Is Your Get-Up-and-Go Gone? Pt. 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life
Is Your Get-Up-and-Go Gone? Pt. 1
Do you ever get tired of what you’re doing? Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer discusses why it’s so important to do the right thing, with a right attitude that honors God.
With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.
Well, I don’t know what you’re going through today, but the good news is that God knows and He loves you and He promises to strengthen you with his joy in my book, Be Joyful.
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The biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like God thinks.
And the only way you can do that is by knowing the word of God in words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of God transformed her life, experience a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God through the captivating collection of in this beautiful hardcover book by Joyce Meyer.
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If you can’t do what’s right, whether you feel like it or not, then you’re really never gonna have victory in your life because I do what I do because I’ve seen God’s power transform my own life and he will do it for you.
The key to everything is found in God’s word.
I’m Joyce Meyer and I believe that God can heal you everywhere you hurt this morning.
Um I want to preach a message called, get up and go, got up and gone.
You know, we all feel like that sometimes, don’t we, it’s like really no matter what you do, I don’t care if you’re a movie star, a famous singer, a janitor, a pastor, an office worker, whatever it is, a stay at home mom.
Sometimes you just get tired of doing what you’re doing. Come on, don’t you?
Well, you know, you don’t even really need to feel bad about that. That’s just human nature.
And it’s usually a sign that you need to either have a little attitude adjustment or maybe you just need to take a break, do a little something else get refreshed.
And, uh, I’m very diligent and disciplined about my time with God and my bible study and do it every morning, first thing and last week I had two days Monday and Tuesday.
I just didn’t wanna do it. I tried to read the Bible.
I just was like, it was like nothing was making any sense.
I talked to the Lord, but I didn’t really feel like going through my regular routine and, you know, I didn’t feel bad about that.
There would have been a time when I would have felt really bad about it, but sometimes you just need to take a little break and then you come back and things are fresh again.
Now, if you can’t stand what you’re doing all the time, then that may be a sign that you’re doing the wrong thing that maybe you need to make a change and do something else.
But I believe that one of our biggest issues is we depend way too much on emotion.
Yeah. And uh it’s really spiritual immaturity to depend so much on how you feel because if you can’t do what’s right, whether you feel like it or not, let me say it again.
If you can’t do what’s right, whether you feel like it or not, then you’re really never gonna have victory in your life because the devil can will and delight to play with how we feel.
Somebody asked me a few years back, how do you feel?
How do you feel about all the traveling that you do?
And I thought about it for a minute and I said, you know what?
I haven’t asked myself in a long time.
Sometimes we need to stop asking ourselves, how do I feel about this and just go beyond that and do what, you know, you ought to be doing.
I don’t, you know, I’m not crazy about staying in hotels. I mean, some of them are nice.
The one here is nice but I’ve stayed in ones that aren’t so nice and, and, uh, uh, maybe the cleanest in the world and nothing I hate worse than a hotel that is just real damn lit.
You know, it’s like, what do you just not, you want us not to see ourselves or, or do you want us not to see how dirty the room is or, or what’s the problem?
But I want you to listen to me no matter what you do, no matter what people you’re involved with, no matter what church you go to, no matter who you’re married to, you’re always gonna have some things that you don’t care for.
That’s part of life.
So we can’t focus on what we don’t like because if we do, we’re gonna be in big, big, big trouble, but you focus on the whole, I’m not crazy about some parts of what I do.
I mean, I’ve been doing this 45 years and, you know, to be honest, sometimes I get tired of asking for money.
I mean, you think you get tired of hearing it while you ought to be on the other end of it and need to be the one that has to stand up in front of people and ask for it all the time.
That’s why when you’re in church and somebody receives an offering, you need to smile at them.
You need to be happy because it’s not the easiest thing in the world.
But I can’t have a ministry like this and not have money and I can’t go out and make enough money to do it.
So I have no choice but to ask for it.
Well, it’s not, it’s not the part I love the most but I love what I’m doing.
