God Wants To Set You Free With His Word | Joseph Prince Ministries
God Wants To Set You Free With His Word
Featured Sermon: His Promises Are Yours To Own
Discover how you can own the blessings Jesus died to give you & see them come to pass in your life.
Start 2023 with 100 Days of Favor! bit.ly/3hWjpUI No matter how your 2022 has been, the Lord wants to take you on a journey to discover His favor that will bring you good success in every way. This January, for your gift of any amount, you will receive the “100 Days of Favor” journal where you can take time to meditate on the Lord’s promises & write down personal revelations of His love for you.
You’re all Abraham seats. Can I have a good amen?
You’re either going through something right now that you can you have you have no under, uh, explanation too, and, uh, you want revelation, or you are actually in a place where the promises of god has been just fulfilled you experience something.
You’re in a place of favor and you’re uh you’re just you’re in a place of manifestation of your prayers ready and you are happy.
But tonight, I wanna share with those of you who are still struggling, perhaps some chronic situation in your life, some some some symptoms that are persisting and all that.
Now the fact that you are alive, okay, you will experience some trials.
Trials doesn’t mean that you are out of fellowship with God doesn’t mean that you have done something wrong.
Trials even happened to the apostle Paul. Can I have a good day, man?
But there are some things god doesn’t want you to experience.
And those are things that Christ has redeemed us from.
So let’s all look at this verse in Galatians chapter 3 verse 13. Alright? You all know this.
Some of you know this by heart. It says Christ has redeemed us. Let’s all read together.
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us.
For it is written, cursed everyone who hangs on a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the gentiles in Christ Jesus that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith.
Now notice Christ has redeemed us from the, or he bought us out from the curse of the law.
We are no longer under the curse. What does this mean?
Does this mean that Christ has run from us from the curse of the law when we are obedient to the law?
If that is what it means, then why why is that a curse when we are obedient?
So this verse doesn’t make sense for people who have it all together and they are obedient.
Am I right? Amen? When you come to church, don’t leave your brains behind. Bring it along to church.
Okay? Some people have this idea that only those who are obedient, Christ redeemed them from the curse of the law, but if they are obedient, there’s no curse.
Why should that be a curse? That should be a blessing that accompanies the obedience.
So this verse means something for people who don’t have it all together.
And by the way, We all, even those who who who, uh, who push for the law still to be kept, they are they are on all of them don’t have it altogether as we are about to see.
Okay? So uh, we can rejoice because today, listen carefully, don’t misunderstand what I’m saying.
Today, alright, god wants us to be obedient.
Of course, Hey, man, but the obedience must be out of love, joy, and peace, not out of fear.
Amen? So listen to what I’m gonna say.
even when you fail, even when you fall, even when you have made a big mistake, you have sinned What this verse is saying is that because of what Christ has done, you are redeemed from the curse.
There’s no curse hanging over your head.
Now does that mean that, oh, yippee, we can go and sin and and do as as much, uh, immorality and all that as much?
Of course not. In fact, Can I just say this?
The people who realizes this, they want to love him more. They want to obey him more.
They wanna serve him more. A man, I’ll tell you something about about this verse. Okay?
You need to come to the place where you say, even when I feel there’s no curse, So that helps you to bounce back to where you were.
Amen. Instead of having this fearful expectation, of bad things happening.
In other words, the devil will come and say, okay. Okay. You just blew it again.
You promised God the last time you won’t do it. Right? You did it again.
Now can expect some bad things to happen to you or at least to your family or at least to your children.
The devil comes with this kind of insinuation this kind of suggestions.
And if you accept it, even inwardly, you don’t say it out, but you accept it.
Then it reinforces the curse. Do you understand? The curse is not from god.
Alright? Let me just say something here. Uh, again, I repeat. even the apostle Paul went through trouble.
All of us goes through valleys. Amen. God, we go through. Yeah. Do I walk?
