How to Restart & Keep the Fire of the Holy Spirit
How to Restart & Keep the Fire of the Holy Spirit
On this edition of Spirit Church, David Diga Hernandez shares an inspiring message about restarting and keeping the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in your life.
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
Hello, this is David Dia Hernandez.
And you’re watching Spirit Church here on the Encounter TV Network.
Do you feel as though you’ve lost the fire of God in your life?
I want to talk to you if you feel as though everything in your spiritual life is now going cold.
Perhaps there was once a prayer life. Perhaps there was once a devotion to the word of God.
Perhaps there was once a passion to win the lost and maybe now you’re in a place where you’re just wondering how you can get back to the place of your first love, how you can reignite the fire of the holy ghost in your life?
Well, I want to talk to you and I do believe that God wants to rekindle that flame and he’ll help you keep it this time.
But first Stephen Moctezuma is here with me. He’s gonna lead you in some very anointed worship.
And then we’re gonna get right into this lesson.
Here is Stephen Mazuma was being then yes of God come with must be we for you.
Mhm Consume me sp which like clover with time.
Now said the give us a let you would you I which so I want to talk to you if you feel as though the fire has gone out in your life.
Perhaps you feel as though that first love is no longer there. Like your passion is gone.
Like you’ve grown cold and apathetic toward the things of God.
And even if you don’t find yourself in that place, it’s still important that you hear this because these truths can still be applied to your life to not only bring the fire back and cause it to burn brighter, but it will also help you to keep the fire burning so that the never goes out.
So whether you’re that person who senses that fire gone, or whether you’re that person who senses that fire burning.
These truths are important for you to know so that you can continue to walk in the fire of God or cause it to be re sparked in your life.
Now, I so enjoy these moments that we have together.
I really do feel as though I’m talking to you one on one like I’m your brother in Christ, encouraging you and praying for you.
And so these moments I want you to in these moments just let everything else go and focus in on what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you through this program.
So talking about being a keeper of the flame, keeping that fire burning Leviticus chapter six, beginning at verse 12 says this.
Meanwhile, the fire on the altar must be kept burning. It must never go out each morning.
The priest will add fresh wood to the fire and arrange the burnt offering on it.
He will then burn the fat of the peace offerings on it.
Remember, so the Lord is emphasizing here, remember the fire must be kept burning on the altar at all times.
It must never go out. God is giving instructions through Moses to the levitical priest and they are told that they are to keep the fire burning and that is the encouragement to you today to keep the fire burning.
Now, Steven Zuma and I were visiting Tulsa Oklahoma and we stopped by oral Roberts University.
Now, when I was on campus, I was being given a tour when I was on campus, I looked around and I noticed symbolism everywhere.
They really put a lot of spiritual thought into the construction of that university and you can really sense the presence of the Holy Spirit as you’re walking on campus.
It definitely was a university raised in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Everywhere you look, there are scriptures and reminders of the power of God.
There are words of encouragement that stir your faith. So it was quite an enjoyable experience.
But one of the things I remembered most was what our tour guide pointed out to us.
When we first arrived, he pointed out to us this tower and on the top of that tower was a flame and the flame, the tour guide told me never went out.
He said in every season that flame is kept burning and it was placed on the top of a high tower so that the students could see it from almost anywhere on campus.
And so as we walked around the campus, as we were looking at all of the other things that the campus had to offer, we would every so often look back up and we could still see up in the sky.
The fire, burning the flame, kept going.
And I thought that was such a powerful reminder about the fire of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
God really has given us a gift. When he’s given us the fire of the Holy Spirit.
The fire of the Holy Spirit is your passion for God. The fire of the Holy Spirit is holiness.
The fire of the Holy Spirit is a zeal for the spiritual truths that God has deposited in our lives.
The fire of the Holy Spirit is divine energy that’s given to us that we may carry out the will of God and please Him with lives that are lived for His glory.
So I think that we must be people who guard the fire.
We must not let anything blow that fire out.
Whether it be the negative voices of those who would criticize us or those who love us and think they’re speaking good for us.
And trying to encourage us to come away from the things of God. We must guard it from sin.
We must keep our purity in place. We must keep our reverence for the Holy Spirit.
We must live a life of continual sacrifice and selflessness so that the fire can continue to burn.
