GOD’s Truth Will Set You Free – Speak The WORD Only
GOD’s Truth Will Set You Free – Speak The WORD Only
There is nothing in this earth that is so great and powerful that it cannot be turned around with your tongue. ‘Your tongue and the Words that you use could potentially cause a breach in the spirit.’ It is your responsibility to speak God’s Words only so that He can continue to give the spirit (power) without measure.
The believer’s Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministry partners and viewers.
Hello, this is Bill Winston and I’d like to share with you a new book that I’ve just written.
It’s called Miracles In The Marketplace.
Now, traditionally, we thought of miracles happening when people get sick and get a miracle or something’s wrong with them physically, they get a miracle.
No miracles can happen in education, in government, in business, in economic anywhere and you can have a miracle in your life.
We’re up against things and challenges today that let me tell you the natural solution just won’t do it.
We need a miracle. This book develops not only a miracle mindset but how you can produce miracles in your life.
It is a phenomenal book. Powerful praise God. You need to get it today.
This is Bill Winston saying God bless you and keep walking by faith.
Hello, I’m Bill Winston and welcome to another program.
The program that you’re watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight.
We have another exciting teaching for you. Today, we’re teaching on the law of confession. Praise God.
Now we call confession. We’re not talking about confessing sin or something negative.
We’re talking about the word in the Greek homolog, which means to say the same thing to say what God says about us despite our circumstances, just to say what God says, confess.
Now, this particular teaching is called speak the word only. Now, here’s one thing I want you to remember.
There is nothing in this world so great and so powerful that cannot be turned around with a tongue.
Now you’re gonna understand that later. Praise God. Get your Bibles and pencils and papers ready.
Let’s take some good notes. Now let’s go into it.
It’s called speak the word only Coming over to Matthew’s Gospel Please.
and Matthew chapter nine, Matthew’s Gospel Chapter nine, I told you I’m gonna walk you through like a Philadelphia lawyer.
We we in the courtroom here we have in court right now. Alright.
Let me know when you get to Matthew Chapter nine.
Now you gotta be taught this because this is one of the main teachings of the church but not been taught why.
And that’s why the enemy has been taking advantage of the church. Hey, we have known this.
We haven’t walked in this because you can’t walk in something you ain’t never heard.
It’s the truth here. You can’t slip up on this. You got to get this on purpose.
Alright, let’s look and see what it said in verse 27.
And when Jesus departed V two blind men followed him crying and saying, thou Son of David have mercy on us.
And when he was coming to the house, the blind men came to him.
Now they followed him all in the house.
And Jesus said to them, believe you that I’m able to do this.
Do you believe that I’m able to do this?
Do you believe that I’m able to do this? Who you believe?
Call me? Now notice what he didn’t say?
Do you believe that you are able to do this? You don’t do it?
You don’t do it? Do you believe that God is able to do it?
And you gotta, you gotta be there. That’s where you gotta be.
You gotta come to the place where you believe that God is able to do this.
Now, I’m talking about for you and I’m not talking for your cousin. I’m talking about for you.
Are y’all still with me? How are we flowing? Right? Look at say, flow.
Look at Mar chapter nine.
Now this is when uh the disciples couldn’t cast a demon out of this boy and they brought him to Jesus and then so forth and Jesus then ended up cast him out.
But look what Jesus said here, verse 29 I’m sorry, verse 23.
And Jesus said unto him, if thou can, what believe all things are possible, keep going to him that believe.
Now how many things are possible? To him that believe, right?
Is he talking about secular believing or Bible believing? Alright.
So all things are possible to him that can believe what’s possible for Bill Winston is solely based on my capacity to believe.
Right? Say amen to that.
No, no, no, I’m not, I’m not, I’m just using this illustration now.
It may not be possible for you, but it’s possible for me because I believe now because you don’t believe and I believe for a corporate jet, don’t get jealous at me because I believe you, you got what I’m saying.
See, don’t come down on me. It’s an individual thing. It’s an individual thing.
If you believe for Bentley, you believe for Rolls Royce, you believe for a seven bedroom home, you believe nobody else get mad at Susa because she believes this is what she believed, how we doing solo.
Alright. So let’s go back over to Matthew’s Gospel again.
So if I can believe it, it becomes possible for me say if I can believe, no believing is not all you got to believe and act on the word.
See, and in this case, we have to believe and speak because what we said over in Mark’s Gothel chapter 11 verse 23 whosoever shall say to this mountain, impossible situation be thou be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart, not head.