True. True means what? You don’t camp there.
It’s not like Psalms 91 verse 1. He who dwells, not going through.
He who dwells, but when you walk to the valley, you walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
So all of us go through the valley. Amen?
And sometime we go to the valley because of our mistake. Right? Nonetheless, we all go through that.
but there’s also where there’s warfare involved.
The devil wants you because of wrong believing, the moment you fail, and you will fail, So that way he comes in with this suggestion so that you will accept that that whatever evil, whatever, uh, uh, punishment, know, that he wants to bring your life.
Even if that doesn’t happen, the devil is not involved, they tell us that our genes are so intelligent that our genes, for example, you know, your genes tell you I was studying this recently when I had to make the shift from, uh, uh, American time to Singapore time back again.
And I had a particularly a long period because this time around, I don’t know why, but It took me a longer time to adjust from jetlag, you know, to the timing of Singapore.
I don’t know why. So I was I was reading on the internet, and they actually mentioned our genes.
Their genes know uh, after some a few days, our gene says, okay. This is that’s what I said.
You must go out and expose your body to the sunlight. so that your body can start adjusting.
It’s very intelligent. It will know when to release melatonin, you know, your your your the the the all the hormones that that tell you, okay, it’s time to sleep.
So I was reading that and say, our genes are so intelligent.
Even these reports, on medical sites and all that. They say our genes, alright, to the effect is intelligent.
It knows it knows what you need. it releases hormones until something comes in.
Like, that’s why you god’s norm for you people is rest.
God’s norm for you, when when we are functioning the way god wants us to function, when god made man, when god first made man, god made everything else.
Hey, man? And when god made man last on the 6th day, god made Adam and Eve. Okay?
God made man. And then, listen, God made man.
His 1st day, 7th day was the day of rest.
So man’s 1st day was the day of rest.
So god wanted man to enter into rest, and then he can work.
So likewise, all of us are safe by entering into the finish book of Christ.
the work that another has done.
And then we are able to serve god, but this part is not taught much today.
our society, our our people today have forgotten how to rest.
We do not know how to rest inwardly.
We don’t know how to rest outwardly.
Even when we are sitting in an easy chair, we don’t know how to let go.
Even when we lie down at night, we don’t know how to release ourselves. Let go.
Imagine, oh, your body just relaxing. And I I shouldn’t be seeing this now.
I mean, uh, in case someone just ticks off, Hey, man? So god’s god the norm is this.
Now when the devil comes in and affects your body, your genes are confused, he wants you to go into a place where there’s no rest.
It’s called this ease. This ease. Alright.
I know some of you might go into your dictionary or not.
You may do so if you want to, but real quick. Okay? Alright?
If you look at the word, this is this is whatever comes before this appointment. Alright?
This is this. Dis is actually the name of the god of the underworld. It’s the name of Satan.
look at a dictionary, Webster dictionary will tell you that god of the underworld that who is that?
Who is the god of the underworld?
Satan, and that is the the meaning of DIS Satan comes against your ease before he can produce disease.
Long before you have this ease, you were not at ease.
But you said, I’ve been exercising. You’ve been exercising out of no ease.
When you don’t exercise, you don’t feel at ease. Only if you exercise, you feel at ease.
But but but, Pastor Prince, I’ve been eating well. Yeah. But you didn’t do it out of rest.
You didn’t do out out of ease. Amen.
You were observing it so much to the point that you were legalistic about what you ate.
Now I’m not saying again that you go and eat anyhow you want and don’t even exercise.
You know, I I try to observe and all that, but you can come to a place where your dependence is on it, and you feel not at ease, not at risk when you have not worked out for some time, when you have not exercised for some time.
Alright. That is not good. you’d rather exercise than spend time in the word. Mistake. Wrong priority.
When you have time between exercise and and the word, go for the word.
It is life to those who find them and help to all their flesh.
Can I have a good day, man?
