How To Face Fear in Power X Sarah Jakes Roberts
How To Face Fear in Power X Sarah Jakes Roberts
This message was so filling that I had to split it into three parts. From questioning the preservation of one’s core in the face of newfound power to drawing inspiration from Elijah’s unwavering message. Now it’s time for you to confront your own core values and ensure your message remains steadfast, whether in the presence of messengers or kings.
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Some of you have been thinking that you were gonna make it to a certain level, and it would be smooth sailing.
But in reality, god needs you to know that if you’re gonna continue to go from glory to glory to glory that these power moves are gonna make you afraid.
They’re gonna make you question yourself.
They’re gonna make you wonder if you really have what it takes.
It’s gonna make you wonder if your plan was too crazy and too far fetched to begin with, power moves confront your fears.
And you can’t count on the success you had in the past.
The only thing you can count on is the voice of god.
You see, because the angel of the lord is what gave him the authority to go down with him and to not be afraid.
So he arose and went down with him to the king.
And then he said to the king, thus says the lord, because you have sent messengers to inquire of Biles above of the god of ekron, is it because there is no god in Israel to inquire of his word?
Therefore, you shall not come down from the bed to which you have gone up, but you shall surely die.
It was the same message that he told the messengers on the road in the first place.
This is interesting because some of you have been wondering if you can lose if you’re going to lose your core when you make your power moves.
You’re wondering if you’re still going to be sharp enough and good enough and creative enough when you make it to the next level, if you were just good for one arena, but not actually good for the next arena, these power moves are making you wonder if your message is really special.
But Elijah had the same message for the king as he had for the messengers, his core remained the same, even in the miss of trials and tribulations.
What we do here from week to week is is not about you getting Grammys or Oscars or bonuses or salaries.
It’s about making sure you have the same core message when you’re with the messengers and when you’re with the king.
And if you stand with me as I prepare to close because I wanna confront some course in this room, I wanna confront some misconceptions and some issues and some insecurities that come with making power moves.
If you don’t have to leave, please state, could you put my list on the screen, please, because I want you all to recognize the 3 things that power moves you to.
See, we’re so often used to making power moves as in decisions.
But the type of power that I’m talking about moving inside of you is the power of god working down on the inside of you And I need you to know that as his power moves that it’s gonna move you to some confrontations, And it’s gonna move you to your potential, and it will, too, move you to your fears And I just happen to believe that there are some people in this room who have been wondering if they have what it takes to really let power move through them to finally come to a place where they take their hands off of their life and they stop trying to create strategies and trying to create opportunities, but to trust god in such a way that he can move through you.
What I love about this text is that one could say that Elijah should stay in his lane.
That what was going on really didn’t have anything to do with him, but he didn’t recognize that as long as god was telling him to do it that he was in his lane, That means that as long as god is your driving force that there is no such thing as your lane, there’s only what the of god told you to do, that means you don’t have to be relegated to only being one thing that you can do as many things as god says that you can do So you don’t have to answer your critics about why you’re doing this now or why you’re doing that now.
Everyone’s not gonna understand your power moves.
But if you don’t understand them, If you don’t understand your power moves, if you don’t understand what god is doing in your life and why he’s doing it, then you leave your life susceptible to other people’s influence, to other people’s direct and other people’s guidance.
That’s why we gotta get your core right.
And we wanna have a moment at this altar where we take a moment to inspect our course.
It’s easy to say, a man in this room, But when you’re given the choice outside of this room to choose fear over faith, to choose toxic relationships over loneliness, to choose the higher paycheck in exchange for your integrity or your morality to place yourself on action when God has been trying to reserve you.
When you have those opportunities out side of this room, I need to know that you’re gonna make power moves.
And the beauty of this room is that the Amen’s echo, which is a sign that you’re not the only one who struggled with making power moves in the past.
That you’re not the only one who’s had to take a moment to figure things out for yourself and to ask god to help you center yourself again.
There’s some of you in here who’ve known for quite a long time that there are certain things you need to be doing in your life, but you are afraid that will it would take you out of your comfort zone, that it would isolate you, that you would lose friends, that you would lose relationships that you would begin to look weird that you would have to quit your job, that you would have to get a job.
