In The Daze of Deception (Matthew 24:1-4)
In The Daze of Deception (Matthew 24:1-4)
before we pray
I I want all of you to um to know that
all of us are going to be tempted this
uh in all kinds of ways I do believe
in the long preparation for this message
uh in light of what’s going on and what
is the the global conversation right now
if you’re aware of it or not the
temptation to laugh it off or to become
uncomfortable and then and be silly
about it uh is going to be strong and I
have to tell you that after spending
so much time preparing for this
um it quickly became aware to me that I
would not be able to do this message in
one message we’ll dedicate next week to
the finishing of it
but um
it’s so demonically energized that I I
was fighting thoughts getting into my
as I was listening and reading and
the false doctrines and the false
that are being propagated do you hear
what I’m saying let there be a warning
to all of you it’s a warning to me
we often poke fun at Eve for falling for
Satan’s trickery in the Garden of Eden
but little do we know the seduction in
which Satan spoke
you got to remember Eve was Way Beyond
you and I in the area of morality she
not only crafted by God himself but she
was not fallen in nature
And yet when Satan spoke to her
he was so convincing and so seductive in
his ability to communicate lies
that she fell for it
so in that I pray father God in Jesus
name it’s for good reason today that we
have made sure that our Junior High and
high schoolers are in the sanctuary
it’s for good reason why
we tackle this issue that is being
discussed all around the world and I
Marvel that so little of it is being
covered in
the news today and yet talk shows are
making fun of it right now and laughing
over the course of the last 72 hours and
something’s going on
and we’ll ask you for your anointing we
are asking you God to give us
discernment we’re asking you to Shield
us in our in our mind in the way that we
and father quite frankly
we’ve all read and studied the Bible
some more than others but be that as it
the challenge to my heart today is
I’m guilty Lord it turns out as you well
know of assuming that deception would
come wrapped with a label on it
just like something comes to the front
door and says fragile
or this side up
and that’s not how the Demonic World
what is false is not going to arrive on
our computer screen or in a book or on
TV or whatever means by whatever medium
labeled this is deceptive material not
for all viewers
not for all readers
the exact opposite is true
so father God I pray that you’d give us
a stomach for this today
as the world seems to be delighting and
eating it up
and may we not fall victim to the lies
in which the world loves to gravitate
toward we pray in Jesus name and all
God’s people said
amen so
um big stuff today serious things and as
I prayed we
we did make it a uh an important thing
all day today that our youth ministry be
here in the main sanctuary I didn’t want
anything lost and so to speak
translation translation by location they
could be in their rooms they they
normally when they do join us which is
rare but when they do join us they join
us remotely uh meaning that the it the
main sanctuary is broadcast into their
room but in that there’s a loss of
atmosphere there’s a loss of presence
just like viewing a service online is
not the same as being here in person you
guys all know that
we’re looking at a message these next
two weeks titled and I must confess I’ve
stolen it from myself
it is a book that’s coming out
uh pretty soon by Harvest House
Publishers this spring but it’s uh the
title in the days of deception will you
write that down please
days d-a-z-e in the days of deception
we’re I’m going to submit to you today
that we’re living right now in the days
of deception I love how
uh Brittany skewed the graphic like this
days I mean that just the word days
right there suggests to you that you
just got hit upside the head
and things are not in focus
that’s for good reason
it is very clear that you and I are
living in the times and the age that the
Bible warns about regarding deception
some of us don’t want to hear about this
and it is true today and next Sunday if
you want to have a warm and fuzzy
experience do not come to this church if
you want to take Bible truth and apply
it to what’s going on in the world
around us then this is going to be the
place to be
I do not know how long YouTube or
Facebook will carry this broadcast
they’ve already proven not to be fans of
such controversial issues as these
but I want to have you be thinking this
way before we get into this and all of
this is Introduction at this point
I am very fond of the picture
in my mind’s eye
and now I’m old school
meaning that in my day we either walked
to school or a bus picked us up at a
particular predetermined spot
and if you didn’t walk to school which
can you believe that I remember walking
to school I was a little kid it was
totally safe to walk to school
but um
but if you got picked up in a bus your
mom or your dad or somebody or you just
walked to the spot where the bus came
but in my mind’s eye I remember this I
uh and again please don’t take this in
any other walk away okay but back in my
day dads got up and went to work and
frankly moms had the harder job
and that was Raising brats like me
and I remember my mom
making me be dressed for the weather for
the day
cold or warm
she would be straightening my collar
making sure my buttons are buttoned in
and that there was no food hanging from
my mouth or my teeth that’s what moms do
listen moms do that this is not a sexist
statement moms do it they need to do it
they need to keep on doing it because
why dads don’t care
dad’s will send dads will send their kid
off to a photo shoot with a pork chop
hanging from their mouth
dads just don’t care you look fine to me
so Mom will be preening and and and
making it all right and while she’s
doing this to you she’s giving you the
day-to-day every day rundown don’t get
in trouble do you hear me
stay away from strangers don’t get into
any fights and don’t miss the bus
and then she turns you around and scoots
you off in the direction of the school
or the bus what was mom doing mom was
seeing ready always
that you were ready and prepared for the
day that was ahead of you and she gave
you guidance as how to act and how not
to act
and the Bible throughout all of the
biblical record from Genesis on you
could sum it up by saying that God has
been speaking to his people about what
to uh expect and what not to expect what
to be ready for and uh what to be doing
in light of such Revelations
and overwhelmingly you know from the Old
Testament that when the Bible says When
God says if a prophet comes to town and
speaks falsehood