Exercise can help you to a certain extent, but gospel will help you all the way.
This is, uh, something that I want to know that under the curse of the law is all kinds of disease.
That’s not even name. Okay. I’m gonna share you something that I’ve been sharing since 1990s about a revelation of the 2 mountains, Mount Garazim, and Mount Yibal.
Okay? Now before that, I wanna show you something else about this.
So people say we are redeemed from the curse, and and, you know, if you, uh, you, uh, from the word of faith background, of course, you’ll say, yes.
I know about that, you know, I’m redeemed from the curse of the law and all that.
I’m redeemed from spiritual death. I’m redeemed from poverty. I’m redeemed from disease and rightly so.
But is it possible Is it possible for a Christian to come under the curse?
Last day, just not your genes are so smart that when you condemn yourself, Sometimes we don’t even know we are condemning ourselves, but when you condemn yourself, do you know that your gene says, alright?
Alright? He wants to condemn himself. Let us produce something. They will help him condemn himself.
condemning yourself is passing a sentence.
All your genes know is that, okay, we receive the instruction from the hip. You want to be punished.
We’ll produce something in your body. and doctors have no explanation. They said they call this autoimmune disorders.
That means your body is fighting against itself.
your immune system is supposed to fight against the the bad the bad stuff.
Hey, man, the germs and all that, but instead fighting against your own body, and produces a disease.
And doctors can can can can can look at the nature of the thing and and can explain how autoimmune disorders work but only god can tell you why it is so.
Can I have a good amen people?
So as the word goes forth, you don’t need me to come to you in in Jesus name, I command this spirit to go.
Some people think that the only way evil spirits can leave a person, not by the way, if you’re a believer, evil spirits are not inside you.
But they’re outside. They can oppress your mind. They can they can allow Christians to to suffer depression even. Alright.
Or they can oppress your body. Okay?
But, you know, as the word goes for, I’m going to say in Jesus’ name. Alright?
I command that spirit and, uh, a name yourself spirit, you know, last time you put in the medicine, you must name the spirit before the spirit will leave.
Alright? Uh, imagine, what’s your name? Lion. Come out. Wait. Are you telling me the truth?
You know? And they say that it’s from the godarian demoniac, but that’s the only incident.
You know, how many how many demons that Jesus cast out especially in galilee, right, in galilee, actually.
You know, he has so many demons out, and that’s the only case where he asked for the name, right, I’m here.
And that’s to tell us that there were many demons in this man, legion. Any man?
But we take as an example, what about a woman who was bowed down for 30, for, uh, uh, for, sorry, 18 years, she was bowed down.
I remember 6+6 +6, the number of it, the antichrist. He she was bowed down for 18 years.
And and the Bible says she was oppressed by a spirit of infirmity.
The Bible says that it’s a spirit of infirmity, but the GOC, Spirit of Infirmity come out.
In that case, no. All the GOC is woman. talking to her and not the spirit.
You are loosed from your infirmity, the spirit left.
So as the word goes forth, you can be set free.
whether it’s oppressing your mind or pressing your body, you can be set free.
Can I have a good day, man?
So ever since the lord revealed this to me many years ago, Uh, I I I don’t find the I never hear people preaching on Garrazim and Ibal or the curse because, you cannot approach that without pushing from a grace perspective.
Hey, man. Today, I’m gonna share about these 2 mountains again.
But this time, I’m gonna share something that god gave me fresh.
There are a lot of ways you can approach this, but something fresh that I hope you can use and be blessed by.
Okay? Can I have a good day, man? Alright. Can a Christian fall under the curse?
All believers are redeemed from because can a Christian fallback under the curse?
I wanna tell you something about verse 10. Can you show them verse 10 of this passage?
For as many as are of the works of a law, as many here in the in the grape.
Actually refers to it regardless of who he is. Christian or non Christian.
A man, as many who are are there as are is present tense in the Greek, which means those who presently if you are the of the works of the law, doesn’t say doesn’t say you break the law.
