God’s Got Your Goliath | Joel Osteen
God’s Got Your Goliath
Maybe a friend walked away, a contract fell through, you had a setback in your family. Now, it’s not as easy as it used to be. It’s because you’re about to step into a new dimension. You were blessed, life was good, but God has so much more. He had to move that person out of your life, not because they’re not good, but because they’re limiting you. They can’t go where you’re going. God had to close that door so He can bring people into your life that will push you into your destiny, people that will help you, not hinder you.
Goliath was twice David’s size.
He was the champion of the Philistine army, their most feared soldier, David was young,
small, no military training, no armor? How could he have the courage to face Goliath?
What gave him the passion the fire to even think he had a chance.
When you come into these sovereign moments, it’s not just you. It’s the most high god backing you up.
It’s the one who’s already written your script stepping in with you.
There will be a faith that you’ve never had. courage and boldness that will catapult you ahead.
Like David, there are these times where you think you’re just going to work, Just taking care of these kids, just running an errand.
What you don’t realize is it’s a sovereign moment, a moment that god has strategically orchestrated to put you at the right place, at the right time, to meet the right people, to hear the right thing.
Faith is going to rise up in you. you’re going to see things happen that you could never make happen.
When you defeat that giant, so to speak, you’re gonna look back and think, how did I do that?
How did I get here? How did I meet this person? How did this sickness turn around?
How did my family member get back on course? It’s the sovereignty of god.
something he planned that you couldn’t stop. Take this in the right way, but you couldn’t mess it up.
You’re not that powerful. he already decided long before you were born to make that happen.
I’ll never forget, one Tuesday, I was going to work just like another ordinary day.
I was at the church. A friend called. I hadn’t spoken to him in years.
He said, Joel, I wanna take you to lunch today. He said, I’m sorry. I’m busy.
Let’s do it another day. He said, no. It’s important. I wanna do it today. I said, what’s it about?
He said, I’ll tell you when you get there. I said, oh, great. He’s gonna have a project.
He’s gonna need something from me. I canceled an appointment to go. Normally, I wouldn’t have done that.
I’m very routine, but for some reason, I wanted to go. We got to the restaurant.
He said, Joel, the Rockets Basketball team is moving out of the Compact Center.
You should try to get that for your church.
What he didn’t know is we had been turned down twice trying to buy property to build an auditorium.
I was discouraged thinking that we were at a dead end.
When he said that, it was like a bomb exploded on the inside.
I knew this building was supposed to be ours.
Looking back now, I don’t know how I had the faith for it.
I was oblivious to the fact that it was gonna cost a $100,000,000 to renovate.
Sometimes, god will hide things from your own purpose.
I wasn’t moved, uh, critics telling us we didn’t have a chance.
I had this unshakable confidence, knowing that god could make a way, even when I didn’t see a way.
There are these times that You don’t have a choice. God will give you the faith.
He’ll bring the building to you, the idea, the right people, the favor. It’s the sovereign lord.
See, the city built this building for the Rockets to play basketball in.
They didn’t realize long before they built it, God had already decided it was gonna be ours.
It was already written in the script. At the right time, his sovereign will came to pass.
I’m all for making good decisions, honoring god, being our best, but there are times we don’t have the faith.
We make mistakes. We get off course. We didn’t do our best.
But when it’s his sovereign will, he will override your doubt, override your mistakes, overrides what’s trying to stop you, and you’ll defeat the giant.
You’ll get your compact center. You’ll meet the person of your dream you’ll step in to your greatness.
I lay down at night and sleep in peace, knowing that there is a sovereign god.
Because if it was just up to me, I’d be worried. I may make mistakes.
I may not have the faith.
I may think the giant is too big, but because of the sovereignty of god.
There are these times where what we think, what we do, how we perform does not change what god is already pre destined for our lives.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the message here on our YouTube channel.
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- Embracing the Power of the Hand of God – Joel OsteenTháng 12 27, 2022