How To Pray And See Results | Joseph Prince
How To Pray And See Results | Gospel Partner Episode
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There are some, some lessons we can learn on prayer that I believe is gonna bless you. When we pray.
It’s not to soot. We pray to bring heaven down to earth to get results.
Since the cross of Jesus Christ, listen, blessing is easy.
You know why it’s no more contingent on your obedience. It’s contingent on Jesus one obedience at the cross.
That’s why you just have to declare it. We are praying to get influence with God.
We should be praying because we have influence with God. It’s not pray hard or pray soft.
It is who you pray to. Good morning.
My name is Carla. And my first time encountering pastor Princess messages was in 2011 in prison.
And before I started listening to his messages on the gospel of grace, I was in fear.
I was in doubt of my salvation and I was in unbelief that I could ever be pleasing enough to make it to heaven or to be able to deserve anything good from God.
My first time hearing him, I felt free as I continued to listen to his messages, I became freer and freer.
Uh I was assured of my salvation because it was based on the work of Jesus and, and not my performance.
And um, I’m so grateful for his ministry in 2015.
The theme of the year was the year of restoration. I was released from prison.
September the 15th 2015, I was restored back to my family back into society.
So it was a heavenly kiss for my heavenly father to be restored back to my family a day before my birthday.
I’m a volunteer. Now I go back into the prisons and by the grace of God, I continue to share with the other women that are incarcerated.
I would like to give a shout out to all the gospel partners who help support this ministry.
I am myself a gospel partner and I will continue to be as long as I’m walking this earth as the gospel continues to go out to the, to the needy or shall I say to the last, the lost and the least who really need to hear it and pray that you will continue to help support this ministry, especially during times that we’re in right now where the world is getting darker and darker.
People are unsure if they’re gonna be able to put bread on the table for their families or even keep a roof over their head.
And I truly believe that pastor Princes in tune with our heavenly father to give us his Children a word in due season to keep us grounded and rooted in his love for us to keep us on the rock.
That is unshakable. Amen. Praise the Lord.
You ready for God’s word? Ok. Now James five tells us Eli Eli Elias.
Here is our king James for Elijah prophet Elijah.
Elijah was a man subject to light passions as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months at that time, Israel was in rebellion against God.
Israel has turned away from God and uh the king of Israel at that time was king Ahab, the husband of Jezebel.
And Jezebel was the high priestess of bail.
And uh as a nation, they have turned their backs to God, the God who brought them out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage to bring them through the wilderness and right into the land, flowing with milk and honey.
They have forgotten him. And now they’re getting their motion and their love to uh uh bail.
And uh the king is worshiping bail.
And God is saying that uh God, God, God said that if you don’t keep my commandments and you turn away from me, I will withhold the heavens from giving its rain.
So Elijah prayed, Elijah was a prophet of the hour at that time.
And Elijah prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rained not on the earth for three years and six months and he prayed again and the heaven after 3.5 years, he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the earth brought forth her fruit.
OK? So in this uh two verses, we learn that there is a, a prayer that we can pray and it will affect heaven and earth.
Amen. We gotta learn.
And if in case you’re saying, well, this is only for special people like Elijah, the Holy Spirit encourages us by saying in the first line, Elijah was a man subject to light passions as we are.
In other words, he felt what you felt. Amen.
He said where you sat, he’s just a human being like any of us.
He’s a man subject to light passions as we are.
Yet, he prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rained, not on the earth.
Now, let’s look at the story here because there are some, some lessons we can learn on prayer that I believe is gonna bless you.
How many you know that prayer is not just to soothe you like one doctor was telling a Christian who want to pray for his grandfather, a loved one.
And the doctor says, yeah, you can go and pray.
We we you know uh uh prayer is so soothing prayer, soothing. No, we are.
When we pray, it’s not to soothe, we pray to bring heaven down to earth. Amen.
We pray to get results. So you gone on those days, we pray just to make us feel good or to sooth the person being prayed for.
Amen. We had to learn how to pray, to get results.
And in this case, Elijah prayed and the atmosphere was affected, even the heavens stopped the rain for 3.5 years.
And the Bible tells us he prayed earnestly. So what’s that prayer earnestly? Let’s go to first kings.
17 verse one, first time Elijah appeared to uh the king king ahab.
He said this as the Lord God of Israel lives before whom I stand. Now.
This is the the key to all power.
Key is the key is to stand and live your life before God.
He’s not afraid of the king because He lives his life before God.
Neither will you be afraid of man’s opinion or man censure? Amen.
When they criticize you, when they put you down, you’re independent of that. Why? Because you stand before God amen.
You live before Him. You draw your encouragement and strength from Him. Amen.
And this is the key of Elijah’s power. Amen. When you have power with God, you have power with men.
Praise God and God wants you to have influence with Him.
He wants you to know that you have influence with Him.
In fact, he delights in people who have power with him. Such a man was Jacob.
The Bible tells us one night the Lord appeared to him as a man and it was the Lord Jesus, of course, in his pre encountered appearance and he wrestled with Jacob and Jacob wrestled with him because all his life, Jacob was a wrestler.
He, he had to wrestle and fight for his blessing. He fought his older brother.
He fought, he, he fought that. He fought for everything in life and his life was always fighting.
Finally, the Lord fought with him and the Lord wrestled with him.
And this was the best W F F ever. Amen people. And, and uh he wrestled with the Lord.
And the Bible tells us that the morning came and the Lord says, let me go for the day breaker.
And he says, no, I will not let you go unless you bless me.
So his heart was in the right place. He wanted the Lord to bless him.
And the Bible tells us the Lord says, what is your name?
And it says my name is Yakov in Hebrew. Yakov means I’m a grabber. I’m a deceiver.
The idea of manipulator is there. The Lord says, do you know who you are?
He says, yes, I know who I am. All right.
God says from now on your name will be changed, your name will be Israel, which means Prince of God is Israel, right?
Prince of God. And God says because as you have had power with God, God loves it.
But you know, you know how he had power with God, the Bible tells us that during the wrestling, God touched him, his socket and he fell, he was helpless.
As long as he was struggling with human strength, the Lord wanted to lift.
But the moment he was helpless, the Lord cannot leave.
And a lot of people when they preach from this story, I’ve heard, you know, different sermons.
They always say that you got to wrestle with God, you got to wrestle with God.
But the point is that as long as he was wrestling God wanted to live, but the moment he was helpless, God cannot leave.
And it’s not true that God helps those who help themselves.
That is not from the Bible, that is from you chapter one verse eight.
All right. It’s from man. It’s not from the Bible.
God helps those who really say I cannot help myself. I cannot overcome this addiction to pornography.
I cannot overcome this addiction to smoking.
I cannot overcome this temper problem I have I cannot but you can, I’m looking to you.
Can I be good? Amen? All right. In the natural, I cannot overcome Alzheimer.
