How to Mature Through Pressure

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How to Mature Through Pressure

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Coming up next on changing your world.
This stuff right now that you’re facing, god’s already working out a magnificent plan for you to have full of you’re gonna be full of praise and glory and honor.
Praise god because you refuse to let pressure dictate your next move.
We’re kicking off the holiday season here at World Changers Church International with our special Thanksgiving day service.
Join us at 10 am Eastern in the world down on Thanksgiving morning to start your holiday off right.
We are ever grateful for all that God has done, and we wanna set aside this time to celebrate with you all.
If you’re not in the Atlanta area, join the lights stream. See you on Thanksgiving morning.
This is your world.
Solis vowed to make it a better place.
Let every hard than me is to know.
1st, Peter, chapter 1 verse 6 through 7.
We’re gonna talk about mental maturity, excuse me, maturity through pressure.
Maturity through pressure.
Now there’s probably no one in here who would say to me, oh, but but the dollar, I really enjoy pressure.
It’s like to me, it’s like, there’s just really no such thing as life without it.
There’s nobody on the planet that is void of pressure, which causes me to think there has to be some type of, something that comes from it.
You know? And a lot of you who are here, you don’t want me talking to you just for a moment so you can get where I’m going.
Of you who are here today, you are operating in anointings and gifts and callings that you know about right now.
But the spirit of god’s been dealing with me for several months that there are annoying things and gifts and callings in you right now.
That have yet to manifest
there’s stuff in you that you can do
that you don’t even know you can do yet.
There are surprises in you that are gonna be revealed from you that you’re gonna start doing, and you thought, I, I didn’t even know I could do this.
And yet, it’s gonna require something to bring it out.
It’s going to require something that’ll be responsible for pulling out those giftings and those callings and those things you have in you.
I don’t know how theologically correct it is that I’m about to say, but having gone through this for 41 years in my ministry and life, I wonder if we would one day come to the place of maybe just wondering if pressure might be a gift.
Cause we all have it.
Some kind of way, some kind of form, some kind of shape.
You kinda go from one place of pressure to another place of depression.
And I realized in athletics, it it’s it’s a must.
Not only in high school, but when I was fortunate to play college ball, One guy said, I’ve got to put you under an enormous amount of pressure so that the game won’t be the time where And sure enough, we all felt like we were well, well prepared to do things above our ability because of the pressure.
There was mental pressure that was applied all the time. Physically, there was pressure applied all the time.
And for me, I had to maintain a certain weight because I was doing some, some unbelievable thing on every team there’s got to be just in case something goes wrong, and the first string gets hurt.
2nd string gets hurt. 3rd string gets hurt. Somebody on the team got to be responsible for 4th string.
And my 4th string was center. And I’m thinking I’m never gonna play center in no college ball.
That’s not gonna happen, but just in case 3 centers got hurt.
I would have to be prepared to do it, which means I had to eat dinner with the centers, and they would make me eat more.
And they would wait till I got full. And then you gotta eat more.
And I’m like, I don’t want no more. Well, you gotta eat more. I’m a tell the coast, whatever.
But you know what happened? 3 centers got injured.
I remember calling my dad, and I was like, you ain’t gonna believe you.
What happened today? And I got the call, and I played center for the whole game.
I I thought, well, at least I got my hands on the ball.
But there was preparation to bring out of you something else that you didn’t know you could do.
Wonder what’s in you wonder what’s been kept out of sight in you.
That may be some pressure that you might wanna run from is gonna be responsible for bringing it out.
And I am saying today, we got to stop running from pressure because, listen, Satan wants to use pressured for your destruction, but god will allow pressure to give birth to some stuff that’s on the inside of you.
I’d realize in developing muscle.
In bodybuilding, it required pressure to develop muscle tissue.
And you can get up there and get a little lightweight, get a £20 and put the dumbbell here and do the instant and then bite and do that.
You’re just wasting your time. Ain’t nothing gonna happen. Just wasting your time.
There’s pressure to eat the right thing, pressure to go to sleep the right way, and pressure applied to that physical body causes development.
Growth is one thing you can grow up, but to develop a bicep muscle requires pressure.