I don’t know your life. I’m just saying that some of you have been holding back your progress, trying to negotiate with god.
And I’m here to tell you that he hasn’t changed his mind about you.
But he’s waiting to see if he can trust you with fire can I trust you with the type of fire that makes you untouchable to your enemies?
Can I trust you with fire and then trust you to go into areas where people may not like you?
Can I trust you with fire like Elijah and then trust to follow a captain who could easily overtake you?
Can you trust the hedge of protection that I’ve had over you.
Some of you need to recognize that that hedge of protection has been there your entire life.
But I I really do believe that as we step into 2017, which pastors told us over and over again, it’s gonna be the year of alignment, that alignment is gonna be less about finding god and more about finding you.
That is gonna be more about you making the types of decisions that bring you into alignment regardless of who you lose and what you lose in the process.
Some of you are gonna have to start from ground 0 because everything you’ve built up into this point will fall And it’s shiny, and it looks good, and it gets lots of likes, but you’ve lost your soul in the process.
You don’t even know who you are anymore. Those are not power moves.
If it causes you to lose your own power, your own your own grace, wisdom, and strength.
Those are not power moves. I’m here to offer you the kind of power that takes you from the back of the classroom to the front of the classroom that takes you from being the tail and makes you the head that makes you stand out a little bit, but ultimately, it’s only so that god can be exalted.
I wanna offer you the kind of power that says you don’t need the degree.
You don’t need the connections.
You don’t need the experience All you need is a word from me.
You don’t have to hustle your way up on a blessing.
I’ve got blessings stored up for you in heaven.
I just need you to come into the kind of alignment where you truly begin to believe that all things are possible for you.
If this message is speaking to you and you know that you’ve had some issues with your core, you don’t have to wait for us to invite you down as a matter of fact, I would dare say that if you would begin to step out of that comfort zone, that if you would begin to admit that you need God to help you, that as you’re walking this way, that he’s gonna meet you, There’s a as he sees your feet moving, that his voice is drawing out plans for you in heaven, God’s been waiting on a sign that you’re ready, that you heard him, and that you’re ready to move and that you don’t care what you lose in the process, because you wanna start going into rooms and saying, if I am a man of god, if I am a woman of god, then let this opportunity be for me.
If I am a one of woman of god, then let this relationship work out.
If I am a woman of god, then strip away anything in me that’s not of you.
If I am a woman of god, then lest your light shine through me in such a way that the world takes notice.
If I am, a man of god, then let weapons start dropping right now in the name of Jesus.
If I am a man of god, then let fire breeze down from heaven on anyone that would dare come up against my destiny.
If I am a man of God, paveway, order my steps. I wanna tap into my heavenly identity.
I wanna tap into who god has called me to be I wanna know I wanna know who I am. I wanna know what I’m capable of.
I wanna know that there’s power down on the inside of me.
I wanna know that I’m more than my mistakes that I’m more than what happened to me that I’m more than these curses that I thought were around me.
I wanna know that I am a man or woman of god, I wanna know that there’s more to life than what’s hurt me.
I wanna know that there’s more to life than what’s in my bank account and what’s on my Instagram feed.
I wanna know that there’s something deeper waiting for me.
And I’m ready to turn my life over like never before.
So that I can make the type of power moves that build monuments for god, not for people to look at, not for people to approve of.
Not that make my flesh feel good, but make my spirit weak.
I wanna make the kind of power moves that says when life is shaky, I know on the solid rock I stand, I’m gonna ask Pastor to pray into this.
And I don’t want you to think just because the altar is full that you don’t have to come because surely the prayer is gonna reach you there, but I’m telling you there’s something about moving.
There’s something about moving. There’s something about getting out of your seat.
There’s something about a power move when you’ve been making life moves, when you’ve been making world moves, when you’ve been making flesh moves, there’s something about a power move that says, Definitely, you can’t hold me down no more.
Negativity, you have no place in my life. Depression, you have no place in my life right now.
When you move into this altar, I hear you rebuking the devour of the enemy.
I hear you rebuking anything that would come up against you.
When you came down to this altar, I heard chains breaking down in hell.
