How To Inherit Your Divine Birthright | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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How To Inherit Your Divine Birthright | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The Word declares that you are an heir. What does it mean? How can that change the way you live your life? And how to inherit the blessings you have yet to receive in your life.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

God’s will is to bless you.
God’s will is it’s just as you have to be in the will to get the inheritance, your life has to be in the will of god to get the inheritance and blessing of god.
What does it say?
The meek or the humble, they will your rash the world or or the land.
They will your rash say your rash.
Your rash is the word your rash in Hebrew, yerash, which means to inherit.
That’s where you get it all. The meek shall inherit, inherit they shall be heirs.
Now I wanna focus the most of this message on what it means, what it means for you to be an heir of god and what it means to live as an heir.
Living to the Bible says about this. I’ll give you an example. Galatians 329.
If you belong to Messiah, then you are Abraham’s children. You are heirs.
According to the promise. What’d that say? Russ up right there.
If you are messiah’s per if you are born again, if you’re a true born again believer, You are Abraham’s child.
Abraham’s child. That’s radical.
You are Bible’s saying you are actually a child of Abraham, not just figuratively, you are actually a child of Abraham in the spirit.
The scripture, it leaks up with a scripture that says one you were I mean, you’re not saying you’re born, you’re Italian, you’re you’re Asian, you’re whatever you are, you are born Jewish, the Bible says in another scripture, it says, once you were separated from the commonwealth of Israel, but now you are a fellow citizen of what?
Of Israel hooks up with the other scripture You are a wild Olive branch. Now you are grafted in.
So you got all those three things. Now you are grafted in to the olive tree to Israel.
Number 2, you are a child of Abraham, and number 3, you are a citizen of Israel.
That means that more than you are anything else, more than you are Italian or Irish or Swedish or or or, uh, or from Latin America or from Africa or from Asia, you are 1st a child of Abraham.
You are a a spiritual child of Israel. You’re a citizen is Israel.
In fact, Paul says you were born of Jerusalem. You’re a child of Abraham. What does that mean?
That means a lot. If you’re a child of Abraham, it says you are an heir just like Isaac was.
Isaac was the child of Abraham and look what he inherited.
Jacob and Esaw were children, but Esaw kinda rejected the inheritance.
And Jacob strived for the inheritance and look what it meant.
It changed the whole world when you’re a child of Abraham. The inherent you’re an heir to the promise.
Now it says in Kalash and says, giving thanks to the father who has qualified us to share in what?
The inheritance. We are to share in the inheritance of the saints in light, who has qualified us.
Titus 3 says this. So that being justified by his graves, we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
We would become heirs of eternal life. So what’s this thing? We are heirs of the promise.
We are heirs of light. We are heirs of eternal life. We are heirs of Abraham.
That means what the blessings that were given to Abraham in some way relate to all of us, not that you are given the some people take this the wrong way, but spiritually, the blessings of Abraham are to you if you’re our if you’re his child and you’re an heir.
We are heirs of something that is greater than this world.
Better than bet an error is he said, what’s an error?
An air is one who is appointed to receive an inheritance, a blessing and a state money, possessions, a position, something.
You know, if you have many of most of us will know what that is in some little way when when our parents pass on, that is you are inheriting something.
You are an air. What does an air mean? It means you’re appointed to receive something.
Something you don’t have now. You’re an heir to something.
Someone who is, like, for someone who is not on the throne but is in line is called an heir to the throne.
They don’t have it yet, but they are going to get it.
An heir is one who’s appointed to receive a blessing.
You’re appoint now you are appointed to see receive a blessing that is greater than that.
I remember watching growing up seeing the the honeymooners and Ralph Cramnam bus driver helps a rich lady.
She dies and leaves him in her will, leaves him her fortune.
And he gets all excited He’s gonna be a millionaire, all excited.
He goes to the will, goes to the reading, and fortune is the name of her pet bird.
Fortune, but you, the Bible says, are appointed to receive something better than a fortune, better than a treasure, See, there are heirs in this world.
There are children of rich people.
They call them heirs, uh, you know, there’s an Arris, an air to a throw an air to a to a fortune, to an oil fortune, to a business fortune.
They don’t have to do anything their whole life.
All they do is receive money, and some of them get really messed up because they don’t have to do anything.
You know, they just receive, but you are an heir.
The Bible says, and your inheritance that you have is so much greater than any oil heiress or any air to any fortune in this world.
You have something. You gotta believe because that’s what the Bible says. It’s far better, far greater.
So the Bible says, so what if you were an error to a $1,000,000,000?
You might be happy about that for a while.
But you are an heir to something greater than that, and you gotta get that in your spirit.
The Bible says you’re an heir. What does it mean? You can’t be an heir without a will.
In order to be an heir, you have to have a will. The inheritance comes in the will.
Now, technically, if somebody’s in error, they don’t know the will, and they don’t claim what’s in the will, and or they don’t accept the will, They were brought to the will.
They maybe they were lost relative. They don’t receive the will. They don’t apply the will.
They’re not gonna get blasted with the inheritance.
So you as a child of god or an heir, but to the the air to be an heir, there has to be a will.
What is the will to your inheritance. The will to your inheritance is this. This is the will.
This is the reading. This is the will. This is filled with your inheritance.
So the first key as an heir to god, an heir of the kingdom, and of Abraham is that your inheritance comes through the will, your blessings, every blessing comes down to you
through the will of
god. Now you might think, well, that’s kinda using the same word.
It’s 2 different things. No. It’s not 2 different things.
A what when you say when someone makes a will, what’s it why is it called a will?
Because it’s their will to give this to somebody when they’re gone. It’s their will to bless somebody.
Well, it’s simply a will means a will. God’s will is to bless you.
God’s will is it’s just as you have to be in the will to get the inheritance your life has to be in the will of god to get the inheritance and blessing of god.
It means as much as you’re not in the will of god, you’re not in the will of god.
You won’t inherit. You won’t know the blessings.
And as much as you get your life more and more in the will of god, you’ll be in the will of the inheritance of god.
You get it? You’ll be blessed. You’ll united.
You know, it’s not gonna say that anything you want, you hit.
It means that you’re gonna have more the blessing are gonna be unhindered from god.
The more you get your life in the will of god, the more the blessings will get into your life.
Get into the will of god.
If you know something is not the will of god, then your point is to get it out because that thing that everything that’s not in the will of god is gonna hinder the blessings of the air.
And everything that is the will of god is going to increase the blessings of the air.
So whatever is not the will of god, it’s hurting you.
You may not see how it’s doing it, but it’s hurting you.
And that little thing it might give you is nothing compared to what it takes away.
Get it out and get it get into the will of god. Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed the video.
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