kill him
he was a little extreme
it’s not extreme if you realize what’s
at stake
and so the Old Testament exercised
uh a a watchful Ministry over a
community if a false prophet came to
town because the Bible says a false
prophet would lead someone astray that
is they would really capture their soul
and lead them away from the presence of
God from the knowledge of God and so the
Bible says take them out
now in the New Testament we do not take
them out
the Bible says Jesus says I’ll take that
I’ll take care of that myself because
it’s regarding my church I want to do
that I’ll do that what you’re going to
do in the in the New Testament era is
expose them
that’s what we’re supposed to do we are
supposed to expose the evil the false
and what is being perpetrated in what is
called Church in some cases and what
might even be a church but it is
and so this is a very very important uh
next couple of weeks that you and I are
going to be looking at I want you to
mark down this because it is key if
we’re talking about the days of
deception how do you get dazed how do
you get smacked as it were upside the
head and you’re not seeing things right
if you really get a nasty concussion uh
even your your vision is blurred and you
can’t make things out clearly there’s a
lot of people today that cannot make
things out clearly
in light of the stuff that’s going on
even now they still don’t see it
what’s going on I want to submit to you
that what is going on is what the Bible
has warned about for thousands of years
and I want you to write down this very
important definition we’re going to be
talking about deception being deceived
so deceived the Greek word there it
means whatever causes you to wander you
think about that for a moment
whatever it is that causes you to wonder
that is off the path off the trail to go
astray to be led away the word means to
become misguided it’s something that is
done willingly everybody and I’m going
to be challenging you I think over and
over again uh this morning are you
listening I’m going to say yeah I do
that anyway but I’m going to extra I
think think about it because it is so
important to watch out that when
somebody says publishes announces shows
uh displays something that causes you to
entertain wandering away from Jesus
watch you don’t have to stop going to
church to wander away from Jesus
all you have to do is start to entertain
a false
reality or a false teaching regarding
scripture and who God is
this is very important
we must fight our
Temptations to be emotionally
directed in our theology based upon what
we feel well I feel like this I don’t
think that’s fair I don’t really like
that uh this is what my friends believe
all of a sudden in our world of
humanism really it is
where there are no absolutes anymore
and I think that’s by Design
but deception the world would say no no
no no there is no deception that’s just
what you believe and it’s different than
what somebody else believes and you
can’t judge them you’re being mean if
you say deception or deceived am I right
am I you hearing me if you say you’re
deceived on this issue you’ll get fired
upon because they have the rights
to believe what they believe in and who
are you to judge them here’s the problem
let’s be honest if we were Christians uh
that didn’t love
people we would be completely fine and
letting you live on in your life
we’re not trying to convince you to join
our team
when we rebu refute what you say in
rebuttal we are asked actually asking
you you better think this through
because God says something different
it’s very very important
and so over and over again we are warned
about deception
and in these last couple of weeks it has
exploded on the world scene
and yet I’m telling you right now
because I’m watching this I’m monitoring
this all around America there are very
few conversations taking place but what
happened in America a few weeks ago has
launched an international Firestorm of
dialogue and interestingly enough media
groups are trying to suppress it while
other media groups are releasing it so
that’s good
and what am I talking about I’m talking
about what I believe is some form of a
unleashing of demonic activity
something has happened in these last few
to announce
now they don’t say it this way
to announce
what Jesus warned about and what the
prophets warned about just prior to the
Advent of the Antichrist the tribulation
period and then ultimately the second
coming of Christ to establish his
kingdom there is a demonic
Ministry I’ll put it mission
that is now going public
and again I’m going to ask you to be
respectful and not laugh I I I I you
might be nervous you know when people
get nervous they start to laugh because
they don’t know what to do
just control yourself
because Jesus says this is no laughing
so let’s start let’s get let’s get the
potential laugh out now and be done with
it put your eyes to the screen on this
there’s footage and records of objects
in the skies that we don’t know exactly
what they are I know
legally more people are coming forward
with their own sightings Shaquille
O’Neal told Jimmy Kimmel he’s certain
he’s seen a UFO with all the lights in
it was spinning and it just
and took off and everything happened
less than five seconds and we all looked
at each other was like
and I know that it was a UFO I don’t
care what anybody says you never told
anybody about that
nope you’re the first person I told
because I don’t want people to think I’m
crazy but right right
oh okay
probably a good summation of what people
feel or think like you know when
but why did I show Barack Obama why did
I show Shaquille O’Neal because these
are names that people know
and I wanted to start with that
in Matthew chapter 24 I’m going to ask
I’ll leave you to stand I’m going to
read to you you guys can I’ll stand if
you would in respect the word of God
Matthew 24. I’m going to read Matthew 24
I’m going to read Mark 13 and Luke 21
sections of these scriptures
and the context is this we’re living in
an age of deception
listen I believe it’s demonic in nature
and for the next two weeks I’m going to
go about proving that there are elements
that make it very clear it’s demonic
the question you ought to be asking is
is that true why is it happening now and
are there other things that are going on
in our world that align with the
warnings of the Bible
that such things would happen
at the near return of Christ
it’s quite fascinating Matthew chapter
24 I’ll read it all
when Jesus went out and departed from
the temple and his disciples came up to
show him the buildings of the temple and
Jesus said to them do you not see all
these things assuredly I say to you not
one stone shall be left here upon
another that shall not be thrown down