But the moment you you take your stand on the law, you believe in keeping the law.
you believe in being sanctified by the law. You believe you are blessed by the law.
You believe that that, uh, Christ When he died on the cross, not only redeem us from sin, Amen, he brought us out from the law.
He made us date by his body to the law. and you preach that we still must keep the law.
The Bible says the moment you do that, you come under the curse, unless you do something. Alright?
unless you keep everything in the law.
For it is written, curse is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
So a Christian does not fall under the curse even when he failed, even when he sins.
I know it’s radical preaching. Don’t expect bad things to happen. Amen.
But thank god for his grace and bounce back. Amen. Repent. Change your mind. Hey, man.
And just change your mind means, know that god still loves you, and that’s the reason why it tries that on the cross.
And you, in fact, you remind yourself fresh price deck for this scene also.
Amen, but don’t expect something bad to happen to your family.
Don’t expect something bad to happen to your body. Don’t expect something bad to happen in your future.
Don’t expect something bad to happen to your business. Don’t expect something bad to happen to your ministry.
Don’t expect something bad to happen to you.
because the moment you do that, alright, you’re saying my performance again, you’re you’re you have a mentality of, uh, god bless me if I were big, god would curse me if I disobey, that’s the mentality of the law.
So how is it that a a believer comes under the law?
So in other words, a believer outwardly can be obedient He can even be a minister of the gospel.
In fact, no Marvel because chapter 1 of this very book Galatians tells us it’s possible for a minister a Christian to fall under the double curse, which means a Christian can come under the curse.
but not the way you think, not because his sin, not because his parents sin.
We are not under the generational curse anymore. We are redeemed from the curse. Amen.
We are we we there’s no curse even when we fail. Amen. Praise god, but there is a curse.
The moment you start teaching, believing, and taking your stand on the law.
It says, because it’s everyone as far as many as out of the works of the law under the curse.
under the curse definite article. Now I wonder how many believers? How will they be obedient?
they’re even like ministers or pastors or leaders, but they’re under the curse.
When you’re under the curse, things don’t work the way you know, you do not know why, like, I’m very capable of what I say here.
I’m saying that, like, sometimes you you all battle symptoms in our body. Right?
But god brings us thank god.
We learn from the lord how to walk in the ways of health, and then we learn whether god uses doctors or medicine or whatever.
God healed us. Amen? But it constantly you’re always in that cycle.
I just wonder whether there’s an area where you are trusting the law.
where you are believing in in in the law, or you’re preaching it even. I’ve seen preachers today.
They are no more preaching. they have come against me when I preach on grace.
Today, they’re no more preaching. Alright? This is serious stuff. I say this is serious stuff.
This is not something like God will protect his gospel. Are you listening people? Hey, man?
So before before you start pointing finger, it’s not just me. It’s the gospel you understand or not.
Pastor Prince is is look, Pastor Prince is just a messenger boy.
Puster Mark is a messenger boy. Alright. We’re all messenger boys. That’s all.
We’re delivery boys. You don’t call us that. Okay. But don’t come against the message.
Grace is the gospel. We call it the grace message. Do you believe the grace message?
There’s no grace message, actually. It’s the Chris is the gospel. God is restoring the gospel all over the world.
So the moment you start teaching, yes, You’re saved by grace. Yes.
But you also want to keep the law. Bang.
You just brought yourself and the person believing you under the curse.
Then you wonder why your your ministry is not resourced, why your church is not supplied.
Why things move so slowly?
when I say this by the grace of the lord Jesus Christ and only by his grace, god has paid off this building for us.
This is crazy. This is crazy. You asked me how is done? Okay.
I only tell you, alright? God’s grace.
the very grace that people come against is the grace that will not only supply for a for a building for a church.
It will supply your household. It will supply you it will it will bless your business.
Your business will have a breakthrough. Amen. I’m I’m telling you church. Okay?
