Hearing From God | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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Hearing From God | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

In this teaching, Joyce Meyer discusses finding God’s will for your life, the importance of everyday obedience, and shares personal anecdotes that offer practical lessons in faith. Discover how to hear from God in the ordinary moments and be encouraged to step out in faith to fulfill the unique ministry calling on your life.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times best selling author Joyce Meyer.
On today’s program, Joyce will be teaching from her series but first things first.
Our number one priority in life should be spending time with God.
When and how we spend time with him different for everyone.
An easy place to start is waking up and simply saying, good morning, God. Now, here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.
Can we make a commitment? What would happen here?
Do you realize what kind of an effect it would have?
Just on your city or If you’re from another city, if if you made a commitment to god to not do anything unless you felt right about it in your heart.
How much do you think that would change your life dramatically, right?
That’s what it means to hear from god.
And to be honest, I think all of us should strive to live that way just because of the marvelous thing that Jesus has done for us.
I think that’s the very least that we can offer to him is to do the best we can to do what we believe is right and what he would have us do.
I also wanna encourage you to stay in peace as much as possible It’s very difficult to hear from god if you’re in a turmoil inside.
Now divine guidance is god’s will for his children. Isaiah 4216.
I will lead the blind by a way that they do not know.
I will guide them in paths that they do not know.
I will make darkness and delight before them, and rugged places into planes.
These things I will do for them, and I will not leave them abandoned are undone.
Somebody needs to receive that word this afternoon. I read that.
That’s a great scripture, but it’s for somebody here today. God will lead you.
You may feel like a blind person right now, not knowing where to go.
Because as I will lead the blind by a way that they don’t know right now.
I will guide them and pass that they don’t know right now.
I will turn the darkness that you’re experiencing into light, and I will make the rugged places a straight plane path that you can walk over.
These things I will do for them, and I will not leave them abandoned.
Are undone. Come on. God is not going to abandon you.
A large majority of our prayers are ones asking god to show us what to do in a variety of situations.
What to do about the future what to do about mistakes we’ve made in the past, decisions we need to make, how to handle and deal with difficult relationships and god wants to lead us and guide us.
Isaiah 31 says your ears will hear a word behind you saying this is the way walk in it whenever you turn to the right hand or to the left.
But here again, I don’t think that means an audible voice is gonna be back here just speaking in your ears all the time.
But I think if we slow down, and I think slowing down is a good part of hearing from god, So can we all say it slowing down?
If we slow down a little bit and take a little more time, I think you’ll get a major upgrade in hearing from god.
I have started taking a little more time to make decisions.
I’m the kind of person that pretty much thinks I can take on just about anything and get it done.
But my body is beginning to let me know that I’m gonna have to lose some of that attitude.
If I wanna be around for a long time.
And some somebody, another person in ministry, said this to me a long time ago, and it was helpful to me I was talking to her about how do you know what to say yes to and what to say no to, because you get more opportunities eventually than what you can take, and you may not be in full time ministry like me, but you deal with the same thing all the time.
You can’t say yes to everything that everybody wants you to do because if you do, you’re just gonna absolutely fall apart.
And so she said, I’ve formed the habit of thinking through everything it’s gonna take for me to do that.
Like, okay, if I’m gonna take this speaking engagement and she happened to live in Australia, That’s a long trip to come over here.
There’s the packing. There’s the air flight to getting to the hotel.
The unpacking, the doing the meetings, having the jet lag, getting back on the plane, It really helps you, honestly, to make good decisions if you’ll slow down a little bit and let god kind of walk through with god what it’s actually gonna take from you to do this thing that you’re about to say yes to.
And so I’ve found I’ve been practicing this couple things recently that have really helped me is I’m not trying to make decisions before I need to make them.
I’m the kind of person who likes to be on top of stuff.
I wanna know not only what’s gonna happen today, but tomorrow and next week the week after that and the week after that.
And so it puts a lot of internal pressure on you.
And and you’re already dealing with so much out here, you don’t need to be dealing with any more insight than what you need to.
And so it’s really helped me to just think sometimes, you know, I don’t That’s for another day.
I don’t I don’t need to think about that today.
And also, when people ask me if I want to do this or I want to do that, Like, I was trying to make some appointments last week, and I had 2 or 3 different options.
And my assistant was on the phone waiting for me to give her an answer.
And I said, you know what?
I I wanna think about this a little bit, and then I’ll call you back.
Well, one of the things I decided I didn’t wanna do it all, and then one of my changed the time from what I was gonna do, sometimes we get this bright idea that we wanna do something.
And all of a sudden, we signed on the dotted line and made a commitment to some appointment.
And then we end up not being people of integrity because we don’t follow through and do what we said we were gonna do.
And so hearing from god is going to require, I must say it one last time, slowing down, and taking just a little bit more time pondering things or thinking things over.
Does anybody agree with that? You will hear a word behind you.
This is the way walking it when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left.
Now We would all like a blueprint for our whole life.
