God Is Trying To Speak To You | Steven Furtick

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God has your back. We often get distracted by what we’re walking into, what others have, and how they appear. But the truth is, those things aren’t always what they seem. For example, that designer bag? It wasn’t bought with cash—it was charged to a maxed-out credit card, and it’s the fourth one. Now, you’re feeling insecure because you don’t have what they have, but remember this: appearances can be deceiving.

I’m speaking from my heart. After last week’s sermon, I made a vow to God: I will never again measure the value of a sermon by how many views it gets. After God convicted me about King David’s census, I realized that the only thing that matters is whether God spoke it and whether it’s true. When I stand up to preach, I only need to know one thing: Did God say it? If He did, He will back it up. What God begins, He finishes.

The Bible says that even before you were born, God crafted you. Before you even stepped into this world, God spoke your existence into being. So when you feel too weak to keep going, remember this truth: God has got your back. He spoke you into being and He will see you through.

God’s timing is perfect. He doesn’t procrastinate; He’s always on time. He hasn’t forgotten about you. When you call out to Him, He will answer you. In times of trouble, He will reach down and provide. You may cry, “Come quickly, Lord!” and God will answer. He is strengthening you, even through adversity. The Bible says, “You may get the bread of adversity and the water of affliction.” These struggles are the food God uses to build you.

Even when challenges come your way, they are working for you. You don’t need the king of Egypt to fight your battles. When King Hezekiah prayed to God, God sent angels to defeat the enemy. Leaning on Pharaoh’s staff will only give you a splinter; trust God instead.

Don’t wait to speak to God. Don’t let people ruin your day or your peace. Speak to God immediately. Sometimes, you have to drop to your knees, even in the middle of everything. It’s better to humble yourself now than to regret not doing it sooner. God says you need to talk to Him more, because the enemy fills the space with worry—the kind of worry that replaces the prayers you haven’t prayed yet.

But God promises, “As soon as you cry, I will hear you, and I will help you.” You can’t orchestrate this; God will set it up for you. He has your back, and He will always deliver you when you call.

God will also direct you. As soon as you cry out to Him, He will not only deliver you, but He will guide you. The Bible says, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.'”

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