Once there, he is to find Jehu, the son of Jehosaphat, and anoint him as king over Israel. This is a powerful moment of divine purpose. Jehu is taken aside, away from his fellow leaders, and anointed with five quarts of oil as a symbol of God’s calling.

When Jehu is anointed, the prophet declares, “Thus says the Lord, I have anointed you to be king over Israel.” The servant then leaves, and Jehu returns to his companions, who ask him what the prophet said. Jehu responds that it was just babbling, but eventually reveals that he was chosen to be king.

As Jehu arrives in Jezreel, the queen, Jezebel, hears the news and prepares herself in a show of power. She looks out from a window and challenges him. But Jehu, standing strong in the Lord’s calling, asks, “Who is on the Lord’s side?” Two or three servants step forward, and Jehu orders them to throw her down. She is cast down, and the prophecy is fulfilled.

A Call for a Spiritual Turnaround

Just as Jehu was called to lead, today is a time for a turnaround. The nation, families, and individuals can experience transformation, but it requires a decisive turn towards God. Just as Jehu was anointed in a secret chamber with oil, each of us must recognize our calling and rise up to fulfill it.

God is calling us to stop complaining about the state of our world, to stop dwelling in defeat, and to turn towards His power. This is turnaround time, a time to embrace God’s calling and purpose for our lives. Let this be the moment we commit to living for Jesus, leading with faith, and changing the course of our lives.

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