Now think to yourself, maybe some other things that require pressure going into the armed services.
It requires pressure. I mean, time you get off the bus, somebody is in your face.
They own purpose, make sure that you are up Make sure that you don’t go to bed.
They know you’re tired. They know you’re sleeping, but you got to perform under pressure. And it’s there.
In and out every day. How many have been in the military before?
Now over and over and over and over. And and then all of a sudden, it’s just unknown.
You come home on vacation, you’re up at 4:30 wanting to go run somewhere.
Brings out into you something you didn’t know you have.
And then we got saved and born again as Christian people and thought, Oh, we don’t need any, any pressure, and yet life is full of them.
Mental pressure. Pressure when people hurt you and pressure when people leave you and pressure when people betray you and pressure to get this job.
A pressure to maintain that job and pressure to change and pressure to change what you don’t wanna change, and pressure to either yield to the flesh and pressure or to to to choose the yields to speak.
The pressure is going to produce some kind of fruit. That’s what is designed to do.
Produce some kind of fruit. Pressure.
I knew before I could preach the gospel of grace, I used to ask why I can’t even wake up and open my eyes without something going viral?
Why why am I always under scrutiny and pressure.
And I used to think that pre people and preachers who are always going through, something must be going wrong in their life.
Well, I had a chance to rethink that Uh, every time I see somebody anybody just constantly going through, I’m like, oh, what kind of anointing god working in them?
I don’t look at it anymore. Something wrong.
I’m looking at, oh my god, wonder what they are about to do. What is god getting them ready for?
And so if you’re under an enormous amount of pressure that’s going on, god is getting you ready for something.
Maybe there’s some getting ready to come on the earth.
Maybe there’s something getting ready to happen in your life on your job.
I don’t know what it is, but, honey, I believe that if god allows pressure to work against you.
He is trying to develop you and work something out of you.
And the devil is upset because what the devil wants you to is, is take allow that pressure to keep you where you are and stand to flesh.
The devil wants you to under pressure. Let’s cut somebody out. Under the pressures. Let’s, let’s do some devilish.
Let’s yield to the flesh. But you’ve decided I’m gonna yield to the spirit, um, the pressure.
And no matter what happens, I’m still believe God. I’m a still believe God. I’m a still believe God.
I’m a still believe God. 2 years from now, all that believing God under pressure, just makes it normal.
Something happens. You’re like, I believe not.
Cause he knew you needed to have that kind of stuff that’s that that that that right stuff being pulled out of you.
But we cannot neglect The calls and warnings and gifts they got hold of having on the inside of you that he wants to bring out.
If you and you can’t be afraid of the pressure of the devil You can’t be afraid of lack.
You can’t be afraid of of any of those things.
Cause remember, it is he that’s working in you. He’s bringing something out.
And when all of this world goes nuts and goes crazy, you will be equipped.
To stay in Jesus and be used by Jesus.
To do a magnificent work in these last days.
Now Now that I got that out of me.
Let’s go ahead and get started. So I said, I thought that was for us. No.
That was for me too. Let’s look at this in NLC.
So be truly glad there’s wonderful joy ahead.
Said there’s wonderful joy ahead.
I don’t know what most of you are going through, but there’s wonderful joy ahead.
And the joy of the lord is your strength. Right?
There’s wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.
Did you see that? There’s wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.
So whatever god has ahead of you and for you requires for you to endure and endure means to outlast, outlast the trial, outlast the pressure, outlast the trouble.
Trouble will come, but you will outlast it. Trials will come, you will outlast it.
For a little while, And, you know, when god says a little while, that could be 3 years.
You know what I’m saying? But whatever the time is, you will endure many trials and the Joel will come if you’ll endure it.
You have endurance, ladies and gentlemen. There’s nothing that you’re going through. You cannot outlast. Yeah.
But you don’t know how bad it hurts. You’ll outlast it. Yeah. But I just got a divorce.
You a lot lasted. I just lost my job. You a lot lasted. Oh, I just been so hurt.
You a lot lasted. I like where my my mother said this to me.
She said, you know, you’ll get up one morning, and it’ll be a gone. I’m like, that that’s true.