You can’t believe with your head.
You believe with your heart and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things that he says shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever.
He said, that’s a lot verse 27.
And when Jesus departed vent to blind men came and followed him crying, saying, thou son of David have mercy on us.
And when he was coming to the house, he the blind man came to him and Jesus said to them, do you believe I’m able to do this?
What did he say? What did they say? Yes, Lord.
And then he touched their eyes and said, according to your, what faith be it unto you and their eyes were what open and Jesus straight away charged them and said, see that now, no man knoweth but they went and blabbed it everywhere.
I’m just putting my own words in it. They told everybody now, what am I saying?
You’re believing it’s key to you getting the promises of God because God has already said yes and amen to every promise, no promise of God.
Did God say no, no promise of God? Did he say? Maybe so every promise of God.
He’s already said yes, just as quick as you can get that corporate jet.
That’s as quick as he’ll get it to you. That’s as quick as you’ll believe.
Alright, let’s look at this James chapter three. Please look at verse two in many things.
We offend all. If any man offend, not in word the same is a perfect man and able to bridle the whole body.
Now what he’s saying there, he’s saying if you can control your tongue, you can control your body and your circumstances.
Look at verse three, behold, we put bits in horse’s mouths and that they may obey us and we turn about their whole body.
Alright, let’s look and see what that does. I got.
Look at me here’s a horse and you put a bit in the horse’s mouth, ok?
Now when you pull the reins, pull it to the right that horse’s mouth, his his, his head goes up and sometimes you pull it hard, you don’t feel his tongue, you see his tongue kinda come out.
What are you doing? Put pressure on the tongue and he is saying if you want to turn your circumstances, you’re gonna have to put pressure on your tongue.
Ok? Now what, why is he saying? Put pressure on it because your flesh is not gonna wanna cooperate.
Your flesh is gonna tell you you’re talking contrary.
Now you, you’re not making sense you why are you saying that?
And this is the way it is right here, don’t you tell it like it is.
No, you’re gonna tell it like it is, you’re gonna tell it like you want it to be is you know what I mean?
Well, how you want it to be? All right. Now look at the next part. Verse four. Behold.
Also the ships which though, they be so great are driven with fierce winds.
Yet they turn about, uh, with a very, uh, yet are turned about, uh, they turn about with a very small helmm whatsoever.
The governor lists us. All right, let’s explain that again.
So here you got a ship and this ship is going in this direction, let’s say it’s going north or whatever or south in this case.
All right, the is going this direction. Now, I’ve got a very small helm in the back.
Say helm helm is like a rudder, right? This big ship has a rudder in the back.
So now I wanna turn the ship, so I gotta turn the rudder, but I don’t turn the rudder by getting outside, getting in the water and try to turn it.
I’ve got a wheel up there in the captain’s deck that I can turn and when I turn the wheel, it turns the rudder.
And so the rudder turns. Now when the ship is going this way and the runner is in line, everything is straight.
But if I wanna turn, change my direction and I wanna go to the right to the left, to the left, I then turn it and this ruttle turn.
Now the water is still coming in at that rudder and at first I’m plowing water.
But if I leave the rudder in, then the water is gonna cause that pressure to pull the back of that boat, push it on around and the front of that boat change its direction.
So I wanna put pressure on my tongue because at first, when I say by his stripes, I’m healed, I’m just plowing water.
When at first, when I say I’m, I have abundance and no lack. I’m just plowing water.
At first, I say I got a marriage made in heaven. I’m just plowing water.
At first when I say, hey, I got the victory in this situation.
I’m just, but if I leave it in and hold fast to the confession of my faith pretty soon, God will, this boat will start turning on around and my situation will start changing and everybody on board won’t be thrown off.
Lord have mercy. That’s a whole another teacher right there. See everything will be done decently.
Come on and in order now, what is the helm?
The, the helm is the rudder. Then you got the governor. The governor is a heart.
It’s a, it’s a thing that controls the rudder. You know, you follow what I’m saying. All right.
Now, let’s look at the next verse. Glory to God. The next verse is verse five.
So is a tongue as a little member and both.
That’s great things behold, how great a matter, a little kindle. Now, what do I mean?
When I was young, my brother, my sister and I, my parents would take us down to the country in Georgia in a farm to my grandfather and grandmother’s house.
Now, I, I say take us down there, they deposited us down there.
And, uh, and so sometime it would be around Christmas time, but I remember it was cool.
So granddad would get up early in the morning and he would light the stove.
They had a big pot belly stove and the fireplace.
