God Will Meet You Where You Are | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching

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God Will Meet You Where You Are | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Teaching

No matter what you’ve done, God is here to help you. On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, discover the life transformation that’s possible when you surrender to Him.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

I do what I do because I’ve seen god’s power transform my own life, and he will do it for you.
The e to everything is found in god’s word.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that I can hear you everywhere you’ve heard.
Well, thank you for joining me today on enjoying everyday life.
I love to teach the word of god because I know what the word has done in my life and I know that it will do the same thing for you.
Today, I wanna talk to you about what I think is a very important subject and one that I think a lot of people don’t realize, and it is one of those good news subjects.
Do you know that god will meet you where you are?
I think so often we think that we have to get ourselves all fixed up before we can go to god.
But if you will cry out to god from where you’re at, god will meet you where you’re at as long as you cry out to him in sincerity.
And I have several biblical examples that I wanna share with you, but the thing I want you to realize is no matter what kind of a mess you’re in, no matter how long you’ve been in it, no matter what your need is, if you sincerely want god to help you and you’re ready to change your life, you’re ready to repent of your sins and to repent means to turn away from, that means to You’re not gonna go back to that again with god’s help.
You’re gonna turn away from that wrong way of living and you’re gonna learn how to live the way God wants you to live.
God will meet you where you’re at And the good news is is he loves you too much to leave you where he met you, he will always help you get to where you need to be.
Now I wanna say that again because I think that’s really important.
God loves you so much that he will come to you in your mess, and he will meet you there.
But he will never leave you there because he loves you too much to leave you in the same mess he found you in.
He will help you to change your life, and he will give you by his grace and mercy a life really worth living.
There’s a story in the Bible about Abraham and Sarah, and this was a couple that god had promised a child.
They had not had a child of their own.
And really when God made this promise to them, both of them were too old to have children.
Abraham was ninety nine years old or close to a 100, and Sarah had already She was past the childbearing age and so in the natural, it was impossible, but do you know that god specializes in impossible?
A lot of things that aren’t possible for anybody else are possible for god.
With man, it’s impossible, but with god, all things are possible.
And so god just wanted them to believe him, to trust him, that he would give them a child, from Sarah’s womb and that he would make Abraham the father of many nations.
Well, like a lot of us do, he waited for quite a while.
In his case, he waited a good number of years, and nothing was happening.
And so he got a plan of his own, and we do that, don’t we?
When god’s plan is not seeming to come to pass, then we’ve always got a backup plan, a plan of our own.
And his wife suggested that he take her handmaiden and Get her pregnant, take her as a secondary wife, and then she would claim this child as her own and raise the child as her own.
And so Abraham did it. That was one case where he should not have listened to his wife.
It doesn’t make any sense for any woman to want to give her husband a secondary wife can’t be anything but trouble from the get go, but sure enough, Hagar, the handmade, did become pregnant, And as soon as she did, she looked with contempt upon her mistress.
In other words, she previously had a submissive attitude she loved her mistress. She’d do anything for her.
And so because of the great attitude, she had Sarah thought, well, she’d continue to have one But as soon as she had a, uh, foot up, so to speak, on Sarah, or she was in a situation now that where she could give Abraham something he wanted that Sarah couldn’t.
She got a bad attitude. And the child grew with them until he was about thirteen years old, and it was just starting to be nothing but trouble trouble trouble all the time.
And Sarah wanted Abraham to make them leave. She didn’t want them to be together.
By now, she had had the child that God had promised them and they grew together for a while, but it was still just trouble trouble trouble all the time.
How many of you know when you do something that god doesn’t want you to do until it’s corrected It’s just nothing but trouble trouble trouble all the time.
And so here in Genesis 21, 14 through 17, it says, early, the next morning, Abraham took some food and a skin of water and gave them to Hagar.
And he set them on her shoulders and then sent her off with the boy.
And she went on her way and wandered in the desert of Baersheba.
When the water in the skin was gone, she put the boy under one of the bushes, and then she went off and sat down about a bow shot away for she thought, I cannot watch the boy die.
Well, we can see that she already had made her mind up.