We must keep the fire for. We are the keepers of the flame.
We are the keepers of the fire of the Holy Ghost.
Now, when you find your fire dwindling, there’s something that you can do to keep it burning.
I’m gonna show it to you. Let’s look again at verse 12. This is a powerful truth.
The scripture says, meanwhile, the fire on the altar must be kept burning. So there’s the command.
It must never go out. There’s the emphasis each morning. Now, here’s how to do it each morning.
The priest will add fresh wood to the fire and arrange the burnt offering on it.
Now, wood in the Old Testament can be symbolic for humanity or the things of this earth.
So wood is a symbol of our lives. Wood is a symbol of what we offer to God.
And the Lord told the priest to every morning, put fresh wood on the altar to keep the fire burning.
If a fire does not have something to consume, the fire will begin to go out.
So if you sense the fire of the Holy Spirit beginning to dwindle in your life, my question to you is what are you withholding and what are you not allowing the fire of the Holy Ghost to consume in your life?
A life of sacrifice is a life that is lit by the fire of the Holy Ghost.
We must sacrifice our time and spend it in prayer.
We must sacrifice our time and spend it devoted to the word of God.
We must sacrifice our certainty by taking steps of faith and stepping into what we know God is calling us to do.
I like to tell people that if what you’re doing doesn’t require faith, you’re not in the will of God.
If how you’re living doesn’t require faith, then you’re not living in the will of God.
For everywhere that God will call us will require faith on our part.
We can make those efforts and those are good things. We should do those things.
My encouragement to you is if you ever feel the fire of the Holy Spirit dwindling, to get back to the place of sacrifice, to get back to the place of prayer, to not sit back and take it and say, well, my passion is dying.
But to instead let there be a holy rise in you and go and do what God has told you to do.
Obedience to his voice, radical faith, devotion to his word, time in prayer.
These are the things that we can offer and place on the altar that allows the fire of the Holy Ghost to consume our very lives.
That must be our prayer. Father consume me and let me burn bright, causing others to see your glorious brilliance.
But what do you do when the fire has completely gone out?
Sure, there are things that we can do to keep the fire burning and that the fire begins to dwindle.
We know to act out certain spiritual actions that will cause the fire to continue to burn.
But what do we do when the fire of the holy Ghost has completely gone out.
Leviticus chapter nine verse 22 the scripture says this after that, Aaron raised his hands toward the people and blessed them.
Then after presenting the sin offering, the burnt offering and the peace offering, he stepped down from the altar, then Moses and Aaron went into the Tabernacle and when they came back out, they blessed the people again and the glory of the Lord appeared to the whole community.
Now watch this fire blazed forth from the Lord’s presence and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar.
When the people saw this, they shouted with joy and fell face down to the ground.
Now, in Leviticus chapter nine, the portion of scripture that I literally just read, that was actually the very first time that the Levitical priest carried out this type of offering.
Before then, God had just implemented these rules, but they had not yet carried them out.
So this was the beginning of, of the actions of the levitical priest. This was the start of their duties.
This was the first time that they had ever offered offerings in this manner.
So the command in Leviticus chapter six to keep the fire burning came before the fire was ever there.
Now, I got to looking at this and I thought it was interesting because God was giving them in Leviticus chapter six when he said, keep the fire burning, he was actually giving them instructions for the fire that was to come.
He was saying basically, when the fire gets here, I want you to keep it burning.
But what struck me as the most powerful thing here in the scripture is that I observed that God started the fire.
In fact, it says he stepped down from the altar, the priest stepped down from the altar and he left it to the Lord.
He did what he was able to do and therefore God did what he was able to do.
God does not need our help, but He does desire our surrender.
We work with God in this manner because God does not want to violate free will.
He, he waits for us to allow Him to move in our lives.
If you will do the difficult God will do the impossible.
If you will do the possible God will do the impossible.
If you will obey God will act, if you will worship, he will manifest. His presence.
If you will believe He will perform the miracle, if you will preach, he will save the soul.
If you will act in faith, God will respond with power.
If you will set the altar, God will send his fire. You may have lost that fire.
And the truth is you can’t start it. You didn’t start it in the first place.
You may be looking around and saying God, how do I start that fire again?