And what he would do is he would get some kindling.
Now, kindling is wood, but usually it’s wood that’s got some sap on it.
Now, I’m not talking about people, I’m talking about.
This is a, this is, this is this, this is, this is a sarpy kind of substance, but it’s easily ignitable.
It’s easily ignitable. So what would happen is, is he would light this kindling and once he would light this kindling, he would take it, put it in the stove or put it in the fireplace and then put other large pieces of wood over it.
And so once he did that, then the kindling would catch the large pieces of wood and I’d have a big fire.
Everybody get warm. Now, what this is saying is that your tongue is the kindling.
And what happens is how behold, how great a matter, a little fire kindle it.
In other words, whatever the raging fire is in our lives, words are what started it.
Even if you don’t know how, now you got to see this because what happens to the kindling when the fire starts when it starts raging.
Where can you find the kindling? No, you can’t find a killing.
You can’t find the source of that thing because the source is so small and comparison to the raging destruction that this thing is causing.
Well, you know, it just passes in my family. Pastor. Well, I got news for you. Those things can’t pass.
They can’t do it without words. Words is what started everything. Nothing just, it doesn’t just happen.
Words are behind any kind of destruction that you see. But here’s the good news.
We can put the rotter in. We can know that. Hey, wait a second.
I know if words started this words can stop it.
And what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna get the word of God in my life.
And when I say it, God’s gonna do it, there is nothing in this earth so great or powerful that it cannot be turned around with your tongue.
Lord Jesus Are y’all with me now?
I, I let, let’s see us go down here because because of time, let’s go down here to verse 12.
Oh Jesus. No, verse 11. Have you got it?
Does a fountain send forth the same place sweet and, and water and bitter.
In other words, does the same spigot. Bring forth both can the fig tree my brother and bear olive berries.
Either a vine figs. No, so can no fountain. Both yield salt water and fresh.
If both waters come out it’s gonna be all, be salty who is a wise man and dude with knowledge among you, let him show out of a good conversation.
His works with meekness of wisdom.
But if you have bitten, envious and strife in your hearts glory not and lie not against a what? True.
Alright. Look what it says in Proverbs 18.
If you haven’t said praise the Lord verse eight, the words of a tail bearer are as wounds and they go down into the animals.
Parts of the what belly? Now, what is that saying? That words are more than sound.
They are spirit and they can go all the way down into your spirit.
If somebody speaks a a hateful anger uh word that is, is is condemning or whatever have you.
So if allowed that word can go down into people’s spirits and that hateful word, that word, people will remember that word and that word will be playing inside of them sometimes for years.
I mean people who are rehearsing some of these things, I mean these things happen to them for, for decades and they can still hear that word and it affects their lives telling the child you’re not gonna ever be nothing.
You’re gonna be just like your daddy.
Now that is not in the Bible, that is something that is not edifying and should never come out of our mouth.
I don’t care how the boy is acting. I told you when he saw darkness.
He’s called it Light today. Amen to that.
So, now when we’re doing this, we wanna make sure that we are not watching television where they would have TV, shows set up to rehearse how people were mistreated.
Come on now, don’t, don’t get quiet on me.
Now, I, I’m saying this, that you people talk about, uh, what happened to them and, you know, I was abused at 12.
Well, how old are you now? Well, I, I’m, I’m 70 years old now.
Well, well, ain’t you got over that yet? No, no, no, no.
The reason why is because it went down into their spirit.
But see, that’s one reason why you got to be born again because the only thing powerful enough to get it out is the blood of Jesus and the word of God, it can purge your conscience of dead works.
You were, you were abused, you were sexually molested whatever the case may be.
It makes no difference. It was words and words came and people rehearse it now. What do they think?
They said? Well, if I get it, I talk about it, I can talk it out. Uh, no, no.
When you talk about it, you’re reinforcing it. You’re putting it in here. Why?
Because the Proverbs chapter 14, there’s a way that seems right to a man.
But the end of that way is destruction.
I’m telling you what we need to do is we need to understand that Jesus said this.
You shall know the truth. Come on and the truth will make you free.
I’m here to tell you right now that what God is saying is I’m gonna give you a way that every tree in you that the heavenly Father has not planted shall be.
Come back next time we gonna talk about rooting up all trees.
We’re gonna talk about everything that people have been molested. You’ve been talked about, you’ve been hated.
You’ve been brought down. I got good news for you. Whoever the sun sets free is free. Indeed.
Well, praise the Lord. I trusted you enjoyed that.