They weren’t gonna make it, and the boy was gonna die.
And as she sat there, she began to sob, and apparently the boy was crying too.
And the Bible says, God heard the boy crying, and the angel of god called the hagar from heaven and said to her, what is the matter hagar?
Do not be afraid. God has heard the boy crying, and he will meet him where he is.
That the amplified says, He will meet him where he is.
And that’s the title of the message I wanna bring you today is god will meet you where you are.
Now This boy was in a mess.
His life looked like it was all but over, and he cried out to god.
You know, sometimes all we have to do is cry out to god and he will meet us right where we’re at and he’ll help us get to where we need to be.
God heard ishmael where he was, and he actually promised him promotion and a good life.
And all Ishmael did was cry out. He didn’t do anything else. He just cried out.
2nd chronicles 20 verse 9, it says if calamity comes upon us, whether the sword of judgment or plague or famine.
We will stand in your presence before the temple that bears your name and we will cry out to you.
In our distress, and you will hear us and save us.
Well, you know, I think anybody can cry out to god. It doesn’t take any special training to do that.
You just say, oh god, I need you. God, you’re the only one that can help me.
God, I need your help. I’m crying out to you. I want you in my life.
I want you to come and get involved in my life.
And I hope that there are many people that I’m talking to today that you will really be convicted by what I’m saying and you’ll realize that you are in a mess in your life and maybe you’ve been trying to fix that mess yourself, and I’ll tell you you cannot.
You need god’s help. And god will come and help you if you will cry out to him.
He’ll begin to unravel the situation in your life.
And it may not all happen overnight, but if you’ll surrender your life to him, let him come into your life, forgive your sins, and give you a brand new start.
God will meet you where you’re at, and he will help you get to where you need to be.
Um 37, 23 says I cry out to god most high. To god who vindicates me.
You might, uh, remember, well, I don’t know if you’re watching the program when I shared this or not, but I cry I shared about blind bartimaeus who cried out to Jesus.
Jesus thou son of David, have mercy on me, and the people told him to be quiet, and says he cried out all the more, and god healed him.
Crying out to God is pretty easy.
Sometimes we cry to our friends and we cry to ourself and we feel sorry for ourselves.
But what about crying out to god and saying, God, whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it.
Just show me what to do. And I I wanna be obedient to you.
I cry out to god most high. He sends from heaven and he saves me.
Reviewing those who hotly pursue me, god sends forth his love and his faithfulness.
And one last one Psalm, e65. You, lord, are forgiving and good.
Abounding in love to all who call upon you. God made ishmael in his rejection.
He met him in his abandonment. And he promised him promotion.
And I can pretty much say the same thing happened to me.
I’ve been abused in my childhood sexually abused my father abandoned by my mother.
Spent many years in complete misery and lived in a total atmosphere of fear and violent angry behavior.
And I cried out to god, and he met me where I was at.
And he helped me change my life.
It didn’t happen overnight, but I am a totally different person now.
And those things that happened to me in my childhood when I think back about that little girl.
It’s almost as if she’s somebody that I used to know, not me.
I’m a brand new creature in Christ because the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 517, if any man is in Christ, any man who receives Christ is considered to be in him.
If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature.
All things pass away, and all things become brand new. You become new spiritual clay.
And if you’ll be soft and pliable in the hands of god, he will mold a brand new life for you.
It’s not too late for you. Well, where are you?
Are you lost in problems, tragedy, or sin? Are you lonely?
Are you sick and perhaps afraid of death? Have you been abandoned?
Have you been rejected? Are you living with the results of all of your mistakes and have no idea what you’re supposed to do?
Well, I can tell you what to do.
Cry out to God, and he will meet you where you’re at.
And step by step little by little.
God will teach you, and he’ll begin to show you how to make right choices and live the right way, but you have to make a start by surrendering your life to god.
You don’t just cry out to him and expect god to come and help you if you’re not ready to surrender your life to him.
And, you know, I I felt even before I started to share this message for today that today, many people are gonna give their life to Jesus Christ.
And you do have to give it to him.