he’s talking about the temple and now as
he sat on the Mount of Olives the
disciples came to him privately saying
tell us
when will these things be and what will
be the sign of your coming and of the
end of the age and Jesus answered and
said to them take heed that no one
deceives you I want you to think about
that that was his first warning Jesus if
you’re talking about the end of the
what’s the most important thing you can
tell us don’t be deceived Mark’s gospel
Mark 13 Verse 1 then as he went out of
the temple one of his disciples said to
him teacher see what manner of stones
and what buildings are here and Jesus
answered and said to him do you see
these great buildings not one stone
shall be left upon another that shall
not be thrown down verse 3. now as he
sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the
temple Peter James John and Andrew asked
him privately tell us when will these
things be and what will be the sign when
all these things will be fulfilled and
Jesus answered them
begin to say
take heed that no one deceives you
for many will come in my and the word is
Authority many will come in my Authority
or speaking with authority as Messiah or
as Christ saying I am he and will
deceive many Jesus promises Mass Global
deception in the last days do you guys
all see that
and this is all by the way relating to
the temple in Jerusalem Jesus said it’s
all going to come crashing down which
happened in 70 A.D
long after Christ had went back to
heaven in 70 A.D the Roman empire under
General Titus destroyed the temple you
can read about that in all facets of
secular and religious as well
now Luke 21
verse 5 then some spoke of the Temple
how it was adorned with beautiful stones
and donations
Jesus said to them these things which
you see
the days will come in which not one
stone shall be left upon another that
shall not be thrown down
so they asked him saying teacher when
will these things be what will be uh
what’s what sign will there be when
these things are about to take place and
Jesus said to them
for the third time in three gospels take
heed that no one or you or no one
deceives you or that you are not
again father we pray that you’d give us
ears to hear what the spirit is saying
to the church and today May every single
one of us have a higher view of
scripture than when we walked in this
morning in Jesus name and all God’s
people said amen you may be seated
Jesus also announced in Luke 21 25 and
there will be signs in the Sun and in
the moon and in the stars and on Earth
the stress among nations
as I think about this message today I
want you guys to be very aware of the
fact that
um taking uh such a message on is highly
threatening to any pastor’s career
uh for example if if uh if I were a
celebrity Pastor I wouldn’t be taking
this topic on why because you’d be
labeled as a lunatic or you would be
labeled as one that’s interpreting the
Bible in a certain way and that should
cause concern
um you should leave that kind of stuff
alone and you know what I understand
that Council and that’s that’s good
um until deception actually shows its
until tomorrow you’ve got to go and meet
up with your co-workers and someone in
the cubicle is going to ask you hey
what’s going on did you see the thing on
the news did you see what NBC aired did
you see what happened uh in uh France uh
news uh channel 24 did you see that
and listen if I don’t give you the
answers from the Bible about what’s
happening today then you ought to just
ought to stay home and and go and and or
go play volleyball or something
this is very serious stuff because even
listen even if what’s being seen in the
world is not true when the world asks
you about it you better have the answer
you ought to be able to tell them it’s
not drill
and here’s the reason why or it may be
but here’s the reason why it’s happening
and here’s what it is are you hearing me
this is very very important
so as I look at this as I look at my
notes I want to be careful I don’t leave
anything out that is very very important
and by the way the things I’m going to
be showing you every single one of them
are public I don’t have a hotline to
anybody I don’t have any kind of inroads
I don’t have a bat phone these are
things that are all available uh out
there for you to look
and to study but um it’s it’s obviously
my calling
to teach you the Bible and that’s what
we must do but I do believe that we are
living in the time or the age
of deception in the days of deception
today I’m going to
I hope anyway I wrote myself a note do
not be dramatic and don’t be in any way
uh because the truth about these things
if you if you believe it or not is
shocking enough
I don’t need to get your attention is
what I’m saying
the challenge today is
what I said earlier is don’t answer but
do you believe that Jesus was correct in
saying deception is coming to the world
increasingly so more in the last days
if the answer to that is yes I believe
my Bible I believe Jesus then the next
question is what form or what depth of
deception was Jesus talking about that’s
a good question
just remember this
Jesus said
that deception will be so great
coming upon this Earth that if it were
my own very elect my own children my own
church my own Believers of any age
from the day of Pentecost to the end of
the tribulation period in the
tribulation Saints the Church Believers
to the tribulation Believers he said if
it were possible they would be deceived
listen none of you have ex none of us
have experienced a level of deception
that is forthcoming ladies and gentlemen
According To Jesus
that means we need to be ready that you
need to believe your Bible and you need
to know why you believe your Bible
you’re going to be hearing things
today and next week
that I quote one of our staff members
who I had review it
said back to me
wow I just got done listening to this
guy’s lecture
if I were not a Christian
I would believe what that guy said
because the guy answers the questions
that man has
but he leaves God out
and he inserts
some other type of deliverer
very important next slide will be from
Chuck Todd in NBC News
welcome back lawmakers on the hill uh
today held a hearing on unidentified
aerial phenomena also known as uaps or
used to be known as UFOs amid growing
public interest about potential
extraterrestrial life beyond planet
Earth the committee heard testimony from
three Witnesses today one was a former
Navy Commander one was a former Navy
pilot both of them claimed to have seen
uaps as well as a Former Intelligence
officer who goes a step further and he
alleged that the government is
concealing a quote multi-decade
crash of a UAP and a retrieval
programmer take a listen to more of what
this person had to say
if you believe we have crashed craft as