Now, that’s called speak the word only. That’s from our teaching series called the Law of Confession.
Now, Mark 9 23 says, if thou can’t believe all things are possible to him that believe.
Now we know that believing is good and we must believe, but believing is not enough.
You must believe and speak that word.
You see Mark 11 23 says, whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things that He says shall come to pass.
You’ll have whatsoever he says, praise God.
God has made it so that you could I you and I can believe and speak to mountains and they’ll be removed to God powerful teaching the address and phone number on your screen.
I want you to write this right away, call us, do something.
You gotta get this into your heart and into your house. Praise the Lord.
You see a lot of times our problems have come not because of what we believe, but what we’ve spoken, you see many things that we’ve spoken out of our mouths have not been in line with God’s word and because of it, we’ve had the enemy acting on it rather than God acting on it.
So, what we’re doing now is we’re bringing you back to speaking the word only and what your life accelerate.
I’m telling you, we’ve had people’s lives that have taken off. They have coming into their destinies. Like never before.
Why? Only by changing their speech, that address and phone number on your screen, you write us, we’ll send it out to you right away.
Why we want you to get your mouth in line with the word of God?
Well, this is Bill Winton saying that’s all we have for this time. We’ll see you next time until then.
Keep walking by faith. How should you handle the challenges in your relationship?
Insufficiencies in your finances or even attacks against your health.
Your victory is guaranteed when you guard your heart, stay in faith and speak the word only the very finest of God can be yours if you believe and speak it in this third installment of the log confession series entitled to speak the word only doctor Winston provides a road map to victory for every situation in your life.
There is nothing in this earth so great or powerful that it cannot be turned around with your tongue.
Order speak the word only today.
And doctor Winston will explain what God does to perform His word, how to activate God’s participation in your circumstances.
Why? There’s nothing more powerful than the word of God and much, much more promise, I believe it.
And he do it to order your copy of this powerful message, speak the word only on CD or MP three on DVD or P four.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org. You can also call us at 1 807 119327.
No matter how difficult the circumstance, victory is yours.
When you guard your heart, stay in faith and speak the word only.
Order your copy of speak the word only today.
My name is Mildred Maddox. I’m from Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
I became saved some years ago.
And after giving my life to God, I had a hunger and thirst for, to know his word.
I was here and preaching but no teaching. And one day I happened to turn on the TV.
This man is talking about faith. What is faith?
I had read about faith, but I had not been taught on faith.
And I started listening to his teaching and from his teachings, from those broadcasts, it taught me how to live by faith, how to start speaking my whole mindset change and, and my mindset changed by listening and applying the word of God.
My whole life turned, I was uh working for another person and he, I stepped out, I said, God, you said that you shall supply all of my needs.
And uh through listening and applying and applying the law of confession. And faith.
God blessed me to open up two businesses, businesses that I know I could not have done because everything around me said, no, you can’t, you know, and uh and through that one of them every day at 10 30 in that business, my TV is on to Bill Winston’s Ministry and all of my clients that comes in there.
Even the one, the ones that are regular clients, they already know if they get there at 10 15 M.
Mildred. You don’t have the TV. On I say, don’t come on until 10 30. They are hungry.
They, they have, I have had people to come in and just sit and listen to the teaching on that 10 30 service and came in and asked me, what must I do to be saved?
And you know, and I just say, I thank God, I credit all that too. God connected me through broadcast.
I had never seen him before, never been around but through broadcast in all those years that he connected me with this ministry and it connected other people, other people to Christ and it have changed my life and I just thank God because if it wasn’t for you all that was partnering at that time, that the ministry could go through the television where I could get it.
I, I don’t know where I would be right now.
So I say thank you all and I thank God, thank you, Bill Winston.
Ministry partners for helping us take this message of faith to the world through the believer’s walk of faith broadcast.
We are reaching millions of people with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, not a partner yet sign up today and be a part of what God is doing through this ministry.
We are transforming the world for Christ one life at a time.
Hello, this is Bill Winston and I’d like to share with you a new book that I’ve just written.
It’s called Miracles in the Marketplace.
Now, traditionally, we’ve thought of miracles happening when people get sick and get a miracle or something’s wrong with them physically, they get a miracle.
Now, miracles can happen in education, in government, in business, in economic anywhere and you can have a miracle in your life.
We’re up against things and challenges today that let me tell you the natural solution just won’t do it.
We need a miracle. Well, this book develops not only a miracle mindset but how you can produce miracles in your life.
It is a phenomenal book, powerful praise God, you need to get it today.
