How To Birth Your Purpose X Sarah Jakes Roberts
How To Birth Your Purpose
SJR is calling out all the wild women who are bold enough to birth their purpose in an environment that is trying to conceive fear. All God is asking you to do is push and He will do the rest. ___________________________________
There are women in this room who have been failed by other women, which makes it hard to even be in environments like this.
And to be vulnerable and to open up because at the end of the day, I’m a little bit afraid that you’re gonna disappoint me like some of the other women who came before you.
And the distrust that exists oftentimes between us as women for me, part of the reason why woman evolved had to come to be is because it is a sisterhood.
And I wanted to prove to you that just because another woman hurts you doesn’t mean that another woman can’t love you.
And so when this woman, this wild woman trying to find her wilderness, gets pregnant.
She’s not in her wilderness, but she’s fighting to give birth.
She’s fighting because she recognizes that there is a dragon waiting to devour everything that comes out of her maybe it’s not a dragon for you, maybe it’s fear, maybe it’s insecurity, the idea that I may fail, the idea that the moment I release it, it may never become what I thought it could be.
And so I’m having to bear another woman’s curse with fear looking at me.
And sometimes it’s easier to never get pregnant at all than to have to get pregnant with someone else’s pain and your purpose with fear watching on the outside But when you get in birthing position, and when you decide that at the end of the day, I gotta crush this thing.
I have to crush the head of the enemy because my mother couldn’t do it, and I don’t want my daughter to fight it because my grandmother struggled with it and no one else, not another molestation, not another rape, not another abortion, not another broken heart, not another divorce.
I had to go through it. That the people coming behind me don’t have to go through it.
I’m in birthing position. I’m trying to get ready for something to come out of me.
And I know everybody’s watching.
And I know I’m carrying
her curse, but I gotta push this thing out anyway. I gotta push this thing out until hell gets nervous.
I gotta start the business. I gotta create the book.
I gotta let go of this depression.
I gotta learn to forgive.
I’m in labor, and I’m in pain, which means the time is coming.
And if I wasn’t sure the time was coming, the drag arriving was a for sure sign because the dragon is a sign that the earth is nervous that what our release is gonna push back darkness.
The warfare, I know it took everything you had to get here.
The dragon was trying to see If you would give up the dragon was trying to see if you would log on to the live stream, but somebody said you can delay my flight.
You can cancel it. You can book up every hotel if you want to, but I’m gonna push this baby out.
My kids can act crazy. My friends can abandon me.
I’ll come by myself if I have to because I gotta push this baby out. I gotta start the business.
I gotta get my heart together. Gotta push this baby out.
And the dragon The dragon didn’t realize that a woman doesn’t just push a baby out.
That there’s always someone there to catch the baby, even if she has to do it with her own hands.
And I hear god saying that if you push Hillpool, Let me show you.
My girl gets in the birthing position.
And when she gets ready to give birth, she bears the male child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron in her child was caught up to god.
My girl is in the birthing position, and there’s a dragon in front of her.
And if she’s honest, and if you’re honest, I wanna push but I don’t know who’s gonna pull it up.
I wanna create it but I don’t know if anyone will support it.
I wanna forgive, but I don’t wanna be taken advantage of.
I wanna love again, but I don’t wanna be a fool again.
I wanna push, but who’s gonna catch what I push out.
Just like god did it for the woman.
I’m telling you, if you vow with me, for the next 2 days to push that god’s gonna pull.
That he’s gonna catch it up to a realm where no man can infect it, that he’s gonna catch it up to a realm where demons and fear and insecurities can’t touch it.
That god’s gonna put it in an environment where it can flourish.
He’s just waiting for some women who will get in the birthing position.
He’s waiting for some women who don’t mind pushing.
Who don’t mind giving birth in a way that they’ve never seen anyone give birth again.
I’m trying to talk to the labor that’s taking place down on the inside of you.
I hear god saying that it’s time for you to push so that he can pull so that I can show you what I really think of you plan the conference, build the website, and I promise you if you push, I’m gonna pull.
I’m gonna pull every woman who is connected to your anointing to Denver, Colorado.
If you push, I’m gonna pull.
If you push out the book, somebody’s life is gonna be changed if you push out the anointing.
Hell, we’ll get nervous. If you push, I’ll pull, create the music, if you push our pool, start writing the script.
If you push our pool, start the nonprofit, start the ministry. If you push I’ll pull.
I hear heaven saying it’s not me. I can’t pull it. My hands aren’t strong enough.
My hands aren’t big enough to help you wrap your arms around what god given you, but I’m telling you if you push, he’s gonna pull it.
How do I know? Because you’re standing in the evidence that if a wild woman starts pushing that a crazy, limitless potential as god will pull like never before.
This is
the wilderness of a woman who decided to push so that god could pull.
And my woman and the techs couldn’t make it to the wilderness until she pushed.
Most of us wanna be in the wilderness where god has created a place for us, but we don’t wanna push.
And we don’t wanna face the dragon.
Because if we face the dragon, the dragon may reveal how scared we really are.
If I face the dragon, the dragon may see me cry.
If I face the dragon, I may figure out that I don’t really have the skills and the technique And so most of us never make it to the wilderness where god has created a place for us because we’re afraid to push.
I need you to push so that he can show you he’ll pull.
And when you get in relationship with god, And you begin to realize that when I push, he pulls, that when I push myself outside of my comfort zone that he pulls, that when I push myself and I forgive and I walk away from toxic relationships and addiction can’t hold me, when I push and I start going to therapy to work out these issues that god pulls some kind of way.
I got a new job. I wasn’t even qualified for all because I started pushing on the other side.
Did you know that your push is connected to every blessing that is attached to your life, that you can’t make it to the wilderness until you push in the desert.