I was so on fire when I first got saved, I was so on fire.
Just a few years ago, I was so on fire just a few months ago.
Or perhaps even it was just days ago that you were on fire, but something tripped you up, maybe sin, maybe apathy, maybe lack of devotion to the time in the presence of God, whatever it was that caused the fire to go out in your life.
It doesn’t matter because God is merciful.
His mercies are new every morning and He has a fresh fire for you today.
All you have to do is place the wood on the altar this morning.
And when I say this morning, I’m of course using it as an analogy to describe this moment.
If you will continue to put something on the altar, God will continue to send his fire.
All you have to do is surrender.
All you have to do is say God, I’m tired of doing it my way.
I wanna do it your way. God, I’m tired of trying to make it work in my power.
I need you to make it work in your power.
You need to place whatever it is that’s holding you back.
You need to place it on the altar and then you need to step out of the way.
You can’t make this work.
Even if you tried, even if you gave 100 years of your effort to this, you couldn’t make it work on your own.
100 years of you trying could not possibly even come close to equaling a single moment of God’s response.
God can do more in a moment than you can in a lifetime.
So step away from that altar, put what needs to die on the altar, put self ness on the altar, put your time on the altar, put your ambition on the altar, put your pride and your anger and your emotions and your circumstance and all that holds you back, put it on the altar, step away and say God do with it what you want and you watch that fire, come back on your life.
If you want God to continue to send the fire, keep putting things on the altar.
You’re a keeper of the flame.
God has given you the fire of the holy ghost, you can’t start it, but you can steward it.
And this is what God has called us to do to keep that fire burning but if ever that fire has gone out within, you just know that he is so merciful and he’s gonna start that fire again.
Just give it to him. You weren’t the one who started it in the first place.
So it’s time to go back to the one who did. I wanna pray with you.
Now, I wanna pray that the fire of the Holy Spirit would be reignited within you and that everything that has kept it from burning would be consumed and turned to ash.
You might experience the fullness of the power of the Holy ghost.
I sense the anointing so strong for you right now.
I know that I know that I know this is your moment to receive. Come on, let’s pray.
We’re gonna break off that apathy. You’ve been living this way for far too long.
This is your moment of breakthrough. I can sense it. Father in the name of Jesus.
I pray that you give that one receiving this prayer.
Now, the ability to surrender the ability and the desire, Lord to surrender Lord, as the psalmist prayed, bend my heart to your will.
We pray, Lord, you bend our hearts to your will.
And I ask father in the name of Jesus, that the fire of the Holy Spirit would consume everything on the altar and holy spirit that you’re fire, burning us, let your power flow through us.
Let us be bright and shining examples of your love and power.
I thank you father that you’re now reigniting something in our hearts.
Holy Spirit set our hearts ablaze for Jesus. In the name of Jesus, we pray.
I want you to say it because you believe it. Say amen.
Well, that is it for the lesson. I wanna welcome. Now the new members of Spirit Church.
There you are up on the screen. We love you and we are praying for you.
I always say it because I always mean it.
If you like information on how you can join the Spirit family, then go to David Hernandez ministries dot com slash spirit church.
It’s free. You get a brand new teaching every week, a brand new worship song from Steven Moctezuma that he covers every single week.
And you can reply to that email that you get on a weekly basis for prayer support from our ministry.
Staff Spirit Church is now almost 6000 members worldwide.
So join today, it’s absolutely free and we’d love to have you a part of the Spirit family.
I wanna read the comments now and these are from last week’s lesson.
If you want your comments potentially read next week, then go ahead and leave a comment in the comment section right now.
But here we are reading from a glimpse of God’s glory dimple writes. Thank you so much, sir, David.
I watched this twice every time I watch your videos, I really feel the spirit of God.
He’s really with you. God bless you more. Evangelist David.
That’s one of the things that sets our channel apart from many of the channels on youtube, this is the Holy Spirit’s channel.
His presence and his power are free to move any moment at any time.
Sometimes while I’m reading comments, words of knowledge will start flowing, but it’s his channel, he can do whatever he wants with it.
And Jesus is glorified here on this channel. So that’s why you sense the spirit of God. It’s Him.
Love. Emma writes, I feel so blessed every single time I listen to you, David, thank you so much for this powerful message.