stated earlier do we have the bodies of
the pilots who piloted this craft as
I’ve stated publicly already in my news
Nation interview biologics came with
some of these recoveries were they I
guess human or non-human biologics
non-human and that was the assessment of
people with direct knowledge on the
program I talked to that are currently
still on the program
well that’s amazing by the way not only
what he said but did you see did you see
guys on the
neither they must know about it too
because it looks like they haven’t slept
in a couple of years themselves
so Congressional testimony and we we
made mention of this a couple weeks ago
when Amir was here but um so according
to this whistleblower who is now life
has been threatened and uh he has a
security detail that is a private entity
that is assigned to him to protect him
uh he will soon be testifying by the way
to a closed session to members of
Congress and the Senate uh in in rooms
that are sealed with no ability to
listen and speak either in or out of uh
because of this because of what they
have come forward with I’m not asking
you to believe this I’m just telling you
that it’s happening today and there are
people that are very excited about this
conversation so much so that in the last
two weeks those viewing uh
websites of UFOs or
atmospheric phenomenon have skyrocketed
over 500 to a thousand percent people
are visiting these sites to find out
in a poll then I’ll try to have it for
you next week in a poll that was asked
just three days ago
do you believe in God
or do you believe in aliens
the overwhelming amount was I believe in
aliens more than I believe in God
I’m not listen I’m not asking you to
believe it just asking you to hear it
I’m asking you to consider this for your
own protection we’re living in the days
of deception
and if you and I do not know the truth
you’re going to fall prone fall victim
to it number one in the days of
deception what does every Christ
follower know for sure
what does every Christ follower know for
sure you need to write that down it’s
this that the church age at this moment
in world history is nearing its end
regarding its Godly call in other words
we’re two thousand years down the road
from the day of Pentecost we know that
as a fact we also know this that the
world is now able to communicate
instantly in real time that was referred
to in the Bible we know that the Bible
says in the last days before the
Antichrist is revealed there’s going to
be an uh an age where a man will want to
be governed under one ruling system uh
the Bible talks about that we know that
once the Antichrist comes onto the world
scene he will take advantage of
something that is already in existence
he’s going to request a or demand a
prefix number ahead of the number you do
business with think about this for seven
years according to the Bible it looks as
though that people are going to be
trading not with money but with numbers
you’ll have a cashless system he’s going
to come and demand that you have a a
preface to that number like some of you
live in the
951 area code
909-949-213-310 area code those area
codes are prefixes to your phone number
remember that when the Antichrist comes
on the scene he’s going to say go ahead
and keep your number your banking number
we’ll just call it that but to make sure
that everything’s on the same page and
we all swear Allegiance Because by the
way every Tyrant demands people swear
allegiance to them he’s just going to
say just accept my number just accept my
Mark just accept this image and oh it
just so happens that what they all have
in common is the numbers 666 is in your
Bible having said that there are so many
things that we are now at the time in
the age of Technology where such things
can happen if not or already happening
you have already received warnings in
your bank statements that you are
falling under a category you and I are
being graded
I’m being graded I’ve got these these uh
in the mail my ESG rating you need to
read the fine print to your bank
statements in your credit card
statements when you get them I know you
don’t who does I mean attorneys write
them in such a way to bore you stiff
that by the time you get to the
important stuff you’re too tired to keep
reading but you have an ESG rating that
is a global rating agreed on by
globalists that announces what is your
purchase Style
belief system
what do you spend your money on
where do you go
what’s your favorite food
where where are you do you tithe or do
you give to this or that all of these
things are now being monitored
this is all part of moving toward a
deception in the last days
it’s not going to happen overnight it’s
been happening like Satan loves to do in
your life and mine and in the world very
gradually so that you don’t wake up to
it I was reading again uh I encourage
everybody to read this it’s not a
Christian book but it’s the Art of War
have you ever anybody
by uh since sue you ought to read it the
art of warts and this guy said when when
you are far from your enemy make him
think you’re close and when you’re close
to your enemy make him think you’re far
when you’re very strong make him think
you’re very weak and when you’re very
weak make them think you’re very strong
when you’re launching a war against him
make him think that you are not
launching a war against them
it’s a it’s a war tactic
and I’m submitting to you today that
there’s issues going on in our world
that have almost lulled this into a
sleep and
I think all of a sudden now so much of
Hollywood over its decades regarding UFO
type of conversations alien visitations
we’re just part of getting things to be
somewhat acceptable even even if
terrifying there’s something bizarre
about the human nature that loves
terrifying I mean I don’t I’m a pastor I
see it enough I’d like boredom uh why
doesn’t somebody do a movie on boredom I
would go but you know people go let’s go
to this movie to scare you I don’t need
to do that I live I live that life every
every day um so the the thing is this is
I think we’ve been conditioned
so when people like Barack Obama or
Shaquille O’Neal say what they say did
that shock you did it like oh my gosh no
you just rolled with it
when somebody says they saw something we
write that off don’t we we write it off
and then if you saw something you don’t
say anything to anybody
in the sense of
conditioning but as a Christ follower
what do we know well we know that the
word of God is the absolute truth
you see what’s beautiful about this is
if you don’t know the word of God you
are going to fall for the message that
people are going to be announcing and
some of those messages have already been
put in print and I’ll show them to you
next week I don’t think we’ll have the