You see to do anything, I want you to get this to do anything to be married to anybody.
There’s gonna be parts of it that you don’t like.
One time I got to focusing on everything that was wrong with Dave.
I know you all think he’s perfect but he’s not, he’s close but he’s not.
And uh God told me to make a list, put on my heart, make a list.
Write down everything about Dave you don’t like and everything you do.
And I’ll tell you what I got over my problem real quick because the things I like was so much longer and I believe somebody here today needs to hear that because you’ve been focusing too much on the wrong thing.
What’s wrong with your kid? What’s wrong with your job? What’s wrong with your church?
What, you know what’s wrong with you?
You know, you don’t even need to focus on everything that’s wrong with you all the time. You’re changing.
God’s changing you. And the Bible says that we are to focus on the positive things in life.
The only people who succeed are those who can do what they know they should do without excitement to motivate them.
It’s more fun when it’s exciting. I feel pretty excited this morning.
But I don’t know, you know, maybe third of the way through the year, I might not feel quite as excited because I will have done it a number of times.
And I always say there’s a beginning and that’s always excited.
The beginning of any new thing is exciting, isn’t it? It just kind of comes with the package.
We’re excited and boy, if you ever make it to the end and I say if loudly, if you ever make it to the end, that’s exciting, man.
I finished it, but there’s a middle and it’s only the people that can make it through the middle that make it to the end.
Some of you need to hear this this morning. Yeah.
You know, people in the public eye wanna be normal and normal.
People want to be well known. One day I was in the grocery store.
Lady sees me. What are you doing in here?
I said, well, believe it or not. I eat like everybody else does.
You know, when, when you’re in the public eye, I think especially when you’re in some kind of a spiritual field field.
People think you just float around on a cloud all day. Sing the hallelujah chorus.
You know, we do what everybody else does have all the same things that everybody else has.
And you know, sometimes you get a little bit tired of it.
I remember being in the bathroom one time and I was actually sitting, I was in the stall, sitting on the toilet.
The lady next to me says, can I have a picture?
I said and thought, well, I hope not here.
You know, maybe you can wait till we get out of the stall to do that.
So God wants us to be full of zeal and enthusiastic.
He likes fire, fiery people.
And you know, how, how do we expect to get anybody else excited about Jesus if we don’t have a little bit of enthusiasm?
And you know, you haven’t lived until you’re doing a service and everybody you look at looks like they’re dead.
I mean, you, you need to, I remember one time I got invited to a, it was a denominational church and I don’t know, there was maybe 30 people there and I mean, it looked like I was doing a funeral.
I mean, they were, it was a religious church and they weren’t probably used to women preaching and weren’t used to excited people like me.
And when, when we got done, Dave said I do not know how you did that.
And it just makes me mad when people are like that.
I just kind of roll up my spiritual sleeves and think I’m gonna make you happy whether you want to be or not, you’re gonna be happy.
Nothing dead praises the Lord. The bible says Psalm 1 15 17.
It is not the dead who praise the Lord. Neither those who go down into silence.
Don’t have a dead attitude. Don’t be what I call part of the walking dead.
You know, he just like Jesus said, white washed tombs full of dead men’s bones.
I mean, if anybody should be happy, it should be us. Right?
And I think that’s one of the calling cards.
One of the ways that we can draw people to Jesus is through having a consistently good attitude and through joy and through peace, not getting upset about what everybody else gets upset about and being joyful.
Now that doesn’t mean you have to go around giggling all the time or you know, being like, you know, so excited.
You don’t wanna be like the salesman who was enthusiastic.
It was his first day on the job selling vacuum sweepers and he was just, oh, he was so excited and he rang this first doorbell and he was so excited.
He pushed right past the lady and rushed into her home and he took this black plastic bag out and he dumped these cow droppings all over her floor.
And he said, a lady, if I cannot get all that cleaned up with this vacuum, I will eat it.
She said, would you like ketchup with it or chili sauce?
And he, he looked kind of stunned and he said, why would you ask that?
She said, because there’s no electricity in this house.