God bless and increase you greatly on a daily basis. Rosemary writes. Thank you, David Dia Hernandez.
May God continue to empower you for his glory.
Joanne writes praise Adam and I give with the cheerful heart.
We might not all go out to the harvest field, but our sowing will help to reach souls.
God bless you all. Well, indeed many of you support us and you help us keep this content free and we thank you if you’re a supporter of this ministry and the final commenter, Agape writes well, yes, in counter TV.
Indeed, I’ve been watching the messages and teachings here for two years and the Holy Spirit has never failed to speak to me literally every week or whenever you post.
I’m glad that God led me here since my rebirth.
I’m thankful for everyone’s hard work and I pray that you would have another blessed year ahead.
Well, God bless you. I do believe that we have a tremendous year ahead of this ministry.
I wanna read a scripture for you. This is Matthew chapter six verse 21.
I’m reading out of the new international version.
The scripture says for where your treasure is there, your heart will be also. And this is Jesus talking.
Did you know that money is a test for you that the way you handle your money is a test of your heart.
This is why people become offended when preachers take offerings.
It’s not because they have this real spiritual reason for being upset with us.
It’s because it’s touching on their greed. It’s touching on how man and has hold of them.
So take a look at any of our videos.
You’ll see people get really stirred up, look at the comment section, they get really stirred up whenever I begin to take offerings.
But number one, I’m never going to apologize for this.
Number two, I’m more concerned about your financial breakthrough than I am with my reputation.
And number three, it’s the truth. It’s the word of God. So I’m gonna teach it.
I do not compromise the word of God for anyone. I don’t care what people think about me.
I don’t care how it might offend them. All I care about is helping people with the truth.
And Jesus said, where your treasure is there.
Will your heart be also when we give it tests who has our love and who has our trust and who has our faith and who has our passion and who is our priority.
So when you give to the gospel, you’re saying Jesus, I love you because you’re not giving it to me, you’re giving it to him.
You’re saying Jesus, my heart is in the gospel. My heart isn’t winning souls.
My heart isn’t helping other believers grow.
If that’s where your heart is, if you love the Lord and you wanna help us win more souls and you wanna help us build more believers and help us continue doing it through events and media, then give to this ministry today.
You know, we have people who give $5 and we also have donors who give in the six figures, believe it or not, we have people who donate on that level to our ministry, but every single one of them from the $5 donor to the $100,000 donor and everyone in between, they love the gospel.
They want to see it go forward. So will you join us?
Will you join the many thousands around the world who’ve come together through this ministry to win the lost and build believers?
I’m asking you to sell a one time gift or become a monthly supporter.
Now, one time gift of any amount is going to help us.
But I wanna encourage you to become a partner with our ministry for $30 or more a month.
When you become a partner at $30 or more a month, I will send you either carriers of the glory 25 truths about demons in spiritual warfare or encountering the Holy Spirit in every book of the Bible.
Do that today. Partner with me, partner with Steven, partner with our team, partner with the thousands around the world who are partnered with this ministry.
And let’s continue to do this.
Let’s do big, big things for the gospel as we um you know, record this and sometimes I hesitate to give out dates because you know, this is youtube.
It’ll be on for the next however long youtube’s on here.
But as, as I’m saying, this, we’re getting ready to go to Taiwan.
And you know, the beautiful thing about this trip that we’re taking to Taiwan.
I didn’t have to charge the church a penny.
I said, because the, the pastors were concerned about bringing us out.
They said we don’t know if we could afford the airfare or this or that or the other.
And I was able to tell them, don’t worry, my ministry partners are backing me and we can take care of it ourselves.
We are paying our own way to go and do ministry for a five night miracle service in Taiwan.
And we’re gonna bless the churches. We’re gonna bless the people.
We’re gonna preach the gospel, all because of supporters like you.
So help us continue to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to events and media.
So a one time gift or become a monthly partner.
Don’t wait, don’t hesitate to do it today as this airs on youtube and on television, it’s gonna still be 2018, but it’s at the very end of 2018.
This is your last chance to give for this year. Do it today.
Gift from your heart because you love Jesus.
Well, that is it for this edition of Spirit Church here on the Encounter TV Network. Until next time.
Remember, nothing is impossible with God. Thank you for watching Encounter TV.