But you can, you are my my health for my brain. Amen. You are my God. Amen.
You will make me fat and flourishing in my old age.
Praise the Lord when you talk to God like that and you look to Him alone in a world that everyone is looking to their smartness, to their abilities, to their talents, to their brains to their logic, ability to logic things out.
There comes a time when you realize you cannot reason your way out anymore.
You find that you are limited and the faster you come to that place like Jacob did, the faster you become a prince with God, you have power with God.
Amen. Praise the Lord. Thank you Jesus. I like that preaching. That was good. Praise a lot. Amen. Hallelujah.
That was free. I didn’t share that in the first service.
I don’t know why y’all draw that out of me. Maybe the fact you remind me of Jacob. OK.
So uh there was free, by the way, he stood before the king of Israel called Ahab, whose husband, who is the husband of Jezebel.
And he says this as the Lord God of Israel lives before whom I stand.
There shall be no due nor rain is one thing not to have rain.
At least there’s a due in the morning, right?
But there should be no due nor rain this year except at my word. What a powerful statement.
But when you read you read James five just now, he says that he prayed earnestly that it might not rain.
But here we have no record in the Bible that he prayed in the traditional way of prayer.
The you know, the way we think prayer is when you think of prayer, you think of someone’s eyes closed and their hands are folded together and they are probably on their knees.
And that’s the idea of uh uh prayer that we most often think of.
But here, it was a declaration prayer. It was a proclamation.
There should be no due nor reign except at my word.
And God calls that the Holy Spirit calls that in the New Testament earnest prayer.
He prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rained, not today.
We will say just declaring, how can that be earnest prayer? But God calls that powerful prayer, earnest prayer.
Are you listening? And then the Bible says, he prayed again and the heaven gave rain, right?
James five. It says, and he prayed again and the heaven gave rain notice.
He prayed again, not, he prayed earnestly again.
Just now you find he prayed earnestly that it might not rain.
The word earnestly is there in the Greek. He prayed with the prayer.
The idea of combining the word prayers repeated twice one in the noun one in the verb in the Greek means he prayed earnestly.
But here, when he prayed again, the word earnestly is not there.
So let’s see how he prayed again and the heavens gave rain. Now, this happened after 3.5 years.
There’s not a blade of grass that’s green everywhere is all parch is dry and ob obviously, they survive by drinking water and the water is from all the mountains and uh the high places, it’s very hard to get the water and 3.5 years have passed and the king is looking for green grass at this time when Elijah met him again after 3.5 years.
So there was a challenge, right, Elijah said to the nation of Israel and they were gathered there in Mount Carmel.
Many of you have been to that mountain.
In fact, you have been right where, where we bring you is right to the very top of Mount Carmel from Mount Carmel.
You can see the Mediterranean Sea amen.
And uh right from the top, you can see that that’s where the the somewhere there the battle took place.
And then Elijah went to the very top where most of you would go to.
And that’s where he prayed after that.
But Elijah issued a challenge to the nation of Israel because at this time, there were 450 prophets of bail and then the king was there.
King Ahab and Elijah challenged all of them and the nation of Israel saying, how long will you hold between two opinions?
If the Lord Yahweh is God serve him. If bail is God, then you serve him. So he should challenge.
He says that meet me a caramel with a bullock and you’ll make your altar, your prophets or Bill, make your altar and then you offer your, your, your burn offering and then the God who answers by fire and I’ll make my altar and do the same, the God who answers by fire.
He is God. Now he issued a challenge in front of the whole nation of Israel.
There was still halting between two opinions, wondering if God God in, in, in by profession, they claim that God of Abraham is their God, right?
The God of Israel, but by action they are following bail.
So Elijah says, stop faltering, stop halting within two opinions. Choose if God is the Yahweh is God serve him.
If bail is God serve him. All right, decide. So it was issued before the entire nation.
So A A P and his profits of bail cannot escape. Amen.
They have to take up the challenge.
So the challenge was issued and, and the bale worshipers built their offer and they started calling upon their God and no voice, nothing was heard all the way from morning till no, no voice, nothing was heard.
And then Elijah started mocking them and telling them come on, you know, shout louder or whatever.
They shout loud loudly. In fact, they cut themselves and all that black guy shout and no voice was heard until about three o’clock in the afternoon they gave up and Elijah built his altar.
Elijah prayed and the fire fell upon the sacrifice.
Now you must understand once the fire fall on the sacrifice, that means the people are forgiven.
The fire didn’t fall on the people, it fell on the sacrifice.
Now they are on this side right now, God can justly and righteously bring rain and blessing upon the nation of Israel.
So after the fire fell, that means it is accepted that God would judge the nations sins in the body of the bullock that received the fire of judgment.
Now, the nation is spared, Elijah could pray this prayer.
So Elijah went up to the Mount uh to the very top of Mount Carmel.
And Elijah told the king ahab go up, eat and drink for there is the sound of abundance of rain.
And I hear for all of you, for this coming year.
I hear the sound of abundance of rain.
I hear the sound of the abundance of favor coming upon your life.
I hear the sound of the abundance of shalom. Peace, amen.
I hear the abundance of family blessings coming your way.
I hear it long before the prophet or the people of Israel saw it.
The prophet heard it long before it was manifested.
He heard it and I hear in the spirit there’s an abundance of rain coming upon you and upon your families.
The prophet heard it. One thing great about prophetic ministries is this. They see things before long before it happens.
Amen. They hear things in the spirit long before it happens because God knows the future from times, past and past in the future.
God lives outside time. Amen. And so the Bible says, God knows our way ahead.
So it always pays to follow God. He knows all the traps. He knows all the snares.
He knows where to, where to avoid.
He, he, he has been through it and he came back to tell us I’ve been through it. Amen.
It’s great with your hand in mind. Make sure your hand is in his amen.
He will lead you. So, ahab went up to eat and drink and Elijah went up to the top of Carmel.
Isn’t it like a uh a all you can think of is that the blessing has come now?
All right, the judgment is passed. The, the blessing is now here I go up and drink. Amen.
And that’s what the man of God told him. Go, go, go, go and eat and drink.
But what did the man of God do?
He went up to the top of caramel to pray and he bowed down on the ground and put his face between his knees.
So, you know, in a time of blessing, you will see whether someone is a canal Christian or a spiritual Christian.
You can see whether they give glory to God.
They thank God for the blessing or they say, oh, blessing, you see a prayer God man, thank you Lord.
You know, just like a cliche. And then they say, let’s eat and drink, let’s go watch a movie.
Let’s, you know, it’s ok to do all those things. Eating and drinking is ok, God’s blessings.
But listen, give glory to God first when something happens, give glory to God.
You know, many times we don’t even give glory to God for things. We don’t, we’re not even aware of.
He protected you from the accident, but you didn’t know He protected you because you didn’t know many of times.