time I’ve got some we’ll see we’ll see
how far we go but it’s quite remarkable
that these are who are saying yes I I’m
a U.S Air Force uh
yeah pilot but a certain rank I forget
what he was but he’s saying this is the
conversation that took place
and then the commentator by the way
makes the statement based upon what the
air force uh Captain is is saying
that it’s highly religious material
listen to what is being said
he said what do you mean by this
we’ve gone beyond the UFO alien thing
that’s not the topic anymore you’re
going to see this
it’s not that’s not the topic
what could possibly be more fantastic
than that
when they start saying this now explains
you see when the Christian knows the
word of God when somebody comes along
and says this now has been an ancient
Revelation that has been given to us and
it explains the Bible perfectly and it
is this
that Jesus was an alien
that when he was on the Mount of
transfiguration and he turned glowing
bright light you see
how many people throughout
history have said that when they
encountered an alien they were brilliant
in lights or this that or the other
thing there’s always light involved and
when Moses and Elijah appeared they
appeared to be Moses and Elijah to the
disciples written in the gospels but in
reality and you see what happens is
Listen People fill in their
and it slanted and if somebody has the
slightest door of Doubt open in the
validity of the scriptures that kind of
stuff can creep in
and this is ancient
it’s been around a long time
the Bible says in second Corinthians
chapter 2 verse 11
there Paul warns the Corinthians lest
Satan should take advantage of us for we
are not ignorant of his devices I’d like
to submit to you that we are ignorant of
his devices
a lot of people laugh when you mention
the word Lucifer Satan
you don’t believe in a real devil do you
yes I do because Jesus did
yes I do because he’s recorded in the
Bible as an actual fact
he’s a fallen angel the Bible says he’s
a created being which by the way keep
that in mind he’s a created being
the authorities that are out there today
changing The Narrative of the
Revelations of these creatures are
telling us that all of these things that
exist which is why you find them in
Babylonian art and Egyptian art all the
way through to Mayan art katsel guadal
and some of these images all the way
through to American Indian uh cave art
they all display the same thing why
listen why they’re saying what we’re
trying to tell all of you about is that
it predates the Bible
you see the convenience to this
the moment some listen young people the
moment somebody comes along and says
convincingly oh we have found so much
information that predates the Bible
the moment you predate the Bible which
means you are predating Genesis 1 1 and
that’s exactly what they wound up doing
they wound up announcing that Genesis 1
1 did in fact take place
because those beings were sent here
in this region of the
realm of space to create this world
and that was one particular God at that
particular time and then Jesus is also a
particular God for a particular time
for some of you who have been involved
in a particular cult that I will mention
next week because I’m going to read
something from that you’re starting to
wake up and say wait a minute
I was taught that there are a bunch of
gods from other planets
you know this is a very famous gold
you know what I’m talking about
they used to use bicycles but now they
use cars
and Jesus happens to be a god
and Adam was a god
and you can become one too
and that’s exactly what some of these I
call them new agers but that’s not even
fair to the new age people this is what
is being talked about
and discussed
I at least asked me why are you doing
this message and then the reason why is
I I listened to too many pastors online
I was searching this and there were
pastors throughout the world saying
all of this alien manifestation that’s
wrong for us to call them aliens these
are people are not people these are
entities that God has created but they
didn’t fall like we did they’ve come to
help us
when you hear stuff like that we better
address it
I mean seriously
the Bible says that there’d be an
increase in demonic activity and
spiritism in the last days second
Timothy chapter four beginning to verse
3 for the time will come I say it’s here
when they will not endure sound Doctrine
people don’t want to hear Bible studies
entertain me
make me happy make me feel good give me
a warm and fuzzy
don’t look don’t don’t bore me with
Bible Doctrine
but according to their own desires
because they have itching ears
they’re looking for a thrill
I want a religious thrill
they will Heap up for themselves
they will turn their ears away from the
be turned aside to Fables
But You Be watchful in all things notice
the difference the world and the
religious world is going to go after
some new thing Fables
but the believer
is To Be watchful Ephesians chapter 6
verse 12. you guys all right
Ephesians 6 12 says for we do not
wrestle we do not war against flesh and
blood but against principalities against
Powers against the rulers of the
darkness of this age and against
spiritual host of wickedness note where
they’re at in the Heavenly places or
atmosphere that is a verse that we
probably all should start memorizing we
do not we are not wrestling against we
are not warring right now in the 21st
century today we are not warring against
human powers the Bible says we are
warring against principalities and
powers that are of a different origin
are you jack are you saying they’re
aliens no I’m telling you they’re demons
they’re Fallen Angels and Demons
even now with some of the things that
we’re going to hear where you’ve got a
Navy Aviator saying
I don’t know what these things are but
they have the ability to appear and
disappear outside of our known realm of
someone’s going to say if they were
visiting from some other Galaxy because
you know that used to be the story that
they got in a spaceship and they flew
but now we have the technology to pick
up an asteroid
millions of miles away
and be able to
plot its size and its direction and its
speed and yet these things are not
detected why
because now the world and the unbeliever
I’ll say is now announcing this
we used to think they were coming from
other areas this way on a longitude
latitude based on our physics listen
everybody all this has come out
prominently in the last few weeks we no
longer believe that they were traveling
from some spot to this spot by our
traditional way of thinking what they do
is they live in a different realm that
some people would say is spiritual
but they live in a dimension that we’ve
not yet discovered and what they can do
is step in to where we’re at and then
