Greater Works Volume 2 Part 2 – Back to the Basics

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Greater Works Volume 2 Part 2 – Back to the Basics

Do you have faith in the Anointing of God on your life? In this four-part teaching series The Greater Works Dr. Bill Winston equips you with the knowledge and understanding of your unlimited potential through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes, as we grow in our Christian walk, we forget about the basics that got us there. Yet, the basics of our faith are the very foundation we need to be successful in our relationship with the Lord and with others, and to fulfill God’s plans and purposes for our Kingdom destiny. In this Back to the Basics series, a powerful compilation of 16 series of dynamic teachings by Dr. Bill Winston, you will learn how to renew and re-energize your Christian walk.

Enhance your life as a believer with our Back to The Basics series. Order Today

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the believer’s Walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries partners and viewers are you ready to go deeper the back to the basics summer series continues to unfold with Dr Bill Winston we’re going to 4 d we’re going to whatever’s missing can be restored come on we’re going to win the Devil shot his best shot you said try it devil Try Your Best Shot and we going to fix what’s broke you just know the god that you serve he will deliver them experience the transformational power of

understanding the fundamentals of faith in your everyday life through these Timeless teachings by Dr Bill Winston join us as we build your foundation and help you lay a path toward living victoriously as Kingdom citizens join the journey tune in every week and share the inspiration with your [Music] friend hello Bill Winston here and welcome to the believer’s Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not th sight well God is taking us into the Land of the Giants praise God you see he’s equipped us to do what he’s called us to

do in that land see God said it like this he said to Israel you know I have given you the land they went and SPI out the land came back and said the land is there the land is good but there’s Giants on it you see every time you take a promise that God has given you it’s going to take a fight but your victory has already been cataloged in heaven I mean they he already has written who won the fight and you did praise God let’s go into it you are anointed for battle it’s called the Greater Works volume

[Music] two safe fear safe fear not fear not all right so God does not expect you to ever have fear and this is the way the enemy gains advantage in people’s lives I don’t care what vocation I don’t care whether you’re in school I don’t care whether you’re in a shop floor I don’t care where you are that he gains the entrance in people’s lives first usually because of fear let me show you one that that’s not that obvious let’s go over to um Matthew chapter 14 this is when Jesus came to.

them walking on the water look what it says in verse 26 and when the disciples saw him walking on the water on the sea pardon me they were um trouble saying it is a spirit and they cried out for What Fear underline it for fear but straight way Jesus spake unto them saying be of good cheer it is I be not afraid because fear will pervert your perception see God can’t do anything with you with fear Satan needs fear like God needs Faith look at verse 28 and Peter answered him and said Lord if it be thou bid me to come to thee

underwater check it out now notice his request got it he wanted to be like Jesus but this is an interesting thing that’s more subtle God says in Isaiah 55 and verse 8 and9 my thoughts are not your thoughts neither your ways my ways sayth the Lord as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways and your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts isn’t that interesting so those thoughts so the enemy plays the thought game and he wants you to think certain things that God didn’t say this thinking is so important because what

you think is where you’re going to end up okay because normally a person would not think to ask can I walk on some water that is not a human thought I mean you read it and didn’t think anything about it I you just read across it but who’s going to think that so God is constantly stimulating your thoughts with his thoughts watch this and I’m sure it probably stimulated all of them I mean he was shooting thoughts to every one of them but only one of them received it somebody says a opportunity passes by you once a day to

make a million dollars but what is the perception because the world is fear based amen you don’t see people come in and say I got to interview you know they going to hire me because I am all of that I I I know they going to hire me no they us to say girl pray for me that again no no no no somebody was taking exam the other day and say Pastor pray for me I Pastor I said wait wait wait wait whoa we’re not going to pray that you barely pass exam oh Lord Jesus if you can just give me a 65 no no no no no you’re going to be one

of the highest grades in the court come on come on let’s pray we come from this fear-based society and it’s leaked into the church verse 30 but when he saw the wind Boyers he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried and said Lord save me and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him and said unto him oh thou of little faith wherefore did you doubt got it little faith doubt but what got little faith and doubt to come in there it is it’s right here it’s right here same thing that get put sickness on you

it’s right it’s right here the Bible says in job job chapter Put It Up 3 and verse 25 over in Job chapter 3:25 and look what he says here he said the thing he said the thing which I greatly fear come on help me now it’s come upon me and that’s what I was afraid of has come to me fear is like a m magnet yes it’s designed to draw what you don’t want faith is like a magnet it’s designed to draw resources to you fear is just perverted faith it turn faith upside down can you say Amen so I’m just saying that in each one

of these places God’s was showing me he said okay what is happening here he says okay I’m taking God’s people over to the other side what’s the other other side the other side is Canaan it’s your Promised Land God didn’t want you to get your mail sent to the Wilderness he wants you to forward it on over to Canaan come on to your big house in Canan got it now with that where is the fence to getting to the other side and the fence to getting to the other side well we’re finding out basically is

fear that fear can be and build an image inside of somebody that this fear keeps them from getting to their Destiny say Amen to that so we got to get rid of all this fear we got to tear down this thing we got to make it so that there’s nothing that I fear the Bible says even don’t fear sudden fear that there’s no sudden in other words somebody give you a report all of a sudden this thing could take away your business troubles so forth and so on don’t even fear first thing happens when Angels

show up they said fear not first thing that happen when Jesus God shows up he said fear not why cuz he can’t do anything for you the word belief means unqualified commital it means I’m going all the way I’m going all the way I’m going all the way with this this is either true or we may as well wrap this whole thing up called life and go somewhere else and I’m saying people are not used to making that kind of commitment now let’s do a couple things because you’re going to the other side now what’s the

other side again the other side is basically the promised land it’s what God has promised you now what’s in this land something called Giants Giants now God is having you to face Giants now there’s nothing capricious about the nature of God he is not going to send you somewhere without equipping you to go there he is not that kind of God so I’m equipped to handle giant so let’s come back first Samuel please in Samuel chapter 17 and this is when uh David came to the front line and there was a giant up there and look what

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