But you gotta outlast it. Think about the enemies fighting you, and you will outlast it.
That’s frustrating to him because he’s like, you just won’t die with you.
You just won’t crumble with you.
You just won’t go back to that old crazy life, will you?
You just keep on standing up saying, my god will supply all my needs according to his riches and glory.
And then something else come. Oh, they’re gonna take your car. My god.
She has to play all my knees car, and then they actually come take your car. My god.
She has to play all the I mean, I can’t know about riches.
It is riches in glory. Help me, lord. Help me, Jesus. Didn’t it turn your lights up?
My god. What are you doing? You’re outlasting it. You’re outlasting it.
You’re out laughing it because the morning is coming. The morning is coming.
Alright. What’s this for 7?
These trials will show that your faith is not phony.
Your faith is genuine.
See, there are some people that just talk it, but they don’t really believe it.
The trial will let you know when somebody is just not real.
We will see how much you stand. You they’re trying to let you know.
Some people as soon as trouble hit them, you won’t see them no more.
They quit god, quit you, and quit the church.
It’ll test to see if your faith is genuine.
I believe that your faith is genuine. Honey, you have come through it all. You came through a pandemic.
You came through all kinds of weird shutdowns. You came and hear and and hear why are you here?
Here you are again. Here you are again. And the devil, like, why are you here?
He was just giving himself a big hand clap because being able to keep most people just stuck.
And you’re here. You just keep coming through. You you you you came through just like that.
Well, if I perish, Ester. Ester. Ester, if I perish, let me pay what’s your time?
She says, god gave me a word. I gotta take it to the king.
And, and he might kill me because most folks that ever did, when I’m getting ready to do, he, he, he killed him.
But if I perish, then let me perish, I’m going to see the king and I’m gonna do what god tells me to do.
You keep showing up. And I’m telling you, if you keep showing up, god’s getting ready to show out for those that keep showing up.
See if your faith is genuine, that is being tested as fire.
Test and purifies goal. Though your faith is far more precious than mere goal, So when your faith remains strong through many trials, did you see that when your faith remains strong through many trials.
I think the last 3 years, the things that have happened to me has to test the genuineness of my faith.
The genuineness of my faith. Man, I had singles at one point.
It was the point where the boils appeared.
And I put a big shirt on, got on the plane and went to preach.
My wife said, why? What are you doing? I said, uh, I’m going to preach.
She said, And she just didn’t say nothing. And I went, and the pain was excruciating.
And I stood up, and I talked to word of the lord, And I kept preaching.
And if I finished, I said take that devil.
Now I don’t wanna pick some kind of fable to you.
Shingles is the devil.
I ain’t no other way to say that.
It shingles ain’t like the devil. It’s the devil DNA incarnate in shingles.
I felt it was the time for me to know what Paul knew when there was a a a a it was actually the devil, but it was sent to buffet him.
And he prayed three times, god, take this off.
And god didn’t move until he realized in my weakness. That’s when I’m strong.
I had anointings come out of me with boils on me that I didn’t even know was there.
Globally, be to god. In my weakness then and I made am I made strong.
Easy to quote those scriptures. And you will all have the time to see how genuine your faith is.
Everyone. There’s a separation from the sheep and the goat. You understand?
There’s a lot of goats that go to church.
And all they do is, but the trials will test the genuineness of your faith.
And he said, strong, the strong it says, uh, through through many trials, it will bring you much praise.
If you do this, it will bring you much praise, much glory, much honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.
You see, my eyes are set on that day, which I feel is very close.
I feel is very close.
I don’t know what the rest of the world’s Maybe they’re thinking, well, this is not real.
This is not true. Girl, let them just saying all that. This ain’t gonna happen.
Well, you know, there’ll be 3 there are three different stories told about Jesus.
I mean, who really know I’m in the first place? And all that kind of stuff, whatever.
You may say what you wanna say.
But when all this stuff come down, I know I’m gonna have to stand in front of a god.
And I’ve already just played it.
There’s certain things I don’t want to have when that day comes, and one of those things is regret.