Please don’t don’t misunderstand. You know, if you think that I’m I’m sharing at a price, you don’t know me.
Alright? people understand god’s grace give all the glory to god, and they know it’s by grace.
How can you boast? If you are below, you say that I must do this, then god does that No wonder you’re boastful.
No wonder there’s an element of pride because it involves your doing.
So be very careful that what what what we are preaching is actually setting you free, not free to do whatever you want a man to indulge and sin and all that.
That’s that’s another form of bondage. You got to insert you free from one bondage to another bondage.
Amen. God said you’re totally free. Hey, man.
Amen, uh-uh, you know, god god made men to be free. Men made slaves. Amen.
So think about this. Okay. And the comparison is this. Look at this. Look at the verse before verse 10.
He says what? Just as Abraham believed god, he was counted to him for righteousness.
Abraham lived before the tanks and moments was given, and he was blessed.
He had no loss to keep, but he was blessed.
Look at verse 8, and the scripture foreseen that god would justify the gentiles by faith as a pastor Prince priest strongly about you are righteous by faith.
You’re not righteous by your works. You are the righteousness of god as a gift by faith. Why?
Because god for, uh, the scripture foresaw that god would justify the gentiles, the non Jews by faith, Prischel gospel to Abraham saying, and you or the nation shall be blessed.
The subject matter is righteousness by faith and blessing. The next verse says, next verse.
So then those who are of faith but context here is not healing faith. It’s not prosperity faith.
The way we think of this, the context here is justified by faith.
Those who believe they are righteous by faith are blessed. with believing Abraham.
Abraham lived more than 100 over years. Abraham never was sick. Hey, man. Abraham was prosperous.
Bible used the word. He was very rich. Amen.
God transformed his wife from an someone who next to someone who is a princess. Hey, man.
And god bless him in his o h. He was able to sire a child.
He was able to bring forth a boy in his o h.
God renewed his youth because after his wife passed away, he married another and still produced children.
His wife when she was ninety years old god renewed her youth so much so that she was able to conceive Isaac.
And the Bible says she was so transformed and renewed in her youth that even he and kings, they go by their eyeballs wanted her for their harem.
I’m telling you, this is the blessing of Abraham.
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the lord, drop down to verse 1314 again. Okay?
That the blessing of Abraham, you have to go around every day saying I have the blessing of Abraham.
I have the blessing of Abraham, and don’t forget Abraham lived before the law was given.
I have the blessing of Abraham. I have the blessing of Abraham, and it devil comes you haven’t done this.
You haven’t done that. I have the blessing of Abraham. I have the blessing of Abraham in my work.
I have the blessing of Abraham in my body. I have the blessing of Abraham on my wife.
I have the blessing of Abraham on my children. I have the blessing of Abraham in my ministry.
I have the blessing of Abraham. You ought to say that? No, pastor.
I say I’m blessed by God. Let me tell you this. Okay? Alright.
God has a reason for saying that the blessing of Abraham doesn’t say that the blessing of God might come.
God has ordained that through Abraham and you have god knows our human nature.
God knows that we need to see a person blessed, and then we can believe him.
You can be very spiritual, quote, unquote, saying that I I have the blessings of god. Yeah.
You can say that, but there’s something about saying I have the blessing of Abraham.
that makes you believe and releases your faith. Congot uses humans to impact humans. You understand?
Amen and study Abraham in a microcosm way and and and and see things that I’ve not even shared with you about.
The blessing of Abraham. In fact, every believer, every grace believer ought to study the life of Abraham.
And make Abraham your example, not David. We’re not sons of David.
We are sons of Abraham. We’re not sons of Isaiah. We are sons of Abraham.
Even though we can study on David, it’s on your Isaiah.
I mean, you didn’t say you got punished David Pastor Prince. Yeah. But David’s not my standard.
Abraham is. Araham lied, and there was no punishment. In fact, he came out rich.