This is Bill Winston saying God bless you and keep walking by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trains believers, how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries, partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
Hello, this is Bill Winston and I’d like to share with you a new book that I’ve just written.
It’s called Miracles In The Marketplace.
Now, traditionally, we thought of miracles happening when people get sick and get a miracle or something’s wrong with them physically, they get a miracle.
No miracles can happen in education, in government, in business, in economic anywhere and you can have a miracle in your life.
We’re up against things and challenges today that let me tell you the natural solution just won’t do it.
We need a miracle. This book develops not only a miracle mindset but how you can produce miracles in your life.
It is a phenomenal book. Powerful praise God. You need to get it today.
This is Bill Winston saying God bless you and keep walking by faith.
Hello, I’m Bill Winston and welcome to another program.
The program that you’re watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight.
We have another exciting teaching for you. Today, we’re teaching on the law of confession. Praise God.
Now we call confession. We’re not talking about confessing sin or something negative.
We’re talking about the word in the Greek homolog, which means to say the same thing to say what God says about us despite our circumstances, just to say what God says, confess.
Now, this particular teaching is called speak the word only. Now, here’s one thing I want you to remember.
There is nothing in this world so great and so powerful that cannot be turned around with a tongue.
Now you’re gonna understand that later. Praise God. Get your Bibles and pencils and papers ready.
Let’s take some good notes. Now let’s go into it.
It’s called speak the word only Coming over to Matthew’s Gospel Please.
and Matthew chapter nine, Matthew’s Gospel Chapter nine, I told you I’m gonna walk you through like a Philadelphia lawyer.
We we in the courtroom here we have in court right now. Alright.
Let me know when you get to Matthew Chapter nine.
Now you gotta be taught this because this is one of the main teachings of the church but not been taught why.
And that’s why the enemy has been taking advantage of the church. Hey, we have known this.
We haven’t walked in this because you can’t walk in something you ain’t never heard.
It’s the truth here. You can’t slip up on this. You got to get this on purpose.
Alright, let’s look and see what it said in verse 27.
And when Jesus departed V two blind men followed him crying and saying, thou Son of David have mercy on us.
And when he was coming to the house, the blind men came to him.
Now they followed him all in the house.
And Jesus said to them, believe you that I’m able to do this.
Do you believe that I’m able to do this?
Do you believe that I’m able to do this? Who you believe?
Call me? Now notice what he didn’t say?
Do you believe that you are able to do this? You don’t do it?
You don’t do it? Do you believe that God is able to do it?
And you gotta, you gotta be there. That’s where you gotta be.
You gotta come to the place where you believe that God is able to do this.
Now, I’m talking about for you and I’m not talking for your cousin. I’m talking about for you.
Are y’all still with me? How are we flowing? Right? Look at say, flow.
Look at Mar chapter nine.
Now this is when uh the disciples couldn’t cast a demon out of this boy and they brought him to Jesus and then so forth and Jesus then ended up cast him out.
But look what Jesus said here, verse 29 I’m sorry, verse 23.
And Jesus said unto him, if thou can, what believe all things are possible, keep going to him that believe.
Now how many things are possible? To him that believe, right?
Is he talking about secular believing or Bible believing? Alright.
So all things are possible to him that can believe what’s possible for Bill Winston is solely based on my capacity to believe.
Right? Say amen to that.
No, no, no, I’m not, I’m not, I’m just using this illustration now.
It may not be possible for you, but it’s possible for me because I believe now because you don’t believe and I believe for a corporate jet, don’t get jealous at me because I believe you, you got what I’m saying.
See, don’t come down on me. It’s an individual thing. It’s an individual thing.
If you believe for Bentley, you believe for Rolls Royce, you believe for a seven bedroom home, you believe nobody else get mad at Susa because she believes this is what she believed, how we doing solo.
Alright. So let’s go back over to Matthew’s Gospel again.
So if I can believe it, it becomes possible for me say if I can believe, no believing is not all you got to believe and act on the word.
See, and in this case, we have to believe and speak because what we said over in Mark’s Gothel chapter 11 verse 23 whosoever shall say to this mountain, impossible situation be thou be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart, not head.
You can’t believe with your head.
You believe with your heart and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things that he says shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever.
He said, that’s a lot verse 27.
And when Jesus departed vent to blind men came and followed him crying, saying, thou son of David have mercy on us.
And when he was coming to the house, he the blind man came to him and Jesus said to them, do you believe I’m able to do this?