He he wants everybody But not everybody will receive him because not everybody will humble themselves and say.
Yes, god. You’re right, and I’m wrong. I’ve lived my life all wrong, and I wanna change.
I am a sinner, and I I’ve I’m sorry for my sins.
I’m sorry for the way I lived, and and I want you in my life.
Will you forgive me and come into my life and be my lord and my savior?
And the moment you do that in sincerity, God will come into you. He’ll make you his home.
Your sins will be washed away and moved as far as the eastest from the west and he will remember them no more.
Now, that doesn’t mean that instantly everything in your life is gonna be fixed.
But it does mean that it’s a brand new beginning for you, old things have passed away.
God’s forgiven you, and then you can start working with god to have the circumstances in your life changed into a life that is gonna be pleasant and enjoyable.
Now I have a pretty large portion of scripture that I wanna share with you.
And normally, I don’t try to share this many scriptures because people kinda lose their focus, but Psalm 139, one through 18, are absolutely phenomenal.
And I think they’re gonna really encourage you if you’ll pay attention.
You have searched me, lord, and you know me.
Well, when god says he knows you, let me tell you he knows you.
You know, a lot of people that even work here might say, well, I know Joyce.
Well, They may know me, but they don’t know me like Dave does.
And Dave doesn’t even know me like god does.
When god says he knows you, me tell you there’s nothing about you that god doesn’t know.
He knows things about you that you haven’t even admitted.
You know when I sit down and you know when I get up.
You perceive my thoughts of far off. Just think about that. God knows everything about you.
He sees everything that you do. You discern my going out and my lying down.
You are familiar with all my ways. In other words, there’s nothing about you that’s surprising or shocking to god.
Before a word is on my tongue, lord, you know it completely.
God knows what we’re gonna say before we even say it.
He knows what we’re gonna think before we even think it. Nobody knows you like God knows you.
You hem me in behind and before? And you lay your hand upon me.
You ever feel like that that god’s got you in a place where you can’t go forward and you can’t go backward?
You’re just there waiting for god to do something.
Well, he will if you just keep crying out to him.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me. It’s too lofty for me to obtain.
Let me tell you the work that god does in our life is too wonderful for us to even begin understand it.
Where can I go from your spirit god? Where can I flee from or hide from your presence?
If I go to heaven, you’re there. If I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn or I settle on the far side of the sea god, you are there.
Even then, your hand will guide me. Your right hand will hold me fast.
Can I tell you there’s nowhere where you can get away from god?
He is everywhere all the time, and his hand is upon you, and god’s got a plan for your life And I’m just gonna say this the best way I know how to, the gentleest way I know how to.
If you persist in going your own way, your life is gonna be pretty miserable.
But if you’ll surrender your life to Christ today, you can know a life that you cannot even begin to imagine right now.
If I say surely the darkness will hide me, and the light will become night around me.
Even the darkness will not be dark to god. There’s nowhere we can hide from god.
You can’t hide in the dark. You can’t go high enough or deep enough.
God knows every place where we’re at, and he knows everything that we do.
Now listen to this, for you, god did create my inmost being.
You knit me together in my mother’s womb. God with his very own hand.
Purposely knit you together in your mother’s womb. You are not a mistake.
God made you especially there’s nobody else on earth like you.
Nobody has your fingerprints and nobody has your DNA.
Don’t let the devil or anybody else convince you that you’re a mistake that there’s no plan or no purpose for you.
If that’s what you’ve been thinking, then your thinking has been all wrong because god wants you.
He has a plan for you and a purpose for your life.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Your works are wonderful. And I know that quite well.
I love the boldness of the psalmist David. He said, you created me wonderful are your works.
I mean, what was he saying other than god? You have made me a wonder.
I am wonderful. The way you have made me is wonderful.
So right now today, you can stop being against yourself.
You can stop hating yourself and rejecting yourself and thinking that you’re not okay because you’re not like everybody else.
Right now, today, you can accept yourself as someone handmade, handpicked, by god made very special, and god has a special plan for your life.
Your eyes saw my unpharm substance in all the days ordained for me were written in your book before for one of them even came into being.