So sometimes you can be a little bit too enthusiastic and get yourself in trouble.
You don’t think about what you’re doing.
Romans 12 11 says, never lag and zeal and an earnest endeavor, be a glow and burning with the spirit.
Now, I’m not asking to giggle all the time, but we can all smile. Let’s try it right now.
Smiling boy. That’s, they’re just brings the whole atmosphere in the room up about a notch.
You know, we really do need to learn to smile more in life. You know, it’s amazing.
If you smile at people, they will generally smile back.
And if we need anything in this world, we need some joy because everything out there is negative and pulling everything down and you know what the job of doing the right thing is ours.
You cannot expect the sinners to do the right thing. They don’t even know how to.
So we have to come up higher.
We are living in a very unique time in history and you’re not here by accident.
God has chosen you for this time slot in history and every one of you are called into ministry, man.
The people who need to be here this morning probably wouldn’t step foot inside this place.
But you work next to them, you live next to them and you don’t even necessarily have to preach the gospel to them.
You just have to live the life.
You, you don’t, you, you go out and be what you’re supposed to be. Amen.
So let’s get a little more excited.
And if you’re grumpy about something that you know, you don’t like in your life.
Well, let me tell you something, everybody’s got things in their life. They don’t really care for.
You need colossians 3 23 and 24.
So whatever you do work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord.
Not for a human master. When you go to work in the morning, you need to say God, I’m going to do this for you when you get dressed in the morning.
You say, Lord, I’m getting dressed for you. What do you want me to wear today?
I mean, some people would dress a little better if they thought about the fact they were doing it for the Lord.
Sometimes I sometimes I think do you not own a mirror?
You did not even begin to look at yourself in the mirror this morning.
You know, you know, you don’t need to throw things in the dryer or leave them, lay in the dryer all night and then get up in the morning and put them on and go somewhere.
Use a little bit of common sense since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as your reward.
It’s Christ, you’re serving and we don’t just serve God by being an usher at church or by volunteering for a missions trip.
Everything we do God’s interested in and we serve him in everything that we do.
And you can be a lot happier about what you’re doing, even the parts of it you don’t like if you will live with that thought in mind, I’m doing this for the Lord.
I’m not doing it for man. I’m doing it for the Lord and whatever we do for God.
God will always reward us at the right time in our life. Amen.
Have great expectations for your future.
If you’re gonna have a dream, don’t have a little one, have a big one.
Doesn’t take any more energy to have a big dream than it does a little dream.
You don’t have to wait to feel it.
You can decide to have it. I’m believing for great things this year.
The word that God gave me for our ministry for this year is increase your faith.
And I thought you want me to believe for more.
I mean, we’re so blessed, we’re doing so much around the world.
And, but I’ve even had a word from a prophet that ministers to me.
Don’t even start to think you’re done yet because you’re not.
And, you know, God doesn’t want any of us to, sometimes when you’ve been doing something a long time, even, even like your marriage, Dave and I have been married 54 years.
Ok. Well, you know, oh, 56 years, I’m sorry, say, I don’t even know how long I’ve been married.
Uh, and we are probably having more fun now than we’ve ever had because both of us have a hearing issue and the most frequent words spoken in our house is, huh?
What I think now Dave says what, even if he does hear me has just become a habit.
Well, we’re both going to see about a hearing device next week.
We’ll see how that turns out.
He’s got a hearing aid but he won’t wear it because he don’t want something on the outside of his ear because they don’t want to look old.
He’s going to be 83 in July and he doesn’t, I look at, of course, I’m only gonna be 49 in June, married a much younger woman.
But the other night I don’t know why.
But I came, I got up to go to the bathroom and I came back, I just felt kind of feisty.
So I kicked him and he kicked me back and I kicked him and I laughed, I said, you’re 83 I’m about to be 80.
And I said here we are kicking each other in bed.
Well, you know, you need to, don’t, don’t get dull about it just because you’ve been doing it for a long time.
Do you hear me? Don’t just settle into some? Yeah.