We only give praise when we are in the trouble and the, we call upon the Lord and he delivered us.
Now we know he delivered us, then we give him praise.
But many of the times, the higher, a higher way of blessing us is not even to let us get into the trouble.
But as a believer, let me tell you this many times, we get into trouble so that we can see who is the one that delivers us.
Amen. Are you listening?
But let us give praise to God nonetheless, for all the protection we can’t see for all the blessings that we are not even aware of.
Let’s thank God that he protected you even long before you got into that situation. Amen.
And if you’re in trouble right now, thank God, he will deliver you not, you will deliver you.
Not a rich person who’s gonna come in and bail you out, the Lord will deliver you, put your eyes on him and all the people said, amen, praise the Lord.
So went up to drink, Elijah went to the top of Carmel, then he bowed down on the ground and put his face between his knees.
Now, don’t forget I told you just now that when it comes to praying earnestly, it was just a declaration.
But when it comes to praying again, there was no praying.
Honestly, it just that he prayed again and the heaven gave rain.
But notice this time, he prayed in a way that we think is how prayer should be right.
He got on his knees and put his face between his knees.
He bowed down to the ground and said to his servant, go up now look towards the sea.
I told you right top of Mount, you can see the Mediterranean sea.
He says to his servant, go up there out there in front and see whether you can see a cloud in the sky for 3.5 years.
There’s not even a single cloud in the sky. It’s been drought, famine for 3.5 years.
So you go up there and see and he went up and looked and said there is nothing so long before you see something, those who are in tune to the Holy Spirit will hear the sound of the abundance of rain.
It’s like it’s raining. Listen to the rhythm of a falling rain telling me just what a fool I’ve been.
I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain and let me be alone again.
Rain. Does it? Hallelujah. Amen. Praise God, your laugh.
But that was a song I sang when I was in four in my secondary school and I got first, I still remember I got a small trophy.
It was my first time going out there for talent time. Praise the Lord. Thank you Jesus.
I know you all don’t appreciate that because no one clap just now.
All right, so too late. Save it.
So he says you go up there and look out and the servant went seven times to look out for the cloud.
Next, it came to pass the seventh time that he said there is a cloud as small as a man’s hand rising out of the sea.
So far away, the the servant says, hey, Elijah, I see a cloud.
I see a spot of fluffy white cloud. If I go there, it’s the size of my hand.
Imagine going to the cloud and the size of your hand. All right.
So it’s like a you know what many of us? We are discouraged. Oh, where is the rain?
But the man of God want to see that he realized there’s a fluffy cloud.
You know, little with God becomes much five loaves and two fish in his hands becomes an abundance to feed more than 5000 people.
Amen. A handful of meal and a jar of oil can feed an entire household for an entire year.
Amen. And here a small cloud with God in it, amen will bring a storm of rain.
Look at what happened the man of God says, you know, the servant says there’s a man’s hand like a size man rising out of the sea.
Go up, say to ahab the king prepare your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.
Now it happened in the meantime that the sky became black with clouds and wind.
Israel has not seen that for 3.5 years, not even a cloud in the sky.
Now the the cloud, the heavens are, are dark and the the sky became black with clouds and wind and there was a heavy rain.
So King Ahab rode away in his chariot and went to Jezreel. Amen.
So the the moment that the man of God hurt, there’s a cloud, a small fluffy cloud, he just go down and tell the king better start riding, the rain is coming, better start going back to his his palace.
Amen. And, and the king was riding his chariot furiously.
And this whole chapter ends with this next verse, the hand of the Lord came upon Elijah and Elijah got up his loins and ran ahead of a to the entrance of Jezebel.
So you have this king here writing his Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
And this man of God, I don’t know how old Elijah was at this age.
But let me tell you this, when the power of God comes on, you, you will run and not be wary, you will walk and not faint even the young men shall fall and the youth shall utterly faint.
It’s not a matter whether you are young, physically or not, even the young men shall fall and the youth utterly faint.
But let me tell you this, they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
They shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be wary.
They shall walk and not faint.
Those that wait upon the Lord as you do.
Even right now, you come to the house of God, you are waiting upon the Lord.
You are exchanging your strength, which is natural strength like Jacob did for his strength that never grows weary.
So when God’s power comes on you, we see this in spiritual power, whether it’s the power of God or the power of evil spirits, the most demonized man in the Bible is a ring demoniac and he was the most demonized man.
And the Bible says that he was out there in Gara.
In fact, most of you travel to Israel, you go to the area of the Lake of Galilee.
You will see God. In fact, it be good for you to go and visit the Dara.
The tombs are still there. Don’t worry, the demons won’t touch you.
Greater is he that’s in you than he, that’s in the world. Amen.
So the Bible tells us that this man was alone and cutting himself and he was naked.
These are the three signs of demonic activity.
Every time someone sheds his clothes or her clothes is a sign of demonic activity. He was naked.
Another sign alone, antisocial don’t want to mix with people.
Always pulling away from the crowd, always by himself, always in the room, demonic activity.
And the third one, cutting himself, cutting himself, hurting himself, suicidal, amen of mutilating, afflicting himself.
That’s what’s happening today. Even among the young people is demonic activity and he was crying.
The Bible is very sad. He was crying somewhere along this way.
When you cry across the lake of Galilee, you can hear an area of where the Bible says, Jesus dwelt with his disciples.
I believe that’s the reason why Jesus took the boat.
Travers the entire lake just to cast the demons out of one man.
And that’s the reason why along that road to reach that young, that that man who was demon possessed, the devil caused a storm to rise.
Remember probably to stop Jesus from reaching that man.
And Jesus rebuked the devil and calm the storm.
He reached the other side, cast the demon out with one word in Hebrew in our English go one word, go.
We have to use four words. Go in Jesus name, right?
But Jesus used one word, go and all the demons left that man.
And the Bible says the next thing they saw him, he was seated at jesus’ feet, sitting down, relax is a sign of a person freed from demonic activity.
God’s spirit has come. He seated cloth and in his right mind, cloth, cloth.
The moment you put on clothes, you OK?
And then in, in his right mind, don’t know your neighbor now.
But in his right mind, when, when the Lord comes into your life, amen. And he he sets you free.
You are in your right mind. And the Bible says, he says, I want to be with you Lord.
And the Lord says, you know what? Go to all the cities.
In fact, the Bible says he went to which is 10 police is city.
He went to all the 10 cities of the gentiles and he became an evangelist.
No wonder of the devil wanted to stop Jesus from, from reaching that man.
And you go home and tell your friends how great things that the Bible says, he went through all police and proclaim what the Lord has done for him.
Amen. What I, what I’m trying to say is that the Bible says that he was alone and no man could bind him when he was demon possessed, he could break the chains.
That’s demonic activity. When, when someone is possessed by a spirit, whether it’s God’s spirit or evil spirit, they become super natural.