We’d like to know all the steps we think we would.
We really wouldn’t because if if you knew everything that you were still gonna have to deal with in your life, you might just wanna give up right now.
But it’s interesting because when things come one at a time, we can take just about anything with god’s help.
And so that’s one of the reasons why god withholds a lot of information from us because he’s created us to live one day at a time.
And to deal with one thing at a time.
And so, um, you have to learn with God that He’s not gonna give you the next step until you do the step that he’s told you to do now.
Come on.
Some of you may be waiting to see what it is you’re supposed to do about some but you’re frozen in fear and not doing anything because you can’t see past this one step that you feel like god’s given you.
But you may notice that the Jordan River didn’t part until Joshua put his foot in it.
And maybe the waters are not gonna part for you either until you take a chance and put your foot in it.
Anybody with me know where I’m at.
But we don’t we don’t like that idea of getting information from god one thing at a time.
Because the this is the way that god’s given me to explain it, and people usually get it.
It’s like, you have this You don’t like it anymore, but at least you’ve got it.
You’re you’re not happy with this. Let’s say at your job or Whatever.
It’s there’s no life in it for you anymore.
And, and you feel like God wants you to let go and do something else, But you don’t want to till you know what the something else is.
And so you’re You’re trying real hard.
And so you end up feeling confused and pulled apart, because god is always gonna keep this new thing about that far away from you until you let go of this thing and show that you trust it.
I mean, I don’t have the time today, but I could tell you so many stories about our ministry and the things, the the scary things that we had to do and how god led us one step at a time.
Step by step by step. I’ll give you one example of when we we started our ministry.
It was in the basement of our home.
We had, I don’t know, maybe 8, 10 employees down there before we finally realized we had to get it out of our house.
And, So we rented 1700 square feet of office space, and we felt like what in the world are we ever gonna do with all this space I mean, it just looked like the world to us.
Well, pretty soon we’d used up all that space, and then we’d rented everything else in this complex that we could possibly rent.
So we knew it was getting time to buy a building, build a building, buy some property, something.
So we almost bought a a church that was closing down.
And we were close to signing the papers, and Dave just said one day, he said, you know what?
I don’t have peace about this. That was it. That was the only thing. I don’t have peace about this.
And so I said, Okay. And we won’t do that.
And then we almost bought another building And it was how many square feet was that building?
30,000 square feet. Now we thought, well, my gosh.
What in the world would we ever do with 30,000 square feet.
Well, we put in a bid on that building and somebody else got it instead of us.
So one of the ways that you hear from god sometimes is he’ll just shut a door.
You know?
And Don’t don’t be the kind of person that gets upset because you didn’t get what you wanted.
If god closes a door, then you better thank him for doing it because that means that you would have been doing something that wouldn’t have worked for you.
Otherwise, god can open doors but he can also close them. And so that door closed.
Well, we didn’t know what we were gonna do. I mean, we were really like hurting for space.
I mean, we were on television by then, and we were hiring so many people.
Our ministry was tripling in size, and we had desks out in the hall.
We had you just everywhere we could put them.
And, uh, the way we drove into our office was the same way every day.
And, uh, yet for some reason, we had never seen this sign. Alright.
I’d seen it, but I never paid much attention to it.
There was a little sign over here on the side of the road as we would drive by, and it had an arrow pointing up 55 Acres for sale.
Well, one day I said to Dave, I wonder what that is.
You know, it’s interesting how god can blind you to something if it’s not the right time.
And he can open your eyes to something when it is the right time.
And so we went up and looked at the 55 acres, and, man, this would just be this would be awesome, but there’s no telling us what this would cost, and we only had a certain amount of money saved toward this, and so we found the lady who, who owned it.
And, somebody else had offered her the same amount of money that we felt like we could offer a couple of years prior to that, and she wouldn’t sell it to them.
But god gave us favor with her, and she sold it to us for that exact amount of money.
And that’s where our property sits today. And it’s how many 1000 square feet?
150,000 square feet in the office building. And 68,000 square feet in the distribution center.
So the, uh, the 30,000 square feet wouldn’t have lasted very long.
See, god shut that door because he knew more than we did about what was gonna happen in the future.
People often tell Joyce they don’t know how to hear from god.
And today’s resource offering will help with that.
Learning to hear god’s voice, is a 4 week Bible study designed to help hear his voice clearer than ever before.
You’ll also receive the everyday life Psalms and proper platinum edition to gain even more wisdom.
Contact us now to receive this package for your gift of $30 or more.
Order now at joycemeyer.org or call toll free at 1807890089.
Would you love to know more about god’s will for your life?
Who wouldn’t, right? So mark your calendars.
It’s a live online from the active conversation with our talk it out friends.
It all happens Tuesday, April 30th at noon Eastern. Register today for the special on event at joycemeyer.org.
Thanks again for listening to enjoying everyday life.
Joyce Meyer Ministries mission is to share Christ and love people.
Together, we can do so much more.

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