step out
which by the way in physics is actually
a discipline it’s actually a study
what I suggest to you today is the
things that you’re going to be hearing
and the increasing
claims they’re going to be coming out is
none other than demonic deceiving
actions that are stepping in being made
visible and when they want they step
aside be it a a an alien looking thing
be it a craft be it a uh what they call
you’ll see the the Tic Tac which was a
spacecraft that looks like a big Tic Tac
but it appears and then disappears
off of radar
what did it do
it did spiritual stuff that’s what it
because if it did any other type of
physics we would have been able to track
it appears and disappears what do we
know for sure we know that God’s word is
true the Bible announces that God’s word
is powerful it’s active in our lives and
God’s word tells us about deceiving
activity in the last days that we better
be familiar with
because if you’re not you’re going to
hear something that’s going to get you
excited and you just might fall for it
next slide uh Congressman Matt Gates
several months ago my office received a
protected disclosure from Eglin Air
Force Base indicating that there was a
UAP incident that required my attention
I sought a briefing regarding that
episode and brought with me congressman
birchett and congresswoman Luna we asked
to see any of the evidence that had been
taken by flight crew in this endeavor
and to observe any radar signature as
long as as well as to meet with the
flight crew we were not afforded access
to all of the flight crew and initially
we were not afforded access to images
and to radar thereafter we had a bit of
a discussion about how authorities flow
in the United States of America and we
did see the image and we did meet with
one member of the flight crew who took
the image the image was of something
that I am not able to attach to any
human capability either from the United
States or from any of our adversaries
and I’m somewhat informed on the matter
having served on the armed services
committee for seven years having served
on the committee that oversees DARPA and
Advanced Technologies for several years
um when we spoke with the flight crew
and when he showed us the photo that
he’d taken I asked why the video wasn’t
engaged why we didn’t have a FLIR system
that worked here’s what he said they
were out on a test mission that day over
the Gulf of Mexico and when you’re on a
test mission you’re supposed to have
clear airspace not supposed to be
anything that shows up and they saw a
sequence of four craft
in a clear diamond formation
for which there is
a radar sequence that I and I alone have
observed in the United States Congress
one of the pilots goes to check out that
diamond formation and sees a large
floating what I can only describe as an
orb again like I said not of any human
capability that I’m that I’m aware of
and when he approached he said that his
radar went down he said that his FLIR
system malfunctioned and that he had to
manually take this image from one of the
lenses and it was not automatic
automated in collection as you would
typically see in a test mission so uh I
guess I’ll start with Commander fraver
what in how should we think about the
fact that this craft that was approached
by our pilot uh had the capability of
disarming a number of the sensor and
collection systems on that craft
well I think this goes to that National
Security side and you can go back
through history of
things showing up in certain areas and
disabling our capabilities which is
disheartening and for us I mean like I
said it completely disabled the radar
and the aircraft when I tried to do it
the only way we could see it is
passively which is how he got that image
so I think that’s a that’s a concern on
what are these doing not only how do
they operate but their capabilities
inside to do things like this and and
how should we think about for craft
moving in a very clear formation
equidistant from one another
in a diamond in all of the phenomenon
perhaps Mr grave that you’ve analyzed um
have we ever seen multiple craft in a
single formation
I have one particular case and that was
uh during the gimbal incident
um the recording on the at FLIR system
shows a single object that rotates
um you hear the pilots refer to a fleet
of objects that is not visible on the
FLIR system and that was something that
I witnessed during the debrief as part
of the radar data on the situational
awareness page I would like to add
whoever Congressman there’s a small a
small bit of uh anger I would say I
would feel that those Pilots are still
facing that difficulty in reporting this
topic and they don’t have the tools to
be able to mitigate this issue it just
goes to show how serious this is and why
this is such an important issue for our
pilots and foreign Nation it was was
stated explicitly to me by these test
pilots that if you have a u of AP
experience the best thing you can do for
your career is forget it and not tell
anyone because any type of reporting
either above the surface or below the
surface does have a perceived
consequence to these people and that is
a culture we must change if we want to
get to the truth Mr chairman I would
observe that perhaps as we as we move
forward from this hearing there are some
obvious next steps every person watching
this knows that we need to meet with Mr
grush in a secure compartmentalized
facility so that we can get fulsome
answers that do not put him in Jeopardy
and that and that give us the
information we need second I would
suggest that the radar images from that
were collected of this formation of
craft out of Eglin Air Force Base and
specifically the actual image taken by
the actual flight crew that we can
actually validate be provided to the
committee subpoenaed if necessary so
that we’re able to track how to get this
type of reporting and Analysis done in a
more fulsome way that would be my
recommendation humbly as a guest here of
the fine oversight committee I yield
back so if you be begin to um
go from
the Roswell incidents and the funny
little guys with the green heads and the
big eyes and and the movies and and the
the crack putts and the Kooks
moving forward to the point where now
you have reputable congressmen and
senators and military personnel saying
there’s something out there
do you not see as a Believer a
correlation in the level of
false religions
Cults the Advent of
almost as though man is losing his mind
and the strange bizarre
increase in violence
and in sexuality
uh the breakdown of the family
uh racism
gender confusion
uh suicide
all these things that are
looked at in scripture and mentioned in
scripture and certainly some to Great
details some uh in a general
acknowledgment that we are now here
