Holy Rebels – When Rebellion is Holy | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Holy Rebels – When Rebellion is Holy | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

One of the most important actions for a disciple – and powers – is the power of leaving – the power of exodus. It can transform your life – from salvation to repentance, to freedom, and fulfilling your calling. Find out how.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

so now when you serve God don’t serve him halfway oh I have to worship today I have to pray today I have to put in my time no you didn’t sin like that you gave the devil more honor than you give God with that give God the honor do it with all your [Music] heart anywhere where sin Reigns Rebellion is a virtue meaning rebelling against sin rebelling against evil I’m not talking about people but rebelling against what is evil now we live in a culture that is more and more dark we we want to be the greatest the best

citizens until it crosses the line where it says you follow us or God we say that’s not a choice at all we’re following God forget you but but the point is that even in our lives there’s a there’s a there’s a holy rebellion and say you know what I am not going to give in to this anymore I’m not going to submit to the enemy anymore why am I obeying him when I should be rebelling against that saying I don’t need that I’m not listening to you I follow God in the story of Jonah God called

Jonah the first time and it says Jonah arose and fled okay and he got you know what happened after that a lot of problems and then finally after all the problems it says and God called Jonah again and he said go now and it says Jonah arose and went so it uses it uses the same wording the same phrasing and yet it says the opposite thing in other words the first time time Jonah Rose and fled sinned second time he arose and went obey and here’s the principle here’s the key in the same way you once sinned now serve God let me explain what

I mean let first many of us were Rebels well Daniel had to rebel against the the idolatry again rebel against the Enemy Number One you rebelled for the wrong reason now Rebel for the right reason rebel against the old you don’t have to follow the Bible says there’s something called The Law of sin and death well you don’t have to follow that law you are to break that law you to break the law of sin and death in your life so just as you used to Rebel many of you against what was Authority maybe good now rebel

against what is bad now now now now how did we Rebel if we were if we were if we were doing that in our old life a lot of us we we ignored what they told us well start ignoring the devil start ignoring Temptation and we we disobeyed you know be we we for the wrong reason well there is that Holy sometimes we didn’t show up where we’re supposed to show up maybe do a class well don’t show up where the enemy is calling you you know don’t engage don’t show up you don’t have to follow him when he says something we

didn’t respect authority many of us well you are not to re you respect the authority of God and his authorities but do not respect the authority of the enemy and the way we used to serve the enemy you know the way we sinned you know most of us or again you all have different we all different paths but we we went into sin with Zeal and passion you know we didn’t we didn’t s we didn’t do it halfway when you sinned when you were you know the old way you didn’t say oh I have to sin today what a drag but

I’m going to do it because it’s my duty to sin you didn’t force yourself to sin you did it with your heart so now when you serve God don’t serve him halfway oh I have to worship today I have to pray today I have to put in my time no you didn’t sin like that you gave the devil more honor than you give God with that give God the honor do it with all your heart when you s you didn’t have to force yourself to do it get into the joy of God and the joy wholehearted with God God will bless you nobody had to make

you sin and nobody should have to make you force you to serve God because this is you we to do with your whole heart and by the same token sometimes people fall into sin because they fall away from God or they fall away from what’s right but now reverse it you God wants us to be falling away from sin he wants us to lose interest in it he wants you to lose he wants you to be you know I just don’t feel it anymore I don’t want has I don’t want any part of this now we just let me just tell what we did

everybody we just looked at basically one Hebrew word that’s all we’ve done and we got all that out of it that’s one one word and with a phrase there depart in that’s it that shows you how rich how powerful the Bible is just that just that now let’s look at another it says depart actually that was only one word it wasn’t even two depart from Evil okay the word for evil there in Hebrew is the word raw say it ra raw sounds like an Egyptian god it also sounds like you’re saying rahah but it’s actually the word

for it’s one of the words for evil now it’s not only the word for evil the way we think it’s also the word of a calam like adversity conflict as well as well as conflict and evil the way we think about it but it also means it can mean and evil so for instance this what you may have had a lot of conflict in your life you’ve had May been you doing it it may be other people may be both but the Bible is saying here also there’s there’s a more to it not only depart from evil but also depart from

all that stuff don’t live your life replaying and replaying and replaying the conflict that you’ve had with people or the conflict they had with you you know if you’re always dwelling it also means the world the word here depart from which you wouldn’t see necessarily in English but in Hebrew it also means Calamity and trouble if you’re always dwelling on trouble and we know there’s trouble on the outside but if you’re always dwelling on it you’re always troubled by it you’re doubling your

trouble you’re going to end up dwelling on EV you know and the weird thing is that the more you dwell on what’s wrong even in the world and even the more you’re going to actually fall into sin that’s the way to see one of things going to sound strange and actually this actually going to dub tail with spiritual warfare on Sunday and we get into acts but one of the ways of dealing with it is not dealing with it in other words stop worrying about it the Bible says stop stop trying to figure it all

out stop dwelling on all the the bad and junk in your life that people have done or that’s happened in your past it doesn’t matter God has not done that to you and the only thing that matters in the end is what God has done to you and I’ve shared this but you know you are if you are in God you are not ever a victim you might be because people treated you that way but you are a Victor that’s the opposite of victim because of what God has done to you that’s all that’s going to matter in the end is what God did if

you’re focusing on what they did you’re making you’re treating them like God they’re the final reality it’s God that means nothing in the end no matter what they did it might have been bad it might have been terrible we understand that but God is much bigger than that in the end what that’s what’s going to matter greater is the goodness of God than the junk of people move ahead the word raah also means misery misery so you can TR you can in here it also says depart from misery what does that mean depart from

miserable things depart from Miser being miserable self-pity self- misery going over the past again this whole thing depart from being miserable depart from what they did depart from dwelling on it doesn’t matter there’s nothing there for you it’s dead and depart from evil as we would understand evil it ra also means that it also by the way so of course that was sin as we spoke about but also it actually means depart from the word Rob means hurtful depart from hurtful but I but depart from harm well I was

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