What did he say? What did they say? Yes, Lord.
And then he touched their eyes and said, according to your, what faith be it unto you and their eyes were what open and Jesus straight away charged them and said, see that now, no man knoweth but they went and blabbed it everywhere.
I’m just putting my own words in it. They told everybody now, what am I saying?
You’re believing it’s key to you getting the promises of God because God has already said yes and amen to every promise, no promise of God.
Did God say no, no promise of God? Did he say? Maybe so every promise of God.
He’s already said yes, just as quick as you can get that corporate jet.
That’s as quick as he’ll get it to you. That’s as quick as you’ll believe.
Alright, let’s look at this James chapter three. Please look at verse two in many things.
We offend all. If any man offend, not in word the same is a perfect man and able to bridle the whole body.
Now what he’s saying there, he’s saying if you can control your tongue, you can control your body and your circumstances.
Look at verse three, behold, we put bits in horse’s mouths and that they may obey us and we turn about their whole body.
Alright, let’s look and see what that does. I got.
Look at me here’s a horse and you put a bit in the horse’s mouth, ok?
Now when you pull the reins, pull it to the right that horse’s mouth, his his, his head goes up and sometimes you pull it hard, you don’t feel his tongue, you see his tongue kinda come out.
What are you doing? Put pressure on the tongue and he is saying if you want to turn your circumstances, you’re gonna have to put pressure on your tongue.
Ok? Now what, why is he saying? Put pressure on it because your flesh is not gonna wanna cooperate.
Your flesh is gonna tell you you’re talking contrary.
Now you, you’re not making sense you why are you saying that?
And this is the way it is right here, don’t you tell it like it is.
No, you’re gonna tell it like it is, you’re gonna tell it like you want it to be is you know what I mean?
Well, how you want it to be? All right. Now look at the next part. Verse four. Behold.
Also the ships which though, they be so great are driven with fierce winds.
Yet they turn about, uh, with a very, uh, yet are turned about, uh, they turn about with a very small helmm whatsoever.
The governor lists us. All right, let’s explain that again.
So here you got a ship and this ship is going in this direction, let’s say it’s going north or whatever or south in this case.
All right, the is going this direction. Now, I’ve got a very small helm in the back.
Say helm helm is like a rudder, right? This big ship has a rudder in the back.
So now I wanna turn the ship, so I gotta turn the rudder, but I don’t turn the rudder by getting outside, getting in the water and try to turn it.
I’ve got a wheel up there in the captain’s deck that I can turn and when I turn the wheel, it turns the rudder.
And so the rudder turns. Now when the ship is going this way and the runner is in line, everything is straight.
But if I wanna turn, change my direction and I wanna go to the right to the left, to the left, I then turn it and this ruttle turn.
Now the water is still coming in at that rudder and at first I’m plowing water.
But if I leave the rudder in, then the water is gonna cause that pressure to pull the back of that boat, push it on around and the front of that boat change its direction.
So I wanna put pressure on my tongue because at first, when I say by his stripes, I’m healed, I’m just plowing water.
When at first, when I say I’m, I have abundance and no lack. I’m just plowing water.
At first, I say I got a marriage made in heaven. I’m just plowing water.
At first when I say, hey, I got the victory in this situation.
I’m just, but if I leave it in and hold fast to the confession of my faith pretty soon, God will, this boat will start turning on around and my situation will start changing and everybody on board won’t be thrown off.
Lord have mercy. That’s a whole another teacher right there. See everything will be done decently.
Come on and in order now, what is the helm?
The, the helm is the rudder. Then you got the governor. The governor is a heart.
It’s a, it’s a thing that controls the rudder. You know, you follow what I’m saying. All right.
Now, let’s look at the next verse. Glory to God. The next verse is verse five.
So is a tongue as a little member and both.
That’s great things behold, how great a matter, a little kindle. Now, what do I mean?
When I was young, my brother, my sister and I, my parents would take us down to the country in Georgia in a farm to my grandfather and grandmother’s house.
Now, I, I say take us down there, they deposited us down there.
And, uh, and so sometime it would be around Christmas time, but I remember it was cool.
So granddad would get up early in the morning and he would light the stove.
They had a big pot belly stove and the fireplace.
And what he would do is he would get some kindling.
Now, kindling is wood, but usually it’s wood that’s got some sap on it.
Now, I’m not talking about people, I’m talking about.
This is a, this is, this is this, this is, this is a sarpy kind of substance, but it’s easily ignitable.
