Healing The Soul Of A Woman: The Danger In The Painless Path | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.
With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.
Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times best selling author Joyce Meyer.
On today’s program, Joyce will be teaching from her series healing the soul of a woman.
We’ve all been hurt, but we don’t have to live with the pain from our past.
And guys, this message is for you too.
God wants to pick up all of our broken pieces and make us whole again.
Now here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.
We’re talking about the healing of the soul. You are a spirit. You have a soul.
You live in a body. We can all see your body, but we can’t see what’s going on on the inside of you.
And, you know, we all get fairly good at pretending and lots of times we act like everything’s just fine when really nothing is fine.
And sometimes we even get pretty good at pretending to ourselves, and we’ve got a pretty good sized mess going on in our life, but we’ve gotten so good at ignoring it that we’ve just kind of learned to live with it.
I wonder how many people live, uh, a much lower level of life as far as joy and peace and what’s available to them but they’ve just been in that condition so long.
They don’t even know there’s anything wrong with it.
You know, you can be dysfunctional so long that you learn how to function within your dysfunction, and you don’t even realize that there’s a better life available to you.
But I want you to know that Jesus said the thief comes only only to kill steal and destroy.
But Jesus said, I came that you might have and enjoy your life and have it in abundance to the full until It overflows.
We call our daily TV program enjoying everyday life because I don’t think that Jesus saved us just so we could be miserable until the sweet day when we go home to heaven.
I think that eternal life starts the moment that we receive Christ and that we I think it I think it hurts god when we don’t enjoy the life that Jesus died to give us.
And we are so work accomplishment oriented in our western society.
That I think sometimes we forget that after god worked for 6 days creating everything he rested And so Adam’s first full day on the earth was a day of rest.
And we just we we get it upside down. We glorify work over everything else.
And of course, we should work and not be lazy, but god wants you to enjoy your life.
He wants you to enjoy yourself He wants you to enjoy your family.
Your kids don’t just raise your kids. Enjoy your kids. Don’t just be married to somebody. Enjoy them.
The Bible says that a w a wife should enjoy her husband. Amen. Amen.
Well, you guys were way too quiet on that one.
They don’t better back off and try that again.
The Bible says that a wife should enjoy her husband. Thank you.
And, um, and you need you need to enjoy yourself.
You have a home, take time to enjoy it.
Don’t just gripe because you gotta clean it all the time. Enjoy it.
Like I said, this morning, if you hate your job, then go get 1, you can enjoy.
Don’t spend your life doing stuff that you hate. You’ve only got one life.
How about making a decision to live it?
How many of you need to enjoy your life more than what you do?
Know, we don’t wanna just exist and drift from day to day and just be in this survival mode all the time.
You know, when I was growing up, I just I basically just tried to survive every day.
And I looked forward to the day when I was eighteen and could leave home and hopefully have a happy life.
But I thought when I walked away from the problems that I grew up in, that I didn’t have a problem anymore, but I really just took it with me.
It was etched in my soul.
And it was adversely affecting every single area of my life until I started not just going to church on Sunday, but actually being a full time serious Christian.
You know, there’s a big difference in just going to church on Sunday, and really being committed to learning how to live the life that Jesus died to give you.
Can I say that again? I think somebody watching by television needs to hear that.
There’s a big difference in just going to church putting in your time, getting your check mark on your church calendar.
There’s a difference in that and really being serious about your walk with god and being committed to really learning how to be Christlike and to live the life that Jesus really died to give you.
Now I wanna talk to you for a minute about the painless path.
You know, getting hurt hurts. But oddly enough, getting well hurts too.
You come to a point where it doesn’t hurt anymore, but part of the reason why so many people stay broken is because there’s also pain in the healing process.
You know, you can injure yourself and the injury hurts, but while you’re in the healing process, it still hurts, doesn’t it?
So I want you to understand if you’re one of these people that decided with me this morning that you’re gonna you’re ready for a life upgrade Yeah.
You wanna not just be here and breathe, but you want to have the life.
The best upgraded life that Jesus died to give you.
I’m just gonna be honest with you and tell you that it’s not just going to all be easy.
For one thing, to get well, you have to face a lot of things about where you’re at.
Jesus said, if you continue in my word, you’ll know the truth and the truth will make you free.
Well, it’s not the truth about somebody else that’s gonna make you free.
It’s the truth about me facing a truth about me that I had problems that I was manipulative and controlling, that I was insecure, no matter the fact that I acted bold, really way down deep inside, I was insecure.
Being honest with yourself about yourself is the bravest thing that you can ever do in your life.
You see, god knows you and he loves you anyway.