today in the 21st century and nothing
has lessened
it’s only increased you may be a
non-believer today but hear this out
Jesus said before things really get
it’s gonna
it’s going to be like the times as it
was in the days of Noah
now what an odd thing to say would you
agree that’s a strange thing to say that
Jesus says oh by the way if you want to
know the future you got to know the past
so he says turned I’m making this part
up he didn’t say turn to Genesis 6. but
as it was in the days of Noah what
brought on the flood violence the Bible
says every thought that man was thinking
was perverse constantly and violence
I submit to you that we live in a
violent perverted world that’s
increasing it’s not getting better it’s
getting worse
even to the point now where there are
people in up in power that are trying to
do evil
and now we have we’re at this moment now
military commercial airline pilots are
now saying thank you to those
Congressional hearings in the United
States because now we can say the exact
same thing we saw it all too
and that’s what’s that’s what’s
how else do you think would be a good
explanation just guessing
I’m not saying this is it but if this
where there are friends
they’re here to help us
what if there’s a group of people who
say no they’re not
they’re demonic in origin it’s satanic
they’re fallen angels in conjunction
with demonic spirits coming out of
Genesis chapter 6 and referred to in the
book of Samuel Chronicles and in the
Book of Job
and in the Book of Daniel
this is all mentioned in the Bible and
we’re not buying it what if what if we
were to say we’re not buying your story
that these are benevolent creatures that
are manifesting from some other realm to
come and help us
they’re not highly involved Beyond us
and they’ve come back to check and see
how slow we’re evolving
what if
we expose such thinking as being demonic
what if the Rapture were to take place
wouldn’t it be a tremendous explanation
that oh you know what they didn’t get
with the program
those people that were they were the
they were the roadblock to the next
Quantum step of evolutionary process
there are those in the in the
evolutionary world that are saying
because they don’t have evidence for
Progressive Evolution there are no
fossil records that there’s not one
fossil that provides an evolutionary
argument did you know that
not a one
it’s a religion
so what they’ve countered now is that
they believe the next move in evolution
will not be over thousands of years or
millions of years it will be in seconds
isn’t that convenient what if
the Rapture that is that is to take
place in a twinkling of an eye
is something that the Bible says God
will send the world strong delusions so
that they will believe the lie what if
part of that lie is to believe the
explanation that that’s why these
knuckle dragging ignorant dumb
Christians had to be removed for man to
progress to his next level to his next
step what if I’m just saying what if the
point is this still today
there are things that are out there
that Barack Obama could not explain
there are things going on that military
personnel cannot explain
but what we’re starting to see
explains real well
a world that lives in tandem with us
that we would call the spirit Realm
didn’t that Jesus himself in his
resurrected body appear and disappear
is that not recorded in Scripture
doesn’t the bible say that Satan himself
has the ability to appear as an angel of
to deceive people
I find this fascinating we’re almost
there is a guy out there who is
a very big deal I don’t I’m trying to
avoid from mentioning his name but then
that wouldn’t be fair you’d be thinking
uh making them up
uh this guy is a consultant to Nations
he’s been a consultant to the CIA he’s
been a consultant to DARPA
he’s been a consultant to other agencies
regarding our National Defense
but this guy is has this guy is this
guy’s uh
not I don’t think he’s all there but I
don’t I don’t think he’s crazy I think I
think something has happened to him
um but
there’s a few more things and we’ll wrap
this up next uh on page five you guys uh
go ahead and and play the first one out
of the three that’s there
but you see that this is a a subset of a
larger question but listen carefully and
watch these images in the evolution of
consciousness of understanding what we
really are in the makeup of the universe
is a threat in itself to this Elite
because that is the dissolving way of
these kind of differences among
ourselves and this coming into a full
ownership of our proper place in the
universe puts these people out of
business uh as the ruling Elite and so
that that the raising of consciousness
of our human family is so closely
related to the opening onto the
Extraterrestrial experience that both of
them together are viewed as a threat by
the elite what they’re afraid of is that
this is such an accelerator as people
have these repeated in contacts notice
what they’re doing their whole
Consciousness starts to rise they start
becoming aware of the fact that we’re
damaging our environment they can become
aware of the fact that nuclear weapons
are kind of an insane thing notice it’s
the environment it’s a really bad idea
this is a spiritual experience it’s a
spiritual stimulation that’s coming
did you know what he said
this is one of the proponent proponents
of opening your life he’ll even say in
another clip it’s time for you I’m not
kidding it’s time for you to receive do
you have to invite I’m quoting you will
have to invite them in to understand
what we are here talking about
think of this
see Jack I don’t believe it it doesn’t
matter if you believe it
the deception is out there there are
millions of people who believe this and
what if
and does the Bible say Satan can do
what if
now this guy is a big spokesman for
extraterrestrial human
meet up interaction
but did you hear him say and did you
notice the images that they produced of
people gathering together look like a
prayer circle but it’s actually a
meditation Circle
he makes the he makes the announcement
he makes he doesn’t even bad an eye
connecting it with how we need to get
this going so we can save our planet
doesn’t Romans 8 excuse me Romans 1 tell
us that in the last days humans will
begin to worship nature
next uh next slide is is concerning
knowing all that if they were hostile in
the way we think of an invading hostile
force that would have been made
abundantly clear to us the day we
detonated the first atomic bomb the fact
is they have shown remarkable respect
almost the level of gandian pacifism not
to have pushed back so the threat isn’t
extraterrestrial the threat is covert
human these secret projects are an
existential threat to Earth We’re the
problem the environment and to our peace