Don’t forget to subscribe. Also help me win souls by spreading the gospel through events and media.
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And you’re watching Spirit Church here on the Encounter TV Network.
Do you feel as though you’ve lost the fire of God in your life?
I want to talk to you if you feel as though everything in your spiritual life is now going cold.
Perhaps there was once a prayer life. Perhaps there was once a devotion to the word of God.
Perhaps there was once a passion to win the lost and maybe now you’re in a place where you’re just wondering how you can get back to the place of your first love, how you can reignite the fire of the holy ghost in your life?
Well, I want to talk to you and I do believe that God wants to rekindle that flame and he’ll help you keep it this time.
But first Stephen Moctezuma is here with me. He’s gonna lead you in some very anointed worship.
And then we’re gonna get right into this lesson.
Here is Stephen Mazuma was being then yes of God come with must be we for you.
Mhm Consume me sp which like clover with time.
Now said the give us a let you would you I which so I want to talk to you if you feel as though the fire has gone out in your life.
Perhaps you feel as though that first love is no longer there. Like your passion is gone.
Like you’ve grown cold and apathetic toward the things of God.
And even if you don’t find yourself in that place, it’s still important that you hear this because these truths can still be applied to your life to not only bring the fire back and cause it to burn brighter, but it will also help you to keep the fire burning so that the never goes out.
So whether you’re that person who senses that fire gone, or whether you’re that person who senses that fire burning.
These truths are important for you to know so that you can continue to walk in the fire of God or cause it to be re sparked in your life.
Now, I so enjoy these moments that we have together.
I really do feel as though I’m talking to you one on one like I’m your brother in Christ, encouraging you and praying for you.
And so these moments I want you to in these moments just let everything else go and focus in on what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you through this program.
So talking about being a keeper of the flame, keeping that fire burning Leviticus chapter six, beginning at verse 12 says this.
Meanwhile, the fire on the altar must be kept burning. It must never go out each morning.
The priest will add fresh wood to the fire and arrange the burnt offering on it.
He will then burn the fat of the peace offerings on it.
Remember, so the Lord is emphasizing here, remember the fire must be kept burning on the altar at all times.
It must never go out. God is giving instructions through Moses to the levitical priest and they are told that they are to keep the fire burning and that is the encouragement to you today to keep the fire burning.
Now, Steven Zuma and I were visiting Tulsa Oklahoma and we stopped by oral Roberts University.
Now, when I was on campus, I was being given a tour when I was on campus, I looked around and I noticed symbolism everywhere.
They really put a lot of spiritual thought into the construction of that university and you can really sense the presence of the Holy Spirit as you’re walking on campus.
It definitely was a university raised in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Everywhere you look, there are scriptures and reminders of the power of God.
There are words of encouragement that stir your faith. So it was quite an enjoyable experience.
But one of the things I remembered most was what our tour guide pointed out to us.
When we first arrived, he pointed out to us this tower and on the top of that tower was a flame and the flame, the tour guide told me never went out.
He said in every season that flame is kept burning and it was placed on the top of a high tower so that the students could see it from almost anywhere on campus.
And so as we walked around the campus, as we were looking at all of the other things that the campus had to offer, we would every so often look back up and we could still see up in the sky.
The fire, burning the flame, kept going.
And I thought that was such a powerful reminder about the fire of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
God really has given us a gift. When he’s given us the fire of the Holy Spirit.
The fire of the Holy Spirit is your passion for God. The fire of the Holy Spirit is holiness.
The fire of the Holy Spirit is a zeal for the spiritual truths that God has deposited in our lives.
The fire of the Holy Spirit is divine energy that’s given to us that we may carry out the will of God and please Him with lives that are lived for His glory.
So I think that we must be people who guard the fire.
We must not let anything blow that fire out.
Whether it be the negative voices of those who would criticize us or those who love us and think they’re speaking good for us.
And trying to encourage us to come away from the things of God. We must guard it from sin.
We must keep our purity in place. We must keep our reverence for the Holy Spirit.
We must live a life of continual sacrifice and selflessness so that the fire can continue to burn.
We must keep the fire for. We are the keepers of the flame.
We are the keepers of the fire of the Holy Ghost.
Now, when you find your fire dwindling, there’s something that you can do to keep it burning.