It’s easily ignitable. So what would happen is, is he would light this kindling and once he would light this kindling, he would take it, put it in the stove or put it in the fireplace and then put other large pieces of wood over it.
And so once he did that, then the kindling would catch the large pieces of wood and I’d have a big fire.
Everybody get warm. Now, what this is saying is that your tongue is the kindling.
And what happens is how behold, how great a matter, a little fire kindle it.
In other words, whatever the raging fire is in our lives, words are what started it.
Even if you don’t know how, now you got to see this because what happens to the kindling when the fire starts when it starts raging.
Where can you find the kindling? No, you can’t find a killing.
You can’t find the source of that thing because the source is so small and comparison to the raging destruction that this thing is causing.
Well, you know, it just passes in my family. Pastor. Well, I got news for you. Those things can’t pass.
They can’t do it without words. Words is what started everything. Nothing just, it doesn’t just happen.
Words are behind any kind of destruction that you see. But here’s the good news.
We can put the rotter in. We can know that. Hey, wait a second.
I know if words started this words can stop it.
And what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna get the word of God in my life.
And when I say it, God’s gonna do it, there is nothing in this earth so great or powerful that it cannot be turned around with your tongue.
Lord Jesus Are y’all with me now?
I, I let, let’s see us go down here because because of time, let’s go down here to verse 12.
Oh Jesus. No, verse 11. Have you got it?
Does a fountain send forth the same place sweet and, and water and bitter.
In other words, does the same spigot. Bring forth both can the fig tree my brother and bear olive berries.
Either a vine figs. No, so can no fountain. Both yield salt water and fresh.
If both waters come out it’s gonna be all, be salty who is a wise man and dude with knowledge among you, let him show out of a good conversation.
His works with meekness of wisdom.
But if you have bitten, envious and strife in your hearts glory not and lie not against a what? True.
Alright. Look what it says in Proverbs 18.
If you haven’t said praise the Lord verse eight, the words of a tail bearer are as wounds and they go down into the animals.
Parts of the what belly? Now, what is that saying? That words are more than sound.
They are spirit and they can go all the way down into your spirit.
If somebody speaks a a hateful anger uh word that is, is is condemning or whatever have you.
So if allowed that word can go down into people’s spirits and that hateful word, that word, people will remember that word and that word will be playing inside of them sometimes for years.
I mean people who are rehearsing some of these things, I mean these things happen to them for, for decades and they can still hear that word and it affects their lives telling the child you’re not gonna ever be nothing.
You’re gonna be just like your daddy.
Now that is not in the Bible, that is something that is not edifying and should never come out of our mouth.
I don’t care how the boy is acting. I told you when he saw darkness.
He’s called it Light today. Amen to that.
So, now when we’re doing this, we wanna make sure that we are not watching television where they would have TV, shows set up to rehearse how people were mistreated.
Come on now, don’t, don’t get quiet on me.
Now, I, I’m saying this, that you people talk about, uh, what happened to them and, you know, I was abused at 12.
Well, how old are you now? Well, I, I’m, I’m 70 years old now.
Well, well, ain’t you got over that yet? No, no, no, no.
The reason why is because it went down into their spirit.
But see, that’s one reason why you got to be born again because the only thing powerful enough to get it out is the blood of Jesus and the word of God, it can purge your conscience of dead works.
You were, you were abused, you were sexually molested whatever the case may be.
It makes no difference. It was words and words came and people rehearse it now. What do they think?
They said? Well, if I get it, I talk about it, I can talk it out. Uh, no, no.
When you talk about it, you’re reinforcing it. You’re putting it in here. Why?
Because the Proverbs chapter 14, there’s a way that seems right to a man.
But the end of that way is destruction.
I’m telling you what we need to do is we need to understand that Jesus said this.
You shall know the truth. Come on and the truth will make you free.
I’m here to tell you right now that what God is saying is I’m gonna give you a way that every tree in you that the heavenly Father has not planted shall be.
Come back next time we gonna talk about rooting up all trees.
We’re gonna talk about everything that people have been molested. You’ve been talked about, you’ve been hated.
You’ve been brought down. I got good news for you. Whoever the sun sets free is free. Indeed.
Well, praise the Lord. I trusted you enjoyed that.
Now, that’s called speak the word only. That’s from our teaching series called the Law of Confession.
Now, Mark 9 23 says, if thou can’t believe all things are possible to him that believe.
Now we know that believing is good and we must believe, but believing is not enough.
You must believe and speak that word.
You see Mark 11 23 says, whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things that He says shall come to pass.
