Holy Chutzpah | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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Holy Chutzpah | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Monday, September 18, 2023 – The Thou-Centered Blessing

The Hebrew word for blessing is barucha. Hebrew has a lot of baruchot or blessings; over bread, wine, holy days and every part of the day. For every part of life, there’s a blessing. Most begin, “Baruch Atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech ha’Olam,” “Blessed art Thou, Lord our God, King of the universe.” God calls us not only to bless but to be a living blessing. Here’s the secret: blessings are never “me” centered; they’re “thou” centered. If you want your life to become a blessed life and a life of blessings, then get rid of the “I” – let go of the “me” and start being filled with “thou.” Blessings have no empty spaces. They’re not in lack or worried about their own needs because they’re so filled up with the “thou” of God that they have no space for need. Don’t be a self-centered person. Lose yourself in Him and you’ll be filled up. Love God with all yourself and your neighbor as yourself, by living a “thou” centered life. You’ll be blessed by being a blessing. And if you want to be a blessing, then become “thou” centered.

So you also strong bold so that your goodness will not be overpowered by the darkness.
You’ll not be swept away by the culture or the crowd or the media because you’re strong in the goodness of god.
The righteous are are as bold as a line.
You don’t wanna be bold as a line without being good like the lamb.
You don’t wanna be, you know, there are people who are just just not good.
We’re just they may be strong, but they’re not loving.
And there’s a those who are loving, and they’re not strong. You need to be both.
The lion and the lamb. Goodness and power. Goodness and persevering in goodness.
Now the word in Hebrew there in that proverb for what the righteous are, the righteous are as blank.
As a lion. The word is actually Batach. Try it.
What it actually means is it, yeah, it’s could be translated as strength, but It actually it actually means confidence, trust, and faith.
The righteous are as confident as a lion. The key of your strength is in your faith.
How much you trust god how much you will believe god. You’ll choose to believe god.
How much you’ll be confident. That’s how strong you’ll be.
The righteous are as confident as a lion as bold as a lion as audacious as a lion.
And the new testament, there’s a similar word in Greek.
The wits use the word which means bold, frank, blunt, commended of god.
In Ephesians 6, Paul says, you know, that I might open my mouth boldly with with this word, with this boldness, with this this bluntness.
The word appears in Hebrews for know where it when it reappears verse 16, it says, let us come boldly audaciously.
Let us come with but let us come full to the throne of god.
The righteous saints of god are to have this quality.
Abraham had it You know, in the in the in the in the Jewish or I’d say Hebrew, but it’s kinda yiddish Hebrew.
They they’d called this. They have a word for this called Hutzpah.
And you could say in some of the language, you’ve got some nerve, but it’s a good one.
Abraham is bargaining with god. God says I have to bring judgment Avis said, well, listen.
I I may I say something here? Will you spare them for, you know, it goes down the line.
40 people, 30 big will you spare uh, you know, I don’t wanna cause a problem, but can you would you spare it?
He’s he’s trying to teach god to be merciful in his mind.
He’s a little bit like Peter, but he’s he has a heart to try to save people.
At the end, he said, will the judge of the earth do justly?
And god tells them, yes, even for ten people, I would spare the entire city.
Jacob is wrestling with the angel And what happens at the end of that wrestling match?
He doesn’t really it’s hard to say whether he wins or not because he he struck down, but he wins by clinging on to the angel.
And what did he say? He says, I will not let you go until you bless me.
That That is audacity. That’s bold audacity. You see it? You know what it says?
It says an ax. They looked at the apostles and they saw what? They saw the spirituality.
Well, maybe they saw the the knowledge of the scripture, maybe, but it says they when they saw the boldness, the audacity of them, the the the fearlessness, the shamelessness filled with the spirit.
They they didn’t they didn’t know what to do.
They were so filled with the spirit, and the result of the spirit was a boldness.
After Pentecost, the spirit is linked to boldness. Moses before pharaoh.
You know, pharaoh is a god back then. Farro is the most powerful man in the world.
Moses has no power in the earthly realm. He enters the palace and says, let my people go.
That is nerve. To the key. The pharaoh of Egypt.
You he’s got he’s the head of the slave nation, and he says, god says, the thus says the lord let my people go.
He’s not intimidated. He’s going in the power of god. Gideon hero of god, hero of faith.
He comes to god, and he asks him, alright, if this is you, make the fleece wet and the ground dry.
Make the ground wet and the fleece goes back and forth.
That is that is nerve to do go to god. God told him, but he had faith.
It was based on the fact that he wanted to do god’s will, but he wanted to make sure that this was god’s will.
But he had that. God honored it because of his faith.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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