I’m gonna show it to you. Let’s look again at verse 12. This is a powerful truth.
The scripture says, meanwhile, the fire on the altar must be kept burning. So there’s the command.
It must never go out. There’s the emphasis each morning. Now, here’s how to do it each morning.
The priest will add fresh wood to the fire and arrange the burnt offering on it.
Now, wood in the Old Testament can be symbolic for humanity or the things of this earth.
So wood is a symbol of our lives. Wood is a symbol of what we offer to God.
And the Lord told the priest to every morning, put fresh wood on the altar to keep the fire burning.
If a fire does not have something to consume, the fire will begin to go out.
So if you sense the fire of the Holy Spirit beginning to dwindle in your life, my question to you is what are you withholding and what are you not allowing the fire of the Holy Ghost to consume in your life?
A life of sacrifice is a life that is lit by the fire of the Holy Ghost.
We must sacrifice our time and spend it in prayer.
We must sacrifice our time and spend it devoted to the word of God.
We must sacrifice our certainty by taking steps of faith and stepping into what we know God is calling us to do.
I like to tell people that if what you’re doing doesn’t require faith, you’re not in the will of God.
If how you’re living doesn’t require faith, then you’re not living in the will of God.
For everywhere that God will call us will require faith on our part.
We can make those efforts and those are good things. We should do those things.
My encouragement to you is if you ever feel the fire of the Holy Spirit dwindling, to get back to the place of sacrifice, to get back to the place of prayer, to not sit back and take it and say, well, my passion is dying.
But to instead let there be a holy rise in you and go and do what God has told you to do.
Obedience to his voice, radical faith, devotion to his word, time in prayer.
These are the things that we can offer and place on the altar that allows the fire of the Holy Ghost to consume our very lives.
That must be our prayer. Father consume me and let me burn bright, causing others to see your glorious brilliance.
But what do you do when the fire has completely gone out?
Sure, there are things that we can do to keep the fire burning and that the fire begins to dwindle.
We know to act out certain spiritual actions that will cause the fire to continue to burn.
But what do we do when the fire of the holy Ghost has completely gone out.
Leviticus chapter nine verse 22 the scripture says this after that, Aaron raised his hands toward the people and blessed them.
Then after presenting the sin offering, the burnt offering and the peace offering, he stepped down from the altar, then Moses and Aaron went into the Tabernacle and when they came back out, they blessed the people again and the glory of the Lord appeared to the whole community.
Now watch this fire blazed forth from the Lord’s presence and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar.
When the people saw this, they shouted with joy and fell face down to the ground.
Now, in Leviticus chapter nine, the portion of scripture that I literally just read, that was actually the very first time that the Levitical priest carried out this type of offering.
Before then, God had just implemented these rules, but they had not yet carried them out.
So this was the beginning of, of the actions of the levitical priest. This was the start of their duties.
This was the first time that they had ever offered offerings in this manner.
So the command in Leviticus chapter six to keep the fire burning came before the fire was ever there.
Now, I got to looking at this and I thought it was interesting because God was giving them in Leviticus chapter six when he said, keep the fire burning, he was actually giving them instructions for the fire that was to come.
He was saying basically, when the fire gets here, I want you to keep it burning.
But what struck me as the most powerful thing here in the scripture is that I observed that God started the fire.
In fact, it says he stepped down from the altar, the priest stepped down from the altar and he left it to the Lord.
He did what he was able to do and therefore God did what he was able to do.
God does not need our help, but He does desire our surrender.
We work with God in this manner because God does not want to violate free will.
He, he waits for us to allow Him to move in our lives.
If you will do the difficult God will do the impossible.
If you will do the possible God will do the impossible.
If you will obey God will act, if you will worship, he will manifest. His presence.
If you will believe He will perform the miracle, if you will preach, he will save the soul.
If you will act in faith, God will respond with power.
If you will set the altar, God will send his fire. You may have lost that fire.
And the truth is you can’t start it. You didn’t start it in the first place.
You may be looking around and saying God, how do I start that fire again?
I was so on fire when I first got saved, I was so on fire.
Just a few years ago, I was so on fire just a few months ago.