And you need to learn how to know you and love you anyway.
I don’t like everything I do, but I do like myself.
I actually think that we are insulting god if we hate ourselves and refuse to have a good relationship with ourselves because were not the epitome of the perfection that we think that we should be.
Jesus didn’t die for perfect people.
He died for people that are imperfect and will continue to have some imperfections that he comes back together.
The Bible says he didn’t come for those that were well, but he came for those that were sick.
Amen. And so I qualify for help from god, and you do too.
But in the natural, it’s just the way we are, our flesh is always gonna look for a painless path.
And so that’s why I wanna just be clear with you that if you really wanna get well, there’s gonna be some challenges to it.
And it’s not gonna happen super quick. It happens little by little.
God changes you from glory to glory.
But the good news is is if you’re on your way to full recovery, at least you’re on your way somewhere.
Did you hear me? And that’s better than just being stuffed nowhere.
There’s 2 kinds of pain we can talk about today.
The pain of change or the pain of never changing. And you know what?
The thought of staying the same is really scary to me.
I mean, it just makes me shiver to think that I could still be the way that I used to be 42 years ago.
Uh, there’s been a lot of pain getting from there to here. Oh, but there’s been more joy.
Than pain. And I certainly am glad that God gave me the grace to not give up.
And you have to keep in mind that every little bit of rest you get, you can then share that progress with somebody else.
People need to see people overcome.
They need the courage to realize, well, if you can do it, then maybe I can do it.
And so here’s a quote by an unknown author that I think is good, what comes easy won’t last, and what lasts won’t come easy.
Amen? There’s a saying my husband’s always had fast and fragile, slow and solid.
What comes together fast can also come apart fast of what is built slowly can become solid.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed it or not, but god’s not in a hurry.
Has anybody realized that god’s not in a hurry? You know why?
Because he’s more interested in quality than quantity. Amen?
Don’t get stuck in the trap of just trying to see how much of your Bible you can read every day so you can feel proud of yourself.
God would rather that you stare at 2 verses for an hour and get something out of it than to read 7 chapters and not know what you read when you got done.
Of all the people we need to stop trying to impress, it’s god.
Did you hear me? Yes. Because he knows us.
So quality over quantity. Don’t be in such a hurry.
How can somebody advertise a pill on television that says if you take 3 of these a day, the fat will melt right off you.
You won’t have to exercise. You won’t have to change your eating.
And sell 1,000,001,000,000 of bottles of it. I mean, are we really that dumb?
Yeah. Apparently so.
I mean, I You know, people will pay somebody that says they’re a psychic 5 or 10 bucks a minute to talk to them and then they come to something like this and don’t wanna give a $10 offering.
You know, it’s like, come on. I got somebody that wants to talk to you.
Somebody’s been talking to you now for 2 days.
And, uh, we we need to we need to wise up that just Stop looking for everything to be easy.
We need to toughen up a little bit and be willing to go through whatever we need to go through to have what we say that we wanna have.
You know, a lot of people are jealous of successful people or they’re jealous of people that I don’t know, stay in shape and, you know, still look good in their forties or fifties or whatever, and or you’re you’re jealous of somebody’s home or jealous of somebody’s job, or maybe you you’re old enough to retire, and you don’t have hardly anything and you’re jealous of people that you know that have got this nice income level.
Now at retirement, We need to stop being jealous of people that are blessed if we don’t wanna do what they did to get what they’ve got.
Come on?
I mean, anybody that, you know, in their fifties and and still looks good and feels good.
They didn’t just get that way sitting on the couch eating donuts day after day.
You know, you reap what you sow. Amen? You reap what you sow.
So moment of truth, I wanna make sure you understand this because I don’t wanna be telling you things that aren’t true.
If your soul has been severely damaged by abuse, rejection, loss, abandonment, long term illness, or anything else.
The journey back to wholeness won’t be easy.
God’s love can heal and restore us all.
Joyce certainly experienced god’s healing touch in her life and shares about it in book, beauty for ashes.
In these pages, Joyce shares openly about the painful abuse in her past, and the incredible healing work god has done in her.
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Ladies, we’re going to Tampa. Sunny Sky’s beautiful weather in god’s word.
It’s the perfect getaway. Join us for the 2024 Love life women’s conference, September 12th through 14th in Tampa, Florida.
With Joyce Meyer, Priscilla Shire, Christine Kayne, and worship with Tayah and Riley Clemens. Register today at joycemeyer.org/lovelife.
Thanks for listening to enjoying everyday life.
Joyce Meyer Ministries mission is to share Christ and love people.
Together, we can do so much more.
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