I don’t wanna stand up there. Regretti. Oh, I wish I would’ve just stood a little longer.
Oh, I wish I would’ve quit kept.
I wish I would’ve have not run from pressure every time it showed up.
And then god shows me what he was trying to do, but I kept running away from it.
Those three people boys who were putting the fire apparatus? They had just made their mind up.
Whatever. You can put us in and do whatever you wanna do, but our god Talk about dependent on god, but our god will deliver us from this too.
My god’s gonna deliver me from this too.
And whatever you’re going through right now, your god is delivering you from this too.
This stuff right now that you’re facing, god’s already working out a magnificent plan for you to have full of you’re gonna be full of praise and glory and honor.
Praise god because you refuse to let pressure dictate your next move.
Turning somebody in tone.
You’re gonna be alright. Hey. Thanks. Well, we are.
2 of those I say, we’re all in development.
And those that remain in training, you will see the end of your faith.
Amen? Now I gave this to you before, but in another series, let me give you the definition of the trial of faith.
What is the definition of the trial of faith? I’m a tell you what it is.
By first of all, I’m telling you what it’s not.
The trial of faith is not a testing as to whether or not there is faith.
So the trial is not nor is it a test to see if your faith is sufficient?
So when god’s taking you through things, it’s or allowing things to happen to you, it’s not to test whether you have faith, and neither is it to test whether or not your faith is sufficient.
But rather, it is purifying. It’s the purifying of faith.
It’s a removal of all impurities of dependence upon self, a purifying of faith a removal of all of the impurities of dependence upon yourself.
Here’s the main issue.
These pressures will be allowed to show up in your life to get you to the point where you are no longer depending on you,
that you now will depend on him.
I had a chance to look at that.
And every pressure cook situation I was in, I remember trying to depend on me first.
That wasn’t working well. And now once I woke up, and I could see, wait a minute, the impurities of dependence on myself?
Oh, that’s changing. Because now when stuff happened, I ain’t even trying to dip into my intellect to see how I’m gonna handle it.
Now when stuff happens, the first thing I do. My first move, god I need you. Yep.
God I need you. So are you still being impacted by the impurities of dependence on yourself?
Because god knows wherever you go, you’re gonna have to be able to depend on him when you get there.
Because you are a branch. He is the vine, and you gotta stop thinking you’re the vine.
You are a branch. All we will ever be is branches.
Well, you went through that trial, that pressure.
You still depend on you. Well, I know such and such and such as I call. I do that.
You went through that pressure. Oh, well, such and such a he’ll let me borrow this.
Then you went through that pressure.
And you keep going through pressures with the impurity of self dependence.
But one day, there’s gonna be a trial that shows up in your life, and ain’t nobody or nothing gonna be able to help you except god.
Why do Christians have to go through adversity?
We’ve all asked this before, but have you ever had an acceptable answer?
In the 8 message series maturity through pressure, creflo dollar gives clarity on the why behind the pressure we face.
These pressures will be allowed to show up in your life to get you to the point
where you are no longer, depending on you, that you now will depend on him
There’s nothing that you’re going through. You cannot outlast. Outlast the trial. Outlast the pressure.
Trump will come, but you will outlast it.
I see this as an experience of hope and victory and development because it got rid of the impurities of dependent on myself.
For only 45 US dollars for CDs or 55 US dollars for DVDs, all eight messages can be yours today.
Just visit and click e store, scan the QR code, or call the number on your screen to get yours today.
Are you ready to be forever changed by grace?
The highly anticipated change its period’s tour is back.
Our first stop for the 2024 tour is Los Angeles, California.
We’ll be there in February, and then we’re headed to York City in April.
Now I feel rejuvenated. Makes me feel happy that I can go out and tell people about this grace that God freely gives.
It’s unmatched. And just being able to praise and be with everybody.
And that piece that came over me, like, that was a moment that I truly appreciated.
I’m glad that I I drove 4 hours to be here this morning
In July, all roads lead back to the World Dome College Park, Georgia, for the biggest grace based home coming in the world, Grace Life Conference.
Register now so you too can be forever changed by grace. Text changed 2024 to 51555.
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The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.

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