You’ll have whatsoever he says, praise God.
God has made it so that you could I you and I can believe and speak to mountains and they’ll be removed to God powerful teaching the address and phone number on your screen.
I want you to write this right away, call us, do something.
You gotta get this into your heart and into your house. Praise the Lord.
You see a lot of times our problems have come not because of what we believe, but what we’ve spoken, you see many things that we’ve spoken out of our mouths have not been in line with God’s word and because of it, we’ve had the enemy acting on it rather than God acting on it.
So, what we’re doing now is we’re bringing you back to speaking the word only and what your life accelerate.
I’m telling you, we’ve had people’s lives that have taken off. They have coming into their destinies. Like never before.
Why? Only by changing their speech, that address and phone number on your screen, you write us, we’ll send it out to you right away.
Why we want you to get your mouth in line with the word of God?
Well, this is Bill Winton saying that’s all we have for this time. We’ll see you next time until then.
Keep walking by faith. How should you handle the challenges in your relationship?
Insufficiencies in your finances or even attacks against your health.
Your victory is guaranteed when you guard your heart, stay in faith and speak the word only the very finest of God can be yours if you believe and speak it in this third installment of the log confession series entitled to speak the word only doctor Winston provides a road map to victory for every situation in your life.
There is nothing in this earth so great or powerful that it cannot be turned around with your tongue.
Order speak the word only today.
And doctor Winston will explain what God does to perform His word, how to activate God’s participation in your circumstances.
Why? There’s nothing more powerful than the word of God and much, much more promise, I believe it.
And he do it to order your copy of this powerful message, speak the word only on CD or MP three on DVD or P four.
Contact us online at Bill Winston dot org. You can also call us at 1 807 119327.
No matter how difficult the circumstance, victory is yours.
When you guard your heart, stay in faith and speak the word only.
Order your copy of speak the word only today.
My name is Mildred Maddox. I’m from Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
I became saved some years ago.
And after giving my life to God, I had a hunger and thirst for, to know his word.
I was here and preaching but no teaching. And one day I happened to turn on the TV.
This man is talking about faith. What is faith?
I had read about faith, but I had not been taught on faith.
And I started listening to his teaching and from his teachings, from those broadcasts, it taught me how to live by faith, how to start speaking my whole mindset change and, and my mindset changed by listening and applying the word of God.
My whole life turned, I was uh working for another person and he, I stepped out, I said, God, you said that you shall supply all of my needs.
And uh through listening and applying and applying the law of confession. And faith.
God blessed me to open up two businesses, businesses that I know I could not have done because everything around me said, no, you can’t, you know, and uh and through that one of them every day at 10 30 in that business, my TV is on to Bill Winston’s Ministry and all of my clients that comes in there.
Even the one, the ones that are regular clients, they already know if they get there at 10 15 M.
Mildred. You don’t have the TV. On I say, don’t come on until 10 30. They are hungry.
They, they have, I have had people to come in and just sit and listen to the teaching on that 10 30 service and came in and asked me, what must I do to be saved?
And you know, and I just say, I thank God, I credit all that too. God connected me through broadcast.
I had never seen him before, never been around but through broadcast in all those years that he connected me with this ministry and it connected other people, other people to Christ and it have changed my life and I just thank God because if it wasn’t for you all that was partnering at that time, that the ministry could go through the television where I could get it.
I, I don’t know where I would be right now.
So I say thank you all and I thank God, thank you, Bill Winston.
Ministry partners for helping us take this message of faith to the world through the believer’s walk of faith broadcast.
We are reaching millions of people with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, not a partner yet sign up today and be a part of what God is doing through this ministry.
We are transforming the world for Christ one life at a time.
Hello, this is Bill Winston and I’d like to share with you a new book that I’ve just written.
It’s called Miracles in the Marketplace.
Now, traditionally, we’ve thought of miracles happening when people get sick and get a miracle or something’s wrong with them physically, they get a miracle.
Now, miracles can happen in education, in government, in business, in economic anywhere and you can have a miracle in your life.
We’re up against things and challenges today that let me tell you the natural solution just won’t do it.
We need a miracle. Well, this book develops not only a miracle mindset but how you can produce miracles in your life.
It is a phenomenal book, powerful praise God, you need to get it today.
This is Bill Winston saying God bless you and keep walking by faith.
The mission of Bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
We invite you to become a partner and join doctor Bill Winston as he trains believers, how to live independent of this world system and have Dominion over it.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries, partners and viewers.
Now remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos.
This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.
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