You know, I’ve looked at your face but as long as I could stand it, you need to, you, you need to do things to keep yourself stirred up.
And a lot of that has to do with your thinking, it has to do with and you can think things on purpose.
You need to think about how blessed you are. You know what?
Well, I hate to go to the grocery store. Well, do you wanna eat?
I, oh man, I gotta clean the house. I hate to clean the house.
Well, do you want a house to live in?
I mean, a lot of you that constantly find something wrong with the person you’re married to.
There’s lonely people that don’t even have anybody to eat with that would love to take them off your hands.
Amen. You know, I believe that attitude makes us or breaks us.
Did you hear what I said? You, you can be talented.
I mean, very talented and have a bad attitude and you’re gonna fail in life and you can be not as talented but have a great attitude and you’ll succeed in life.
So you don’t have to worry if you’re here today and you don’t have as much education as somebody else or you don’t feel like, you’re quite as smart as somebody else.
You, you can make up for all that with just having the greatest attitude.
You know, be the person on your job that gets there a little bit early and stays a little bit late.
It’s always willing to do the extra thing that needs to be done and be thankful.
My goodness, be thankful. You know, when you get up and goes, got up and gone, you got the doldrums.
Just think about how blessed, how blessed you are.
I, one of the greatest examples I can think of about enthusiasm is the first time I went to India.
The first place they took me was to a leper colony.
We were gonna be feeding the people that day.
And uh one of the lepers, part of his fingers gone, part of his toes gone, you know, they got it rough.
I mean, they just, nobody has anything to do with them and it’s a very easily treatable disease, but they don’t know that.
So they just do it the old way.
And one of the leopards came over to me and he was so excited.
He said what I want you to come and see my new house.
And so I went with him and his new house that he was excited about was a hole dug out of the side of a hill.
So all the walls on the floor was dirt.
And the only thing in it was a hammock that he slept in and over here in this corner was two or three dented pots and pans and a couple of old beat up dishes and he was more excited that a lot of Christians that I see that have big houses and three cars and great jobs and a wonderful church to go to and a pillow top mattress to sleep on every night.
Come on, we need to get over ourselves and be a, I mean, we need to be overboard. Appreciative.
Come on, thankful. Psalm 100 verse four.
Be thankful and say so thank God and thank the people in your life that make a difference for you.
I mean, I have so many people that helped me dear.
I remember when I used to have to deal with everything.
I remember sitting at a standard not electric, standard typewriter, answering my own mail at the ministry and doing the hiring and doing the firing.
And you know, the man sitting down here next to today, Pastor Michael Shepherd, he’s our staff pastor and one of his jobs which I have gladly given him is conflict resolution.
He deals with all the baby people in the ministry that wanna not get along and find goofy things to get mad about.
You know, when you get older, you’re gonna look back and you’re gonna remember the silly things you got mad about and you’re gonna think what a waste of time that was.
And ma’am.
And maybe you need that word right now, maybe somebody here this morning and you got your nose out of joint because of something that you don’t like.
Well, think about what you do like, you know, wait the word, wait to wait on God.
It’s such an interesting word because it doesn’t mean to just sit around and go.
Well, I hope God does something sometime. I’m waiting. The word.
Wait means to expect to expect.
And, and what do you do with your imagination?
What do you, what do you see for yourself? For the future?
Do you think that things are never gonna change in your life or are you believing God?
That things are gonna change? The worst thing you can ever do is to look at somebody and say you are never gonna change.
Don’t ever say that to your kids and don’t say that to the person you’re married to because God can change anybody at any time.
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I’ve got stuff that I need God to heal me in and I, I don’t think I realized it until I start realizing I don’t have to be perfect.
It took a willingness of me to be vulnerable and to talk about it with friends and allow God to heal me.
And there always comes a point where we just have to release everything that God join the girls on Joyce Meyers, talk it out podcast.
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This program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer ministries.
- Let Low Life Go – Revelation of RoyaltyTháng 4 12, 2023