I love that. Dave has god has a book.
And he’s written every day of all of our lives in that book before we ever show up on planet earth.
How precious are your thoughts toward me? Oh god. Now listen to this.
How vast is the sum of them If I were to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.
And when I wake, I’m still with you. God has you on his mind all the time.
There’s never been a moment in your life when god has not loved you.
And there will never be a moment in his life when he will love you any more than he does right now.
You say, well, that can’t be possible. God can’t possibly love me, not with the things I’ve done.
Well, god is love. It’s not something he does sometimes and doesn’t do other times. He is love.
And what he wants us to do is respond to that love.
Jesus said, if you love me, you’ll obey me.
He wants us to learn his word and live a life of obedience to him.
He didn’t say if you obey me, I will love you.
He said if you love me, you will obey me.
And the reason why people don’t obey god is because they don’t love him enough to obey him.
The more you fall in love with Jesus, the more and more you’re gonna wanna do what he wants you to do.
Revelations 3 says, behold, I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, Well, guess what?
The door knob is on your side of the door.
He’s not gonna break the door down and make you accept him, but if you’ll open the door, He says, he will come in and eat with you, and you will eat with him.
Well, what does eating signify in the Bible? Intimacy. Close relationship.
Covenants were sealed with a meal. The passover was instituted with a meal.
We remember the lord’s body in his blood that was broken and shed through a meal.
Jesus wants to eat with you. He wants intimate personal relationship with you.
You know, the Bible is full of redemption stories. God is a god of redemption.
That means that he bought us back from the enemy. God wants you.
He’s paid the price for you.
The devil may have you convinced that he still owns you, but he does not because Jesus bought you back with his own blood.
And he descended into hell and he took the keys of hell and death away from Satan.
And he’s given us authority.
The enemy has no right to run your life anymore if you won’t let him.
Noah is a great story of redemption.
And I just noticed this that you Noah’s stories in Genesis 6, 7, and 8.
And it says here, god warned of coming judgment.
And he said that those who repented of their sin and believed would be saved.
He told Noah to build an ark to contain those who would believe However, after years of preaching, listen, this, after years of preaching, only 8 souls entered the arc.
Noah and his family. Now you today I’m preaching to you and I hope that you will listen to what I say and that There won’t have to be somebody else next year or another 5 years from now that will come along and preach again.
You don’t want to keep saying no to god and keep saying no to god.
All the people that were alive in Noah’s Day they were preached to.
They were told that judgment is coming. Jesus is coming back, and they did not listen.
They continued to live their own lives and do their own thing.
I’m pleading with you today to no longer live your own life and do your own thing but to turn your life over to Jesus Christ who loved you so much that he died for you.
God loved you so much that he sent his only son to die for you.
Jesus said in John 1010, the thief comes to kill and destroy, but I came that you might have and enjoy your life and have it in abundance to the full until it overflows.
Saul, who became Paul. He’s a great story of redemption.
Mary of Magdala, who was full of demons, became a close friend of Jesus’s and traveled with him.
Mary the prostitute became a close friend of Jesus and traveled with him.
Peter who denied Jesus became one of the greatest apostles just because you’ve made mistakes doesn’t mean that it’s too late for you.
It’s not too late for me.
Have you been looking for a 365 day to Well, look no further than the promises for your everyday life devotional from Joyce Meyer.
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Get your copy of promises for your everyday life devotional at joycemeyer.org/365 devo.
The biggest thing that we need to do is learn how to think like god thinks, and the only way you can do that is by knowing the word of god.
In words to live by Joyce Meyer shares how studying the word of god transformed her life.
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Have you ever been trapped in a never ending frenzy where every passing moment feels like a blur, leaving you gasping for a chance to pop and catch your breath.
In her insightful book, pursuing peace, Joyce Meyer explores the importance of seeking peace at all costs.
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Start your pursuit of peace.
The mind actually is the battlefield.
That’s where we win or lose the war with Satan. He said all he gets to say Thank you.
This is a lot of it. Today’s mine. You start asking god to heal you, and he will restore.
It’s the god of all comfort, and I am so grateful I know how to call 1.

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