And that’s why Elijah, when God’s spirit came on him, he could outrun a Charrier regardless of his age, but an evil spirit coming upon a man, he could break the chains and no man could tame him, he could break the chains.
The demon, I have been involved in cases of the, where the person is so strong even, you know, it’s a lady who, who is demon possessed and, and, and there are guys trying to, to hold her and all and she’s very strong but it’s not her, the more the demon come out she is again, you know, a wonderful lady soft, you know, and, and sweet.
Yeah. Does that explain some things you’ve been wondering?
But he is amazing? Ok.
Anyway, I got into a wonderful rabbit trail just by talking about Elijah got up his loins and start running.
Amen. So all the athletes in the house. Shout hallelujah.
I remember in the army, I, I, I I was running and you know the, you know, they make you run a lot and I remember I could not run anymore and this verse came out, they shall run and not be weary and I meditated.
It’s, you can hardly pray. So if I meditate, they shall run and not be worried. I don’t know.
At what point the second win, you know, the second wind took over and now I was gliding.
I was running and I was happy. It was almost like when they said, OK, you can rest.
Now, I was disappointed. Honestly, God is my witness.
I say, come on, man, come on, let’s run some more.
I, I don’t know where, but I saw for myself.
First hand, how God can release even physical strength when you are weary. Amen.
And I wasn’t a runner back then. So praise be to God.
Now, what I wanna show you is this back to James again, praying earnestly is actually a prayer of declaration.
But God thinks so much of it that He tells us.
It is actually praying earnestly when you declare in faith, a proclamation of faith is praying earnestly.
But notice when he prayed after the fire fell, which means judgment is passed. Now, it’s a time of blessing.
You know, he had to put his head between his, his knees and pray the the traditional way that we think of and the Holy Spirit causes only prayed again.
The first one is prayed earnestly and this is prayed again, just a simple prayer.
But in our minds, we think that this prayer is more intense than the first one.
If right now, I’m standing here and I’m declaring and you see someone on their knees praying, you will probably say that person is praying and pastor, you are not praying.
But do you realize one thing that when Jesus has done what you’re doing when you’re declaring is this, you are, you are partnering with God.
And if Jesus took away our diseases and our sicknesses and it took away our depression, he was wounded, the chest for our peace was upon him.
So he took away our depression, our our anxieties our worries, our cares and as well as our physical diseases, as well as all our pains, mental, emotional as well.
And he took all that. If I believe that he took them away.
And the Bible says, he took them away, then I won’t be praying prayers like this like a slave.
Oh Father God. Oh God, please God heal my son. Oh God, heal my daughter.
Oh God, please do this, Lord. Oh God, please do that. Because that prayer negates everything that Jesus did.
That prayer in essence is saying God is not persuaded and God is the problem.
If God wants to give, he can give. So that’s why that prayer is not answered.
I pray that this will help answer some questions. You have amen.
When you pray like this, the Holy Spirit is called the spirit of truth.
He cannot bear witness to that kind of prayer. He bears He’s a witness of the truth.
He’s a spirit of truth. But when you pray, you declare, when you declare, for example, somebody has a, a problem with depression and you say in the name of Jesus, you foul spirit of depression, lose that person and and let his mind go free in the name of Jesus.
Amen. You are declaring that God is not the problem.
The power of darkness is the one holding back His blessing.
Then you are you are, you are partnering with God. In essence.
You are saying God is God is uh uh God is not the one getting the problem.
God is your solution. Yeah. Are you listening people? Let me put it another way. OK.
Under the old covenant before Jesus came, judgment was easy.
Blessing was hard notice, Elijah when he pronounced a judgment 3.5 years from now.
No rain, no deal. It was easy.
Why under the law, God says if you keep all my commandments, then I’ll bless you but all miss all.
But if you fail in one, then the curse will come.
And that’s why those to make their boast in the law, don’t realize how awesome God’s law is.
Those of us who believe in the grace of God, we have an awesome respect for the law of God.
I am for the law. But for the reason God gave the law and God never gave the law for men to keep God gave the law to reveal man.
Bye. Are you with me so far?
So God says, if you keep all, I’ll bless you, I’ll bring the rain to bless your crops.
You will land and not borrow, amen. You’ll be the head and not the tail.
But if you keep all my commandments, but then if you fail in one, the curse will come, the judgment will come.
I’ll withhold the heavens from giving its rain and it will affect your crops, then you will, you will borrow and you will not lend you, you will be the tail and not the head.
So guess what? In the old covenant, most of the time they spend time.
What in the blessing or the judgment? Judgment?
And that’s why under the old covenant judgment and the curse was came, easily, blessing came hard.
Do you understand now why it was easy for Elijah in the old covenant to say there will be no due nor rain because he was in line with God’s word, God’s word says, if you, you turn away from me, the heavens will withhold its rain.
So Abra, I mean, Elijah knew that Elijah declared that it’s a prayer earnestly.
But when he asked for blessing, after that, he prayed again and again and again.
Now everything changed because of the cross, I say everything changed, got the cross.
Since the cross of Jesus Christ, listen, blessing is easy.
Do you know why it’s no more contingent on your obedience is contingent on Jesus.
One obedience at the cross by his obedience, we are made righteous and the righteous shall blossom and flourish and be evergreen.
Amen. Be like the palm tree by be like the cedar in Lebanon. No, I’m not telling you to flap.
I’m just encouraging myself here. All right, this is for expression. Praise God.
I’m getting excited and, and, and the Bible says, you are righteous and all the blessing of the righteous, listen carefully under the new covenant because of what Jesus has done in His death, bury and everything change today.
Blessing is easy. That’s why you just have to declare it. There’s still prayer praying.
But those are the for the things you asked for wisdom and all that.
But what Jesus did for us at the cross, declare it.
If your loved one is oppressed, they’re not meant to be oppressed. Declare it. God is not behind the problem.
If someone is said, proclaim healing, proclaim decree, it, declare it. And that’s why blessing is easy.
Declare it and God causes earnest prayer. Judgment is hard under the new.
Do you realize that under the new covenant, even people are sinning and you find a God where are you?
You know, if I were you, I’ll finish them off, right?
If you were God and you look down from heaven, just imagine, OK, if you were God and you look down from heaven and you see the, the battle between the bales prophets king, Ahab and Elijah and all the nation of Israel gathered among Carmel and you look down and Elijah prepared his altar and the bullock on the altar, the sacrifice.
And you know that He said the God who answers by fire. He is God.
Now you are God, you are about to stand fire.
You see ahab the evil king, you see all the prophets of Bale.
You see the nation who turn away from, from you, from God, right?
Who will you let the fire fall on? Yeah.
That’s why you and I are not God, we, we are not that loving you.
See, God has loved people. God has to judge sin. God has to judge evil.