I heard generational curses breaking I heard destiny happening. I heard doors opening. Opportunities being created for you.
Some of you have been wondering how you’re gonna fit into certain situations, and god wants you to know I’m gonna create a situation just for you.
But in reality, god needs you to know that if you’re gonna continue to go from glory to glory to glory that these power moves are gonna make you afraid.
They’re gonna make you question yourself.
They’re gonna make you wonder if you really have what it takes.
It’s gonna make you wonder if your plan was too crazy and too far fetched to begin with, power moves confront your fears.
And you can’t count on the success you had in the past.
The only thing you can count on is the voice of god.
You see, because the angel of the lord is what gave him the authority to go down with him and to not be afraid.
So he arose and went down with him to the king.
And then he said to the king, thus says the lord, because you have sent messengers to inquire of Biles above of the god of ekron, is it because there is no god in Israel to inquire of his word?
Therefore, you shall not come down from the bed to which you have gone up, but you shall surely die.
It was the same message that he told the messengers on the road in the first place.
This is interesting because some of you have been wondering if you can lose if you’re going to lose your core when you make your power moves.
You’re wondering if you’re still going to be sharp enough and good enough and creative enough when you make it to the next level, if you were just good for one arena, but not actually good for the next arena, these power moves are making you wonder if your message is really special.
But Elijah had the same message for the king as he had for the messengers, his core remained the same, even in the miss of trials and tribulations.
What we do here from week to week is is not about you getting Grammys or Oscars or bonuses or salaries.
It’s about making sure you have the same core message when you’re with the messengers and when you’re with the king.
And if you stand with me as I prepare to close because I wanna confront some course in this room, I wanna confront some misconceptions and some issues and some insecurities that come with making power moves.
If you don’t have to leave, please state, could you put my list on the screen, please, because I want you all to recognize the 3 things that power moves you to.
See, we’re so often used to making power moves as in decisions.
But the type of power that I’m talking about moving inside of you is the power of god working down on the inside of you And I need you to know that as his power moves that it’s gonna move you to some confrontations, And it’s gonna move you to your potential, and it will, too, move you to your fears And I just happen to believe that there are some people in this room who have been wondering if they have what it takes to really let power move through them to finally come to a place where they take their hands off of their life and they stop trying to create strategies and trying to create opportunities, but to trust god in such a way that he can move through you.
What I love about this text is that one could say that Elijah should stay in his lane.
That what was going on really didn’t have anything to do with him, but he didn’t recognize that as long as god was telling him to do it that he was in his lane, That means that as long as god is your driving force that there is no such thing as your lane, there’s only what the of god told you to do, that means you don’t have to be relegated to only being one thing that you can do as many things as god says that you can do So you don’t have to answer your critics about why you’re doing this now or why you’re doing that now.
Everyone’s not gonna understand your power moves.
But if you don’t understand them, If you don’t understand your power moves, if you don’t understand what god is doing in your life and why he’s doing it, then you leave your life susceptible to other people’s influence, to other people’s direct and other people’s guidance.
That’s why we gotta get your core right.
And we wanna have a moment at this altar where we take a moment to inspect our course.
It’s easy to say, a man in this room, But when you’re given the choice outside of this room to choose fear over faith, to choose toxic relationships over loneliness, to choose the higher paycheck in exchange for your integrity or your morality to place yourself on action when God has been trying to reserve you.
When you have those opportunities out side of this room, I need to know that you’re gonna make power moves.
And the beauty of this room is that the Amen’s echo, which is a sign that you’re not the only one who struggled with making power moves in the past.
That you’re not the only one who’s had to take a moment to figure things out for yourself and to ask god to help you center yourself again.
There’s some of you in here who’ve known for quite a long time that there are certain things you need to be doing in your life, but you are afraid that will it would take you out of your comfort zone, that it would isolate you, that you would lose friends, that you would lose relationships that you would begin to look weird that you would have to quit your job, that you would have to get a job.
I don’t know your life. I’m just saying that some of you have been holding back your progress, trying to negotiate with god.
And I’m here to tell you that he hasn’t changed his mind about you.