Or perhaps even it was just days ago that you were on fire, but something tripped you up, maybe sin, maybe apathy, maybe lack of devotion to the time in the presence of God, whatever it was that caused the fire to go out in your life.
It doesn’t matter because God is merciful.
His mercies are new every morning and He has a fresh fire for you today.
All you have to do is place the wood on the altar this morning.
And when I say this morning, I’m of course using it as an analogy to describe this moment.
If you will continue to put something on the altar, God will continue to send his fire.
All you have to do is surrender.
All you have to do is say God, I’m tired of doing it my way.
I wanna do it your way. God, I’m tired of trying to make it work in my power.
I need you to make it work in your power.
You need to place whatever it is that’s holding you back.
You need to place it on the altar and then you need to step out of the way.
You can’t make this work.
Even if you tried, even if you gave 100 years of your effort to this, you couldn’t make it work on your own.
100 years of you trying could not possibly even come close to equaling a single moment of God’s response.
God can do more in a moment than you can in a lifetime.
So step away from that altar, put what needs to die on the altar, put self ness on the altar, put your time on the altar, put your ambition on the altar, put your pride and your anger and your emotions and your circumstance and all that holds you back, put it on the altar, step away and say God do with it what you want and you watch that fire, come back on your life.
If you want God to continue to send the fire, keep putting things on the altar.
You’re a keeper of the flame.
God has given you the fire of the holy ghost, you can’t start it, but you can steward it.
And this is what God has called us to do to keep that fire burning but if ever that fire has gone out within, you just know that he is so merciful and he’s gonna start that fire again.
Just give it to him. You weren’t the one who started it in the first place.
So it’s time to go back to the one who did. I wanna pray with you.
Now, I wanna pray that the fire of the Holy Spirit would be reignited within you and that everything that has kept it from burning would be consumed and turned to ash.
You might experience the fullness of the power of the Holy ghost.
I sense the anointing so strong for you right now.
I know that I know that I know this is your moment to receive. Come on, let’s pray.
We’re gonna break off that apathy. You’ve been living this way for far too long.
This is your moment of breakthrough. I can sense it. Father in the name of Jesus.
I pray that you give that one receiving this prayer.
Now, the ability to surrender the ability and the desire, Lord to surrender Lord, as the psalmist prayed, bend my heart to your will.
We pray, Lord, you bend our hearts to your will.
And I ask father in the name of Jesus, that the fire of the Holy Spirit would consume everything on the altar and holy spirit that you’re fire, burning us, let your power flow through us.
Let us be bright and shining examples of your love and power.
I thank you father that you’re now reigniting something in our hearts.
Holy Spirit set our hearts ablaze for Jesus. In the name of Jesus, we pray.
I want you to say it because you believe it. Say amen.
Well, that is it for the lesson. I wanna welcome. Now the new members of Spirit Church.
There you are up on the screen. We love you and we are praying for you.
I always say it because I always mean it.
If you like information on how you can join the Spirit family, then go to David Hernandez ministries dot com slash spirit church.
It’s free. You get a brand new teaching every week, a brand new worship song from Steven Moctezuma that he covers every single week.
And you can reply to that email that you get on a weekly basis for prayer support from our ministry.
Staff Spirit Church is now almost 6000 members worldwide.
So join today, it’s absolutely free and we’d love to have you a part of the Spirit family.
I wanna read the comments now and these are from last week’s lesson.
If you want your comments potentially read next week, then go ahead and leave a comment in the comment section right now.
But here we are reading from a glimpse of God’s glory dimple writes. Thank you so much, sir, David.
I watched this twice every time I watch your videos, I really feel the spirit of God.
He’s really with you. God bless you more. Evangelist David.
That’s one of the things that sets our channel apart from many of the channels on youtube, this is the Holy Spirit’s channel.
His presence and his power are free to move any moment at any time.
Sometimes while I’m reading comments, words of knowledge will start flowing, but it’s his channel, he can do whatever he wants with it.
And Jesus is glorified here on this channel. So that’s why you sense the spirit of God. It’s Him.
Love. Emma writes, I feel so blessed every single time I listen to you, David, thank you so much for this powerful message.
God bless and increase you greatly on a daily basis. Rosemary writes. Thank you, David Dia Hernandez.
May God continue to empower you for his glory.
Joanne writes praise Adam and I give with the cheerful heart.