God has to punish sin but God loves us.
So God let the fire of His judgment that everyone deserves and everyone merits every party there merits but God let fire fell, fall on the sacrifice and the nation goes free is a foreshadowing of the cross of Jesus Christ.
Today we leave after the cross and we are in the dispensation called the dispensation of grace.
There will be a dispensation of kingdom which which means at that time you will see sin being punished like that real quick.
Amen. We won’t be punished anymore because we will be in our glorified bodies. We cannot sin amen.
And uh but there will still be uh a AAA race on earth and all that natural people and all that, that’s not teaching called millennial rule of Jesus.
But we are still in the dispensation of grace. We are not in the dispensation of Elijah in the law.
And that’s why don’t be confused when Jesus was, was in his hometown uh Nazareth one time as his custom was, they gave him probably, you know, Jesus voice is beautiful.
I mean, it’s a powerful voice and um they, they probably as a young man, they probably give him the Torah for him to read out from and, and the, and the scroll.
So this time around they gave him the scroll and the Bible says that he found the place where it was written, they handed to him the book of the prophet Isaiah.
It was the reading of the Shabbat for that week.
And the Bible says, Jesus open the scroll of the book of Isaiah and Jesus read this.
The spirit of the Lord is upon me.
This Isaiah 61 in your Bible because he has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor.
What do you think is the good news to the poor? You think about it, right?
He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty.
Those that are Bruce or oppressed to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.
The word acceptable is a very beautiful rich word in Hebrew called red zone.
Red zone is, is a state where God’s favor is, is profusely abounding.
So it is a year of, of the Lord, the red zone of the Lord, the year where God’s favors profusely abound.
And then the Bible says, Jesus closed the book.
I’m gonna show you right now the reference in Isaiah itself right side by side, Jesus read to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.
Then Jesus closed the book but Isaiah’s portion says to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord Karma and the day of vengeance of our God.
So there’s a day of vengeance coming where every lawlessness will be punished, where every sin will be dealt with.
But we are not in that day and age, but it is coming.
Yes, we are still in the year of the Lord. What the free favors of God abound. Amen.
We are in that age. A lot of people like to preach the coming age into this age or they like to preach or tell you about the Old Testament in this present day, they even sing songs about the day of vengeance, but we are not in the day of vengeance.
Jesus knew how to close the book and where Jesus closed the book, we gotta learn to close the book.
The Bible says, when Jesus read to proclaim the worthy of the Lord, he knew his first coming is not the day of vengeance.
His first coming is to save.
So he closed the book and between the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance has been 2000 years.
Now, all the long suffering of our God, the patience of our God who is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Don’t despise the fact that the Bible says in the last days that those where, where, where, where is the sign of it coming?
Where, where I’ve been hearing rapture since I was young.
Uh The Bible talks about people like this in the Book of Peter, they will, they will come first in the last day saying where, where is the sign of it coming?
Where is it, where, where is it coming?
And they knew not the, the Bible says 1000 years with the Lord is like one day amen.
That’s why when you pray, God never says to you uh wait a second because you calculate 1000 years within one day, one second as well.
Ok? Anyway, that was a personal joke.
Anyway, 1000 years with God is like one day time is not nothing with Him.
For us, time is protracted. And the Bible says it is the long suffering of our God.
God wants to bring Jesus back.
But when Jesus comes back, his judgment on an unbelieving world, those who are safe will be raptured with Him.
But when Jesus comes back again for his rule, it will be a day of vengeance for everything that’s been spoken.
We brought to account against God. Everything every sin will be judged.
But we are in Christ, our judgment is passed, we’ll come with Him.
Are you with me so far? Do you understand?
But meanwhile, we are still not in the day of vengeance when the acceptable year of the Lord.
And that’s why today it’s easy to pray for blessings.
You can even pray for blessings on nonbelievers and they receive yesterday.
My wife and I was it yesterday.
No, two days ago, my wife and I were eating at the Hawker Center and we bump into a, a couple and, uh, the, the, the husband was so excited and start telling me because some, some time back a few months ago I bumped into this f the wife is from our church.
The husband is not, he’s, he’s not a, he’s not a believer.
And I remember him telling me that he’s got a problem with panic attacks and anxiety.
He hardly leaves his house. You know, he, he must be on a lot of medication and all that and this time around.
Uh and by the way, I prayed for him back then I prayed for him that God would deliver him.
Now, why do I have the confidence to pray for him?
Even though he’s not a believer, I ask him what you believe.
And one day, uh you know, uh uh pastor, I will tell you one day, you know, I would do it.
Pastor. I, I, I see how is it, but right now, I don’t know.
And I said, can I pray for you now? I knew he had a problem.
He told me his problem, panic attacks and all that on heavy on medication.
And I prayed for him just the other day.
Two days ago, we bump into him again, the same Hawker Center.
He was so excited that, you know, one thing now he used 85% delivered.
So I thought he’s safe. So I I said, are you coming to church and all that?
Oh, that one heaven. I’m still thinking because of my father and my grandfather and all that.
You know, I say, I don’t want to go to heaven, right? And then I think of them in hell.
I said, how about this? Maybe they made it, you know, last minute they made it and then they are in heaven.
They see you in hell. I said, you know. Yeah.
And another thing I told him was this, I said that, yeah, just if you care about about your, your predecessors and your ancestors and all that, you must remember one thing.
OK, that if there’s a voice, the Bible talks about the voice, right? In the Netherlands, there’s a story.
Jesus said that the voice actually says, don’t come here, go tell my family not to come here.
The voice will tell you to believe. Amen. So I, I told him that, but he was so excited.
He said that, you know, I went to another doctor and the doctor says, uh uh uh uh uh you don’t have your medication.
In fact, you, you having me all morning anymore.
Well, I’m so happy, you know, I’m out here, I’m eating right. I’m so happy.
I can’t believe that someone can be delivered by God by God. Amen. So happy, so joyful.
And he tells me, you know, but I do talk to him every morning.
He might be safe and not even know it.
The wife says he’s still in the wilderness.
So you know, now, why did I pray for him?
Because Jesus, everyone that Jesus healed in the gospels, nearly all of them that Jesus healed, we’re not saved all the other people.
I mean, they were not saved. Jesus had not yet died. So all of them were not saved.
Hm When somebody says that Judas betrayed Jesus, therefore, it shows that someone can believe on Jesus and be born again and still lose his salvation.
Like Judas tell them Judas wasn’t safe. None of the disciples were safe.
How can they be saved? When Jesus has not yet died, they all got saved after Jesus rose from the dead.
Remember that? And Judas wasn’t there.
If Judas will only wait a few more hours instead of hanging himself, Jesus hanging will be his hanging.
Don’t have to hang yourself. It’s a form of self righteousness.
They only received when Jesus rose from the dead. And Jesus briefed on his disciples.
