Hebrews Q&A – Part 2

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Hebrews Q&A – Part 2

A special Hebrews Q&A with Pastor Jack.

so first of all father we pray that you would uh receive our worship our fellowship tonight and our desire to honor you in your word and father we know that there are so many needs within our lives and we’re living at a time when it is so evident at least for us in Ministry who are dealing constantly with the the challenge in in the lives of people from demonic activity going on strange occult things taking place to marriage issues to children to family Finance it just never R health issues it’s overwhelming
if we had to take this on our own but we don’t you are the Lord you’re the one who died on the cross for us you’re the one who rose again from the dead you’re the one who made us and you’re the one that has equipped us to even not only survive this world but to be more than conquerors so father God tonight those here and those Beyond we pray that you’d just magnify and manifest the very special presence of your Holy Spirit in healing and comfort conviction instruction edification and Lord as your Bible
commands us that we should sanctify in our hearts the Lord Jesus Christ that we might always be able to give an answer to those who ask of us for the reason for the hope that we have within us and to answer them with respect and with dignity so father we pray tonight for your presence in a very sweet way and we pray in Jesus name and all God’s people said Amen to that so you guys we’re going to go uh to the first question that’s up here and uh again these came in I assume earlier today when when that
notice went out what does it mean that Jesus makes his ministers a flame of fire this is a reference that we earlier covered in the book of Hebrews and that is that the Ministers of fire it’s not pastors and preachers I know some Scholars will say and and they’re predominantly those of the the Puritan Era they will say that it refers to pastors holding forth the word of God and I’m not saying it doesn’t say to apply to that uh but personally I believe that the scripture uh makes it clear that it’s actually angels that are
God’s ministers to execute or to um expand whatever he is doing uh in the way of judgment his ministers are his flaming fire uh representativ of his righteousness and of his Holiness so when it says what does does it mean that Jesus makes his ministers a flame of fire uh those are ministering angels I believe now somebody again might cter and say I believe that includes uh th those that are called to the pulpit Ministry um I don’t know but angels for sure so that’s a that’s a good question that’s a that’s a
deep question in Hebrews uh next question I’m looking at both why is Joshua called uh why is Joshua called Jesus in Hebrews 48 Joshua’s name and Jesus’s name it has the exact same meaning so if if we were all Hebrews if we were Jews uh we would say uh yahushua Jesus is the Greek rendering of of the Hebrew Joshua and so it’s it’s inter change the name is the same means the same so just know this Joshua the in the Bible is not Joshua the person is not Jesus right so we want to understand that rightly
correctly um it’s beautiful though to realize that when you when you look at so many of the names of those who God mentions in the Bible and or uses in the Bible uh even to the point of a book uh like Isaiah these names many of these names of these uh authors of scripture their names mean or have a reference to uh God being salvation Our God being the Redeemer or like Daniel Daniel is God as my judge as an example so their their names the Hebrew names are rooted uh most often in names of God um a friend
of mine I forget the name I oh well for one thing I I’m trying to think of my friends uh in Israel who has his son his name was in my my head right now but I can’t remember the meaning but I’ll default over to Amir amir’s son Ariel I believe if I have this right by remembrance that Ariel is a lion of God if I remember right uh or Prince of God but they all have that name like that and it’s a it’s beautiful but Joshua Jesus same name same meaning uh spoken in a different language so next question is can you
explain how Jesus is the scapegoat that’s a great question so in the Old Testament or Temple period the priests were given the instructions to separate or to segregate two specific offerings regarding the atonement of the nation most of us focus on uh the Passover Lamb and for good reason and we’re fact we’re coming up in Resurrection week passion week right we’re coming up on what we would talk and we’re going to teach on this is the Passover Lamb Jesus is the Passover Lamb in biblical typology bibl listen biblical typology
that was lived out in actuality before Christ went to the cross for over a thousand years a Passover Lamb was offered ever since the children of Israel left Egypt remember that and they did that every year God gave instructions then that there’s the Passover Lamb but then there’s the scapegoat see what is that one lamb would be sacrificed for the sins of the nation and some of the blood that would be taken would be placed on the head of the scapegoat so the priest would take and put some of the blood on the head so
think about think about this this goat that’s there and the priest puts his hands and in an act of symbolism transfers the innocent blood of the sacrifice onto this other animal that represents the nation of Israel and they would tie a scarlet cord to one of its horns and then the priest would drive it out of the city on the North side always on the North side by the way it’s interesting north and east so for those of you who’ve been to Jerusalem in your mind’s eye before I go any further how many
have you been to Jerusalem raise your hands all right enough to know this anybody remember the Damascus gate it’s the north gate it’s the gate that we most often avoid because it’s not safe to usually go through that gate uh that’s that’s the Arab section and violence could break out at any time it’s not an easy gate to go through but it’s very populated it’s very noisy it’s very loud um and that section has been there for so so very long but imagine those of you who’ve
been to Jerusalem that that goat would have been escorted out through there then they would have made a right turn so you’re going north through the Damascus because it leads to Damascus you make a right-hand turn and you go east and you go over Mount scopus and now from Mount scopus which is at the top of the Mount of Olives there are priest stationed at each Hilltop descending down into the Judean Wilderness down towards the Dead Sea Watch This the priest puts the blood on drives the goat away the priest at each
Hilltop keeps driving the goat away drives it away drives it away drives it away until miles I’m going to guess I’ll be off but I’m thinking 20 20 25 miles down from because you know Jerusalem is elevated roughly over 4,000 ft down to the Jordan River Valley you’re getting down close to sea level and then down eventually below sea level so the goat would be driven down but there’s hilltops along the way there were priest station that once the goat was out of sight the priest would shout back to the the hilltop that before him
the hilltop before him the hilltop before him until it got to the high priest there in Jerusalem meaning they would announce um the the this there’s a term there’s a Hebrew word that the scapegoat is gone we no longer can see it so then he shouts to his buddy on the hill can’t see it anymore he would turn around all echoing back toward to Jerusalem until the high priest heard we can’t see the scapegoat anymore and that by the way is where we get that term oh that was that guy that woman oh they
were the scapegoat what does that mean it means all the guilt and shame were placed on them they paid for it or they they they took it away and so when that was all lived out you say I thought the Passover Lamb was enough it is enough but this act was a visible display of your sins have been taken away as far as the East is from the West so far as your sins been taken away from you and so that was the operation or the function of the scapegoat if you want to get more into that it’s beautiful study it’s a that


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