That you cannot make it to where god has called you to be.
Unless you’re willing to push first.
So that you can see that once you make it to the wilderness, that you won’t be there by yourself.
This culture would have us to believe that being a wild woman comes down to what we can show and how crazy we can be.
And I wanted to demystify this notion that us women who have been wowed the other way.
Can’t be wowed for god.
And I came to demystify the notion that there’s some kind of age limit on being a wild woman.
Because there are women in their sixties in this room who believe that maybe their time is over, but I came here to tell you that as long as you’re still breathing in the air that there’s still a wilderness somewhere with your name on it.
And when you get desperate to find your wilderness, that god is gonna begin to open up doors that no man can shut, and he’s gonna close doors that no man can open.
All because you have made a commitment to be a wild woman. That means I’m never gonna be comfortable.
I’m constantly gonna be pushing and trying to find that uninhabited uncultivated area where god has designated for me to thrive.
And as you go into these sessions and as you go into this conference, it has to be more than I just wanna shout and I just wanna feel good.
I wanna find the place that god has for me where no one else could thrive, but me.
I wanna find the place in my heart where I don’t have bitterness any longer.
I wanna find the place that god has designated for my dream to become a reality, I’m ready to be a wild woman.
I realized that up until this point when the woman is giving birth, that she’s been brave, but she hasn’t been wild.
And I wanted us to really recognize the difference between surviving and picking up the pieces and standing up to life versus the vulnerability that comes with being wild.
Because strength is not about how you stand up to something.
But rather how you surrender to what god has for you.
I feel the presence of god in this room.
I feel like there’s another level of surrender.
That we have to tap into for us to thrive in the wilderness that god has created for us.
When this woman, she gives birth and she flees into the wilderness where god has prepared a place for her, she has to be willing to one not worry about who’s looking at what she’s birthed.
God, give me strength.
She’s gotta be willing to walk away from what would have been clout and ego and pride because, remember, it got caught up.
God help me break it down.
The woman gave birth to something that would rule over all the world and over all the nations.
And yet, she had to be willing to be detached from it so that it could really become what it was supposed to be.
And so that she could become who she was supposed to be, which means that you’re gonna have to be detached away enough from your says to know that god’s got it and humble enough to know that I still got room to grow.
I wondered when I was reading the text, why didn’t god snatch up the woman when he snatched up the child.
Why didn’t he take care of her?
The way that he took care of the child because he was still taking care of her in the midst of the dragon.
Which means that him taking care of her had more to do with the dragon than it even had to do with her.
I snatched up her seed. I feel that for somebody. You think that you missed your window.
You think that your gifts and your talents have gone out the door.
But I hear god saying I snatched up your gifts and talents so that fear and rejection and abandonment issues couldn’t touch it.
But I kept you in front of the dragon because I wanted the dragon to know that I could move her out of the house, but I wanted to stay there anyway.
So she never reproduces what she saw again.
I kept her in the face of the dragon because I wanted the dragon to
know that at the end of the day,
this is my daughter. And no weapon formed against her would prosper.
I could have saved her, but I needed to send a sign to hell that you cannot have her any longer,
and I don’t have to remove her. I just have to bless
her with you watching. So dragon sit
back and take a seat. You had your eyes on the wrong thing.
You thought it was about the child, and it was
really about the woman, that wild woman, that crazy woman.
She was born to be wound, and I won’t move her until she finds her wilderness.
Turn me up in the microphone. I need hell to hear me.
Turn me up in the microphone. I need them to hear me all out in the parking lot.
Turn me up in the microphone.
Turn me up in the microphone. Turn me up in the microphone.
I need a dragon somewhere to understand that he has not left me nor forsaken me.
He is putting on his best show with this wild woman.
That’s a cute praise.
That’s a cute praise, but I need you to start praising in front of your tracking, I need you to start worshiping in front of your tracking I need you to start praising god about your business.
I need you to start thinking god. I your merits, woman evolved, wild woman, unleased your hand.
I wanna hear I wanna hear the wilderness.
I wanna hear the wilderness, making some noise I wanna hear a wild woman letting the dragon know you sucks your best shot.
You sucks your best shot.
But I didn’t mess around and figured out that I was born to be wild.
And because I’m born to be wild, I’m going for this.
I made for this. The dragon tried to make me think I was gonna die. But god protected me.
He preserved me. He made a way out of no way. He is a miracle worker.
He is the great I am. Look at me. I’m still here.
I’m a wild woman.
I’m a wild woman, and I had to face some dragons.
And I had to find joy with the dragon staring me down.
This is your coronation.
This is your coronation.
I thought this was gonna be like a moment for me. Like, oh my gosh.
I’m hosting my first conference. But I hear guys saying this is your moment.
This is your coordination.
This is when you find out that the crown that god has for you It doesn’t look like diamonds and gold and platinum.
It looks like coming out on the other side of struggle.
It looks like living in a wilderness, but still thriving.
No one else in my community.
No one else in my field no one else in my family has been able to do it, but I I think I messed around and figured out I’m standing in I’m standing in the wild.
No one else has been able to make it happen, but I messed around and found out that I’m standing in the wild.
I’m a wild. I’m a wild woman.
But I’m not wild because I’ve been so good.
I’m not wild because I had it all together.
I’m wild because the dragon couldn’t kill me.
And god protected my seeped, and then led me to a place where the dragon couldn’t touch me.
The woman got to recover in a place that would have healed anyone else.
I hear god saying that it’s time for you to step into your place of recovery.
That it’s time for you to step into your place of restoration.
And that he’s gonna show it to you in the wilderness.
- God – Our Faithful Companion – Dr. Charles StanleyTháng 6 6, 2023