That’s when they were born again. Now on the day of Pentecost, they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
So friend, he can pray for the sake.
I can pray for nonbelievers knowing this mentality that I have with the dispensation of grace, I can pray for them.
And many of the times the goodness of God will lead them to repentance even though their mind don’t catch up.
Like I thought I told you about this guy, right? He might be safe and not even know it.
He talks to the Lord every morning. Lord, I must tell you something.
I, I don’t believe in you yet. Right.
But I, I want you to know that the mind always plays catch up.
I mean, no, the mind plays catch up when your spirit is so in sync already. Amen.
So I, I believe he’s gonna be safe. Amen. I believe he’s not safe yet. He’ll be safe.
Probably he’s safe already. But the thing is this, you can pray for your friends and tell them I’ll pray for you.
God wants to bless you. Yes, they still need to be born again. Yes, we know that. Amen.
And that’s why today is a day where we need to preach the good news to the people.
Not a time where we tell people about their sin or making this stand against this sin or making this stand against that sin and all that the world can think of is that we are making stands against them.
When actually they hardly hear the good news from our lips.
When they hear the good news, they are changed from the inside out.
No amount of legislation can change them, no amount of politician can change them, no amount of psychology can change them.
No amount of arguing can change them or when they hear the good news, they are changed and many of them are changed.
Even sitting here, they are changed by believing the gospel.
So there are people who think that unless you make a stand, a public stand stand, let’s *** stand for the gospel.
Let’s *** stand for the gospel that Jesus died and rose again to give us and proclaim to a lost dying, crying, dying world that God loves them.
Can I have a good day man?
So we are still in the red zone year of the Lord where blessings are easy, proclaim it when you have a mentality of blessing is easy.
You don’t pray like this. Oh God, oh God.
And, and you know, it’s like today, I look at the church and they are regressing, they’re going back and they think that by studying the names of God, they call God, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and that he is, he always is or they call him the God of uh or they don’t realize wonderful as these names are.
And I will teach on the names of God.
I’ve done it in times past and I’ll do it again in the future.
But the name above every name that Jesus came to reveal that we are to pray by is the name Father, Father I’ve revealed to them thy name that the love by which you love me may be in them.
Father, keep through thy name, keep means keep my disciples.
Those who believe in me to their word in the future. Even all of us, keep them, protect them.
How through thy name? So the more we say, Father, the more protected we are, we gotta pray in such a spirit that when we pray don’t, don’t feel like you’re far away from God, we start praying.
It’s like the train slowly moving, getting closer and closer, closer and closer. And finally you get close to God.
No, no, no. You pray because you are already close to his bosom. You are his son.
He is your father. He is a father.
You must pray from a position of completeness, a position of victory.
Are you listening people? That’s why you can. You don’t pastor Prince.
Wow, this kind of case, I must pray hard. It’s not pray hard or pray soft.
It’s not pray hard. It’s the one you’re praying to.
You know, it’s not praying hard, it’s not praying. So for so it is who you pray to.
So I can be very soft and just say, father, touch that person right now, father, thank you Lord.
So when it comes to prayers, when you may have the same mentality, you’re on the same wavelength.
You see God wanting to bless people long before I pray in my room.
All right, I see God wanting to bless me. I see God wanting to bless the church.
I see God wanting to bless my family, his heart, his loving heart year.
And so when I pray like that with that posture. I’m in line with heaven.
The spirit of truth can bear witness by giving me the answered prayer.
He bears witness with the truth because I’m from, I’m coming from a posture of truth.
But if I pray like, oh God, God, as if God is the one in his persuasion, oh God, please be merciful.
Lord, my child is very sick. Lord, please. Lord, don’t, lord, don’t take his life away. God please. Lord.
Even a third party looking at even a child Laing down there like he’s sick. You know what I’m saying?
You know, you’re giving the child a mentality of God one time.
My mother, this true story of a mother praying uh uh no of a father praying.
You know that the child had a disease and he prayed God if only and all of us as parents, we have all been in that place.
We love our child so much.
We see the child suffering, crying and all that and, and the father prayed if only can put this disease on me, let me carry it.
And the law says the Lord rebuked him as saying, don’t you know, I have done that, Jesus carried our disease.
So our prayers gotta be declare it be healed fever. Go in the name of Jesus.
Die in the name of Jesus. Amen. Be healed in the name of Jesus.
What I’ve I’ve declared before nothing happened.
Then Jesus advised you in Luke 17, the Apostle said to the Lord increase our faith.
The request is what increase our faith. Jesus answers.
So the Lord said, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, the request was one Lord increase our faith.
Jesus answer was if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say in other words, no matter how small your faith is, the mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds, right of that category.
And Jesus says what, it’s not matter how big your faith is.
Once you have faith even so small, start saying, start saying what to the mulberry tree, be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea and it would obey you.
A pastor. I’ve said it one time before the the problem is still there. OK?
Listen in the Greek, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, the say there is in the imperfect tens, you know, perfect sense means once and for all imperfect means.
Keep on saying, keep on saying Jesus literally said, keep on saying your problem is mulberry tree.
Here is the black mulberry fix, which is uh in Israel is a very strong trunk and its roots go very deep.
Even you go far away. It funny coming out of the ground, it’s very rooted and yet it can be uprooted by faith as small as a grain of mustard seed.
I share with all of you before.
Like I had a map of Australia on my back last time because I perspire a lot playing sports and all that.
And I had a map of Australia. It’s almost like Australia and Tasmania was below.
And I remember when I learned this truth, I spoke to my, my, my skin condition be out plucked up by your roots and be thrown into the sea.
And I always imagine, forgive me, those who stay in marine parade.
I always imagine the the Marine Parade sea be thrown into the sea.
Literally, I used the words that Jesus be uprooted skin condition and be thrown into the sea in Jesus name.
Some time passed. I forgot how, how many weeks it was one day I was shaving or brushing my teeth and I heard a voice, I was stop and I heard a voice inside saying, look for your skin condition.
I never bothered to look for some time, but I’ve been saying it every time I bat or not, I’ve been saying it, I looked behind and it was gone.
How it happened. I do not know when it happened. I don’t know.
All I can say is that it’s planted somewhere in marine parade.
If you’re go diving, you see the map of Australia.
Jesus literally said, keep on saying because a king, you see you are acknowledging that you are no more an earth bound person.
You are seated with Christ because a a king decrease.
Even when you’re praying, a normal, normal traditional prayer decree in your prayer didn’t come to sickness when it comes to the power of darkness.
Don’t ask God to deal with it. Decree. Sometimes a prayer asking is wrong.
Sometimes like for example, when Moses cried to God, the Red Sea was in front of Him and the armies of Egyptians were coming behind and he cried to God.
God help. And God says, why? Cry to me? Strange, right? What is that in your hand?
