How God Uses Pain for Good | Overcoming Your Failures | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
How God Uses Pain for Good | Overcoming Your Failures |
Jonathan Cahn preaches on how God uses the bad things and pain that happen to us for good and for His glory. The way we overcome our failures, defeats, and shortcomings is to trust that God is working everything together for good in our lives.
“America was founded on prayer. Therefore, the removal of prayer from its public life was a central part of its fall from God. A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it.”
― Jonathan Cahn
But he also uses it even now in your life.
He uses trouble to get us pull us back from danger, to pull us back from away to pull us back from growing coal.
God uses calamity to warn to call back
to even to speak to a nation
as in a he uses plagues, pestilences, He uses attacks of enemies.
September 11th, the Pentagon was attacked. The World Trade Center fell to the ground.
It was a calamity. Interesting and involved a tower of falling.
We had people in the building at the time by the grace of god they got out.
And it’s interesting we could the we could take Messiah’s words about the falling tower.
He said, were was anybody more sinful? No. But you must repent
as well. You know, it’s interesting with Israel. Israel did have judgment.
You know, it’s the Bible says that actually judgment comes on the Jewish people first.
The Bible says it is salvation. It is blessing to the Jewish people first, but it also says judgment comes.
And even in the world, there is a form of judgment. The lord said that basically judgments come in Israel.
The Romans would come in in 70 AD and destroy the nation.
Interesting because you remember when must the lord was standing on one side and Barabbas was on
the other side, and they chose Barabbas. Barabbas was a revolutionary. He was a he was a rebel.
He was a, uh, he was a a revolt. He was a zealot, and they chose that.
And you know what would ended up destroying them? is that whole spirit would come up in the nation.
They would revolt against Rome to all these zealots, and it would destroy the whole nation.
And the thing is even the priests who who put Messiah on trial, they were they were wiped away when the judgment came.
It’s just a shadow that judgment is coming. Do you remember after 911, everybody flocked to churches?
Everybody was talking about god. It looked as if there could be a national revival.
And yet after the I I’d say 3 weeks after the calamity faded, so did the return to god.
And there was no repentance. There was no change, and so there was instead of getting better, America’s gotten worse.
But you see the but at the same time, you see the power calamity actually brought people to actually turn to god that, you know, they actually you
see the power everybody was talking about god when calamity came. Now let’s take this to the personal realm.
Everybody goes through hard times. There’s nobody who doesn’t. Doesn’t matter. how much money you have.
Doesn’t matter how much power you have.
It doesn’t matter. Everybody and sometimes things happen in your life, and you said, why, lord? Why?
Or why do bad things happen? A saint of god gets cancer.
A person is killed in the prime of their life, or your life went the wrong way. Divorce, or
you were abandoned. And you say why.
First, before you say why, Did you ask why for all the blessings for every other day?
You know, we don’t ask why for the blessings You know, we’re blessed every day, and we don’t ask why.
So why are we asking why when it doesn’t go the way we want?
If you don’t ask why Ask why for all the blessings. Lord, I don’t deserve this. Thank you.
I do well, that’s where it’s really at. Then you could ask why there.
But, you know, you know, in Jose, it’s written of the judgment of god on ancient Israel.
And it says it says, I will I will judge her for her worship of baal when she used
to offer sacrifices to the baals, and she forgot me.
But then it goes on to say, after that, about redemption.
She says, therefore, behold, I’m going to bring her into the wilderness. I’m gonna speak kindly to
her, talking about Israel. I will give her her vineyards from there, and the valley of Akor as Petak Tikva.
Okay. 3 Hebrew words. The valley of Akor as Petak Tikva. This message is called the Petak Tikva strategy.
There was a
place in Israel today called Petaktikva.
And that’s what this message is about. It says I will give her the valley of Atkore.
What does Atkore mean? Atkore
means trouble. I will give her the valley of trouble or the also means affliction and also means disturbance.
I will give her the valley of trouble So god sometimes can give valleys of trouble, and he says, I will give that to why why did he do it to to lead her, lead Israel back to him?
She fell away when she was prosperous.