and space and relationship with these
listen where’s the young people did you
just hear that
Authority and and he dropped this bomb
right in here
that there’s other it’s he says it’s a
these other things they’re nice they
would have they would have dusted Us by
now if they weren’t
well I would counter with that guy which
by the way you would listen to his
entire presentation and everything he
says is a fact and by the way he’s very
charismatic and he’s got a tremendous
testimony as to how he’s come to this
conclusion and he’s no dummy he’s a
physicist it’s remarkable so listen when
he says this is this or this or this and
he’s the one that can go around the
world and gather great crowds
as they sit and they wait upon listen
they wait upon
extraterrestrial manifestations it’s
literally a seance outside
I’m telling you today
you don’t need to believe what I’m
telling you but just listen to this it’s
it’s not alien from some other world
they’re not visitors they’re occupiers
they’ve been here at least since before
or at the fall of Adam and Eve
next uh next slide or next video
it’s helpful of course for them to say
oh UFOs are real that’s quite helpful
we’ve been trying to get people to
understand that now for the last 30
years but it’s all immediately wedded to
this fact that they’re this horrible
threat and so we have to come forward
with a positive set of programs a
positive vision for this and that’s what
I’m trying to help get the Vatican in
the Jesuit order to become involved in
in putting forth the Vatican to get
involved logical and philosophical
challenges that this presents to us but
it’s not a national security threat you
know it’s not a threat to our speech
he’s just not a threat to our planet
it’s a threat to our viewers ourselves
as the the be-all and end all that the
entire universe was created as a stage
on which to play out the human drama of
one single species you know that ain’t
so but let’s let’s get used to it and
let’s figure out what the what the new
story is what is the new story it is a
positive story what is our role in it we
may not be the star you know of it but
we’re a good supporting character uh in
in the unfolding of our universe and
let’s figure out what that story is
you’re not you’re not that important
you’re not star
is part of an unfolding Universe you’re
not so important that Jesus would die on
the cross for your sins and be
resurrected from the dead notice this
are highly intelligent human beings
propagating falsehood in lies
we have to end here
church I know this is not heartwarming
and this is how you go out and boy it
wasn’t Church thrilling today
but I got to tell you everybody
this stuff is not going to go away and
the only anchor you have is your Bible
and so when you look at the Bible you
better make sure that you are asking the
Holy Spirit himself the author of the
Bible for illumination to the scriptures
not your own you ask God Lord keep me
safe from from deception Lord don’t let
any of these fantastic things that are
going on in this universe derail me from
the truth and when you when you have an
intelligence officer for the CIA under
on the penalty of jail
we have physical biologics
of unknown creatures in our possession
if he’s telling you the truth ladies and
which I don’t doubt the man
you’re talking about
materials that have been generated
from a power source
that you and I do not know much about
but are demonic
we don’t know what they can and cannot
but we do know that when Moses died I
just read this the other day when Moses
died anybody remember what happened what
happened when Moses died on Mount Nebo
what happened
Michael the Archangel fought with
Lucifer Satan over the body of Moses
that’s weird why would Satan want
Moses’s body
I think to animate and inhabit Moses’s
isn’t it interesting
that the Bible tells us that regarding
Sodom and Gomorrah God sent angels to
destroy it and they physically appeared
and walked into the City and the
homosexual Community thought they were
men and tried to have sex with them in
the Bible
if angels can do that fallen angels can
do that
and if God speaks truth Jesus said Satan
is the father of all lies
I say all of this to end with this you
ought to be encouraged
now if you don’t know your Bible
you are you are in really dangerous
because just that
two-hour documentary will spin your head
the things that they say about the Bible
and how they interpret the Bible if
you’re not anchored you’re going to say
wow I never viewed it that way before
the moment you think like that
is the moment the poison is entering
your soul
you’ve got to have Bible up
so we end Jesus Christ is Lord and
Savior according to the Bible Jesus
Christ is the Eternal God according to
the Bible Jesus Christ came to this
earth born of a virgin died on the cross
for our sins and rose again from the
dead to redeem us from our sins he loves
you and listen Satan hates that truth
and apparently he’s going to launch a
campaign to get you to not believe it
just listen he can’t defeat the message
so what is he going to do he’s already
started water it down
and prepare your heart he’ll say to you
to receive the next
Story the next gospel the next
quite remarkable
if this bummed you out then don’t come
next week that’s for sure let’s let’s
all stand father we pray Lord God that
we will be an equipped people we’ve
always said that we’ve always prayed
that but little did we know uh we we
thought of of swords and shields and
okay uh
and when we think of uh when we think of
the spirit realm we usually think of
little fat chubby Angels suspended over
our grandmother’s uh bathroom
uh hanging on the wall a little chubby
um that’s not it we know from the Bible
that when Angels appeared to your
prophets that they got sick Daniel was
sick and unable to stand for many days
when he saw one angel
and so God wake us up from being naive
and at the same time don’t let us turn
into a bunch of lunatics either
God we need to know your truth like
never before and I just publicly want to
thank you God for bringing us to this
moment in human history wow I mean what
a time to know the Bible
What A Time To reveling Your Truth God
that you’ve given us
so may we trust you
may we leave our sins with you
may we receive you Risen Lord and savior
as such
tomorrow when Fred or
Wilma or Barney or whoever tomorrow at
work brings up the topic hey do you see
that in the news
that we would say you know I think
that’s a demonic stuff I’m not doubting
it happened I’m
I think it’s satanic
boy what an open door for the gospel
boom right there
thank you God we pray that we’d go forth
in your power and all God’s people said
amen God bless you guys
- Why Men Leave – Sarah Jakes Roberts and Bishop TD JakesTháng 5 12, 2023