But he’s waiting to see if he can trust you with fire can I trust you with the type of fire that makes you untouchable to your enemies?
Can I trust you with fire and then trust you to go into areas where people may not like you?
Can I trust you with fire like Elijah and then trust to follow a captain who could easily overtake you?
Can you trust the hedge of protection that I’ve had over you.
Some of you need to recognize that that hedge of protection has been there your entire life.
But I I really do believe that as we step into 2017, which pastors told us over and over again, it’s gonna be the year of alignment, that alignment is gonna be less about finding god and more about finding you.
That is gonna be more about you making the types of decisions that bring you into alignment regardless of who you lose and what you lose in the process.
Some of you are gonna have to start from ground 0 because everything you’ve built up into this point will fall And it’s shiny, and it looks good, and it gets lots of likes, but you’ve lost your soul in the process.
You don’t even know who you are anymore. Those are not power moves.
If it causes you to lose your own power, your own your own grace, wisdom, and strength.
Those are not power moves. I’m here to offer you the kind of power that takes you from the back of the classroom to the front of the classroom that takes you from being the tail and makes you the head that makes you stand out a little bit, but ultimately, it’s only so that god can be exalted.
I wanna offer you the kind of power that says you don’t need the degree.
You don’t need the connections.
You don’t need the experience All you need is a word from me.
You don’t have to hustle your way up on a blessing.
I’ve got blessings stored up for you in heaven.
I just need you to come into the kind of alignment where you truly begin to believe that all things are possible for you.
If this message is speaking to you and you know that you’ve had some issues with your core, you don’t have to wait for us to invite you down as a matter of fact, I would dare say that if you would begin to step out of that comfort zone, that if you would begin to admit that you need God to help you, that as you’re walking this way, that he’s gonna meet you, There’s a as he sees your feet moving, that his voice is drawing out plans for you in heaven, God’s been waiting on a sign that you’re ready, that you heard him, and that you’re ready to move and that you don’t care what you lose in the process, because you wanna start going into rooms and saying, if I am a man of god, if I am a woman of god, then let this opportunity be for me.
If I am a one of woman of god, then let this relationship work out.
If I am a woman of god, then strip away anything in me that’s not of you.
If I am a woman of god, then lest your light shine through me in such a way that the world takes notice.
If I am, a man of god, then let weapons start dropping right now in the name of Jesus.
If I am a man of god, then let fire breeze down from heaven on anyone that would dare come up against my destiny.
If I am a man of God, paveway, order my steps. I wanna tap into my heavenly identity.
I wanna tap into who god has called me to be I wanna know I wanna know who I am. I wanna know what I’m capable of.
I wanna know that there’s power down on the inside of me.
I wanna know that I’m more than my mistakes that I’m more than what happened to me that I’m more than these curses that I thought were around me.
I wanna know that I am a man or woman of god, I wanna know that there’s more to life than what’s hurt me.
I wanna know that there’s more to life than what’s in my bank account and what’s on my Instagram feed.
I wanna know that there’s something deeper waiting for me.
And I’m ready to turn my life over like never before.
So that I can make the type of power moves that build monuments for god, not for people to look at, not for people to approve of.
Not that make my flesh feel good, but make my spirit weak.
I wanna make the kind of power moves that says when life is shaky, I know on the solid rock I stand, I’m gonna ask Pastor to pray into this.
And I don’t want you to think just because the altar is full that you don’t have to come because surely the prayer is gonna reach you there, but I’m telling you there’s something about moving.
There’s something about moving. There’s something about getting out of your seat.
There’s something about a power move when you’ve been making life moves, when you’ve been making world moves, when you’ve been making flesh moves, there’s something about a power move that says, Definitely, you can’t hold me down no more.
Negativity, you have no place in my life. Depression, you have no place in my life right now.
When you move into this altar, I hear you rebuking the devour of the enemy.
I hear you rebuking anything that would come up against you.
When you came down to this altar, I heard chains breaking down in hell.
I heard generational curses breaking I heard destiny happening. I heard doors opening. Opportunities being created for you.
Some of you have been wondering how you’re gonna fit into certain situations, and god wants you to know I’m gonna create a situation just for you.
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