So now god’s giving her a valley of trouble to actually save her, redeem her, bring her back.
The lord actually uses trouble to bring us back. The lord uses trouble to save us.
Most of you were saved not because things were going great, but because things weren’t going great.
In some way, whether it was outside or inside, some way, he used trouble a valley of Atkore trouble to get you to salvation.
But he also uses it even now in your life, he uses trouble to get us pull us back from danger, to pull us back from falling away, to pull us back from growing cold, Your first love that we can say like the Psalm, the the the right of the Psalm says it was good that
I was afflicted. God worked good from him.
Now if it’s the enemy who’s against you and you’re, you know, you’re moving ahead in god and you’re serving god and there was a, well, then take it as a blessing.
Take it
as an encouragement because you want the enemy to be against you.
You don’t want the enemy working with you. You want the enemy to be your enemy.
If god’s your friend, the enemy is your enemy.
It means you’re on the right track. You’re making good ground or else he wouldn’t waste his energy.
take courage, take heart because it either means, you know, you mean, either you’ve done something, you had a victory and he hates it, or you’re having a victory, you’re in god’s will, he hates it, you’re doing god’s will, or you’re about to.
So be blessed. Get stubborn because the more, you know, the more he comes against you, the more you gotta get stubborn, saying, okay.
All the more. I’m going even all
the more. All the more
I’m gonna be like that. just like, you know, Peter, and they told him, be quiet. You can’t speak.
And the angel encouraged him, and he said, okay. Go back now and preach again to them.
It sounded like saying to the enemy, oh, yeah. You’re gonna do that?
Well, just because you did that, I’m gonna go even stronger for god. I’m gonna go even farther. Get stubborn.
Fight the good fight, get stubborn,
and be encouraged because something good’s coming.
Number 5,
ask yourself, what good is god intending to use this for it? What good
You know, what is it, lord?
You know, you you know, there’s if, you know, if you just see it as a problem, you’re not gonna do much with it.
But if you see it as something that god is gonna use, For good, you can do
a lot with it. You see, for instance, when you love your enemy, they’re not your enemy anymore, not in your heart.
When you
look at your problem and you see it as not a just a problem, but something that god is gonna use for a
blessing, it stops being the problem that it was. Lord, what do you want to do?
What good do you wanna do?
What do you wanna strengthen in my life? What is it? What do you want me to grow stronger?
And how can I you know, and and not only that, but but how can I help you, lord?
You you promise to turn everything for good. So now I got the situation.
How can I help you turn it for good? Cause you can be part of what god wants to do.
What changed in my life? What do you wanna do? What can I do? How can I grow from this?
encourage yourself. See, god wants
to be glorified in everything. So you have to say, lord, how can I glorify you in this mess?
How can I glorify you in the midst of this?
You know, they asked John they asked the remember the blind man in John who got healed, and they and the and the pharisee, the sanhedrin was was upset with him because he got healed of being blind, and it was Messiah who healed him.
It says that that they first wanted to know that around it, they said, who sinned that this guy is blind?
His father is mother.
And Jesus said neither his father nor his mother sinned. that he was blind.
It said he was blind to glorify god that the works of god could be manifest. So the
thing that one day he could get healed and to this day,
the whole world knows about it, bad things happen also that god can be glorified. You don’t have
a you don’t have an answer without a problem. You don’t have a victory without a fight.
It’s like a it’s like the the so ask yourself, lord, This problem okay. How can this problem glorify you?
How can I glorify you
with this? because that’s what god is going to move it to.
Ask yourself, lord, how can I be part
of this solution? uh, you know, the problem don’t view the problem as the end.
The problem is just the beginning of what I can use. How can I use it, Lauren?
He promises nothing will separate you from his love.
Lastly, lastly, Thank god be in the midst of your problem for the victory that’s gonna come.
It says when you pray, thank god, before the answer comes.
So when you’re in a problem, thank god for the victory that will come. That changes your whole attitude.
Thank him now, lord. I thank you in advance for the victory and the blessing that’s coming out of this.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- Prophecies and Missions | Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng 5 1, 2023