The rod for us is the name of Jesus. Use it.
And in Moses Point and you know what happened, God open up the Red Sea.
So we have the authority, but we are crying to him. Imagine a officer, right?
With a officer’s uniform and he stopped a tree to, right.
Imagine he raised his hand and 3000 just passed by.
Then he raised his hand, 300 pass by, you know, on the big truck that passes by.
Does he call his office a boss? Ah, hey, sir, sir, you don’t stop.
No, you don’t do that. You use your authority, right? You stand in the center.
I think it runs you down or, but you still use your authority, right? Amen.
You don’t call your office, you’ll be out of job or you’ll get something. Amen.
And that’s the problem when God looks down. That’s where we are at. Ok.
Now, I wanna close with this amazing story from Elijah, let’s go back to the story of Elijah and the challenge.
Now, Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, choose one bull for yourself and prepare it first for you are many and call on the name of your God, but put no fire under it.
So they took the bull that was given them and they prepared it and called on the name of Bill from morning even until noon saying, oh, Bill hear us.
But there was no voice, no one answered. Then they leap about the altar which they had made.
So it was at noon that Elijah mocked them and said, so they’ve been praying from morning till noon.
No voice, no fire from heaven.
And Elijah said, cry aloud for He is a God, either he’s meditating or he is busy or he’s on a journey or perhaps he’s sleeping and must be awakened.
So they cried aloud and cut themselves as was their custom with knives and lees until the blood gushed out on them.
And when midday was passed, they prophesized until the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice.
But there was no voice, no one answered, no one paid attention. The last part, no one paid attention.
Very interesting. Then Elijah said to all the people come near to me.
So all the people came near to him. Now, I’ll tell you something. Ok?
It’s one thing for God to judge sin.
But if God judged sin, how will He win our affections. God had a dilemma.
In this sense, God not only have to judge sin because God cannot forgive us righteously if He has not judged our sins.
God has to be God. He has to judge our sins.
But God to be God also, he has to, he has to demonstrate his love because God is love.
How will God judge our sins at the same time, win our heart. Watch this.
And he repaired the altar of the Lord that was broken down.
Now, that means there was an altar there previously that was broken down by the prophets of Baal.
Now Elijah repaired the first thing you gotta do is repair the altar. It’s time for us.
Our altar is the cross of Jesus Christ. It’s time for us to bring back the cross of Jesus Christ.
Not a matter of making this stand on that stand on this stand, make a stand for the cross.
The cross is a symbol that God loves the world and Christ died for our sins.
And the Bible says, Elijah took 12 stones, said 12 stones.
Look at this according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the word of Lord had come saying Israel shall be your name then with the stones.
He built an altar in the name of the Lord.
That’s the most interesting at that time when Elijah even talking about Elijah Israel was split 10 tribes in the north and two tribes, Judah and Benjamin the south.
It was divided, it was not a one nation by all our appearances. They were divided today.
People look around and say the church is divided. Pastor pray.
There are people who were not for your teaching on grace. Pastor pray.
You know, that doesn’t matter whether you think that we are divided or not. We are one in God’s eyes.
You know what Elijah? Elijah put the 12 stones as if they were one. That’s what must be repaired.
Amen. He, he presented to God what God saw, God saw one Israel and you know something, if someone doesn’t agree with you, amen.
Doesn’t like your pastor or whatever, smile at them and say we are still one.
You can’t get rid of me. Amen.
In fact, in heaven, I might live next door to you because God sees what’s happening right now. Amen.
We are one in the spirit. We are one in the Lord. We are one in the spirit.
So matter what, you know, the Bible doesn’t say endeavoring to keep the unity of the doctrine.
Doctrine may not agree but endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit. We gather around the person of Jesus.
You’re gonna agree with me. I’m gonna agree with you. It doesn’t really matter.
We gather around the person of Jesus and you’re my brother, you’re my sister and that’s what Elijah did.
Then the next verse and they put the wood in order, cut the bull in pieces and laid it on the wood and said, fill four water pots with water and pour it on the burn sacrifice and on the wood, right.
Four water pots. Keep that in mind.
Then he said, do it a second time and do it the second time.
Four water pots, they pour it on the altar. It’s almost as if the, what was the challenge?
the God who answers by fire. He is God. It’s almost like make it hard for God. Pour water.
Four barrels of water. Go ahead. All right. And they pour it three times.
They did it and he said, do it a third time and they did a third time.
So the water ran all around the altar and he also filled the trench with water.
Now, in the Old Testament, when you read the Old Testament many times, it’s a foreshadowing.
It’s a type of the New Testament truths. What is the four barrels?
And the three times a symbol of the 12 stones represents the entire nation of Israel.
It represents how God loved them. Long before they were 12 tribes, there were 12 sons, amen.
And long before the 12 sons, God pick one man and God love this nation from all. God love them.
But the four barrels and the three times four times three is what 12 is showing how many times even God loves them.
They try to pour cold water on God’s love. Maybe that’s where the saying comes.
Don’t pour cold water on it. They try to pour cold water on God’s love.
They tried their best to suppress God’s love.
Solomon said like this in song of songs, verse eight, many waters cannot quench love, nor can the floods drown it.
Amen. If that girl that you’re chasing turns you off again and say, why do you keep bothering me?
Just say many waters cannot quench love and then she take the pill, she throw the water on your face.
Then you say, nor can the floods drown it.
But if I were you, I forget her.
All right, so many water go back to the story again. Hallelujah. So four water pots do it three times.
There is a significance to all this very beautiful. And uh next verse please.
And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice. Very interesting.
The evening sacrifice. Do you know that Israel has two sacrifices they offer to God every day one is in the morning, they call it morning sacrifice.
They put a lamb on the altar in the temple. And the other is called the evening sacrifice.
The morning sacrifice is at nine AM. The evening sacrifice is at three pm.
When they offer it, the priest will blow the trumpet. When Jesus was crucified.
The bible tells us the time he was crucified exactly when the nails pierce his hand, he was pinned to the ground, right?
And they lift the cross up. It was nine AM.
And when they lift him up at the very moment, the sound of the trumpet was blowing just behind in the temple.
And then the Bible says that Jesus hung there bearing all our sins.
And even the clouds is almost like when he was hanging there, midday became midnight.
When he was born, midnight became midday and angels filled the bright sky.
But here he was under the canopy of darkness when he became sin with our sins.
And God poured his wrath upon his son and two o’clock, the cloud start clearing, which means what the judgment is passed.
It’s all been spent on him.
The clouts of judgment, they’re supposed to burst over your head and my head burst over his head and was spent.
And Jesus looked up and cried at three o’clock finish.
And he says, father into your hands. I commit my in, in Hebrew.
He breathe out because in spirit, in Hebrews, he breathe out.
He was completely a life when the judgment was spent on him.
And that’s the difference when the fire fell here. Look, look at this, right.