Not because he lied. Okay.
But after he lied, he came out of Egypt, and he was wealthy.
The Bible says, not because he lied, but this god cannot punish him, god, allow his goodness to lead him to repentance.
And Abraham walked with god in such a way that a bible says Abraham is a friend thought.
What is one area?
You find it difficult to not worry in Think of that area.
You can even write it down on a piece of paper, right? And now after you do that, right?
There’s this picture, this illustration that I got from past the prints that really resonated with me and Lindsey in terms of this care group.
And I want us to do this.
If you feel like drawing it, you can draw it If you wanna picture it, you can picture it.
This is an awesome illustration, an awesome picture that can help us all practically as a family.
Even right now, to just see that god’s supply is never ever at any point in time being stopped by anything other than us trying to manage the situation and our own strength.
This is the picture I want you to to draw right now if you if you feel like you’d like to do this.
There’s this area maybe at the bottom of the page that’s really tough for you not to worry about.
Now go up on the piece of paper and picture, you know, the the throne of grace, heavenly places, the throne of grace has come boldly good throne of grace.
Right? Then from the throne of grace, there’s these flexible, soft, pliable pipes coming from the throne of grace from heaven down to earth, down to the area that you feel like you just can’t stop worrying about.
Now picture his supply just definitely flowing freely from the throne of grace.
And this awesome lens just as we’re talking about it. Right?
Just this picture of his supply freely flowing from the throne of grace, these golden pipes and anointing and supply going into this area that you feel like you just can’t stop worrying about.
You know what’s the only thing that can cause us to not be able to see that supply make its way to this area is us holding on to the pipes and squeezing them, which is really a description of us being carried away with the cares of the world and worry.
And we can’t, in and of ourselves, just stop worrying.
But you know what I’ve noticed as we see this picture that the supply never stops. It’s constant. It continues.
It causes us to be caught up with the beauty of who he is and his supply flowing freely to this area, and it causes us to, what, have our hands let go of these pipes.
Can I just read the scripture verse lens?
that I feel like could really help us with this illustration in this picture. It’s this. Philipp
4, 6
through 8 says this. says do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance, and in everything by prayer and petition, definite requests with Thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to god and god’s peace shall be yours that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ.
And so fearing nothing from god and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that it is That piece which transcends all understanding shall Garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
for the rest, brother. And whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence, and is honorable, and seemingly whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on them, and weigh and take account of these things, fix your minds, on them.
So we wanna encourage everyone right now, right, lens?
That the way that we can not fret or be anxious is by seeing this picture, these golden pipes coming from the throne of grace reaching down from heaven to earth, but more specifically to that area, that one area that you just can’t stop wearing in.
And as your mind is fixed on that and as you’re kind of meditating on that, right?
Even right now in this moment. You can stop it. You can pause it. You can draw that out.
You can talk amongst each other.
And as you see that, what happens is you start to live the let go life you have you have no choice, right, lens, but to to let go.
Any thoughts on that?
Yeah. I think it’s just such a beautiful picture to Um, it just shows that provision coming down from heaven that it can wash away any of these worries and that it’s really just um, when we hold on to those, it’s like almost like a like a pride thing, like thinking that we can fix this if we just hold on to this and we just figure it out that we can we can, we can do it, and we can’t.
And the best way to do it is just to let go and just let god take care of what he knows how to do best.
Amen. Amen. And I feel like this is one thing I I got from past the prince and one of his devos.
I found he said this. and it goes along what you said, um, lens about your heart and guarding your heart and feeding your heart.
He said this many people are guarding their finances, careers, children, health, and so on.
But the lord does not want us to guard these things.
Instead, he wants us to guard our hearts. And how do you guard your heart?
Everyone by seeing his supply and receiving his supply.
And he will guard protect and not just guard and protect but also bless, multiply, and take further than human intervention or hustle can.
The very area that you’re consumed and worried about
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