We might not all go out to the harvest field, but our sowing will help to reach souls.
God bless you all. Well, indeed many of you support us and you help us keep this content free and we thank you if you’re a supporter of this ministry and the final commenter, Agape writes well, yes, in counter TV.
Indeed, I’ve been watching the messages and teachings here for two years and the Holy Spirit has never failed to speak to me literally every week or whenever you post.
I’m glad that God led me here since my rebirth.
I’m thankful for everyone’s hard work and I pray that you would have another blessed year ahead.
Well, God bless you. I do believe that we have a tremendous year ahead of this ministry.
I wanna read a scripture for you. This is Matthew chapter six verse 21.
I’m reading out of the new international version.
The scripture says for where your treasure is there, your heart will be also. And this is Jesus talking.
Did you know that money is a test for you that the way you handle your money is a test of your heart.
This is why people become offended when preachers take offerings.
It’s not because they have this real spiritual reason for being upset with us.
It’s because it’s touching on their greed. It’s touching on how man and has hold of them.
So take a look at any of our videos.
You’ll see people get really stirred up, look at the comment section, they get really stirred up whenever I begin to take offerings.
But number one, I’m never going to apologize for this.
Number two, I’m more concerned about your financial breakthrough than I am with my reputation.
And number three, it’s the truth. It’s the word of God. So I’m gonna teach it.
I do not compromise the word of God for anyone. I don’t care what people think about me.
I don’t care how it might offend them. All I care about is helping people with the truth.
And Jesus said, where your treasure is there.
Will your heart be also when we give it tests who has our love and who has our trust and who has our faith and who has our passion and who is our priority.
So when you give to the gospel, you’re saying Jesus, I love you because you’re not giving it to me, you’re giving it to him.
You’re saying Jesus, my heart is in the gospel. My heart isn’t winning souls.
My heart isn’t helping other believers grow.
If that’s where your heart is, if you love the Lord and you wanna help us win more souls and you wanna help us build more believers and help us continue doing it through events and media, then give to this ministry today.
You know, we have people who give $5 and we also have donors who give in the six figures, believe it or not, we have people who donate on that level to our ministry, but every single one of them from the $5 donor to the $100,000 donor and everyone in between, they love the gospel.
They want to see it go forward. So will you join us?
Will you join the many thousands around the world who’ve come together through this ministry to win the lost and build believers?
I’m asking you to sell a one time gift or become a monthly supporter.
Now, one time gift of any amount is going to help us.
But I wanna encourage you to become a partner with our ministry for $30 or more a month.
When you become a partner at $30 or more a month, I will send you either carriers of the glory 25 truths about demons in spiritual warfare or encountering the Holy Spirit in every book of the Bible.
Do that today. Partner with me, partner with Steven, partner with our team, partner with the thousands around the world who are partnered with this ministry.
And let’s continue to do this.
Let’s do big, big things for the gospel as we um you know, record this and sometimes I hesitate to give out dates because you know, this is youtube.
It’ll be on for the next however long youtube’s on here.
But as, as I’m saying, this, we’re getting ready to go to Taiwan.
And you know, the beautiful thing about this trip that we’re taking to Taiwan.
I didn’t have to charge the church a penny.
I said, because the, the pastors were concerned about bringing us out.
They said we don’t know if we could afford the airfare or this or that or the other.
And I was able to tell them, don’t worry, my ministry partners are backing me and we can take care of it ourselves.
We are paying our own way to go and do ministry for a five night miracle service in Taiwan.
And we’re gonna bless the churches. We’re gonna bless the people.
We’re gonna preach the gospel, all because of supporters like you.
So help us continue to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to events and media.
So a one time gift or become a monthly partner.
Don’t wait, don’t hesitate to do it today as this airs on youtube and on television, it’s gonna still be 2018, but it’s at the very end of 2018.
This is your last chance to give for this year. Do it today.
Gift from your heart because you love Jesus.
Well, that is it for this edition of Spirit Church here on the Encounter TV Network. Until next time.
Remember, nothing is impossible with God. Thank you for watching Encounter TV.
Don’t forget to subscribe. Also help me win souls by spreading the gospel through events and media.
Make a one time donation or become a monthly supporter by clicking on the donate link now.
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