The evening sacrifice is, is at three o’clock and that’s the time the Bible says, Daniel was praying, the angel was made to fly swiftly at three at three o’clock in the time of the evening oblation.
Now don’t start praying at three o’clock it’s not Jerusalem time anyway. All right. No, there’s no.
But in the Jewish people, have they observe this kind of timings? They do.
But today any time is the right time. Ok? Because we are after the cross.
Are you with me so far?
So at the time of the evening sacrifice, when in the temple in Jerusalem, they offered the burn offering at the time of the finish work, Jesus says, finish.
Elijah prayed God of Abraham Isaac and Israel let it be known this day that you are God and Israel.
I’m your servant and I’ve done all these things at your word.
Hear me, oh Lord, hear me that these people may know that you are the Lord God and you have turned your hearts back to you again.
Then the fire, the Lord fell and consumed the burn sacrifice and the wood and the stones and the dust and it lit up the water that was in the trench.
Now when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and they said the Lord Yahweh, he is God.
He is Elohim, the Lord, he is God, the Lord, he is God.
Not only did the righteousness of God find a way four justice to be satisfied because judgment has been born.
But he found a way to win the heart of the nation.
And all this notice, the fire fell on the sacrifice, not on the nation, not on the guilty nation, not on guilty you and I but on the sacrifice and the nation is spared you and I are spared.
We go free. The only difference contrast because the type is always inferior compared to the substance, the cross.
This is the type of the cross.
The only difference is this in Carmel, the fire of God’s judgment consumed the burn sacrifice, not only consumed the burn sacrifice, even the 12 stones and all that all all disappeared.
There, some of you, you go to Mount Carmel. I, I see you walking around looking for the stones.
It’s not there. Don’t read your bible and see what happened. It’s all consumed.
But at Carmel, the fire of judgment consumed the burn sacrifice.
In Calvary, the sacrifice consume the judgment and cried, finish the judgment was finished, exhausted in his body, but he was still alive.
The cry finished the judge. The sacrifice now is greater than the judgment.
You and I, we live in the year of the Lord.
Why do we act like blessing is so hard? We gotta persuade God.
Our very posture defeats us long before we pray. I’m not saying you cannot pray like this.
I’m saying our posture inwardly. We are praying to get there when we should be, be praying because we are there.
We are praying to get influence with God. We should be praying because we have influence with God.
Every time you come to God, it should be like a wonderful time.
Of like, oh God, I’m in my room and there’s no one here and I’m gonna pray and God will hear me.
I have power with God. God wants me to have power with Him. God wants me to influence him. Amen.
There are some things you can influence God, even about the affairs of, of the world. Amen.
You must come with God knowing that God wants you to pray because you are both core laborers.
But some things in prayer. You don’t ask God like God heal God healed.
That prayer will not get any results.
Have you noticed in the church where people pray for healing, not many results but where it proclaimed their results in job.
It says, thou shall declare, you will declare a thing in the old king James.
It says you should decree a thing, you know king’s decree and what will happen.
It will be established unto you. Light will shine on your waist.
Many of times we want to have light in that situation.
We don’t know what we do, not know what to do, but only after you declare what you know what to do.
Declare first the light will shine.
The Bible says, when they cast you down, you will say exaltation will come decree it and then the Lord will save the humble person.
You see when you, when they cast you down, you must say exaltation is coming, then God will save you.
You are truly humble but we think that hum being humble is when you are down.
Oh God, I’m so humble. I’m so humble.
No, that’s, that’s pseudo hu humility is to declare and that’s why I declared blessings over your head.
I declare abundance of rain coming your way.
I declare abundance of health, abundance of shalom well-being for you and your family.
This coming year in Jesus name, stand to your feet. Praise the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah.
We are still in the red zone year of the Lord people.
So pray accordingly. You cannot pray judgment prayers.
You gonna pray the in in precatory psalms where David prayed, sums of judgment on his enemies.
Those are not for us today.
There are still wonderful, wonderful things for us to look at in the the Psalms.
But we don’t pray in precatory psalms on our enemies. Today, we love our human enemies.
Our real enemy is the power of darkness. You see there’s so much strife in your family.
So you foul spirit that’s causing strife in my family. I command you to decease in your maneuvers.
Be bound from my family in the name of Jesus.
Make sure you use the name of Jesus as a king. You decree when you do that.
You are taking your rightful place seated with Christ, the Lord loves it.
Now you are flowing with God, amen. And God calls this earnest prayer.
How do you get saved? You declare Jesus Christ is my Lord. Amen.
You believe he took your sins and he rose from the date without them resurrection is the proof that your sins are all put away.
And once you believe that you are safe, you’re not safe by begging God. Please save me, God.
Oh God, please save me. Oh God, please save me. No, you’re safe by declaring.
So why don’t you declare right now that Jesus Christ is your Lord and believe in your heart, that one sacrifice for sins forever in the Old Testament, the Jews will bring sacrifice every day.
You know why? Because the judgment is greater than the sacrifice, no bulls and goats can take the place of Jesus.
But that one sacrifice of Jesus is efficacious for all time. Amen.
Because the sacrifice now is greater than the judgment.
It consume all the judgment with all the wrath of God.
And that’s why God has no wrath towards us.
Who believe in that one sacrifice, pray this prayer with me right now say heavenly Father, I believe that Christ has consumed all your judgment, all your wrath in his own body and you design it to be so so that you are righteous today in making me righteous.
You have not, you did.
You did not compromise in any way, Lord, you are righteous in making me righteous to the death of your son and you raised him from the dead without my sins.
And that it is proof that all my sins have all been put away.
Jesus Christ is my Lord in Jesus name. Amen. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
Lift your hands all across this place. Let me declare this over you.
You know why I can declare this over you not to soothe you.
You know why I can declare this over you? Because I know we are in the year of favor.
Amen. We are still in that dispensation of grace until Jesus comes and bring us back.
Then the earth will experience the days of vengeance of our God. But we’re not there yet.
God is long suffering that as many as possible would come to know Him. Amen. Family.
Everyone that’s watching this right now. The Lord bless you and your families for this coming week.
May you be drenched with the blessings of God?
May God make showers of blessings to fall on you and your loved ones throughout this week may experience tangibly the blessings of God that will manifest this coming week.
And the Lord smile on you, be favorable to you and the Lord himself keep you preserve you in the name of Jesus.
I declare the Lord preserves you from all evil throughout this week, from all harm from danger from every infection, from every power of darkness, through the blood of his son, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And the lot smiles on you and his shalom peace, wholeness and well being in every part of your being in every part of your body in Jesus name and all the people said, amen.
God bless you. I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. But don’t go just yet.
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If not, I’ll see you in the next episode.
- Jonathan Cahn Speaks on Trump, Jerusalem, And The End TimesTháng 3 24, 2023